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What are the conditions for studying in Cambridge University

[liuxue86.com - Undergraduate Study]

Do you know what the conditions are for studying in Cambridge University? If you don't know much about this, let's take a look at some materials prepared for you by the editor. I hope you like them.

Cambridge University Study Conditions

  1. Undergraduate study requirements

The A-level score application is required to reach A * AA or A * A * A; For computer science, economics, engineering, natural science, and physical science majors, A-level math is also usually required.

The international diploma IB application requires a score of 40-42, including 7/7/6 for three difficult subjects.

Chinese students can apply to Cambridge University based on their college entrance examination results. The specific scores vary from province to province and year to year. Generally, applicants are required to obtain the first 0.1% of the scores in the college entrance examination in their province. About 75% of the applicants will be invited to participate in the interview, generally held in Shanghai, Hong Kong and other overseas locations. In addition to the college entrance examination score requirements, it is more competitive to participate in the relevant Science Olympic Games or University Council SAT I or II, or the advanced examination.

Undergraduate students also need to provide qualified language scores. Generally, the IELTS score should be 7.5 in total and not less than 7.0 in any single item, or the TOEFL online exam score should be 110 in total and not less than 25 in any single item.

   2. Requirements for Graduate Students Studying Abroad

Obtained a 2:1 honorary bachelor's degree from a British university or equivalent degree from an overseas university. Chinese students are required to have a famous school background, with an average score of at least 85-90 and above.

IELTS score shall be at least 7.0 (or TOEFL score shall be at least 100), and some professional IELTS scores shall be 7.5. In addition, if you have completed at least three years of courses in English speaking countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, and have obtained a bachelor's degree, you can be exempted from submitting an English proficiency certificate.

Conditions for studying in UK preparatory courses

  1. Undergraduate Foundation

At present, there are 32 universities in the UK that accept direct applications for China's college entrance examination results, but most of them still do not accept direct applications for college entrance examination results or high school results. They need to complete the preparatory courses before going to undergraduate degree courses. This pre college course is mainly about learning English language, professional course knowledge and learning skills and methods to help students better adapt to the British education system.

To apply for the UK undergraduate preparatory program, you must complete at least the second year of senior high school in China, and you can consider applying for the University of Edinburgh, the University of Glasgow and King's College London with an average score of 80% or above. Birmingham University and other famous universities, with IELTS requirements of 5.0-5.5.

   2. Pre master's degree

The UK pre master program is mainly designed for students who do not meet the requirements of the master's degree, have a poor undergraduate background, or want to apply for a major change. Therefore, not everyone needs to take the pre master program.

To apply for a UK pre master's degree, it is required to obtain at least a three-year junior college diploma or undergraduate diploma/bachelor's degree, with an average score of 70% - 80% and above, and the IELTS requirement is 5.5-6.0. For those who are interested in studying abroad, you can add Teacher Lily's WeChat address: 13397617554 to get free one-on-one consultation on studying abroad.

UK master study fees

   1. Tuition

The annual tuition is between 12000-2000 pounds, and some majors have higher tuition fees. Except medical majors, some MBA tuition fees can be as high as 50000-60000 pounds per year.

There is no exact rule for the level of tuition. Generally speaking, the tuition is business>science and engineering>arts.

   2. Cost of living

Studying for a master's degree in the UK. If the school is located in London and its nearby southeast, the basic living cost is higher. The annual cost is about 100000 yuan. If the school is located in the north of England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, the basic living cost is low, and the annual cost is only about 80000 yuan.

   Recommended reading:

   What are the advantages of Cambridge University in studying abroad

   What are the application conditions for Cambridge University

   What are the entry requirements for Cambridge University

   What are the application conditions for studying in Cambridge University in the UK

   What are the popular majors in Cambridge University?

For more information on Undergraduate Study Abroad, please visit: Undergraduate study abroad

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/5152916.html
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