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10 speeches of Dragon Boat Festival in 2 minutes

[liuxue86.com - Festival Speech]

If we want to show our level of speech in front of the public, we must make full preparations in advance, so that we can be skillful in speech. In order to ensure the success of the speech, we might as well search the network for the template of the keynote speech that meets the requirements in form. The editor has painstakingly produced a speech template named "Dragon Boat Festival Speech 2 Minutes". I hope you like it, and please browse the content of this article!

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 2 minutes 1

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. The Dragon Boat Festival is also called the Dragon Boat Festival. There are many legends about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, among which the memory of Qu Yuan is the most popular. On this day of the calendar, people will commemorate Qu Yuan, an immortal soul, by dragon boat racing and making dumplings.

However, in 20__, __ declared the Dragon Boat Festival as the intangible heritage of UNESCO; In 20__, the Dragon Boat Festival was officially recognized as the intangible heritage of South Korea. This cannot but be said to be our embarrassment. The Jiangling Dragon Boat Festival originated more than 1000 years later than China's traditional Dragon Boat Festival, reflecting the gradual loss and degradation of China's traditional culture.

With the changes of the times and the invasion of foreign cultures, some Chinese people no longer care about the traditional Chinese culture that has been circulating for thousands of years, and seem to have an excessive preference for foreign festivals. When we stand under the neon lights of Christmas, don't forget to accompany our grandparents at home on New Year's Eve; When we celebrate on Halloween, don't forget to sit with our family and enjoy the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival; When the flavor of the Spring Festival is fading, when the lantern festival lights are no longer shining, when the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat is no longer passionate, when the Mid Autumn Festival moon cakes can no longer be tasted with deep meaning, what seems to be lost?

Although Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid Autumn Festival have become legal holidays in China, it is a measure to actively inherit national culture to protect traditional festivals by legislative means. But at the same time, I also think that the application for World Heritage and legislation are just an external mode of action. What we need is an internal driving force, a power and confidence generated from the heart. With this internal drive, the traditional culture of the nation can be extended and enriched, and the mentality of the people will become healthy, beautiful and open.

China's traditional festivals are colorful and rich in cultural connotation. They retain the unique cultural memory of mankind. We must cherish the historical and cultural relics created by our ancestors with awe. Every traditional festival is a strengthening and baptism of the cohesion and centripetal force of the Chinese nation.

Students, don't neglect China's own traditional festivals, and carry forward and inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. This is our bounden duty, and it is also the sacred mission entrusted to us by history and the times. Chinese civilization needs us to inherit together, so that the ancient Chinese language can shine with new charm!

Also, with the Dragon Boat Festival coming, it means that the whole semester is drawing to a close. I hope that students can seriously do a good job in each lesson, and systematically review in a planned and purposeful way under the guidance of teachers. I also wish students good results in the college entrance examination, the middle school entrance examination, and the final exam!

Thank you!

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 2 minutes 2

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

Dragon Boat Festival is held every year

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Noon Festival, the May Festival, etc; The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival for Chinese Han people to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan who threw himself into the Miluo River. It also has the customs of eating zongzi, racing dragon boats, hanging calamus, artemisia, argyi leaves, fumigation, angelica, and drinking realgar wine.

There are many kinds of zongzi. If divided by region, they can be roughly divided into south and north. In addition, there are also different kinds of leaves for making zongzi in the south and north.

Zongzi is divided into north and south:

Because the south is rich in bamboo, local materials are used to bind rice dumplings with bamboo leaves. Most people like to use fresh bamboo leaves, because the dumplings made of dried bamboo leaves have no fragrance of bamboo leaves when they are ripe.

But northerners are used to binding rice dumplings with reed leaves. The reed leaves are long and thin, so two or three pieces should be overlapped for use.

In terms of taste, the dumplings in the north are mainly sweet, while those in the south are less sweet and more salty.

Because it was Sunday, my mother was busy making dumplings at home. A lot of materials have been prepared, the most important ones are Zongye, glutinous rice, and different kinds of "stuffing", including honey dates, bean paste, red beans, fresh meat, peanuts, and finally, the thread for binding Zongye.

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 2 minutes 3

Teachers and students:

Hello, everyone. Chinese traditional festivals have various forms and rich contents, which are an integral part of our long history and culture. The formation of traditional festivals is a process of long-term accumulation of the history and culture of a famous nation or country. From these traditional festivals, we can vaguely see the wonderful pictures of the social life of ancient people.

Today is the xx of x month. Nine days later, the Dragon Boat Festival will be held on the fifth day of May. So the topic of my speech today under the national flag is: Random thoughts on the Dragon Boat Festival.

The Dragon Boat Festival reminds me of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet. Qu Yuan saw that the country was destroyed and the people were displaced. He wanted to serve the country, but was unable to return to heaven. In grief and indignation, he threw himself into the Guluo River. This day is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Later, on this day, people would race dragon boats on rivers to remember Qu Yuan.

Students, the Dragon Boat Festival controversy has made us have a sense of anxiety about traditional historical and cultural resources, and triggered some corresponding actions. How can we integrate national cultural resources into our lives and keep them fresh forever? There should be an internal driving force of culture. Where does the internal driving force come from? Educate. Improve national education and strengthen personal cultivation. If the overall national education is improved, the people will have a wide recognition of their own cultural resources. The seeds of national culture will take root and sprout in the soul when individuals cultivate themselves and unite their families to a certain level. Cultural resources that can take root and sprout in the individual mind will be fresh and eternal.

Each traditional festival has rich cultural connotation and retains the unique cultural memory of the Chinese nation. Every traditional festival is a strengthening and baptism of the cohesion and centripetal force of the Chinese nation. Let's treat each traditional festival of China with respect and cherish!

Thank you for listening patiently. Please accept my best wishes for you: Happy Dragon Boat Festival! thank you.

Conclusion: The speech under the flag of the Dragon Boat Festival in 20xx is over here.

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 2 minutes 4

Dear teachers and students

Today is a traditional festival in China. There are many customs, such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, hanging wormwood leaves, etc. In my memory, every Dragon Boat Festival, Grandma would make dumplings, boil salted duck eggs, steam garlic, and make fragrant incense for me with five colored lines. Grandpa inserted the bought wormwood leaves on the door to exorcise evil spirits. This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a Saturday. My grandparents have prepared all the things for the festival on Friday, waiting for us to go back.

When I returned to my grandma's house, she brought me the fragrant incense and five color thread. I was intoxicated by the fragrance of Ai Ye. I volunteered to learn how to make dumplings. Grandma said, Bao asked a question before to see if you knew. Why are the leaves of Zongzi green outside and white inside. I can't answer. Grandma said that the moral was to be pure and innocent, just like Qu Yuan. After listening to my grandmother's explanation, I sighed: It's a good tradition to commemorate Qu Yuan on the Dragon Boat Festival, not only for us to eat delicious food, but also for educating people.

I started to wrap brown seeds. I picked out a large green leaf from the reed leaves. It was green like jade, and the straight texture was clearly visible. It was very beautiful. I rolled the leaves into a pyramid like roll. Somehow, the naughty brown leaves were always disobedient. When they were rolled and ready to put rice, they returned to their original shape. Looking at my grandma, they had already wrapped several bags, and I was very anxious. My mother looked at my embarrassment and said with a smile: "It seems simple to make dumplings, but it is not easy to make them well. Just like you study hard, you can learn."

After listening to my mother's words, I calmed down and carefully looked at my grandmother's bags. (I was wrong to roll the leaves into a pyramid like roll.) But they rolled the leaves into a cone.

I went to the battlefield again. This time, I learned the lesson from the last time, rolled the Zongye into a cone like shape, and then grabbed a large handful of rice and stuffed it into the cone tube. Who knew that Mi Baobao played with the slide - missed it, and I transformed the tube again. Finally, it was OK, and it would not be missed. Then I put the stuffing in.

At the beginning of wrapping, I quickly wound the rice dumplings into a tight "space", but when I looked at the shape, it was simply horrible. Forget it, it was not easy to wrap it like this. It's ok, start winding. So, I recalled the process of my mother's thread wrapping, wrapping the middle of the rice dumplings for several circles, and then tying a knot.

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 2 minutes 5

Dear teachers and students

Good morning, everyone!

Zongye is fragrant and carries forward traditional culture.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. We all know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. It commemorates Qu Yuan, a poet and patriot in China. Qu Yuan was born in Chu more than 2000 years ago in the Warring States Period. He lived in an era of frequent wars and the law of the jungle. At that time, when the big powers looked around, they could not find their own mistakes in time. They still adhered to the old rules and did not have the determination to reform. In terms of national strength, they were far behind the countries advocating the political reform of the landlord class. In the face of years of war failures and seeking reconciliation, the ruling class took the approach of settling in a corner, ignoring the survival of the country, and still living a life of intoxication. life.

Qu Yuan lived in such an era environment. He had a clear understanding of the current situation, so he advocated a series of political reforms in China. This offended the old nobles and was slandered and attacked. In the face of pressure, Qu Yuan adhered to the idea of "rather than bend, rather than break, rather than destroy", and showed his noble integrity and sincere patriotism in the struggle against the conservative forces.

This ice core, which has penetrated 2000 years of time and space, still shines in China. Two thousand years later, what do we advocate when we talk about Qu Yuan's patriotism? What we advocate is Qu Yuan's spirit of loving freedom and peace, a high sense of responsibility for the world in the face of crisis, and the spirit of bending over backwards in the face of power. We should understand Qu Yuan's deep feelings for the people of the country and for this land, that is, the vast land under our feet.

Unlike Qu Yuan, we live in a flourishing China. The country is prosperous and the people are harmonious. In this new era of abundance and confidence, we should learn to love our country, cherish the spacious and bright classroom we seem to deserve, and cherish our learning opportunities, even our food and clothing. This is all because our parents and even our ancestors, with patriotic ideas and yearning for a happy and peaceful life, have swept away the haze that has permeated the Chinese people since the war, and shed their blood to fight for us.

Finally, Qu Yuan sent a sentence to all the students, "There is a long way to go, and I will seek from top to bottom", hoping that we can cherish today's life, encourage each other, study for the rise of China, be a person who works hard, can contribute to the construction of the motherland, can pave the way for their own future, and can repay their parents and teachers who care for themselves, People worthy of the descendants of the Chinese people.

Thank you!

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 2 minutes 6

Dear teachers and students

How do you do!

Needless to say, over the years, China's traditional festivals always seem to be inseparable from food. On the Dragon Boat Festival, eat zongzi; on the Tomb Sweeping Day, eat green dumplings; on the Lantern Festival, eat glutinous rice balls; on the Mid Autumn Festival, eat moon cakes; and on the Spring Festival, even more importantly, eat big fish and big meat. The fear of hunger in the farming society has formed the most distinctive custom of Chinese traditional festivals - eating. Nowadays, people who have met their needs for food and clothing are heading for a well-off society in an all-round way. They can eat as much as they want at any time. The attraction of traditional festivals has suddenly lost its unique charm.

In terms of inheriting traditional culture, we are not good at protecting and digging while keeping the "cornucopia". For example, how many contemporary youth are familiar with and can use traditional characters? How to understand ancient culture if you don't even know the characters? Another example is papermaking. The result of China's industrialized papermaking production is the loss of traditional handicrafts. Many high-quality rice paper can only be bought in Japan or South Korea. They not only inherit our traditional papermaking technology, but also have new development. Take the Dragon Boat Festival as an example. It has been integrated into the cultures of neighboring countries and has formed a unique vitality. In Singapore, the International Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament held every year on the Dragon Boat Festival is world-famous; In South Korea, the Dragon Boat Festival is called the Wheel Festival, which is a day to pray for a bumper year after rice planting. For a long time, Chinese people have focused on innovation, but they tend to ignore the adherence to tradition. The lack of culture will inevitably lead to spiritual fault or even distortion. What will the fault of spiritual civilization bring about again?

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 2 minutes 7

Dear teachers and students

Good morning, everyone!

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? The Dragon Boat Festival actually has many names, such as the Dragon Boat Festival, the May Festival and so on. In ancient times, the Dragon Boat Festival was a festival for everyone to cure diseases and prevent epidemics. So until now, our hometown still has the habit of picking wormwood leaves and staying behind the ears. The Dragon Boat Festival is also closely related to Qu Yuan. This day is the day of Qu Yuan's death, so this day has also become the day for us to commemorate Qu Yuan.

A few days before the Dragon Boat Festival, our family will start to wrap dumplings in a vigorous manner. Zongzi are sharp, round and square. Our family is used to eating pointy zongzi with red bean, green bean and original stuffing. My favorite is the original one, dipped in some white granulated sugar, and then took a big bite. It's very delicious. When I have some free time, I will go to pick some wormwood leaves from the mountain behind my home with my mother. Don't stay behind my ears. It's said that we won't have a headache. This festival is a very meaningful festival for all of us.

I believe everyone will have a different Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is rich. There are many interesting things that will happen. For example, I went to watch the dragon boat race once. The scene was very strong. Many people gathered around the river to watch them race the dragon boat. It was very interesting to watch them gliding their oars and long boats gliding on the water. On this day, we will drink realgar wine, which is also used to fight diseases and prevent epidemics. These things symbolize a beautiful vision, as well as a love and enjoyment of life.

Students, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I think everyone wants to go home to eat dumplings after listening to me! But I hope that when we eat rice dumplings, we should not forget to publicize the virtues of our traditional festivals. Let's eat rice dumplings in general, and learn Qu Yuan's poems, and learn that kind of heroism, so that this festival will be more valuable and meaningful under our thinking.

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 2 minutes 8

Dear teachers and students

Hello, everyone! (wwW.ZB258.cOm )

Everyone knows that the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of our Chinese nation on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. How did the Dragon Boat Festival come about? The Dragon Boat Festival is also called Duanwu. Duanwu means the same as Chuchu; The word "five" of Duanwu is also connected with "noon", and according to the order of the local branches, May is the "noon" month. And because the noon is "Yang Chen", Duanwu is also called "Duanyang". The fifth day of May, the month and the day are all five, so it is called the fifth day of the month, also known as the Double Noon. In addition, the Dragon Boat Festival has many nicknames, such as: Summer Festival, Yulan Festival, Daughter's Day, Tianzhong Festival, Dila Festival, Poet's Day, etc.

There are many nicknames of the Dragon Boat Festival, which indirectly explains the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival custom. This is exactly the case. As for the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are at least four or five views today, such as the theory of commemorating Qu Yuan; Wu Yue national totem sacrifice theory; It started from the saying of the Summer Solstice Festival in three generations; The evil moon and the evil sun drive away, and so on. So far, the most influential view of the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is the theory of commemorating Qu Yuan. In the field of folk culture, the main custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is that Chinese people race and race dragon boats on the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that it originated from the ancient Chu people who died because they couldn't bear Qu Yuan, a wise minister, to throw himself into the river. Many people rowed boats to catch up and save him. They scrambled to catch up with each other and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake. After that, the dragon boat will be rowed on May 5 every year to commemorate it. Scatter the fish in the river by rowing a dragon boat to prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body. The custom of racing is prevalent in Wu, Yue and Chu.

Eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival is another traditional custom of the Chinese people. Zongzi, also known as "corn millet", "drum dumplings". It has a long history and various patterns. At the beginning of May every year, Chinese people soak glutinous rice, wash zongzi leaves and make zongzi, with a wide variety of designs and colors. From the filling point of view, Beijing jujube dumplings with small dates are mostly packed in the north; In the south, there are bean paste, fresh meat, ham, egg yolk and other fillings, among which Jiaxing Zongzi in Zhejiang is the representative. The custom of eating zongzi has been popular in China for thousands of years, and has spread to Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian countries.

China's traditional culture has a long history! In order to inherit Qu Yuan's patriotic tradition, we must study hard and make progress every day.

Thank you!

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 2 minutes 9

Teachers and students:

good morning!

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China, which began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period and has a history of more than 2000 years. There are many beautiful legends about this ancient festival, the most famous of which is probably the story of Mr. Qu Yuan.

In 278 BC, the Qin army attacked the capital of Chu. Qu Yuan was heartbroken when he saw his own country being invaded, but he could not bear to abandon his own country. He had no choice but to write Huaisha on the fifth day of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. After that, he threw stones into the Miluo River and wrote a magnificent patriotic movement with his own life.

After Qu Yuan's death, the people of the State of Chu were extremely distressed and rushed to the Miluo River to pay homage to him. People took out rice balls, eggs and other food prepared for Qu Yuan and threw them into the river. It is said that when fish, dragons, shrimps and crabs are full, they will not bite Doctor Qu's body. Later, in order to prevent rice balls from being eaten by Jiaolong, people came up with the idea of wrapping rice with neem leaves and wrapping them with colored silk. This is the prototype of zongzi.

What kind of spirit made this great poet jump into the surging river? It is the heart that cares about the country and the people and loves the homeland.

Mother of the motherland has supported a sunny sky for us with her body, and opened up a fertile land for growth. Today, we don't need to sacrifice our lives to express our patriotic feelings. We just need to put the belief of loving the motherland into our daily actions: study hard, respect teachers, observe public morality, develop in an all-round way, and contribute to the construction of a harmonious society

Today, we pick up the love of Chinese traditional culture again. Isn't it also a manifestation of love for the motherland?

The palm leaves are fragrant, and another Dragon Boat Festival is coming. While tasting delicious dumplings, let's review Mr. Qu Yuan's unyielding character and inherit Mr. Qu Yuan's patriotism!

Thank you!

Speech for Dragon Boat Festival 2 minutes 10

Dear teachers and students

How do you do!

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Do you know origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? Let me tell you!

The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional folk festival in China, which is also called the Double Boat Festival. There is also a children's song about the Dragon Boat Festival: "On May 5, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. Insert wormwood leaves, wear sachets. Eat dumplings, sprinkle sugar. The dragon boat goes into the water happily."

Every year, we eat zongzi. It is said that: "When Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, people were afraid that Qu Yuan's body would be eaten by fish and shrimp, so they put rice into the river with bamboo tubes, which later evolved into wrapping bamboo leaves into the river to feed fish and shrimp." We also tied calamus into a bundle and hung it in front of the door, symbolizing the removal of an ominous sword, which was used to ward off evil spirits and exorcise demons.

The most important activity of the Dragon Boat Festival is dragon boating. His origin is: It is said that it originated from the ancient Chu people who died because they couldn't bear Qu Yuan, a wise minister, to throw himself into the river. Many people rowed boats to catch up and save him. They scrambled to catch up with each other and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake. We modern people commemorate Qu Yuan by rowing dragon boats.

I know the Dragon Boat Festival knowledge is OK! You know what?

Thank you!

   Elaborate recommendation

   Speech for Dragon Boat Festival | Data of Dragon Boat Festival

For more information on the festival speech website, please visit: Festival Speech

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/4880881.html
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