Overseas Study Network


Review on Early Leave of Hospital Window Work

[liuxue86.com - Work Review]

   Review on Early Leave of Hospital Window Work (I)

Dear hospital leaders

Hello, I am XXX, the window staff of the hospital. As I left my post early because I didn't ask for leave at 4:xx p.m. on xx, xx, which had a certain impact on my work, I am now very remorseful and remorseful, and make a profound review to the hospital to show my deep understanding of this wrong behavior and my determination not to make similar mistakes in the future.

When I first stepped into my job, I learned the relevant work rules and regulations of the hospital. The leaders also repeatedly told me at the conference to stop leaving early or late. I have always kept in mind that I am always strict with myself, so as not to be late or leave early. But yesterday afternoon was a special situation. Because the driving school was going to take the second exam and conduct intensive training recently, I felt that my skills were not enough to pass the exam. Yesterday afternoon, when the window staff of the hospital was sufficient, I went to the driving school to practice driving. I did not have a routine leave procedure, and was later found by the hospital. I was severely criticized by the department directors and hospital leaders, and also deeply realized that my behavior was wrong and violated the regulations of the hospital on work system. After that, I actively admitted my mistakes to the relevant leaders and said that I would never commit similar violations of discipline in my future work.

As a medical worker, I shoulder the responsibility of curing the sick and saving the people and helping the masses get rid of the disease. I left early during work, which seriously deviated from the purpose of serving the people. Now I also realize that my behavior is wrong and needs profound review. I summarize my mistakes as follows:

Mentally, the importance of the work is not recognized enough, and the patient's pain is not always put first, resulting in a careless mentality. It is easy to say that there are fewer patients during my car practice, and other colleagues in the hospital window can cope with it, but it is also possible that there will be more patients during this period, and the number of window staff is not enough, which will delay the best treatment time of patients and affect the work efficiency of the window; In terms of behavior, I failed to stick to my post, which affected the normal work. The setting of window posts in hospitals is scientific and reasonable. If a job is short of staff, it is bound to affect work efficiency, leading to adverse consequences; In terms of the impact on my colleagues and myself, my early leave made my colleagues dissatisfied and affected their relations. Other colleagues may also follow suit, causing difficulties in hospital work, but also making themselves blindly optimistic, saying that it can avoid adverse consequences, and can not attract high attention in future work, which will also have an impact on their own learning of business knowledge and improving their overall quality, so that they can not better routine their duties.

I have a deep understanding of the impact of my behavior and the possible serious consequences. In the future work, I will be more strict with myself, resolutely put an end to similar wrong behaviors, and attach great importance to them ideologically. I always put work first, put patients' suffering first, handle work and life well, and distinguish the priorities, Deal with your own affairs on the premise of doing your job well; In terms of work, we should stick to our posts, actively respond to various inspection items, cooperate with the department comrades to do a good job in disease analysis and identification of inspection results, treat each patient with a serious and responsible attitude, so that patients can recover as soon as possible, hospital leaders can rest assured, and patients' families can be satisfied.

Through this event, I have a more profound understanding of my work. The medical and health system is responsible for the social function of curing the disease, saving the people and solving the patients' sufferings. As national medical officials, we should always remember our responsibilities, strictly require ourselves, abide by the rules and regulations of the hospital, and strictly implement the national guidelines and policies, You should always keep a positive, serious and responsible attitude towards your work and do your own job well. My behavior violates this principle. Now I promise the leader that I will abide by the rules and regulations of the hospital in the future work, resolutely put an end to wrong behaviors such as being late and leaving early, better serve patients, and be a qualified medical worker.


   Review on Early Leave of Hospital Window Work (II)

Dear hospital leaders and colleagues

I apologize for leaving early at work on the morning of xx, xx, 20xx, which resulted in the patient's inability to pay the fees, inconvenience to the patient's medical treatment, and bad impact on the whole hospital.

Hospital staff serve patients and solve their sufferings. In the good working atmosphere of striving for excellence and being the first to serve the people wholeheartedly, all colleagues are conscientious and diligent when they go to work, and there is no case of being late and leaving early. However, I left my post without authorization just to get off work earlier. This selfish behavior is wrong. It is inconvenient for patients to pay fees, which affects their medical treatment; For hospitals, patients think that the hospital service is not good, which affects the overall image of the hospital; For individuals, their professional quality is not high, they do not take work seriously and are irresponsible; More seriously, my fault may affect the patient's life. In the hospital, any small mistake may have a huge impact. Human life is critical. I have deeply realized the importance of this matter. In the future work, I will strictly abide by the work discipline and not fail to live up to the care and expectations of hospital leaders and colleagues. www.liuxue86.com

Now that a big mistake is coming, I am deeply remorseful and willing to accept the hospital's decision to deal with it. At the same time, I have made a profound review of my own behavior and think that the fatal mistakes hidden in my heart are as follows:

1. Low ideological awareness and understanding. In my previous work, I did not have a deep understanding of the consequences of the mistake of leaving early. I did not realize that time is life, especially in the hospital environment of healing the wounded and rescuing the dying. I could not affect the treatment of patients because of my own fault.

2. Failing to keep in mind the teaching of hospital leaders and the instructions of colleagues. When I just entered the hospital and worked at the charging post, the hospital leaders and colleagues told me to work hard and abide by the hospital regulations and work discipline. I failed to live up to the expectations of my leaders and colleagues.

3. Failing to carefully study and understand the rules and regulations of the hospital. In my daily work and study, I failed to realize that "no rules, no square", no rules and regulations of the hospital, and no standardized management of the hospital can achieve the goal of striving for excellence and serving the people wholeheartedly.

I am very sorry for the incident of leaving early. I hope the hospital leaders and colleagues will forgive me and recognize my attitude of admitting mistakes. I deeply reflected on my mistakes and hoped that hospital leaders and colleagues would give me the opportunity to correct my mistakes. I also hope my colleagues can take a warning and not make such mistakes as mine. At the same time, I also promise that I will not make mistakes in the future, and ask the hospital leaders and colleagues to supervise me in the future and urge me to do a good job in hospital charges.

Reviewed by:

XX, XX, 20xx

   Recommended reading:

   Model Document of Hospital Work Review

   Review on Violation of Hospital Regulations

   Review of hospital staff's dereliction of duty

   Special recommendation

   How to write the work review | Late Review | Error Review | Attitude Review | Disciplinary Review | Delinquency Review

   Special recommendation

   How to write the work review | Late Review | Error Review | Attitude Review | Disciplinary Review | Delinquency Review

For more information on the work review website, please visit: Work Review

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2401538.html
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