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List of Top Ten German Universities in 2022

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I believe many people have the impression that Germany is a developed country that respects and abides by the rules, and its military system is also very strict. Do you know the ranking of German universities? This article will introduce it to you.

   1、 2022 QS ranking of German universities

Germany No.1, Munich University of Technology, ranked 50th in the world, up 5 places from the previous year.

Germany No.2, Munich University, ranked 63rd in the world, the same as the previous year.

Germany No.3, Heidelberg University, ranked 64 in the world, up 2 places from the previous year.

Germany No.4, Humboldt University of Berlin, ranked 117 in the world, up 3 places from the previous year.

Germany No.5, Free University of Berlin, ranked 130 globally, the same as the previous year.

Germany No.6, Karlsruhe University of Technology, ranked 131 in the world, down 7 places from the previous year.

Germany No.7, Aachen University of Technology, ranked 145 in the world, down 7 places from the previous year.

Germany No.8, Berlin University of Technology, ranked 148 in the world, down one place from the previous year.

Germany No.9, Dresden University of Technology, ranked 173 in the world, up 6 places from the previous year.

Germany No.10, University of Tubingen, ranked 175 in the world, down 6 places from the previous year.

Germany No. 11, Freiburg University, ranked 175 in the world, down 6 places from the previous year.

Germany No.12, University of Gottingen, ranked 195 in the world, two places higher than the previous year.

Germany No.13, Hamburg University, ranked 228 in the world, down one place from the previous year.

Germany No.14, University of Bonn, ranked 240 in the world, up 3 places from the previous year.

Germany No.15, Darmstadt University of Technology, ranked 267 in the world, down 7 places from the previous year.

Germany No.16, University of Cologne, ranked 282 in the world, up 26 places from the previous year.

Germany No.17, Mannheim University, ranked 307 in the world, up 7 places from the previous year.

These are the 307 German universities in the world. In fact, QS ranking is based on British and American private comprehensive universities, which has no advantage over German universities. The German university system, dominated by public universities, has been divided from the beginning into a practical university of applied technology, fachhochschule, and an ordinary university that attaches importance to academic research. In the university system, there are technologische universitaet engineering universities focusing on engineering. The well-known tu9 is only Munich University, Karlsruhe Polytechnic University and Aachen Polytechnic University, and the Berlin Polytechnic University ranks above 150 in the world. In such a QS with comprehensive strength as the criterion, it naturally has great disadvantages. Many German doctors are corporate dual systems, so most of their research papers are kept confidential by enterprises and cannot be published, so that the ranking of German universities still lags behind that of Britain and the United States.

   2、 Introduction to Germany's Top Ten Universities

1. Munich University of Technology

Founded in 1868, Munich University of Technology is located in Munich, the capital of Bavaria in southern Germany. It is a world-class comprehensive university of science and engineering with international reputation, and is also a member of German elite universities, TU9, European Union of Excellence in Science and Technology Universities, T.I.M.E. Alliance and other organizations. Munich University of Technology is considered as the symbol of German universities in the world today. It ranks first in the rankings of world famous institutions and magazines all year round.

2. University of Munich

Ludwig Maximilian Munich University is located in the center of Munich, the capital of Bavaria, Germany. Founded in 1472, Ludwig Maximilian Munich University is one of the more prestigious comprehensive universities in Europe and the world. It ranks higher in the comprehensive index of German universities, and is one of the three elite universities in Germany Member of the European Union of Research Universities and the Global Alliance of Universities and Colleges. The social science, humanities, physics, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, computer linguistics and other fields of Munich University are internationally renowned and recognized as one of the top higher education institutions in the world today.

3. Heidelberg University

Heidelberg University, founded in 1386 and located in Heidelberg, Baden Wuerttemberg University City, is the oldest university in Germany and a member of 4EU+Alliance, German elite universities, European Research University Alliance, Coimbra Group, U15 University Alliance and European University Association. Heidelberg University has 12 schools, including theological school, law school, school of economics and social sciences, school of philosophy, and school of Chinese, with more than 100 subjects, which are divided into university department, research institute, and post doctoral research.

4. Humboldt University, Berlin

Humboldt University of Berlin is located in Berlin, the capital of Germany. Founded in 1810, Humboldt University of Berlin is a public comprehensive research university, a German higher institution and a world academic center before the Second World War, and a new university integrating scientific research and teaching. It is known as the "mother of modern universities". Humboldt University in Berlin has 11 professional colleges and various central research institutes, 224 majors, including all basic disciplines in humanities, society, anthropology, agriculture, medicine, natural science and other fields, among which the medical department is the largest in Europe.

5. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is located in Karlsruhe, a famous German French border city. Founded in 1825, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is a top European university of science and technology, and has a high reputation in the scientific and engineering community. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has 11 departments and 43 majors, which enjoy a high reputation in natural science, engineering technology and other fields. Six Nobel Prize winners have studied here for advanced studies; The first emails from Germany and China were received at Karlsruhe University. In QS World University Ranking, KIT ranked 136, and QS graduates' employment competitiveness ranked 36 in the world.

6. Free University Berlin

Berlin Free University, located in Berlin, Germany, was founded in 1948. It is a comprehensive university of arts and sciences with a large scale in the German capital and one of the top universities in the European continent. The Free University of Berlin is famous in Europe and the United States for its humanities and social science research, and has become an important academic town in West Germany; There are 12 colleges, offering courses in medicine, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, Jewish studies, drama, media studies, etc., which have trained many outstanding talents, and produced 7 Nobel Prize winners, 18 Leibniz Prize winners, and 15 academicians of the German Academy of Sciences.

7. Aachen University of Technology

Located in Aachen, Germany, founded in 1870, the Aachen University of Technology is one of the top European universities of science and technology. The Aachen University of Technology has 10 colleges and more than 100 majors. It focuses on talent training and academic research in the field of engineering technology, enjoys a high reputation in the field of engineering, and has born 6 Nobel Prize winners and 10 Leibniz Prize winners. Aachen University of Technology ranked 165 in the 2022QS World University Ranking; The Times Higher Education World University ranked 107th; QS graduates ranked 63rd in the world in terms of employment competitiveness.

8. Berlin University of Technology

Located in Berlin, the capital of Germany, the Berlin University of Technology, founded in 1770, is one of the world's top universities of science and technology, as well as Germany's oldest industrial university. The Berlin University of Technology has seven colleges and more than 100 research institutes, which are in a leading position in many scientific fields, cultivating many pioneers in academia and industry, and cultivating a large number of talents for Germany and the world. Berlin University of Technology is in a leading position in terms of research equipment and resources, maintaining extensive contacts with more than 200 universities in the world, and maintaining close cooperation with many economic research institutions and large enterprises.

9. Tibingen University

Eberhart Kars Tubingen University is located in Tubingen, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany. Founded in 1477, it is one of the oldest universities in Europe. Tubingen University has seven colleges and more than 110 majors, and has cultivated nine Nobel laureates, as well as outstanding alumni such as philosopher Hegel, poet Holderlin, and Chinese diplomat Qiao Guanhua. Its achievements in social science, natural science, and medicine are world-renowned. Tibingen University has relatively advanced equipment and extensive literature, has made great achievements in the field of scientific research, and has also brought Tubingen high prestige.

10. Freiburg University

Albert Ludwig Freiburg University is located in Freiburg, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany. Founded in 1457, it is the world's top public research university. Freiburg University is composed of 11 departments, which has a tradition of teaching humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Its law, medicine, philosophy and forestry disciplines are in a leading position. It has produced 13 Leibniz Prize winners and 24 Nobel Prize winners, ranking 32nd in the world. Freiburg University ranks 83rd in the world and 6th in Germany in the Thames Higher Education World University Ranking.

   Recommended reading:

   How to apply for studying in Germany

   Top 10 list of law majors in German universities

   What are the top ten German universities in 2022

   How to apply for German preparatory courses

For more information on the ranking information network, please visit: Ranking information

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/4192150.html
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