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Model Keynote Speeches (20 in total)

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2023-06-28 11:01


[liuxue86.com - Model Speech]

Everyone has his or her own example in his or her heart. Looking for the shadow of the example, they will always inspire us and give us guidance on the direction of life. Are you looking for model speech templates around you? The following is the "Model Keynote Speeches (20 in total)" compiled by my editor for your reference, hoping to help you.

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Part 1]

She is just an aunt in the shop, an ordinary aunt. Young, not young, seems to be almost forty. Vertical color hair, thin face with several wrinkles. The whole person looks very energetic.

I don't know her name. I only know that she has opened a small shop near the school, dealing in snacks and stationery. When her shop opened, many students gathered there, but two thirds of them were watching. I was one of them. No matter whether I bought something or not, my aunt always greeted me with a smile, which left a deep impression on me. Her shop is very small. It has two floors. The first floor is for the shop, and the second floor is for them. Although the store is only 4 square meters in size, the stationery is complete, ranging from automatic pens to school bags and skates. Later, I became a frequent visitor there.

I remember that it was in a warm spring. My mother gave me 50 yuan to eat in the restaurant next to the school because of something. I soon finished eating and went to the shop to chat with my aunt. After chatting for a while, a little boy suddenly came. He cried bitterly, his eyes were red and swollen, and his nose was running on his clothes. The aunt asked, "Why are you crying, little friend?" "I lost my money." He replied intermittently. It turned out that, like me, his mother and father were not at home and gave him 100 yuan, but he ate dinner and lunch outside. Now he lost his money and could not eat anything for the day. When he stammered over the story, his aunt listened and comforted him for a while, saying, "Don't be sad, little friend. My aunt was eating noodles just now, and there are still some left. Let me help her watch the shop, and then ran upstairs to cook noodles for the boy. I immediately felt a surge in my heart, because I was moved by my aunt's enthusiasm for helping others. I thought my aunt would give the little boy one or two yuan at most, asking him to buy steamed buns or comfort him, asking him to think of his own way, but I didn't think... Little boy didn't know that my aunt ate dry rice mixed with cabbage and bean curd for lunch today. The little boy didn't know how hard the aunt's life was

After a while, the aunt brought a bowl of hot noodles, and the little boy dried his tears and ate them deliciously. The aunt smiled happily. Perhaps, this bowl of noodles is not the best to eat, but it must be the most authentic noodles. The true feelings of the aunt in the shop moved everyone present. Later, the business there got better and better.

It's been a long time, one or two years since the store opened. One day, when I passed the shop, she - the aunt had swept the dust, garbage and sticks at the door into the shovel, and she took the shovel to step on the road that passed her shop and walked forward. I followed her quietly, thinking that she would dump the garbage on the left or right side of the path, because both sides of the path we walked were very dirty, but unexpectedly, she walked to the garbage bin about 20 feet away, lifted a heavy shovel and dumped the garbage in with a "clatter". She can dump garbage on both sides of the path without lifting a heavy shovel to dump it into the trash can, but she did not do as I imagined.

Yes, although she is getting old gradually, her heart is not old. We feel that she is not old because of her kind and beautiful heart. Indeed, the aunt in the shop - she is very good.

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Part 2]

Everyone has his own example in his mind. There are many examples around me: hardworking gardeners - my beloved teachers, talented students, diligent urban beauticians - cleaners, respectable workers... In fact, examples are everywhere.

The teacher is the best example for me to know the world. People say: "The silkworms will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will be turned into ashes and tears before they dry." The teacher, like a diligent gardener, cultivates us; Like a candle, it burns itself, illuminating our way forward. I was deeply moved by their selfless dedication when I saw the teachers working hard to explain and care about us day and night for us to learn more knowledge. The teacher is the first and best example I came to know in this world.

The students around me are also my role models, and Nie Yiqi is one of them. Her independent learning and living ability and the spirit of hard work have always encouraged everyone to move forward and progress together. Her spirit of self-improvement has always inspired everyone and made me realize the power of an example.

In life, there are many examples that pass us by, which need you to discover and experience. With a kind heart, there are always people who are willing to help others, just beside you and me. When you cross the road, you will see a blind grandpa supported by several Young Pioneers, and his face is full of a grateful smile; Enthusiastic uncle saw that there was garbage at the entrance of the community, and took the initiative to pick up the garbage... There are many examples of this, and how noble their character is! They are my role models.

The power of example is infinite. While I try to learn from them, I should also be strict with myself and set a good example for the people around me.

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Part 3]

Dear teachers and students

Hello, everyone! Today, the topic of my speech is: Praise the role models around.

Every day there are all kinds of glorious stories in the news broadcast, but we always feel that these role models are too far away, and there is no way to catch them. In fact, if you pay close attention to life, you will feel the breath of the role models from the people around you, and see the great epitomes on TV from the things around you. They, those people, those things, actually always exist around us. The example is beside us.

The example around me is a boat. Although it is made of rough wood, it can still take me to the other side; The example around us is a candle lamp, which can not be compared with the bright moon, but can illuminate the road of life; The example around me is a small compass. Although it is not as developed as the satellite, it still guides my way forward.

Our class has many good examples worth learning from. For example: Liu Jiawen, a smart and beautiful writer, and Li Haifeng, an English killer. What I admire most is Wu Xinyi. She not only has excellent academic performance, but also writes well and beautifully. Every teacher likes her very much, and the students admire her very much. She has excellent academic performance and participated in many school level competitions. He also won many awards. She surfs the Internet not to play games, but to accumulate knowledge and materials. She has a blog, which has many good articles written by herself, including essays, poems, feelings, etc., arranged by her teachers. I envy her good handwriting, and even more her talent. The ability of reading aloud is also very good. The voice is loud and the feelings are rich. You can't help but raise your thumb when you read what the author wants to express. No matter what class she is in, she is attentive and enthusiastic. When the teacher is lecturing, she sits upright and listens with relish. It seems that what she honestly says is not words, but beautiful music. Her eyes follow the teacher. Her eyes are full of thirst for knowledge. She focuses all her energy on the interaction with the teacher. In her eyes, In class, only the teacher's explanation and his own understanding, forgot his deskmate and everything around him. Wu Xinyi is our good example. There are many such good examples. As long as you pay attention, you will find that, students, act quickly and learn from the good examples around you, so that you will make progress every day!

The role models around us are unknown, not like celebrities, but they can still warm our hearts like the sun. They are the catalyst for us to be positive and strive hard. They convey our immortal spirit, let us turn it into the power of learning, cast a steel sheet and iron bone for ourselves, and forge ahead on the road paved with thorns in the future, Become the real flower of the motherland dancing against the wind, and contribute to the creation of a brilliant future for the motherland.

My speech is over, thank you!

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Part 4]

Ordinary is everyone's basic attribute. Doing things bit by bit, being a diligent person, working steadfastly, screws, sensors, reports, and projects are all ordinary. Ordinary is like the accumulation of energy in a joule, or the shining of a spark in the wilderness. They are waiting, The ordinary and quiet wait until one day, like the first crack of the ice, the silver bottle suddenly breaks through all things to sprout and ignite, bursting out the shocking power to take in the soul. The past accumulation bursts out in an instant, changes in quantity and quality, and blooms unprecedented brilliance. This moment, we call it great. The great is born from the ordinary, transformed and ordinary, higher than the ordinary. The great is the seed buried in the ordinary soil, moistened by rain and dew, weathered by wind and frost, through the darkness covered by the earth, waiting for the dawn. It grabs nutrients from the earth, breathes hope into the sky, and continues to grow and expand until the day breaks. This moment is also great. The great seed is rooted in the ordinary, the ordinary seed yearns for the great, and our noise control group in Room 5 is such an ordinary seed.

In work, the transformation from ordinary to great needs the spirit of love and dedication as the driving force. Deputy Chief Engineer Huang Wenchao, as the deputy chief engineer in charge of our office, first asked General Manager Huang to submit a report. It was time to leave work. General Manager Huang had just returned from the Yanliang base, and still handled the work at hand. During the review and the details of the report, he often explained, asked questions, and showed his concern. He was easy-going, affectionate, dedicated, and tireless.

Our two respected directors fully interpret the greatness of love and dedication, but they convey their strength to us in an ordinary way. One is young, the other is old, the other is strong, innovative, honest, experienced, dignified, and the other is the elder brother of the neighbor.

Director Pan is in charge of the technical route. In every technical proposal discussion, Director Pan's kind and powerful voice always rings, who is hands-on but fully believes in the team, gives technical autonomy, outlines but guides from the side, and gives play to everyone's initiative.

Director Qi is in charge of quality and safety. The safe and efficient operation of our scientific research is the result of his meticulous and meticulous figure. He never misses a problem, misses a blind spot or neglects a trace,. This is his request for himself, and also for us.

Then to our small team, the noise control group, behind every familiar ordinary name, there is a warm flow, carrying too much inspiration and emotion.

Hou Feng, the group leader, always has a chubby face full of smiles, which makes people feel kind. For the application of the project, he worked overtime on weekends continuously, and was happy. He said that he likes the weekend workshop, which is quiet, quiet and full of inspiration.

Elder sister Shi Chengmei, a motherly elder sister, in today's material rich world, when colleagues in the group cut off their work clothes, there will be sewing by elder sister Shi Chengmei, every stitch is precious.

My teacher, Sister Dong, will still work hard in her post three days before giving birth. She is an iron lady. She loves her job and works hard. She is not inferior to men.

Big Brother Pang Yanbin, Big Sister Li Hongli, Senior Brother Liu Xingqiang, etc., too many wordless actions convey the positive energy of love and dedication. They are all good examples of love and dedication around me, like a bright light, a lighthouse, a monument, ordinary and great, which explains the style of love and dedication, the connotation of love and dedication, and sets a good example of love and dedication, so that I can chase their footsteps and climb the peak when I am new to work.

If you don't plot your steps, you can't reach a thousand miles. If you don't plot small streams, you can't build rivers and seas. Loving the hillock and dedicated to work will gather little drops of water into a torrent, and transform tiny forces into great achievements. Archimedes said, "Give me a fulcrum, I can hold up the whole earth. I want to say, give us a dedicated and selfless heart, and help China's aviation industry take off for a century.".

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 5]

Dear teachers and students,

Hello, everyone. The topic of my speech today is: "The role models around".

Some people say that the value of life lies in pursuit. The destiny changes in the pursuit, and the thought sublimates in the pursuit.

Having an example is like finding your own code of conduct. From examples, we have learned how to treat others, how to receive things, how to struggle, and how to realize the value of life.

Having an example is like finding a mirror, which reflects many problems of its own. Education reminds us to overcome difficulties, get rid of distractions, study hard, cultivate ourselves and work hard.

Having an example is like finding the goal of life. The goal is right in front of us. It will always encourage us to work hard and overcome all difficulties. In the end, we will get it!

People have many pursuits in their life, and we have many models around us. They are closer to our life and thoughts, and are worth learning. Students, the example is right around us, and the goal is right in front of us. Those who dare to fight against the fate are worthy of our study.

XX students from the XX Zhiming class of our school, who came from a poor family, lived with their elderly grandparents when they were young, but they were poor and ambitious, braved the hardships of life, worked hard, and finally won the scholarship for poor college students after graduation, and achieved excellent results in the college entrance examination.

Liu Chao, a student in our class, was ill and could not go to school, so he taught himself at home. Once he recovered, he returned to school. He wasted no time to make up his homework. In the mid-term exam not long ago, he was absent from class and even got the first place in the English exam. Isn't such a progressive student an example for us?

In this regard, I would like to say: students, the great leader is worthy of respect, and the example around is also worthy of learning. In the past three years, we have taken the example as the code of conduct, the mirror and the goal, and added bricks to our knowledge and thought fortress with the highest enthusiasm to prepare for the realization of our own value.

At the same time, I also wish the senior students to find examples around them, follow their footsteps, and strive unswervingly. At the same time, I also wish you to truly realize your value in the college entrance examination!

This is the end of my speech. Thank you!

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 6]

Dear teachers and students

Hello, everyone!

In life, there are many good examples that we can learn from. They can always make us realize a lot of truth and let me encourage myself to make progress.

There are many students worth learning in our class, among whom my example is XX. XX is a hardworking, lively, cheerful and strong student. Our class teacher calls him a dark horse. Now, the black horse is running faster and faster, gradually catching up with the top students in the class, and officially joining the ranks of top students. The rest of us were particularly surprised that the black horse persevered and never slackened.

I remember one time in the exam, he scored 95 points, and I scored 96 points, but we were only one point away. Now if I relax a little, I will be immediately overtaken by him, and may be left behind by him. So I made up my mind to keep working hard.

XX has not only improved greatly in the exam results, but also in the diary and composition, which makes some good students gradually worry.

My example XX is not only outstanding in learning, but also very powerful in sports. Every time there is a sports meeting, he always wins the first place. He is the strongest and fastest student in our class. We are all proud of him.

XX has made such great progress because he has to write more extracurricular questions every day. The homework assigned by the teacher has been carefully completed and often praised by the teacher. Listen to him, he has to write XX pages of extracurricular questions every day! Many of us were shocked. I intend to study hard, persevere, not to be surpassed by him, and strive to achieve a good result in the final exam.

XX is really my good example. I must learn from him and become a good student in the class.

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Chapter 7]

My home is far away from the school, and it is troublesome to go to school every day. But it happened that Dad's work unit was near the school. After school, I would carry my schoolbag to my father's office, studying while waiting for my father to come home together after work.

Uncle Li Zhiyi is a colleague in the same office with his father. He is less than 30 years old, but he is very tall, about 1.85 meters long. His uncle is very kind to people and often gives me some snacks. I am impressed by him more than that. In fact, Uncle Li Zhiyi is a man who works very hard. I discovered this after a long observation.

One day when I was doing my homework at my father's office, I unknowingly made another mistake of carelessness. Dad frowned and stared at me. "Look at that. It's careless and careless." He pointed to a math problem and continued to say, "When can you change this problem?" I didn't think so. I picked up the math exercise book, modified the answer after simple calculation, and closed the book.

"Pa" The sound of my father slapping the table startled me. This time, he was really angry. "You made a mistake again. You didn't look at the topic carefully." I was a little afraid, but I didn't believe it. I muttered in a low voice: Do I change it again? What's the big deal

After listening to my answer, my father said to me seriously: "You can't look down upon carelessness, let alone not taking math lessons seriously. In life, a lot of mathematical knowledge is extremely important, and these skills should accompany a person's life. If careless mistakes occur, the consequences will be extremely serious." Dad pointed to Uncle Li Zhiyi, who was working hard in the outside office. He continued to say that Uncle Li Zhiyi is a very serious person. His daily work is to do a lot of mathematical calculations. These formulas and answers are related to the operation and development of the whole company. If there is even a decimal point error in his data, it will cause great trouble. So my uncle works very carefully and carefully. Every data has to be checked repeatedly, and sometimes he has to work late at night.

Oh, it looks ordinary. Uncle Li Zhiyi, it's really not easy to work.

After a while, my stomach growled, and my father and I went downstairs to eat together. An hour later, when the lights were on in the city, we came back from dinner and saw that the light in the office was still on from downstairs. Dad was worried about the work of the unit and insisted on going upstairs to have a look. He opened the door of the office. I saw that Uncle Li was still working at his desk. He was busy and nervous. He answered the phone while typing quickly in front of the computer, He kept explaining, "Yes, yes. I'll send it to you right now." It seems that simple work really needs a person to pay wholeheartedly.

Another time, it was more than 9 o'clock in the evening. My father also received a phone call from Uncle Li from the office. He was still working overtime and was still busy meticulously. My father urged Uncle Li to finish his work as soon as possible and leave work early. Uncle Li still worked hard to finish his work and left the office very late.

We often look for examples, but there are many examples around us. Many examples do not have earth shaking events. They are earnest and meticulous bit by bit, and they are casual efforts.

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Chapter 8]

Dear teachers and students

Hello, everyone! The topic of my speech today is "The Book Models around Me".

The reading model beside me is sitting right in front of me. She is Lv Yaxuan.

She has long black hair, a pair of bright eyes, and a small talkative mouth under her high nose. Reading is her favorite thing to do. Since the first grade, she has read hundreds of extra-curricular books. She has read more than 30 books of Sister Sunshine. Every time after class, she would sit in the classroom, take out her extra-curricular books and read a few stories with relish. Sometimes she was so fascinated that she didn't even hear her classmates call her. She didn't react until the bell rang, and could only reluctantly put away the extra-curricular books.

The library is a place where she will linger after school. Whenever she has time, she will take a library card and happily go to the library alone to carefully select the books she wants to borrow. Sometimes, when she went there for several hours, she read books with great interest, and forgot to go home. She didn't know that she had been in the library for several hours until her legs were sore. She picked up the book and hurried home. On the way home, she still couldn't help walking and looking. She had been reading with her head down, but she forgot to look at the road. Several times, when she was walking, she almost hit the tree and the electric pole. At this time, she came back to herself and walked around the tree.

XX is really a good example for me to study! I will study hard from her.

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 9]

Dear teachers and students

Hello, everyone!

I am xxx from Class X in Year X, and the topic of my speech today is "The Example in My Heart"

What is an example? Example is a ship, let me raise the sails of hope, take me to the other shore of victory; An example is a lamp, illuminating the way of life and driving away the dark hesitation; An example is a compass, which guides my way forward and makes me no longer confused. At that time, the clock was ticking away. When the national anthem was played, I could not help but feel a heat in my heart.

Remembering the touching and tear jerking historical scenes of the Red Army soldiers on the Long March; When the nation is in danger, young people put their fervent passion into the forefront of the revolution; Remembering that the soldiers would never yield or lose, and they would insist on winning the revolutionary war no matter how hard it was; Think of the military minister who gave up his padded jacket to others in the monument and sacrificed on the snowy mountain. This is the example of ancient China! Of course, there is also Leonardo da Vinci, who is a genius. On the one hand, he is enthusiastic about artistic creation and theoretical research, studying how to use lines and three-dimensional modeling to express various problems of form; On the other hand, he also studies natural science. For the sake of realistic and moving artistic image, he extensively studies various disciplines related to painting, such as optics, mathematics, geology, biology, etc. His artistic practice and scientific exploration spirit had a significant and far-reaching impact on future generations. This is the example of the world!

However, role models are not necessarily earth shaking undertakings. As long as you look for them with your heart, they are actually beside you. It was Saturday's league match. After the game, Zou Hui, as a member of the team, was sweating heavily, but he didn't feel tired. Maybe in his heart, the honor of the class was higher than everything else! Still took a few students to change the trash can. The garbage outside the trash can was everywhere. Zou Hui was not afraid of dirt, bitterness, or fatigue. He picked up the garbage on the ground and put it in the trash can with his hands. This series of actions made me immediately admire Zou Hui. If it was me, could I do it like him! When he saw that the garbage can of Class 4, Grade 4, Year 4 was full, he walked to the garbage can of his class and did the same action again. His admiration was still burning from the bottom of my heart. In Zou Hui's eyes, this is just a simple task. While bringing convenience to others, it also improves his own quality. This is my example!

It was they who made me understand how to start from little to little. They are the bricks in our hearts, waiting for us to use them to build brilliant buildings; They are also stones in our mind, waiting for us to carve magnificent monuments with them; They are even more colorful pens in our hearts, waiting for us to draw pictures with them. They can point out the direction for our future road, so that we can walk better in the future. This is the power of example!

There is still a long way to go. An example is like the coordinate of life and the guide to success. It brings us endless vigor, vitality, the belief of victory, and an endless source of strength. Let's learn from and follow the example. We will be invincible! We still have a lot to learn, so let's feel it with our heart, find the example around us with our heart, and let's move forward happily with the inspiration of the example!

Thank you!

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 10]

Ordinary is everyone's basic attribute. Doing things bit by bit, being a diligent person, working steadfastly, screws, sensors, reports, and projects are all ordinary. Ordinary is like the accumulation of energy in a joule, or the shining of a spark in the wilderness. They are waiting, The ordinary and quiet wait until one day, like the first crack of the ice, the silver bottle suddenly breaks through all things to sprout and ignite, bursting out the shocking power to take in the soul. The past accumulation bursts out in an instant, changes in quantity and quality, and blooms unprecedented brilliance. This moment, we call it great. The great is born from the ordinary, transformed and ordinary, higher than the ordinary. The great is the seed buried in the ordinary soil, moistened by rain and dew, weathered by wind and frost, through the darkness covered by the earth, waiting for the dawn. It grabs nutrients from the earth, breathes hope into the sky, and continues to grow and expand until the day breaks. This moment is also great. The great seed is rooted in the ordinary, the ordinary seed yearns for the great, and our noise control group in Room 5 is such an ordinary seed.

In work, the transformation from ordinary to great needs the spirit of love and dedication as the driving force. Deputy Chief Engineer Huang Wenchao, as the deputy chief engineer in charge of our office, first asked General Manager Huang to submit a report. It was time to leave work. General Manager Huang had just returned from the Yanliang base, and still handled the work at hand. During the review and the details of the report, he often explained, asked questions, and showed his concern. He was easy-going, affectionate, dedicated, and tireless.

Our two respected directors fully interpret the greatness of love and dedication, but they convey their strength to us in an ordinary way. One is young, the other is old, the other is strong, innovative, honest, experienced, dignified, and the other is the elder brother of the neighbor.

Director Pan is in charge of the technical route. In every technical proposal discussion, Director Pan's kind and powerful voice always rings, who is hands-on but fully believes in the team, gives technical autonomy, outlines but guides from the side, and gives play to everyone's initiative.

Director Qi is in charge of quality and safety. The safe and efficient operation of our scientific research is the result of his meticulous and meticulous figure. He never misses a problem, misses a blind spot or neglects a trace,. This is his request for himself, and also for us.

Then to our small team, the noise control group, behind every familiar ordinary name, there is a warm flow, carrying too much inspiration and emotion.

The XX team leader, always full of smiles and chubby face, makes people feel kind. For the application of the project, he works overtime continuously on weekends and is happy. He likes the weekend workshop, which is quiet and full of inspiration.

Sister XX, a motherly elder sister, in today's material rich society, when colleagues in the group cut off their work clothes, they will all be mended by elder martial sisters. Every stitch is precious.

My teacher, Sister X, will still work hard in her post three days before giving birth. She is an iron lady. She loves her job and works hard. She is not inferior to men.

Brother XX, Sister Li Hongli, Senior Brother Liu Xingqiang and so on, too many wordless actions convey the positive energy of love and dedication. They are all good examples of love and dedication around me, like a bright light, a lighthouse, a monument, ordinary and great, which explains the style of love and dedication, the connotation of love and dedication, and sets a good example of love and dedication, so that I can chase their footsteps and climb the peak when I am new to work.

If you don't plot your steps, you can't reach a thousand miles. If you don't plot small streams, you can't build rivers and seas. Loving the hillock and dedicated to work will gather little drops of water into a torrent, and transform tiny forces into great achievements. Archimedes said, "Give me a fulcrum, I can hold up the whole earth. I want to say, give us a dedicated and selfless heart, and help China's aviation industry take off for a century.".

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 11]

Hello, teachers and students. The topic of today's speech under the national flag is: Abide by the code of conduct, strive to be civilized students, and learn from the examples around.

Since ancient times, talents have always been the most important, and people's character has always been the most fundamental. If you want to achieve great things, you should stick to small details. Only by accumulating small virtues in real life can you achieve great virtue. If we regard good habits as a kind of "spiritual savings", we can say that "people enjoy the interest generated by habits throughout their life."

Walking on a clean and beautiful campus, sitting in a spacious and bright classroom, maybe you don't care about a word you say accidentally, maybe you don't pay attention to the flowers and plants that step on your feet, maybe you have been used to the noise of others... But, you have become the destroyer of Good Behavior Habit, as a student of the new era, our every move, Every word and deed is the exposure of our inner feelings and the embodiment of our morality. The ancients said: Don't do evil because it is small, don't do good because it is small. Without rules, there is no square. In order to ensure people's normal life, every country has laws. In the same way, the most basic thing for us to become qualified students in school is to abide by school rules. Please consciously do the following:

1. When the bike enters the school gate, please get off and push it, park it at the designated location and lock it.

2. After arriving at school in the morning, read aloud, or read books, or do exercises without making loud noises.

3. After class, consciously arrange the learning supplies for the next class and put them neatly on the top right of the desk.

4. As soon as the bell rings, sit quietly and wait for the teacher.

5. Go to the object classroom and queue up quietly and orderly.

6. When having dinner, sit by seat, eat quietly, and don't talk to others' plates.

7. Go into the teacher's office and shout "report!" in a moderate voice, and enter after the teacher's permission.

8. When communicating with others, face them with your body and gaze at them.

9. Cover your mouth with your hand when sneezing or coughing.

10. When you see the teacher, gently greet "Hello, teacher." Accept help from others and say "Thank you".

11. Don't stare at the student being criticized.

12. Gently push the door and close it after you. Hold the door for others when entering and exiting.

13. Go up and down stairs gently and walk on the right.

14. Queuing for the meeting is quiet, neat and energetic.

15. When people leave their seats, put the stool under the table and handle it gently.

16. Bend down and pick up the garbage you can pick up.

17. Don't forget to flush and wash hands after going to the toilet.

18. Be responsible for your garbage no matter where you finish eating.

19. Public facilities are our close friends. Please take care of them.

20. Say "I'm sorry" for doing something wrong and correct it immediately.

21. Do not cross the green belt at will.

22. Do not chase or play games in the corridor or classroom during recess.

The great educator Comenius once said: "Virtue is realized by deeds, not by words." Our best behavior is to start from now, starting from the Good Behavior Habits around us.

Thank you all! This is the end of my speech!

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 12]

She has a pair of big black eyes, full of desire for knowledge. In the eyes of teachers, she is a child who loves learning and can learn. In the eyes of the students, he is a well read and omniscient "little doctor". In my heart, she is a warm-hearted person who studies hard and is willing to help others. She is a small example in my heart.

I remember an English test, when everyone was seriously writing a paper, suddenly, someone's water cup fell to the ground with a bang. Everyone gathered their eyes to the ground. When I looked back, I saw that she was still working on the paper as if nothing had happened. The teacher often said that we should not be disturbed by the outside world during the exam. It seems that she is the only one who has remembered every word of the teacher. I admire her from the bottom of my heart.

Another time, during the break, the radio was announcing the scheduled service. I'm new here, so I hurried to order a suit. But when I came back out of breath, she eagerly held my hand and said, "Yang Yifei, don't order the school uniform, I have a new one for you!" When she gave me the school uniform the next day, I clearly saw that her own school uniform was old, but she still gave me the new one. Whenever the national flag is raised on Monday, I put on the school uniform she gave me and stand in the team. I admire her even more.

She is such a person that whenever people mention her name, they praise her endlessly. She is Wang Yuxuan, my little role model.

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 13]

My role model Excellent speech model

An example can be great, ordinary, one person or many people. I think that anyone who can educate you and make you feel that you have something to learn can be our example.

Because the purpose of looking for examples is to improve our self-cultivation and quality. In my previous experience, there are several people who have deeply given me the power of examples.

First of all, I want to start from the title. It's very simple, but respectful, and it's the word "you". That is one of my teachers. He teaches us Chinese. He is the most beloved and respected teacher of our students. Because the word "you" has always been hanging on his lips, he is not simply talking about it, but really. He respects everyone around him, whether teachers or students. If he asks a classmate, he will kindly say: "What's your opinion, classmate xxx?" or "What's your idea, classmate xxx?"

He is my example. He was, is, and will be. What I learned from him is respect, respect, kindness, modesty, and even the civilization of the Chinese nation.

You will know and understand that this is not a simple slogan, but a real thing.

Now, let me tell you another story about my high school years.

This is a very small thing, but it impressed me deeply and gave me strong motivation.

Here, I want to ask you first, if you have some small garbage around you, and if you can pick it up, you can take it away to give the environment a fresh time, will you do it? For example, do you pick up and dispose of the food packaging bags on the green belt and the waste paper scraps left by others on the desk when it is convenient for you? Of course, you don't need to answer, just think about it.

What I want to say is that my classmate can do that. In the crowded campus, he can naturally and frankly pick up the garbage that can be easily disposed of, and then put it in the garbage can. This is not something I met by chance, nor is he doing superficial work, but he really did it, and he also led his friends to practice this behavior.

I once asked him why he picked up these rubbish. Is he not afraid of his classmates looking at him with strange eyes?

He said that if you can't see it, you'd better pick it up. After all, it's not a bad thing. As for the eyes of others, do you think they will despise those who do good deeds? What's more, few people will pay attention to what you are doing in the coming and going. Don't feel embarrassed.

Later, I joined them in silence. Although I didn't do much, I picked up what I thought could be done. However, since then, I have never thrown away garbage, because I know that there are always people who have to pay silently for your carelessness.

He is also my example. He teaches me to be civilized, gives me strength, and encourages me to do small things silently.

Students, the power of role models is infinite, especially the role models around you. The real and practical examples will give you great power and will last a lifetime.

I learned from my friends to be cheerful, sunny, caring and dedicated. Of course, I think the biggest thing I learned from the role models around me in my life is that I have a passionate and dream heart - dare to think, dare to do, dare to succeed!

My friend, there is still a long way to go, and we still have a lot to learn. Let's feel and find the role models around us with our hearts. Let's move forward in the inspiration of the role models -- happy!

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 14]

She has a long ponytail hanging high, with a soft fringe hanging on her forehead, and two big black diamond eyes embedded below. She smiles sweetly. But when facing difficulties, she is not so weak as she seems. It is her perseverance that has become my example.

The day before the exam, we got together again to review. A rather difficult test paper was put in front of us, which aroused our challenge and we studied together. The first few questions were successfully solved by us. At the last question, which is also the question with the most asterisks in this examination paper, everyone frowned. Seeing the asterisk in front of the question, there were some students who withdrew, and some students who thought hard for a while and walked around, but they also withdrew from the fight. For me, who was not good at mathematics, it was a miracle that I could persist until now, so I started complaining and prepared to leave: What question? My head is going to explode! Anyway, I will not take the exam.

Just as I got up and walked back, I caught sight of this scene: her head was down, her eyebrows were locked, and her pen was like clockwork on the paper, which had already used several pieces of paper. It seems that she is still sleepy, so she asked her to go out for activities, but she said: I will not go out. Since you choose to do this question, you can't give up halfway. You must do it! She looked at me firmly, then lowered her head and continued to calculate. At this time, she was like a mirror. On the one hand, she was persistent, and on the other hand, I was resigned from difficulties. It seemed that there was a force encouraging me, pulling me, and throwing ourselves into the battle again... After a bloody battle at noon, we finally conquered the strongest blockhouse and successfully recovered our territory. We coincidentally took a long sigh of relief and smiled with satisfaction.

At that time, her persistence and her refusal to give up deeply moved me, and led me to overcome problems with her like a lighthouse in the vast sea. She is my role model.

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 15]

Dear leaders and teachers

Hello, everyone!

Standing on this platform today, I feel very honored and excited, because the profession of teachers is a noble and great profession. The image of teachers is directly related to the cultivation of students' quality. Therefore, teachers must have noble professional ethics. Teachers' ethics need to be cultivated, educated, and more importantly, the self-cultivation of each teacher! "Peaches and plums don't speak, but they make a difference." Qualified teachers can shape qualified students. There are many such teachers around me. They are my good teachers and good friends, and they are my examples to learn from. Today I would like to tell you that one of the outstanding teams in our experimental middle school that I admire most is XX, the principal in charge of our Grade X Department.

Suhomlinski, a famous educator, once said, "The whole mystery of a teacher's skills should be how to love his students." It is with strong feelings and sense of responsibility that President Han Xian has built up a paradise full of sunshine and love for hundreds of students.

As an excellent mathematics teacher, he not only has solid teaching skills, but also has rich mathematical heritage. Try every means to arouse students' enthusiasm for learning, and design strategies such as group competition to let lazy students participate in the classroom with enthusiasm. Every day, he insisted on reviewing students' homework. He always paid enough attention to students' learning problems reflected in the homework, and formulated countermeasures to solve them in time.

As an excellent head teacher, he firmly believes that there is no trivial matter in education, that there is no education without love, and that students are kind. He made every detail of the work of "teaching" and "educating" meticulous, and put it into practice, with the goal of creating a happy and warm class collective for students. What is most admirable is the introduction of the "Smiling Wall" activity of the class students of President Han, which fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the whole class to love the school and the class.

As an excellent principal in charge of the grade department, he always understands and grasps the characteristics of each class of students and the situation of individual outstanding students at the first time, finds potential problems, finds problems and loopholes in the work of the grade department from different angles and channels, and coordinates the work of the grade department according to the work plan and management requirements of each department of the school and teachers' opinions. Therefore, it is often seen that President Han came to the school early in the morning and walked through all corners of each classroom to learn about the situation. At the same time, he often provided valuable class management experience to our inexperienced teachers, put forward pertinent suggestions, and gave us advice without stint, so that we can avoid detours in education and teaching. For example, when dealing with the problem of puppy love of students in my class, President X instructed me how to guide students to think instead of blocking this phenomenon. It is not difficult to find that it is precisely because of the proper management of President Han, the principal of the grade department, that our grades can unite and forge ahead.

Of course, the story of President X's love for students and dedication to work is far more than that. Everyone who knows President Han can talk about the brilliance and excellence of President Han in teaching and educating people. Every communication with President Han has benefited me a lot. He is an example for all of us!

"A single flower is not spring, and a hundred flowers bloom in the garden". It is precisely because in the campus of the Experimental Middle School, under the leadership of President X and other school leaders, there are many teachers like President Han who burn themselves on the three foot platform and illuminate others, so that they can create extraordinary achievements in ordinary work and let the garden of the Experimental Middle School blossom and bear fruit.

My speech is over, thank you, goodbye!

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 16]

The cause of education is the cause of love and dedication. It's not easy to be a teacher. It requires not only knowledge and wisdom higher than knowledge, methods and ability higher than methods, but also cultivation and personality power higher than cultivation. I hope to find a model with both ability and integrity to imitate. In fact, when I stopped and looked at the teachers around me, I found that the real good teachers were not out of reach. The real sages were not only in ancient books, not only on the TV screen, nor were the teachers' ethics and ethos boring theories and held high banners. They were right beside us.

I will never forget that when I enter the school in the morning, no matter in spring, autumn, winter or summer, I will always see the head of the kindergarten patrolling around the park and greeting the teachers with concern; Never forget the unremitting efforts of school leaders to improve the working environment of teachers; And I will never forget that the teachers in the park are always asking for their concerns and sincere help. All these are the result of their love, responsibility, and conscience. These are the highest embodiment of teachers' morality and style.

Therefore, I can proudly say that every teacher here is a model for me to learn. In fact, the morality and style of teachers are a state of being, that is, the principal's conscientiousness, the unity and upward movement of the leadership, and the vitality of every teacher.

Each of our teachers has interpreted the connotation of teacher morality and style with his own words and deeds, every look and smile. A knowing smile, a warm greeting, a stream of moved tears, a heartfelt exchange, a harsh criticism, and a wonderful class all reflect the charm and connotation of teachers. No earth shaking rhetoric, but down-to-earth work; There is no sigh of regret, but we are moving forward with the belief that water wears away the stone; Without the pride and conceit of being a teacher, we are reaping the fragrance of peaches and plums season after season.

The teachers' actions deeply affected me. I began to treat every detail of my work with meticulous care, from lesson preparation to class, from organizing children to teaching reflection; I began to treat every child in the class with tolerance and understanding, concerned about all aspects of them, and accepted every advantage and disadvantage of them. I was glad to see that children are growing up.

Dedication is a wonderful poem, and dedication is a moving song. In the unknown dedication, I realized the joy of work, the colorful life, the bright youth, and the brilliant career; The great motherland needs our dedication, the hot life needs our dedication, and the lovely children need our dedication. We dedicate our youth, our wisdom and our sweat. Perfect your life in dedication, realize the value of life in dedication, and gain sincerity and magnanimity in dedication.

However, what I have done is far from enough. Classroom teaching is an art, and head teacher work is a scientific art. Today, I will sing the most beautiful ode in my heart with solemn feelings - I will really love every child; I will treat every life well, and I will devote myself to education!

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 17]

Dear teachers and students

Good morning, everyone. Today, the theme of my speech under the national flag is: learn from the examples around me.

We often hear from teachers and parents about this sentence. Have you ever thought about what we should learn from the role models around us?

It can be said that our students of White Primary School are not only ambitious, but also polite, diligent and disciplined. Indeed, when we are in the White Primary School, it is not difficult to find that a simple greeting "Hello, teacher", a smile on the face, a bow after seeing the garbage, and the sound of reading in the morning seem to be beautiful scenery everywhere on the campus. It is these simplest words and actions that reflect the excellent quality and sound personality of our white students.

Example is the model of our language and action. The example is in our class and campus. Let's talk about the role models in our campus first! Li Yuexing, from Class 2, Grade 2, who was praised last time, has returned the money, which is our moral example. Jiang Wanke from Class 5 (2) smiled and saluted the team no matter which teacher he saw and said "Hello, teacher", which is our example of civilized behavior. The students who were rated as "learning pacesetters" and "learning activists" are examples for us to learn from. The students who have been awarded the title of "Ink Rhyme Star" are our models for writing. Students who contribute to class performance are our role models for all-round development.

Today, I will introduce some examples of our class team construction and class learning to all classes, teachers and students in the school. Of course, they are only a part of our many excellent classes, but because of their consistent persistence, today we specially propose to learn from them, Class 4 (1), Class 4 (2), Class 5 (1), and Class 5 (2). I would like to introduce to you what I think we can learn from them. First, discipline. The team for daily exercises and after school is very neat, and there are few speakers. In fact, there are many classes like this, but these four classes have a large number of people, and it is really commendable to keep the order all the time. The second is labor. Through my observation, I found that the corridors and railings in front of their classrooms are cleaned or wiped clean at any time. Although they are relatively rough cement floors, they are dragged clean every day. It is a refreshing and relaxed enjoyment to walk in front of their classrooms. The third is morning reading. They don't need teachers to organize it. Although their teachers arrive at school very early, the students in each class who organize morning reading are very effective. What they read in the morning every day is managed boldly and uniformly by the organizer. The students who study below carefully obey them. When they meet the students who are not serious, the organizer will ask them to stand up and read to remind them, In such a harmonious atmosphere, their melodious and emotional reading sounds resounded all over the sky. The fourth is the class style. The class management is in place and each member performs his or her own duties, presenting a class spirit of order and positive attitude. It can be seen from their performance when they arrive at school in the morning that the students who read in the morning do not look askance, the students who do health work conscientiously clean, and the small cadres who are responsible for management give full play to their role models while managing, Because of the system, management, implementation, unity and centripetal force, their class shows us a positive synergy.

Campus life can be summarized as four major events: learning, discipline, hygiene and etiquette. In these aspects, each of our classes has many advantages or characteristics. If we can do each of the four things perfectly, we can also become a model for others to learn. Therefore, I want to put forward four requirements for each student and class.

First, have enthusiasm and enterprising spirit in learning. Learn from the example in your class, and take the initiative to learn instead of relying on the teacher, parents' repeated exhortations or even force, and finish your homework on time every day. We can often see students who are doing homework at the door of the classroom or by the window. This is a shame. I hope these students can take a warning. We should also make good use of every period of time for study, such as the morning reading time in the morning. I don't know how valuable it is. In the inspection last week, I found that classes 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 1, 5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 5, 1, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4 are better at morning reading, but some classes can't adhere to it, Read when there is a teacher, and play or play when the teacher is not there. Each class can learn from the experience of the four classes I just introduced, select competent young cadres, organize morning reading every day, and let this valuable time not be wasted in quarrels or inefficient homework collection. If some students in the class have no autonomy in learning, I will choose the method of reading together to facilitate the unified management of class cadres.

Second, discipline and behavior habits should be persevered. For example, our road team, from standing on the corridor outside the classroom, kept good formation, and kept quiet and acted quickly. The time of our daily exercises is very tight, so please ask the teacher of the second class to organize the students to stand in line quietly and orderly as soon as he hears the bell of the class, and keep quiet throughout the whole process of going downstairs. After arriving at the playground, the sports committee members should immediately form a whole team, and pay attention to the method of forming a whole team, and criticize individual students who do not listen. In the whole process of doing exercises, we should not only comply with the standard movements, but also pay attention to that the gap between the two exercises is used to adjust the formation rather than talk. Of course, habits also include habits in class, homework, etc. We should pay attention to maintaining good habits.

The third is to ensure good hygiene habits. Hygiene is not about cleaning, but about keeping. In fact, our corridor, our classroom and corridor are cleaned by our classmates every day, and some places are still very clean. However, many of us have the habit of littering. We can't finish eating steamed buns, shredded paper, used toilet paper, milk cartons after drinking and many other things are left on the ground. () You should know that this is a manifestation of not cherishing the achievements of others' labor. Please put yourself in the other's shoes and think about how much trouble you have brought to the students who undertake the cleaning task. Moreover, our living environment has become dirty. Will you be in a good mood? Each of us likes to live and study in a clean, refreshing and relaxed environment, which needs to be maintained by our physical practice. Therefore, I would like to ask everyone to supervise each other, stop the students who see them littering at once, and also develop the habit of picking up the dirt when they see it.

Fourth, cultivate their own civilized and polite quality. See the teacher politely greet, rather than silently ignore; Get along well with your classmates. When there is friction between your classmates, first think about what's wrong with you, and then admit your mistakes to your classmates. I think everyone should do more self-criticism and less criticism of others. You will become more and more harmonious with your classmates, and you will also have more and more friends.

Students, today let's start from these little things around us. I believe that as long as you are good at learning from the examples around you and constantly improve yourself, one day you will become an example for others to learn from

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 18]

Dear leaders and teachers

Hello, everyone! On the day of welcoming the victory of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I was very excited to attend the teachers' speech meeting organized by the town; Today, I gave a speech "Learn from the example around us and devote myself to the education cause" to tell you about the example around us. An ordinary rural middle school teacher has been working hard and silently for the rural education cause for decades.

A teacher is over 50 years old. He teaches Chinese and also serves as the head teacher. He works hard and lives a dull life with the blackboard and students. He has taught in rural middle schools for decades, miraculously never asked for a day off. He is careful and dedicated to his work. His Chinese achievements in his classes are always among the best in his years, and he has won the high admiration and sincere praise of all teachers and students in the school. In order to teach students well and achieve good results, a teacher lived and ate at school. Whether it was a starry night or a stormy night, the lights in a teacher's dormitory were always the last to go out. After he finished preparing lessons, correcting homework, and going to bed, he went to rest. It was dark all around, and everything was quiet. People had already entered a sweet dream. After years of hard teaching, a teacher suffered from cervical spondylosis. Especially when the cervical spondylosis was serious, he even had difficulty turning his neck. His face was pale and he was embarrassed. The school leaders and colleagues urged him to take a rest. A teacher smiled, declined everyone's kindness, and walked into the classroom with his textbook to insist on teaching. He deeply knew that students could not learn without teachers, As a teacher, I should dedicate everything to my students. A teacher's dedication and selfless dedication have been fully recognized and highly praised by the superior department, and has been rated as an advanced teacher for many times.

It was a summer holiday. When a teacher heard the news that a student in his class was going to quit school and go out to work, he was very anxious. If the student did not accept the nine-year compulsory education stipulated by the state to work, it would not only be bad for the growth and development of students in the future, cause losses to himself, but also affect the improvement of the quality of the whole country's citizens, We must mobilize him to finish junior high school. A teacher braved the heat and walked for more than ten miles to the student's home. It turned out that the student's father was sick and could not engage in normal work, and his family was very difficult. The parents of the students told the truth: "It's not that I don't want my children to go to school. It's really difficult at home. School is about to start, but the children's tuition fees are not available." A teacher took out 200 yuan and handed it to the parents of the students. He sincerely said: "You must let the children go to school. I will solve his tuition fees. Trust the government, and we will help your family through the difficulties." The student's parents accepted the money with tears in their eyes. After a teacher came out, he went to the village cadres to learn about the situation, and then went to the civil affairs department to report that the government finally gave his family economic subsidies as a family with special difficulties. When the villagers learned about this situation, they all praised and said, "A teacher is really a good teacher who is closer than his relatives!"

Dear leaders, dear teachers, the spirit of dedication and selfless dedication of a teacher is like leaving grass to dedicate the earth to green and vitality; Like a towering tree, offering a shade and coolness to the world; It won everyone's respect and praise. A teacher is my model. I want to work hard and selflessly like him. I want to teach hard, achieve excellent results and devote myself to rural education.

My speech is over, thank you!

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total) [Article 19]

This is a night in the middle of winter, many people are immersed in the atmosphere of home, surrounded by the stove for heating and leisure. At this time, on the runway of the airport of Guifei Company, a group of over the horizon flight teams for a certain type of UAV are doing a special "contest". Because of the cold weather, the flight conditions on that day had exceeded the control range of the flying weather, but the team still decided to make a bold attempt to seize the node. In this team, there is a person who is in a hurry, sometimes appears in front of the console, sometimes shuttles in several control workshops, and sometimes looks around on the airport runway. Anxiety and worry, confidence and expectation are alternately written on this young and handsome face. Yes, he is the leader of this team. Zhang Yu, the head of UAV test flight department of Guifei, has just been awarded the special honor of "Top Ten Gold Medal Workers" in Guizhou Province.

Let's focus on the flight picture of the day again: "Report: aircraft engine vibration is serious, data display is abnormal." After hearing the information from the operator, the scene quickly gathered nervous and anxious eyes. At that time, the flight height of the aircraft was 6000 meters, and it was impossible to predict the weather condition with conventional meteorological means. In addition, the terrain of Guizhou plateau hills and mountains was complex, so the aircraft was in a very emergency state. If we forcibly return at this moment, our previous work will be in vain, which will not only discard our previous efforts, but also seriously affect the delivery progress and nodes of the aircraft that year; If we continue to fly, the consequences are unimaginable, because no one knows what will happen next.

Under the condition that time does not permit, the commander in charge made a decision that he would take the method of scattered surrender. The so-called scatter landing is to keep the core part of the aircraft and scatter other parts. In other words, a lot of aircraft parts have to be discarded. Zhang Yu, who has been at the scene, is thinking deeply. According to past experience, the plane cannot be seen at a height of more than 4000 meters, and the engine vibration is undoubtedly affected by an emergency. Zhang Yu judges that this height may be caused by sudden precipitation in the cirrus cloud. Zhang Yu boldly put forward his own judgment, and after discussing with the commander, he decided to "lower the flight altitude and look again." The plane quickly lowered the altitude: 5500 meters, 5000 meters, 4500 meters, until 4200 meters, finally reached a stable state. The on-site personnel were relieved, and the taut title eased again, and the danger was finally passed. When returning, the plane bypassed the clouds, and finally completed the subject flight after a 6-hour flight.

After the plane landed safely, Zhang Yu and his teammates found that there was a lot of water in the engine fuselage after careful inspection, and finally judged that it was ice. Zhang Yu said, "In fact, this situation is really dangerous."

The flight of UAVs is full of challenges and many conditions are unknown. The weather that was just stable will become another situation in an instant. Under such circumstances, Zhang Yu and his team competed with the weather and challenged themselves again and again. The UAV is small, especially afraid of thunder and lightning. Once, a UAV was performing a flight mission. Just three minutes after takeoff, the airspeed indicator immediately showed no display. Zhang Yu, who is now serving as the aircraft controller, carefully controlled the aircraft when he received the order to continue flying. An hour later, the weather suddenly changed, and the dark clouds quickly gathered and came over. "Emergency return"! The plane made an emergency landing with the full cooperation of everyone. At that moment, a gust of wind blew the plane which was not completely "standing" over and turned over. Although the losses caused were small, Zhang Yu and his team learned from them, summarized their experience, and improved the relevant parts.

From 20xx to the present, Zhang Yu has spent 10 years in the field of UAV work. After dozens of competitions, he has accumulated rich experience in flight test. But who knows, seven years ago, Zhang Yu was confronted with his father's bitter words and worries about returning to his hometown. On the one hand, he was a sincere parent, and on the other hand, he realized his dream. He is making choices, and he is also competing with his own thoughts and hearts. Today, Zhang Yu's name has become a little famous in the field of domestic UAVs. This is not only his achievements with wisdom and hard work, but also his valuable wealth accumulated in repeated competitions and risks without fear of challenges and daring to be the first.

Risks always coexist with opportunities, and competition and hardships continue. Looking at the orderly arrangement of UAV fleet, Zhang Yu still has two wishes: hope that Guifei's UAVs will be delivered in batches as soon as possible, and hope that civil UAVs will usher in a better spring of development! At that time, Zhang Yu and his team would also like to make great achievements.

Model Keynote Speech (20 in total)

Let's start from the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008.

At 2:18 p.m. that day, the earth cracked, and Wenchuan, Sichuan, experienced a magnitude 8.0 earthquake. Mountains shifted, rivers blocked, and houses collapsed. The disaster came in an instant. Sichuan is in urgent need! Wenchuan is in urgent need! In a crowded school, many students are dying, but they show their heroism when they are in danger. Tan Qianqiu, Xiang Qian, Yuan Wenting and other teachers use flesh and blood to write songs of life, and build monuments between heaven and earth. They are heroes, they are our role models.

So where were we when the Wenchuan earthquake happened?

On that day, at Zhuzhou 601 Chinese and English Primary School, everything was as usual. The bell went up and down, and classes were finished orderly. At 2:18 p.m., I had classes on the second floor of the erudition building. In the art class of Class 259 opposite, the students suddenly walked out. I am the team leader, and my duty is to go and have a look. Teacher Zhang Jianxun said that teacher Wu Lin sent someone to ask them to withdraw. There was a phone call. The people in the Diamond Building were evacuated after the earthquake. I really didn't feel abnormal. I looked suspiciously at the next class. Teacher Liu Shuiqing, a third grader, was teaching on the platform. The outside disturbance didn't affect her at all. She was so committed and the students were so serious.

It was really an earthquake. The epicenter was in Wenchuan. There was an Anxian County not far from there. There was a Sangzao Middle School in Anxian County. Teachers and students were evacuated orderly, without any casualties. It created a miracle. When our sixth grade teachers on the fourth floor felt that the chair moved for no reason, they quickly responded and immediately organized the students to evacuate the teaching building. After leading the students to the playground, teacher Wu Lin remembered that her baby was in the art class on the second floor after being reminded by other teachers. This reminds people of Liu Ning, a hero teacher in Beichuan. They are not only Mencius' realm of "being young, being young and being young". Sangzao Middle School is a miracle, a hero is a monument and an example, but the sixth grade teacher is not, Wu Lin is not, they are just colleagues around us.

Thanks to the builders for building us a stable house, which just let us on the first and second floors feel nothing strange. Mr. Liu Shuiqing let the wind and waves rise and sat on the three foot platform. Who said that such a teacher would not be Tan Qianqiu who protected students in times of crisis? When we talked about the hero Tan Qianqiu in private, many of our teachers confirmed that his behavior was just instinct. Yes, it is our teacher's instinct to protect the weak and the students. In times of crisis, the instinctive behavior is noble. When we regard heroic behavior as instinct, we will also extend our hands to protect students in times of crisis. We are also heroes.

When the earthquake came, in order to understand the situation, I came to the east exit of the teaching building to check. If there was any change at this time, I would run back and try to protect my students. But perhaps if I instinctively jumped onto the open ground, I would become the "Fan Paopao" of 601 Primary School?

I am not destined to become a "Fan Runner". Because I will not leave my students behind, but also because our colleagues and our headmaster trust me. Our school used to be like a big family. It feels that the principal is like our parents. It is now the principal who introduces modern management, uses forward-looking school running concepts, school running ideas, modern school running models, and school running methods to lead everyone to work together, seize the opportunity of the school's transfer from enterprise to government, and make the school a new one, from teaching environment to teaching facilities, Jump to a new level and build a modern 601 Chinese and English primary school. Every time we sit together with our colleagues in our brother schools to study and hold meetings, it is also a time for us to exchange information widely with the outside world. Our teacher Chen Jinsong is most concerned about the examination results of the students in the same grade in the foreign school. In order to compete with the Tiangong exam, our determination and progress showed a small edge. Our teacher Zhang Weinan has to tell her friends every time: "Our headmaster is very nice." It's fair and comfortable. Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. Teacher Zhang's steelyard is weighed from Guangzhou to Zhuzhou. We believe her weight. Therefore, in times of crisis, we are not in chaos. The Wenchuan earthquake tested our teachers' moral and ideological quality. With deep love for students and unlimited loyalty to our profession, we stood the test.

Some people say that there is a distance between all good things, and there are only ordinary and trivial things around. But we ordinary people hold up the beautiful sky of 601 Chinese and English Primary School. And too many ordinary achievements of the great cause of education, we are ordinary people, we are also models, we are heroes!

   Recommended reading:

   The power speech of the role models around us (20)

   About the Model Speech (17 in total)

   About the Model Speech

   Collection of model speeches around me (10)

   Small editor carefully recommends reading

   Model Speech | Format of speech | Presentation Skills | Opening remarks of speech | How to write a speech

For more information on the speech template website, please visit: Model Speech

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/4966926.html
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An example is a ship. Let's raise the sails of hope and lead us to the other shore of victory. If we make progress together, take the people around us as examples. They will always inspire us and give us guidance on the direction of life. Well, how do you write the model speech? The following is the website for studying abroad
There are many people worthy of our worship in life, who make progress together and take people around us as examples. They will always inspire us and give us direction in life. Are you looking for model speech templates around you? The following is the "About the Body" carefully organized by the editor of www
Good morning, teachers and students. Today, the theme of my speech under the flag is: learn from the examples around me. We often hear from teachers and parents about this sentence. Have you ever thought that we should learn from the role models around us
There are examples everywhere. To make progress together, we should take the people around us as examples. These people who make us worthy of examples inspire us and give us direction in life. Will you learn from excellent model speeches around you? The following is the carefully organized "about the people around
The following is a sample speech prepared for you by the editor of the column. Every action of human beings is writing their own history, when we need to make a speech in public temporarily. We need to master our speeches many times. The success and failure of speeches are directly determined by the quality of speeches.