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800 words model speech for Dragon Boat Festival

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2023-06-24 08:57


[liuxue86.com - Festival Speech]

Model Speech for Dragon Boat Festival (Part 1)

Students and teachers:

Hello, everyone! I'm Mu Jinjin! The Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. You should be familiar with this festival. But I still want to introduce you!

The Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, which is also the twelfth day of June. The Dragon Boat Festival is also called the Dragon Boat Festival.

Do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival! To sum up, there are probably several points: First, to commemorate Qu Yuan, a poet of the State of Chu, who died in the Guluo River that day. 2、 Welcome Wu Zixu, who was regarded as the river god at that time. 3、 In memory of her filial daughter Cao E, Cao E was from Shangyu in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Her father drowned in the river and did not see her body for several days. At that time, she was only fourteen years old and cried bitterly every day and night along the river. Seventeen days later, she threw herself into the river on May 5, and took out her father's body five days later. 4、 After Wu Zixu died wrongfully, he became the god of Tao. Later, people put Wu Zixu's body in leather and threw it into the river on May 5.

On the Dragon Boat Festival, we will eat zongzi, which are all wrapped with wormwood leaves. The family will eat together, enjoying themselves. There are many kinds of zongzi, including egg yolk zongzi, meat zongzi, and jujube zongzi. We will also row dragon boats on the Dragon Boat Festival to worship Qu Yuan and Cao E. Dragon boat rowing is not one person rowing, but a dozen people rowing together, with one person playing drums in front. The dragon boat looks even more beautiful and exquisite. It is made of wood. The sculptors are all elaborately carved. We will also see women in the street with Aihu. People think Aihu can drive away evil spirits, and children will also wear sachets to drive away poisonous insects. That's all for today. You know a lot about the Dragon Boat Festival. I won't introduce it!

Model Speech for Dragon Boat Festival (Part 2)

Dear teachers and students

Good morning, everyone!

The topic of my speech today under the national flag is: Qu Yuan for the Dragon Boat Festival.

During the Warring States Period, Chu and Qin competed for hegemony. Qu Yuan, the poet, was highly regarded by the King of Chu. However, Qu Yuan's ideas were opposed by the conservative faction headed by Jin Shang, a senior official, who constantly slandered Qu Yuan in front of the King of Chu Huai. The King of Chu Huai gradually alienated Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan, who had lofty ambitions, was deeply distressed. With uncontrollable melancholy, grief and indignation, he wrote Li Sao and Tian Wen Eternal poems.

In 229 years before Gongwu, the State of Qin captured eight cities of the State of Chu, and then sent envoys to invite King Huai of Chu to the State of Qin to discuss peace. Qu Yuan saw through the plot of the King of Qin and risked his life to enter the palace to state his interests. King Huai of Chu refused to listen and expelled Qu Yuan from Yingdu instead. King Huai of Chu attended the meeting as scheduled, and was imprisoned as soon as he arrived in the State of Qin. King Huai of Chu felt remorse and became ill with depression. He died in the State of Qin three years later.

Shortly after King Qingshuai of Chu ascended the throne, King Qin sent troops to attack the State of Chu. King Qingshuai hastily withdrew from the capital, and Qin troops captured Ying City. On his way to exile, Qu Yuan heard the tragic news of the death of King Huai of Chu and the attack of Ying City. He was disappointed, raised his head to the sky and sighed, and plunged into the flowing Miluo River.

Fishermen on the river and people on the bank heard that Doctor Qu Yuan threw himself into the river and killed himself. They all came to the river to salvage his body. People took out their dumplings and eggs and threw them into the river, so that the fish would not bite him. The doctor also poured realgar wine into the river so that the dragon and water animals could be drugged out and the body of Doctor Qu Yuan could not be hurt.

Before long, a faint dragon appeared on the water surface, with a piece of Doctor Qu's skirt on its beard. People pulled the dragon ashore, pulled out its tendons, and then wrapped the tendons around the children's hands and necks. They wiped the seven orifices with realgar wine, and some wrote a word "king" on the children's forehead, so that the poisonous snakes and pests would not dare to harm them. Since then, at the beginning of May every year, on the day of Qu Yuan's death in the river, the people of Chu have gone to the river to row dragon boats, throw rice dumplings and drink realgar wine to commemorate the poet. The custom of the Dragon Boat Festival has been passed down.

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is China's traditional Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival. As early as the Zhou Dynasty, there was the custom of "holding orchids and bathing on the fifth day of May". However, many activities of today's Dragon Boat Festival are related to the commemoration of Qu Yuan, the great Chinese writer.

Model Speech for Dragon Boat Festival (Part 3)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

The Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional festival in China, will be held in a few days. Everyone knows the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. It commemorates Qu Yuan, a poet and patriot in China.

Qu Yuan was born in Chu more than 2000 years ago in the Warring States Period. He lived in an era of frequent wars and the law of the jungle. At that time, the State of Chu could not find its own mistakes in time when the big powers looked around. It still adhered to the old rules and did not have the determination to reform. In terms of national strength, it was far behind the countries advocating the political reform of the landlord class. In the face of years of war failures, the ruling class sought peace by secessing the territory. The ruling class took the approach of settling in a corner, ignoring the survival of the country, and still living a life of drunkenness.

Qu Yuan lived in such an era environment. He had a clear understanding of the current situation, so he advocated a series of political reforms in China. This offended the old nobles and was slandered and attacked.

In the face of pressure, Qu Yuan adhered to the idea of "rather than bend, rather than break, rather than destroy", and showed his noble integrity and sincere patriotism in the struggle against the conservative forces.

This ice core, which has penetrated 2000 years of time and space, still shines in China.

Two thousand years later, what do we advocate when we talk about Qu Yuan's patriotism? What we advocate is Qu Yuan's spirit of loving freedom and peace, a high sense of responsibility for the world in the face of crisis, and the spirit of bending over backwards in the face of power. We should understand Qu Yuan's deep feelings for the people of the country and for this land, that is, the vast land under our feet.

Unlike Qu Yuan, we live in a flourishing China. The country is prosperous and the people are harmonious. In this new era of affluence and self-confidence, we should learn to love our country, know that the red scarf on our chest is hard won, and learn to cherish the spacious and bright classroom we seem to deserve, our learning opportunities, and even our food and clothing. This is all because our parents and even our ancestors, with patriotic ideas, yearned for a happy and peaceful life, swept away the haze that has pervaded the Chinese people since the Opium War, and shed their blood to fight for us.

Finally, Qu Yuan sent a sentence to all the students, "Jade can be broken without changing its white color, and bamboo can be yellow without destroying its festival." I hope that we can cherish today's life, encourage each other, study for the rise of China, be a person who works hard, can contribute his mind to the construction of the motherland, can pave the way for his future, can repay his parents and teachers, People worthy of the descendants of the Chinese people.

Thank you!

Model Speech for Dragon Boat Festival (Part 4)

Dear teachers and students

good morning!

The topic of my speech today is "Commemorating Traditional Festivals and Inheriting Traditional Culture".

As we all know, the Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. There are many stories about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. Chu, Qu Yuan's country, was invaded, and Qu Yuan jumped into the river and died. After Qu Yuan died, the people of Chu State rowed dragon boats and threw dumplings and eggs into the river to prevent fish from eating Qu Yuan's body.

There is a folk children's song: "On the fifth day of May, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. The door is planted with wormwood, and the hall is filled with incense. Eating dumplings, scattering sugar, and racing dragon boats." What is the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival?

It is a traditional custom to eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. Zongzi skin is made of leaves, and there are many kinds of fillings inside. The custom of eating zongzi has been widely spread.

Students, I want to ask you a few questions. What kind of dumplings have you eaten? Have you ever made dumplings? Do you know how to make dumplings? Yes, the most common way is to use glutinous rice or jujube to make dumplings. I remember that in kindergarten, before the Dragon Boat Festival, there was a package of zongzi, and my grandma and I attended. Every Dragon Boat Festival, the community will also organize residents of all ethnic groups to make dumplings together.

Dragon boat racing is also the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. There is a dragon boat race on TV every year.

I heard from my mother that there are many activities in her hometown to commemorate the Dragon Boat Festival. For example, in the morning, use wormwood leaves, wormwood, and winter melon to stick on the door to wash your hands and face, use herbs to make some sachets, wear colorful threads for children, boil eggs, and wrap dumplings. It's jubilant. In short, this festival is very important. It is a big folk festival.

Before the Dragon Boat Festival, it was a children's festival in country X. Every year, people would throw colorful balls of thread. On the rainy day after the fifth day of May every year, people would throw the ball to the rainy place. It was said that it would bring good luck to people every year.

China has always attached importance to traditional festivals. In recent years, the Dragon Boat Festival, as a statutory festival, is a traditional festival celebrated by people all over the country.

Here, I would like to say that many people ignore the traditional festivals in country x and like foreign western festivals, such as Christmas, April Fool's Day, and Halloween, which cannot be advocated. We are from country xx, and each traditional festival has profound traditional culture behind it. Every traditional festival is baptized physically and mentally, and we should be proud of being from country xx!

Students, Qu Yuan's story is far away from us, but his patriotism is close to us. Love the great motherland and build a beautiful home. We need every generation to inherit the traditional Chinese culture. We are the future of our motherland. We should study hard and grow up to be useful people to society!

   Elaborate recommendation

   Speech for Dragon Boat Festival | Data of Dragon Boat Festival

For more information on the festival speech website, please visit: Festival Speech

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/4957187.html
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