Overseas Study Network


What are the requirements for Canadian graduate students to apply for studying abroad?

[liuxue86.com - Postgraduate Study Abroad]

Canada has high-quality educational resources and is also a popular country for many students to study abroad. In recent years, it has been favored by overseas students in the country. So what are the requirements for applying for Canadian graduate students to study abroad? Let's follow Xiao Bian to have a brief understanding!

Conditions for Canadian Graduate Students to Apply for Studying Abroad

1. Graduation certificate and degree certificate

Must have a four-year bachelor's degree. Generally speaking, Canadian graduate students need to provide their diplomas and degree certificates, at least after completing the first semester of their senior year, and provide proof that they will get their diplomas and degree certificates that year. Canada will make an investigation based on a book about Chinese universities published in Canada. In addition, Canada has a special agency to identify the authenticity of academic certificates.

2. Background

The applied master's major should be the same or similar to the undergraduate major. Generally speaking, Canada requires applicants to have relevant undergraduate background, except for business administration (MBA). However, for some special majors, timely applicants with relevant backgrounds may not be admitted, such as law, accounting, medicine, etc.

Generally, applicants are required to have a GPA of 3.0 or more than 75% in the last two years of college. Get relevant international English test scores, TOEFL, IELTS. GRE is only required for science and engineering majors in some schools, and students applying for MBA need to take GMAT.

4. Instruments

Also important is the document, which requires a resume, 2-3 letters of recommendation, and a personal statement (PS).

Advantages of choosing Canada for postgraduate study

1. Low cost of studying abroad

The cost of studying in Canada is not very high, with an average of RMB12-150000 per year (including tuition and living expenses). The tuition fees in Canada are generally 50% lower than those in the United States, with an average of RMB 70000-100000 per year. In addition, Canada will also provide scholarships for international students. In addition to providing some scholarships, teaching assistants and research assistants, there are also unique CO-OP courses ("paid internship courses"). Students can receive corresponding remuneration during internship. In this way, students' spending in Canada has been greatly reduced.

2. Wide selection of majors

With the increasing popularity of the market for Canadian graduate students to study abroad, more and more people are applying for accounting, finance and other majors. In fact, some majors that are relatively unpopular in China are Canada's dominant majors. Therefore, Chinese students and parents can broaden their horizons and professional scope when choosing majors, and select some more unique majors in Canadian universities, such as:, Canada is sparsely populated and rich in various resources. Therefore, Canada's mining, forestry, oil and natural gas, hydropower and nuclear power industries are very developed and in a leading position worldwide. However, these majors started late in China, and this kind of professionals have greater prospects for development in China.

3. GRE scores help students improve their application success rate

There are two types of Canadian master's programs, one is teaching, the other is research. The students of the teaching type courses can graduate successfully after completing the credits and completing the thesis. The research type courses have a large number of project research and project discussions, which require very high language requirements. Therefore, local students and international students who graduate from Canadian undergraduate courses are more favored by their tutors. In this case, GMAT and GRE scores are very important for Chinese international students. Excellent language scores can help students apply to better schools with a higher success rate.

   Recommended reading:

   What are the requirements for Canadian graduate students to apply for studying abroad?

   What are the conditions for Canadian graduate students to apply for studying abroad

   What qualifications do you need to apply for studying in Canada?

   What are the application conditions for Canadian graduate students?

For more information on the website for studying abroad for graduate students, please visit: Postgraduate study abroad

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/5149911.html
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