Overseas Study Network


List of Japanese art universities

[liuxue86.com - ranking information]

Japanese art majors are very famous in the world. There are many art universities in Japan. What is the ranking of Japanese art universities? Now let's go to the website for studying abroad!

   1、 Ranking of Japanese art universities

Level S: Tokyo University of the Arts

Level A I: Tama University of Fine Arts, Wu Zangye University of Fine Arts;

Level A II: Tokyo Shaxing University, Kanazawa University of Arts and Technology, Aichi Prefecture University of Arts;

Level B I: Women's University of Fine Arts, Art Group of Tsukuba University, and Arts Department of Japanese University;

Level B II: Kyoto Municipal University of the Arts, Okinawa Prefecture University of the Arts, Tama University of Fine Arts II, Tokyo Xueyi University;

Level C I: Northeast University of Arts and Engineering, Kyoto University of Technological Fiber, Kyoto University of Shaping Arts;

Grade C II: Osaka University of Arts, Tokyo University of Technology, Kyoto Jingjing University;

Level D I: University Cheng'an Shaxing University, Nagoya Shaxing Art University;

Level D II: Nagaoka Shaxing University, Kyoto Saga Art University;

Class E I: Nagoya Art University, Wenxing Art University;

Class E II: Kobe University of Arts and Engineering, Shizuoka University of Culture and Arts;

Level F: Baozuka Shaping Art University, Aichi Industrial University.

2、 Classification of art colleges

(1) Classification of art colleges

·National University: Tokyo University of the Arts.

·Public universities: Kanazawa University of Arts and Crafts, Aichi Prefecture University of Arts, Kyoto Municipal University of Arts, Okinawa Prefecture University of Arts, Akita Public University of Fine Arts, Nagaoka University of Plastic Arts, Shizuoka University of Culture and Arts, and University of Information Science and Arts.

·Private universities: Musashino University of Fine Arts, Tama University of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of Plastic Arts, Women's University of Fine Arts, Kyoto Jingjing University, Kyoto University of Arts, Cheng'an University of Plastic Arts, Osaka University of Arts, Yokohama University of Fine Arts, Nagoya University of Arts, Nagoya University of Plastic Arts, Kyoto University of Arts and Technology, Cuo'a University of Fine Arts, Kobe University of Arts and Engineering Cangfu University of Arts and Sciences, Yokohama University of Fine Arts, Northeast University of Arts and Engineering, Wenxing University of Arts.

(2) Comprehensive universities

·National universities: Tokyo University, Kyoto University, Osaka University, Kyushu University, Tohoku University, Tokyo University of Technology, Chiba University, Tsukuba University, Kyoto University of Craft Fiber, Yokohama National University, Yuchashui Women's University.

·Public universities: Nagoya City University, Hiroshima City University, Taketo City University, Okayama County University.

·Private universities: Waseda University, University of Japan, Tokyo University of Technology, Chengqi University, Yuchuan University, Otani University, Kyushu University of Technology, Chongcheng University, Cultural Park University, Star University, Takatsuka University, Sakura Meilin University, Ritsumeikan University, Shibuya University of Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo Electric Machinery University, and University of Engineering.

   3、 Classification of art majors

Pure art: Japanese painting, sculpture, foreign painting (oil painting, printmaking), craft;

Design: environmental design (interior, landscape, garden, urban planning, etc.), architectural design, visual communication design (plane, information, image, illustration, etc.), industrial design (products, furniture, cars, etc.), information design (interaction, society, service, experience design, etc.), fashion design (clothing, jewelry, fabrics, textiles, etc.);

Media (art direction): image (photo, animation, picture, play), animation, cartoon, game.

   4、 Application requirements for Japanese art students to study abroad


In general, Japanese is required to be above N2, and English TOEFL is required to be above 80. In fact, the better the level of Japanese is, the faster you can adapt to it after going abroad, and get into the learning state as soon as possible. At the same time, it is also conducive to communication with students and teachers.

sample reels

The collection of works is the key factor to determine whether art students can be admitted and which level of college they can be admitted to. Different colleges and universities have different requirements for art works collection, and even different professional examiners from the same colleges and universities will have different evaluation standards.


Some art schools need interview results, and even the interview plays a decisive role in admission. It is necessary to grasp the interview requirements in advance and prepare the interview process in advance.


Art colleges pay more attention to academic heritage and reputation, so the recommendation letter should not be perfunctory. The different recommenders may determine the admission institution of the students. The recommendation letter does not blindly talk about the advantages of the students, but analyzes the characteristics and abilities of the students, otherwise it will backfire.

Personal statement

The personal statement should first be concise and to the point. At the same time, it needs to show your own creative process, ideas and methods, highlight your own strength, and make future plans. Personal statements should convey their understanding of art, true and personal.

  5、 Overseas study fees for Japanese art majors

1. Public universities: Tokyo University of the Arts, etc

Application fee: 20000 yen for undergraduates and 36000 yen for friars.

Admission fee: 338000 yen (20000 yuan) for both undergraduate and monk.

Annual tuition: 535800 yen (33000 yuan). All international students can apply for half or full tuition exemption, so the maximum annual tuition payment is 267900 yen (16500 yuan).

2. Private universities: Musashino University of Fine Arts, Tama University of Fine Arts, etc

Application fee: about 35000 yen (2100 yuan) for undergraduates and friars.

Admission fee: 300000 yen (18000 yuan) for both undergraduate and monk.

Annual tuition: undergraduate tuition, ranging from 800000 yen to 1750000 yen (50000 yuan to 110000 yuan), but most private tuition will be about 1.5 million yen. The tuition fees of Musashino University of Fine Arts, Tama University of Fine Arts and other schools are about 80000 yuan after the reduction. The tuition of friars is similar to that of undergraduate students, and some will be a little cheaper.

   Recommended reading:

    How soon can I get a visa to study in Japan

   What qualifications do you need to study in Japan

   Detailed Explanation of Japanese Graduate Scholarship for Studying Abroad

   Detailed analysis of application process of Japanese universities

For more information on the ranking information network, please visit: Ranking information

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/4105638.html
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