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Dragon Boat Festival speech manuscript 3 minutes collection

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Only by believing in yourself can you create miracles and make important speeches on key occasions. Preparing your speech in advance will help improve the attractiveness and entertainment of your speech. If you present your speech confidently, it will bring infinite positive energy. Do you know how to write a keynote speech? Do you want to know more about "Dragon Boat Festival Speech 3 Minutes"? Take a look at this article. Remember to save this page for viewing!

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 3 minutes (Part 1)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

Students, can you list our traditional festivals?

Maybe you are used to the Christmas carnival, giving small gifts to your mother on Mother's Day, and expressing gratitude to your father on Father's Day. In fact, 365 days a year, there are many festivals with "China" label, such as Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, etc. These traditional festivals reflect the ancient Chinese culture, symbolize the rich Chinese civilization, and shine with the infinite wisdom of the descendants of the dragon.

June xx (the fifth day of the fifth lunar month) is this year's Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival is the representative of China's traditional festivals. Its history can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and it has been more than 2000 years. Dragon Boat Festival is also called Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Daughter's Day, Dragon Day, etc. Folk customs to commemorate the Dragon Boat Festival are very rich. The more common forms of celebration include dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, hanging wormwood, and so on. Behind each Dragon Boat Festival custom, there are profound cultural connotations and unique cultural memories.

Traditional festivals are the identity cards and cultural labels of a nation. Then, when our life is filled with high-tech elements, people more or less neglect the traditional festivals and lose the memory of cultural traditions.

Students, the annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming. How do you want to commemorate this traditional festival that has lasted for 2000 years? Let's start from the Dragon Boat Festival this year, pick up the attention of Chinese traditional festivals, give more new elements to Chinese traditional culture, use our own strength to save traditional festival customs, develop traditional festival customs, innovate traditional festival customs, and let Chinese culture gradually be accepted and recognized by more people in the world. After all, "national is the world"!

My speech is over, thank you!

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 3 minutes (Part 2)

The Dragon Boat Festival is the most traditional festival in China on the fifth day of May every year.

In the festival, we get up early. Suddenly I smelled a burst of fragrance. I ran to have a look. Ah! What a big pot of zongzi! How fragrant! I'm greedy! Look in the basin next to me, wow! There is also a large pot of snow-white duck eggs and garlic. They look so cute. I really want to eat them! Mom said, "Go wash your face and brush your teeth to eat." After I finished washing, I quickly sat down around the table, and my father carried dumplings, duck eggs, eggs, and garlic on the table. Our family had a happy breakfast.

Then, I went to the market with my father and mother to buy rice eels and amaranth. I asked my mother why she bought these things? My mother said, "This is the custom of Dragon Boat Festival." I still didn't understand but nodded. Later, my mother took me to buy some green wormwood and went home. My mother bathed me with wormwood. I asked my mother why she bathed with wormwood? Mother said, "Because mosquitoes won't bite you.". My mother stuck the rest on the door, and I asked my mother why she stuck wormwood on the door? Mother said, "Because mosquitoes won't fly to our house".

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival (3 minutes)

Teachers and students:

good morning!

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China, which began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period and has a history of more than 2000 years. There are many beautiful legends about this ancient festival, the most famous of which is probably the story of Mr. Qu Yuan.

In 278 BC, the Qin army attacked the capital of Chu. Qu Yuan was heartbroken when he saw his own country being invaded, but he could not bear to abandon his own country. He had no choice but to write Huaisha on the fifth day of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. After that, he threw stones into the Miluo River and wrote a magnificent patriotic movement with his own life.

After Qu Yuan's death, the people of the State of Chu were extremely distressed and rushed to the Miluo River to pay homage to him. People took out rice balls, eggs and other food prepared for Qu Yuan and threw them into the river. It is said that when fish, dragons, shrimps and crabs are full, they will not bite Doctor Qu's body. Later, in order to prevent rice balls from being eaten by Jiaolong, people came up with the idea of wrapping rice with neem leaves and wrapping them with colored silk. This is the prototype of zongzi.

What kind of spirit made this great poet jump into the surging river? It is the heart that cares about the country and the people and loves the homeland.

Mother of the motherland has supported a sunny sky for us with her body, and opened up a fertile land for growth. Today, we don't need to sacrifice our lives to express our patriotic feelings. We just need to put the belief of loving the motherland into our daily actions: study hard, respect teachers, observe public morality, develop in an all-round way, and contribute to the construction of a harmonious society

Today, we pick up the love of Chinese traditional culture again. Isn't it also a manifestation of love for the motherland?

The palm leaves are fragrant, and another Dragon Boat Festival is coming. While tasting delicious dumplings, let's review Mr. Qu Yuan's unyielding character and inherit Mr. Qu Yuan's patriotism!

Thank you!

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 3 minutes (Part 4)

Today is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation - Dragon Boat Festival.

Every day, people will eat Zongzi and race dragon boats. But, do you know? Now you should pay attention to eating brown seeds. At first, the brown leaves are green. Normally, after cooking, the leaves will be dark green, grayish black or dark yellow, not green. If the brown seeds are still green, don't eat them, because they contain a lot of copper.

This morning, my father asked me to get up for breakfast. When I got up, I asked, "Are there any palm seeds to eat?" "No, eat porridge." I said, "Oh, it's Dragon Boat Festival without palm seeds?" "Oh, well, your mother and I are going to the food market to buy them now. You can read at home and wait."

Unexpectedly, as soon as my father and mother came home, my father hurriedly changed into a camouflage military uniform to go out. I hurriedly asked, "Dad, what are you going to do?" My father just said, "Something is going on at work" and went out.

After my father went out, my mother asked me if I was hungry. Would you like to have some food first? I said, "I'm not hungry now. Let's eat together when my father comes back." But I didn't expect that my father would finally come back after eleven o'clock. My mother smiled and said, "It seems that we only need two meals today." Then my mother and I started to bring food to the table. The three of us had a happy meal together, talking and laughing.

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 3 minutes (Part 5)

Dear teachers and students

Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. For more than 2000 years, the Dragon Boat Festival has been a multi-ethnic folk festival for national fitness, epidemic prevention and disease elimination, plague prevention and drug elimination, and health praying.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the Han people in China. The essential activities on this day gradually become eating zongzi, racing dragon boats, hanging calamus, wormwood leaves, and drinking realgar wine. It is said that eating zongzi is in memory of Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan is the earliest patriotic poet in China, and his representative work is Lisao. Qu Yuan jumped into Miluo River and committed suicide in depression because his patriotic great newspaper could not be realized. People were afraid that fish and shrimp would eat Qu Yuan's body, so they made dumplings and threw them into the river for fish and shrimp to eat. So we have the custom of eating rice dumplings.

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival and the Double Boat Festival, is said to be the day when Qu Yuan, a great poet in ancient China and one of the world's four cultural celebrities, died in the Luojiang River. For more than 2000 years, the fifth day of the fifth lunar month has become a traditional festival to commemorate Qu Yuan. According to historical records, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 278 BC, Qu Yuan, a senior official and patriotic poet of the State of Chu, heard the news that the Qin army had conquered the capital of the State of Chu. He was filled with grief and indignation, and his heart was cut with a knife. He resolutely wrote his masterpiece Huaisha, threw stones into the Miluo River, and died for his country. People along the river have led boats to race to salvage, summon souls along the water, and throw dumplings into the river to prevent fish and shrimp from eating his body. This custom has lasted for more than 2000 years.

For thousands of years, Qu Yuan's patriotism and touching poems have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. People "cherish and mourn, and the world talks about their words to pass them on.". In the field of folk culture, Chinese people have since closely linked the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat race and eating zongzi with the commemoration of Qu Yuan. With the increasing influence of Qu Yuan, the Dragon Boat Festival, which began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, has gradually spread and become a festival of the Chinese nation.

The Dragon Boat Festival in China has many nicknames, such as: Noon Festival, May Festival, Yulan Festival, Daughter's Day, Tianzhong Festival, Poet's Day, Dragon Day, etc. Although the names are different, the customs of people in different places are similar. The content mainly includes: the daughter goes back to her parents' home, hangs a statue of Zhong Kui, hangs calamus and wormwood, wears sachets, races dragon boats, contests, strikes balls, swings, paints realgar for children, drinks realgar wine, eats salted eggs, zongzi and seasonal fresh fruits. Except for superstitious activities that gradually disappear, other customs have been spread throughout China and neighboring countries.

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 3 minutes (Part 6)

Dear teachers and students

Good morning, everyone!

In the twinkling of an eye, the annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming. This year is the first time that China has taken the Dragon Boat Festival as a national legal holiday to carry forward and inherit this festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan, and the second is to eliminate disasters by wrapping dumplings and inserting wormwood leaves. At this moment, businesses also plan to fight a "rice dumplings war".

At the beginning, the Dragon Boat Festival was to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great poet of China, who threw himself into the river. At that time, because the monarch was fatuous. Qu Yuan, a righteous man, was ostracized and exiled. He was worried about the future of the country, but he could not share it. So he jumped into the river with a big stone in his arms. Fishermen on the river saw it and immediately rowed boats to salvage it. In order to prevent fish from eating Qu Yuan's body, he threw rice balls wrapped in bamboo leaves into the river. So today there is a custom of dragon boating and eating zongzi.

Eating zongzi must be familiar to everyone. It is made of green bamboo wrapped with soaked glutinous rice and tied into a triangle shape. There are many fillings, such as honey dates, green beans, red beans, bean paste, or meat. You can wrap anything you want, which can be said to be "a package of the world". Zongzi is not good to make. When you think about how to make dumplings when you eat dumplings with different tastes, I will introduce you at this moment. First, soak the good glutinous rice for a few hours, fold it into a cone with two green leaves, and put the soaked glutinous rice inside. Don't put too much in order to avoid easy boiling, Then fold the top mouth with green leaves to form a triangle, and then bind a string to wrap a rice dumpling.

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 3 minutes (Part 7)

Dear teachers and students

How do you do!

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Do you know origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? Let me tell you!

The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional folk festival in China, which is also called the Double Boat Festival. There is also a children's song about the Dragon Boat Festival: "On May 5, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. Insert wormwood leaves, wear sachets. Eat dumplings, sprinkle sugar. The dragon boat goes into the water happily."

Every year, we eat zongzi. It is said that: "When Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, people were afraid that Qu Yuan's body would be eaten by fish and shrimp, so they put rice into the river with bamboo tubes, which later evolved into wrapping bamboo leaves into the river to feed fish and shrimp." We also tied calamus into a bundle and hung it in front of the door, symbolizing the removal of an ominous sword, which was used to ward off evil spirits and exorcise demons.

The most important activity of the Dragon Boat Festival is dragon boating. His origin is: It is said that it originated from the ancient Chu people who died because they couldn't bear Qu Yuan, a wise minister, to throw himself into the river. Many people rowed boats to catch up and save him. They scrambled to catch up with each other and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake. We modern people commemorate Qu Yuan by rowing dragon boats.

I know the Dragon Boat Festival knowledge is OK! You know what?

Thank you!

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 3 minutes (Part 8)

The Chinese nation has a long history of 50 years, which is the result of hard struggle. Smart Chinese create bright manners. China is known as "the land of rites". As young pioneers in the 21st century and successors in the new century, we should cherish the precious historical and cultural heritage left by our ancestors, inherit the fine traditions, let etiquette permeate many books on campus, and let etiquette become a land permanently preserved in China.

Nowadays, many students pursue famous brands. high-grade. Gorgeous clothes. In my class, many students wear famous brand clothes to show off to students, or compare some unfashionable students to meet their vanity. But I think the most important thing for primary school students is to study happily, not to compare with their classmates. As long as our primary school students dress appropriately and meet their identity, we can use etiquette and knowledge to improve our image, rather than using fashionable and gorgeous clothes to measure our image.

We should respect, help and love each other. If there are contradictions between students, they should do more self-examination and not blame others for their mistakes. It is like lubricating oil, which makes the rough friction track disappear. Mutual understanding and tolerance can make the class more united and the friendship more profound. We should respect every student and get along well with the students around us.

Let us inherit the mission of inheriting etiquette, move towards the future, and educate our beautiful campus. Let's take "carrying forward Chinese virtues and building a harmonious society" as our purpose, catch up with the image of spring tide and bathe in the sunshine of etiquette!

Another Tomb Sweeping Day. "There is a lot of rain on Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." Tomb Sweeping Day is not busy, but a little sad. Revolutionary martyrs, how much have you sacrificed!

   Elaborate recommendation

   Speech for Dragon Boat Festival | Data of Dragon Boat Festival

For more information on the festival speech website, please visit: Festival Speech

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/4918135.html
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