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What are the application conditions for German graduate students to study abroad

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At present, studying abroad has long been a major trend, and more and more people come to Germany to study abroad. Germany, with its rigorous teaching attitude and high-quality resources, has also quickly become an outsider. What are the application conditions for German graduate students to study abroad? Follow Xiao Bian to have a look!

Application conditions for German graduate students to study abroad

Education requirements:

China graduated with a bachelor's degree.

Graduated from a key university without a bachelor's degree certificate, there is no limit to the majors to apply for, but the final major to be admitted is determined by German universities.

Graduated from China's military academies (except for a few military academies) and obtained a bachelor's degree certificate.

Language requirements

Except for individual majors and international courses, German universities generally require more than 800 hours of German for applicants. Many students are required to take the DSH exam or have other valid language certificates when entering the university.

Generally, a master's degree taught in German usually requires a score of 16 points, and majors such as language and literature generally require a higher level of German.

Precautions for German Graduate Application Preparation

  1. Studying in Germany must be planned in advance, At least one year earlier than planned. The earlier you learn German, the better. It is better to master at least elementary German in China.

  2. English examination can not be ignored. IELTS or TOEFL can be prepared in the second semester of junior year. Many German courses also require IELTS or TOEFL scores.

  3. The average score during college is very important, It is better to achieve 75 points or more than 80 points. Because German universities believe that this is an important manifestation of a student's learning attitude and learning ability.

4. In the motivation letter for studying in Germany, Show your understanding and love of the major you want to apply for, as well as your preparation.

German Graduate Application Process

The first step is to determine the target colleges and majors

The first step is very important. It is suggested to fully consider the future career planning and interests of individuals. You can decide your major first, and then see which colleges and universities offer master's study positions in the target major. For the application of German master's degree, the degree of course matching is very important, and basically requires that the undergraduate stage is similar or the same major.

Step Two Language Learning

The teaching language of German master's degree is not only German, but also pure English. Before language learning, determine the language of instruction and the language certificate required at the time of application. The general language requirement for German teaching is German C1 level. For English teaching, IELTS 6.5 is generally required. It should be noted that IELTS scores are valid for two years from the date of the examination.

Language preparation is recommended to start as soon as possible, especially German learning. In the second semester of your junior year, you can start to take language examinations such as DFT or IELTS. Students in China must pay attention to the examination time of DFT and Goethe and do not miss the registration.

Step 3 Key tasks during undergraduate study

In order to improve the personal competitiveness and application success rate when applying, the most important task to do during the undergraduate period is to improve the grade point and strategically improve the course matching. In limited time, effective course selection should match the master's major to be applied for.

Step 4 APS audit preparation

For undergraduate students who plan to apply for a German master's degree, the preparation time for APS review is to get a complete six semester transcript at the end of their junior year (if there is a failed course, they can normally participate in the review after passing the make-up examination.)

Step 5 Master application

It is suggested to prepare the application materials for German master's degree at the beginning of senior year, mainly the original and translation notarized copies.

Common materials are as follows:

  a. The notarized translation of the university's certificate of study, and the graduates need to submit the notarized translation of their graduation certificates and degree certificates

  b. The notarized translation of the complete transcript of 7 semesters. For some German colleges and universities whose application deadline is particularly early, the complete transcript of 6 semesters can be used. Graduated students need to submit a notarized translation of a complete four-year college transcript. The transcript should preferably have an average score and scoring system.

  c. Language Certificate

  d. Notarized translation of high school graduation certificate

  e. Notarized translation of university admission roster

  f. passport

According to different application channels and procedures, there are three main types of applications for master's degree in German universities:

1. Only apply in Uni assist;

2. Only apply in the school online application system;

3. For Uni assist+school application, first apply on Uni assist, and upload it to the school online application system after obtaining the VPD through preliminary review.

Be careful not to go through the wrong application channel. The materials must be sent to the Foreign Affairs Office or the Department before the application deadline, and the online application materials must be uploaded and submitted in electronic form according to the format requirements.

Recommended by German excellent universities

Uni Konstanz

University ä t Konstanz is a member of Germany's famous research university, famous comprehensive university and the global alliance of universities and colleges. The campus covers an area of 90000 square meters.

Together with the University of Munich, Munich University of Technology, Aachen University of Technology, Heidelberg University and the Berlin University Alliance, it has become one of the elite universities in three consecutive rounds.

In addition, Konstanz University has a large number of top German professors and a huge amount of funding from elite university projects every year. It was named "Mini Harvard by Boden Lake" by Der Spiegel. At the same time, Konstanz University is famous in Europe for its top social science and interdisciplinary construction.

Munich University of Technology

Technische University ä t M ü nchen (TUM for short) is located in Munich, the capital of Germany. TUM is one of the oldest and most prestigious science and technology universities in Europe since the industrial revolution, and a member of the European Union of Outstanding Technological Universities.

Munich University of Technology is the world's top comprehensive university with international reputation. It is the alma mater of the world's famous scientists and celebrities, such as "father of diesel engine" Diesel, "father of refrigerator" Linde, "father of fluid mechanics" Prant, and literary giant Thomas Mann.

In modern times, the Munich University of Technology is regarded as the symbol of German universities in the world today. In various rankings of world famous institutions and magazines, Munich University of Technology ranks first among German universities of science and technology all the year round.

Advantages of studying in Germany

High quality teaching level

Germany has a high level of education, which continues the traditional German rigorous style. Its rigorous academic attitude and high-quality teaching enjoy a high reputation in the world.

German higher education is very popular. There are more than 390 colleges and universities of all kinds, with nearly 16000 majors in total. Not only are science and engineering majors such as machinery manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, medicine, electrical engineering, environmental protection very famous, but philosophy, law and art are also Germany's strong majors.

College tuition is basically free, and the cost of living is low

Most public universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees. Except Baden Wuerttemberg and North Rhinewest/Lun, universities in other states charge tuition fees of 2000-3000 Euros a year. But there is a registration fee of about 300 Euros per semester.

The cost of living for students in Germany is between 60000 yuan and 100000 yuan. For example, the cost of living in big cities such as Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt is about 90000 yuan a year; The cost of living in a small city is only about 60000 yuan a year.

Bilingual teaching in German and English

In order to attract more foreign students, many German universities also provide two teaching modes, German and English, so that foreign students can learn knowledge more easily.

After students have a certain foundation in German, they can choose courses taught in German. German is one of the most important scientific languages in the world. Students who want to engage in medicine, chemical industry and machinery manufacturing in the future will have great advantages in their future work if they can master some basic German and vocabulary.

EU member states, convenient tourism

German students who go abroad first get a short-term visa of 3-6 months. After arriving in Germany, they can apply for a one-year residence card at the immigration office with the housing contract and university admission notice, which is also called the Schengen visa.

With a visa application, students can travel freely in any country within the EU region without a separate visa. Students can use their spare time and holidays to travel to European countries, contact with national cultures and increase their knowledge.

Many job opportunities

After graduating from a university in Germany, international students will be granted an 18 month visa for you to find work in Germany, which is very superior to other European countries. Students studying in the UK have only a three-month extension to find work.

According to the statistics of German DAAD, about 50% of international students will stay in Germany for further development after graduation. Many universities have their own business cooperation with enterprises, so it is not difficult to find a local job after graduation in Germany,

Higher quality of life

Studying abroad in Germany is not boring at all. Large cities in Germany, such as Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, etc., have profound cultural heritage and are full of artistic atmosphere. It can always let you find new and interesting things to do.

Germany has developed economy and convenient transportation, so it is very easy to visit between cities. During the day, you can visit countless medieval castles, modern buildings and gardens. More abundant nightlife at night.

   Recommended reading:

   Application conditions for German graduate students to study abroad

   What qualifications do you need to apply for studying in the UK

   Application conditions and fees for German graduate students to study abroad

   What are the application conditions for Korean graduate students

For more information on the website for studying abroad for graduate students, please visit: Postgraduate study abroad

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/4916001.html
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