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8 speeches on Labor Day

[liuxue86.com - Festival Speech]

The following is a speech with the theme of Labor Day collected and sorted for you by the editor of www. xueyao. com, just like when we are facing a speech. We should think about the content of our speech in the speech. The speech should be written around the ideas we want to express. How can we keep a high level when writing the keynote speech? I believe it can be helpful to everyone.

Speech on Labor Day (Part 1)

Labor creates the world, and struggle makes great achievements. As the May Day International Labor Day is approaching, we extend our holiday congratulations to the working class and the working masses of the whole country, and pay high tribute to the model workers and advanced workers on all fronts!

May Day is a common holiday for working people all over the world. On May 1, 1886, more than 200000 workers in Chicago held a general strike for the implementation of the eight hour working system. After a hard and bloody struggle, they finally won the victory. In order to commemorate this labor movement, in July 1889, at the founding conference of the Second International organized by Engels, it was announced that May 1 of each year would be designated as International Labor Day. After the founding of New China, the Central Government Administration Council designated May 1 as the statutory Labor Day in December 1949, and commended workers who had made outstanding contributions.

Labor is the cornerstone of national rejuvenation. In retrospect, the reason why the big ship "China" was able to march forward bravely in the wave of reform is that under the leadership of the Party, the Chinese working class has always been actively engaged in reform, opening up and modernization with a high sense of responsibility, and has always been at the forefront of the times with bold exploration and practice, Engrave responsibility and responsibility on the road of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, and integrate hard work and wisdom into the journey of realizing the Chinese Dream. The "Chinese Dream" of the 1.3 billion people is inseparable from the dedication of workers. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the only way to realize the Chinese Dream, and the working class is an important part of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese Dream is, in the final analysis, the dream of the nation and the dream of the people. The working class, shouldering the historical mission, must create a better life with hard work and create new brilliance with unremitting struggle.

Devotion is the embodiment of life value. As we all know, labor is an important symbol of social civilization. In the society, from food, clothing, housing and transportation to social production activities, workers can be seen everywhere. They are like air in the history of human civilization. Love of labor is not only an important spiritual power to lead social progress, but also a necessary way for personal values to be recognized by the society. In the 24 word socialist core values, "dedication" is not only an in-depth annotation of labor, but also a specific requirement for individual behavior. Every year we elect model workers, from Shi Chuanxiang and Wang Jinxi to Ni Zhifu and Hao Jianxiu, from Li Suli and Yuan Longping to Li Bin and Xu Zhenchao. Although the labor model groups in each era present multiple combinations, they are all affirmations of their different labor values. The spirit of model workers is a profound reflection of our practice of socialist core values. Loving and dedicated, honest and trustworthy embodies the requirements of socialist core values. As he said, "Make the impact of core values as pervasive as the air." Model worker spirit is one of them. One group after another model worker leads the learning of generation after generation, deepens the most glorious concept of labor, and integrates dedication into personal daily life. This is the best practice of core values, It is also the realization of personal values recognized by the society.

Great times need great spirit, and great spirit needs to be practiced. We are in a great era, and it is the common ideal of every Chinese to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The core socialist values are the indispensable spiritual pillar for realizing the Chinese Dream. These 24 words condense the strength of China to continue to move forward. We should apply the spirit of "the greatest common divisor" to social development. In fact, there are always a lot of selfless and dedicated workers around us who are contributing to the socialist cause. They are interpreting the connotation of socialist core values for us with their own actions. The spirit that emanates from them also infects and inspires us all the time, letting us see the positive energy and let us be the communicators of love. At present, the model worker is more than a simple honorary title. It is a flag, a mirror, and a beacon, leading us to study hard, promote the "model worker spirit", and guide us to actively practice the "socialist core values". The realization of the Chinese Dream needs the support of socialist core values, which need the hard practice of hundreds of millions of workers. Only by pooling the tremendous power on the way to comprehensively deepen reform can the great movement of national rejuvenation be played.

Speech on Labor Day (Part 2)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

The topic of my speech today is "Labor is the most glorious".

We all know that May 1st is a holiday, but we all know what it is? Why should we have a holiday? Why should the whole country celebrate?

The May Day is actually the May Day International Labor Day, which is a common festival for working people all over the world. Every year, the "May Day" International Labor Day has become a festival for us to praise workers and labor.

We are still primary school students. To commemorate the May Day, we should first remember our learning mission. Cultivate noble sentiments, master rich knowledge, learn more skills, and lay a solid foundation for becoming an excellent worker in the future. Knowledge is power. The more knowledge we learn today, the more contributions we can make to the motherland and the people in the future.

We should form the good habit of loving work when we are young. At home, wear your own clothes, fold your own bed, and manage your own schoolbag; In school, actively clean up and keep the change clean; In society, we should actively participate in public welfare activities within our ability to develop our adaptability.

We should cherish the fruits of labor. "Who knows that every meal is hard". We should start from the little things around us and not waste every grain of rice, every piece of water and every penny.

We should respect everyone who works. Labor is the most glorious, and people who work are the most beautiful. Whether they are white-collar workers or migrant workers, whether they are scientists or cleaners, they are glorious workers and deserve our respect.

Our happy life comes from our parents' hard work day and night, from teachers' hard work, and from the common contribution of the vast number of workers in the whole society. Let's salute them and greet them! Wish them "Happy Labor Day"

My speech is over, thank you!

Speech on Labor Day (Part 3)

Teachers and students:

hello everyone!

Today is the first day of the May Day holiday. My mother and cousin took advantage of the holiday to visit my young grandmother.

When we got to Grandma's house, it was almost dusk. As soon as the car stopped, my cousin shouted "Han Han is coming!" Grandma came out to greet us immediately. As everyone was very tired, they hurried to eat and then went to rest.

The next morning, Grandma got up early, carried her basket, put on her hat, and rode out on her bike. I was still sleepy when I got up. When I saw Grandma's dress, I immediately got excited and asked, "Grandma, what are you going to do?" Grandma said she would choose vegetables. How could I miss such fun? So we went out together.

When we arrived at the vegetable field, fresh and humid air mixed with vegetables came out of our nose, refreshing. Because it is morning, the crystal dew has not disappeared. From time to time, it jumped on my pants legs like a naughty child, and I could not catch it.

We went to the leek field first. It was green and looked like grass. Grandma told me that leeks are greener than grass and look flat and straight. Just as I was about to uproot the leeks, Grandma stopped me. When choosing chives, we cut off the upper part and leave some at the bottom, so that we can harvest them again soon. After listening to my grandmother's words, the more I felt like Confucius, "the less diligent I was, the less diligent I was.".

Then we dug potatoes. When she came back, Grandma made us delicious fried eggs with leeks and stewed meat with potatoes.

When I ate, I thought that the choice of this vegetable was really meaningful! It makes me understand that labor is the most glorious.

Speech on Labor Day (Part 4)

Today is May Day. What have I done?

It was almost 9 o'clock when I got up, and the white sunshine made me blind. After having breakfast at the roadside, my family went to my grandfather's house first, and wanted to visit the 17th room of Zheng's family in Zhenhai with my grandfather. When the bus arrived at Qiu'ai, I saw a terrible scene for myself. I saw a long line of cars on the road. Of course, it was not a "swimming" dragon but a "sleeping" dragon. There was no head in front, and after a minute, there was no tail. Many car owners get out of the car and smoke leisurely. They must be thinking: What's the use of being anxious? Better smoke a cigarette and see the "beautiful scenery"! But I'm in a hurry! The police are probably the busiest people today. They raise their voices and wave their hands, but obviously they have little effect. It usually takes only 3 minutes to drive, and we actually spent more than 1 hour, whoops!

On May Day, I felt the extreme traffic jam.

After having lunch at Grandma's home at noon, we stayed up until nearly one o'clock in the afternoon. Then we saw that the car dragon was moving fast, so we went on the road. It was smooth, about 40 minutes later, I arrived at the scenic spot, Room 17 of Zheng's family. The parking lot is full of cars, and there are many people in the queue. People with Zhenhai household registration can visit for free, so the queue is naturally longer. In Room 17, on one side of the room, the sound of gongs rocked the sky, and the drums and cannon sounded in unison. The performance was very lively; On the other side, people are clamouring, and tourists are as numerous as ants. Some people seem to be bored by long-term work, eating, drinking and playing. My parents, afraid of my loss, called my name from time to time. Uncivilized phenomena can be seen everywhere, such as littering with peel and paper scraps, spitting everywhere, etc.

May Day, I feel like a crazy travel festival.

My ideal "May Day" should be happy and orderly, lively and civilized, but my feeling today is not like this.

Speech on Labor Day (Part 5)

Good evening, leaders and colleagues:

At the approaching of May Day, we are lucky to get together. The topic of my speech to you there is "The Most Glorious Worker", because all the achievements of ××× Company since its establishment are the crystallization of the hard work of every employee of ××× Company, so I praise labor, praise workers, and workers are the most glorious!

I remember when I was in primary school, my teacher taught me a song named "The Glorious Work", and I liked the sentence "Where is the happy life? It depends on labor to create". At that time, labor was simply understood as "labor", which was limited to weekly labor classes. Years later, I grew up to be a member of tens of millions of workers, and then I deeply realized the variety of life and the hardships of labor. Labor is sweat and laughter; Is bitter, is sweet; It is giving, but also happiness. Every bit of labor, every bit of harvest. How much hard work you give to life, life will repay you how much fruit, and you will have how much happiness and happiness, which is also true for enterprises.

It has been ××× years since the company was founded on ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××.

××× Company has made progress year by year, which has formed the style of the day. These are made by the sweat of managers at all levels and grass-roots employees of ×××. Everyone can still remember that in dusty May, in order to make the iso9000 system and haccp system run smoothly in the company, the system management personnel of each department held a meeting to revise the documents, the grass-roots staff learned training, and filled in the records. How many people were tired of this. In June of equipment technical transformation, in order to make the equipment more suitable for production and processing, engineers demonstrated before and after, studied the scheme, and technical transformation personnel raced against time to install and debug the equipment in order not to miss the production date. In the scorching July, the motor roared 24 hours a day, and the workshop was steaming. But even though the operators were still on duty, the raw material personnel kept running, and kept awake day and night to ensure a balanced supply of materials. The laboratory personnel were careful and tried to feedback accurate test results in the shortest time, so that the operators could adjust parameters in time, To ensure the quality of the products, the forklifts also kept running in the field, and everyone made their own efforts to produce qualified apricot pulp. In August of the harvest season, the inspection and delivery personnel braved the scorching sun to inspect the packaging of finished products in the field. To ensure that the products delivered from each barrel are qualified. It is with such a group of excellent workers who are making contributions that ××× can come to this moment. As long as all employees of our company work together and help themselves, we will be able to march forward bravely! Both hands are used for labor, and labor helps us to create a happy life. There are many unknown people who rely on their own full strength to fight, forge ahead and create,

Although there is no grand feat or prestigious status, they also enjoy the happiness and happiness brought by labor, and even enrich themselves, because happiness is not only related to material things!

Workers are glorious, and working is happiness! As a member of ××× Company, we can deeply understand this.

Speech on Labor Day (Part 6)

hello everyone!

Today, our country has ushered in this glorious and great day, the May Day International Labor Day, which is the festival of the working class and the broad masses of the working people all over the world. Here, I would like to extend holiday wishes to the working class and the working people all over the country, and pay high tribute to the working models and advanced workers on all fronts!

In the great process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the working class of our country is growing, its overall quality is constantly improving, its progressiveness is significantly enhanced, its interests are further realized, its position as the leading class is more consolidated, and its role as the main force is fully played.

Practice has proved that the working class is the representative of China's advanced productive forces and relations of production, the most solid and reliable class foundation of our Party, the well deserved leadership of socialist China, the main force in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the fundamental force in promoting China's economic development and social progress in an all-round way.

Only by integrating into the historical process of development can we achieve our own value and realize our own ideals. Major projects such as the Three Gorges Project, the Qinghai Tibet Railway, the Olympic Project, manned spaceflight, and lunar exploration have all condensed the wisdom and sweat of workers.

Innovative achievements emerge in endlessly, highly skilled talents thrive, and skilled workers mount the highest podium of the National Science and Technology Award, fully demonstrating the era style of the working class in China. Today, in building an innovative country, "glorious labor, lofty knowledge, precious talents and great creation" has become the strongest voice of the times.

Only when the working class becomes the main force of reform, the driving force of development and the cornerstone of stability can it become the backbone of the country and the backbone of society. To build a well-off society in an all-round way should not only benefit the working class, but also rely on it all the time. The working class of our country must carry forward the glorious tradition, continue to forge ahead, become the vanguard of the times who continue to emancipate their minds, reform and innovate with determination, and become a model of action to promote scientific development and social harmony.

Work together to ensure growth and make contributions to promote development. In today's joint response to the international financial crisis, the working class of our country should further strengthen the confidence and determination to follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strengthen the common belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The working class should base itself on the basic national conditions, set up a world perspective, conform to the trend of the times, and shoulder the historical responsibility of promoting scientific development. The working class should vigorously carry forward the spirit of model workers, have an overall view, base on their own duties, carry out labor competitions, and strive to be a pioneer model of forge ahead and innovate; The working class should carry forward the glorious tradition of understanding the general situation and considering the overall situation, and become the mainstay of promoting harmony and stability.

The trade union organization should closely focus on the overall situation of ensuring growth, people's livelihood and stability, actively promote scientific development and social harmony, and vigorously safeguard the fundamental interests and legitimate rights and interests of workers.

Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly adhere to the principle of relying wholeheartedly on the working class, respect the pioneering spirit of workers, and give full play to the role of the working class as the main force. We should improve the system of the broad masses of workers and staff to participate in national affairs, social affairs management and democratic management of enterprises and institutions, earnestly solve the most direct and realistic interests of the broad masses of workers and staff, and enable the broad masses of workers and staff to share the fruits of reform and development.

We should strengthen and improve the Party's leadership over trade union work, give more resources and means to trade union organizations, support trade unions to work creatively, give better play to the enthusiasm and initiative of workers in the development of the times, and promote the great process of reform, opening up and modernization.

Labor creates glory and dreams. We work hard, in order to increase social wealth, but also for human happiness and their own perfection. We firmly believe that in the great process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the working class will continue to create new glories; On the historical journey to realize the all-round revitalization of the Chinese nation, the working class will certainly become an inexhaustible force to promote social progress.

Thank you!

Speech on Labor Day (Part 7)

Dear students and teachers:

hello everyone!

In May, spring returns to the earth and flowers are blooming; In May, everything is thriving and full of vitality. In this thriving season, our hearts are like the flowers of spring, beautiful with fragrance, hope with hope. "May 1" International Labor Day is a happy day for our workers and a festival for the working people all over the world. But do you know how hard and difficult this day came from? Have you ever remembered that Chicago had more than 10000 workers in 1886. In order to fight for the eight hour working time, they bravely charged and fought. Their lives disappeared like a rainbow, and their blood splashed like spray. When justice and victory finally embrace each other closely, from May 1, more than x years ago, this day has become an indestructible monument and permanent memorial in the hearts of working people all over the world.

Labor evolves mankind, labor transforms nature, labor accumulates wealth, and labor depicts tomorrow. It is the workers who have built high-rise buildings on the flat land, transformed barren mountains into acres of fertile land, built modern information highways, and realized the most beautiful dreams of mankind one by one. On the special day of May 1 International Labor Day, let's sing, let's praise the greatness of workers, praise the ordinary of workers, and let our happiness and happiness be realized between the great and the ordinary

The annual "May Day" International Labor Day has become a festival to praise workers and labor.

We are still middle school students. To commemorate the May Day, we should first remember our learning mission. Cultivate noble sentiments, master rich knowledge, learn more skills, and lay a solid foundation for becoming an excellent worker in the future. Knowledge is power, today I

The more knowledge you learn, the more contributions you will be able to make to the motherland and the people in the future. Secondly, we should form the good habit of loving work from an early age. At home, they wear their own clothes, fold their own beds, and manage their own school bags; In school, actively clean and keep the environment clean at all times; In society, we should actively participate in public welfare activities within our ability to develop our adaptability. Third, we should cherish the fruits of labor. "Who knows that every meal is hard". We should start from the little things around us and not waste every grain of rice, every drop of water, and every penny. Fourth, we should respect everyone who works. Labor is the most glorious, and people who work are the most beautiful. Whether they are white-collar workers or migrant workers, whether they are scientists or cleaners, they are glorious workers and deserve our respect.

Our happy life comes from our parents' hard work day and night, from teachers' hard work, and from the common contribution of the vast number of workers in the whole society. Let's salute them! Greet them! Wish them a happy Labor Day!

Thank you!

Speech on Labor Day (Part 8)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

The topic of my speech today is "Labor is the most glorious".

We all know that May 1st is a holiday, but we all know what it is? Why should we have a holiday? Why should the whole country celebrate?

The May Day is actually the May Day International Labor Day, which is a common festival for working people all over the world. Every year, the "May Day" International Labor Day has become a festival for us to praise workers and labor.

We are still primary school students. To commemorate the May Day, we should first remember our learning mission. Cultivate noble sentiments, master rich knowledge, learn more skills, and lay a solid foundation for becoming an excellent worker in the future. Knowledge is power. The more knowledge we learn today, the more contributions we can make to the motherland and the people in the future.

We should form the good habit of loving work when we are young. At home, wear your own clothes, fold your own bed, and manage your own schoolbag; In school, actively clean up and keep the change clean; In society, we should actively participate in public welfare activities within our ability to develop our adaptability.

We should cherish the fruits of labor. "Who knows that every meal is hard". We should start from the little things around us and not waste every grain of rice, every piece of water and every penny.

We should respect everyone who works. Labor is the most glorious, and people who work are the most beautiful. Whether they are white-collar workers or migrant workers, whether they are scientists or cleaners, they are glorious workers and deserve our respect.

Our happy life comes from our parents' hard work day and night, from teachers' hard work, and from the common contribution of the vast number of workers in the whole society. Let's salute them and greet them! Wish them "Happy Labor Day"

My speech is over, thank you!

   Small editor carefully recommends reading

   Model Speech | Format of speech | Presentation Skills | Opening remarks of speech | How to write a speech

For more information on the festival speech website, please visit: Festival Speech

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/4955228.html
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