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Experience of military training and training

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   Experience of Military Training and Training (Seven Chapters)

  Article 1

It has been more than a month since I entered the teacher mode. In early April 2014, as an intern in Lulong Vocational Education, I was lucky to participate in the military training and training activities organized by the school for all teachers and students. This is not against one's will. It is sincere and sincere. The process may be really difficult, but the harvest is greater. The most important thing is that I can prove in front of the children that I can be the same as them, without a sense of superiority, and we are not individual cases.

At 8:00 a.m. on April 2, all our teachers and students gathered on the playground. Displaying the red flag in front of the team is a belief, but also a call. Calling us to keep moving forward, we must not shrink back. At 8:30 sharp, Wu Hao of the brigade set out on time, accompanied by Spring, and made friends with songs. It is always the most romantic thing to meet and move forward. Starting from the school, the team went straight to the south outer ring road of Lulong County, then moved eastward, entered the east outer ring road, and made a full circle along the outer ring road of the county. We are so different.

We are interns. At the end of the team, we also become the most eye-catching team. Pedestrians stop to look sideways and talk. At this time, I am at least not shy in anticipation, but full of pride. I am proud because we are interns, we are teachers, and we are interns at the Normal University. We, who have lost our students' green appearance, are hiking like students. Yes, I prefer to use words like travel to describe our team. I prefer to measure the earth step by step like children.

The painful time is always the hardest. After three hours of marching, the team finally arrived at the destination of the trip - Forest Park, followed by a simple lunch and rest. Looking at the small mouths of the children, I knew that they were tired, but in fact, I was also tired, and my hands and feet were numb. When some children saw us, they were surprised and asked me: Teacher, do you also walk here? I smiled and nodded: Yes, you can all walk here, why can't I? What's more, this is a requirement. I must abide by the fact that children are always naive and always think that as long as they are teachers, there will be privileges that many students do not have.

In fact, I prefer the feeling that I can measure the land step by step with my own feet. At least, it is very practical. One step at a time, every step can be taken safely, and there is no need to be surprised, worry about whether you are going wrong, leave the team, or worry about making mistakes and being found. There is a long way to go?

Be a teacher, preach, teach, and dispel doubts. If you are still in chaos, how can you be Bodhi in everything.

Before the beginning of the training, the head teacher asked whether there were any students who did not participate on the platform. We all craned our necks and looked around the class, but none of us raised their hands. The head teacher smiled with satisfaction: "Very good. This kind of activity is very rare. I just hope that none of our sixty-six classmates will be missing!" Each of us smiled expectantly.

In this way, on the day of cheering, there were no fewer than 66 students in our class, all of whom were on the way of cheering.

At the beginning, we talked and laughed all the way with the gentle and fresh wind in the morning. We were full of expectation and joy for the training, and we were full of energy. In this seemingly endless line, some students carry heavy cameras to record every wonderful moment; Some students talked happily with their accompanying parents; Some students, led by the members of the Culture and Publicity Committee, sang their class songs and threw their voices high into the sky, making them echo in the sky. The weather seemed to be infected by us, and even the sun that had been hiding for several days came out.

But as I walked, as time passed by, more and more complaints sounded in my ears: "Why haven't we arrived yet?" "How far is it?" Even my friends around me were gradually powerless: "I finally realized that walking can be so painful!" She said, and her backpack strap slipped from her shoulder to her arm, I quickly helped her tidy up and looked at her sad face and said, "I feel that we are twenty years older." I couldn't help laughing. Even so, I didn't hear a classmate say "I can't stand it" or "I'm not leaving". Complaining is complaining. None of us has stopped. The team has not broken up. There are sixty-six people. None of them wants to give up.

Some low atmosphere was finally brought high again by the divine song "Jiangnan style". Listening to the singing of "Uncle Bird" from the tape recorder, we were in high spirits again when our morale was low. It seemed that we forgot our physical pain and sang along, as if we were inspired by the singing voice. I didn't notice that this was the first collective chorus of the whole class since the end of the military training. For the first time, no one was missing.

We encouraged each other and believed that the teacher encouraged us to "there is still half an hour left, and we will be there in half an hour"; We helped each other, and each one bravely and firmly stepped out of his own inconsistency; We are all pleased for ourselves. Fortunately, we did not miss the test of our perseverance, and we are also pleased for our class. Fortunately, there are no fewer than 66 people.

When our flag finally fluttered in the wind on the hillside of the destination, we finally couldn't help laughing happily, and didn't mind showing our true feelings, so that our laughter filled the whole mountain.

"Come and count the number of people." The head teacher smiled and organized the class committee. We all counted one by one along the fingers of the class members, and finally got a satisfactory result: "sixty-six! Not a few!" The mountains and fields were full of our laughter.

In this test of our own perseverance, none of us is missing. In every contest of youth in the future, I believe that we will not be absent!

   Part II

On this bright and sunny day, we welcomed the parade, and everyone was excited about the upcoming parade.

The assembly started early in the afternoon, and the classes, led by the instructor and the head teacher, gathered in the playground in order to wait for instructions. Before the beginning of the training, the director said something encouraging to us, which immediately boosted our morale. It finally began. We all walked around the playground in unison before leaving the school gate.

Everyone was looking at us all the way. We knew that we were the students of No. 3 Middle School, so we became more upright and walked more orderly, so we walked and ran for a while. At this time, someone in the class suggested singing, so the instructor began to sing the military song, and we all went on singing with great interest. With the loud singing of the students, we continued to march, which was very pleasant. Other classes also sang songs one after another, louder and louder. They sang not only military songs, but also some red songs and popular songs. The atmosphere was as hot as the sun overhead. After a long walk, we began to feel a little powerless, but we still persevered. Now think about the learning process is also long, but how many people can go to the end? Why don't you add some fun to it? In this way, we can stick to the end.

"Here we are." With the words of the instructor, looking forward, a pillar engraved with 1998 came into view. Finally, we arrived at the flood fighting square. All the fatigue before was forgotten, leaving only excitement and excitement. After all, it was military training, so we still suppressed our curiosity and didn't go sightseeing until all classes were consolidated and the team was disbanded. It was said that a ship blocked the breach of the dike when fighting the flood in 1998. Now it seems that the building at the breach of the dike is really like a ship. Then I visited the exhibition hall of flood fighting pictures and objects. As soon as I walked in, I saw a charge boat left by the flood fighting at that time. There were also photos of flood fighting scenes on the wall next to it. As I continued to walk in, the pictures on the wall showed the progress of Jiujiang towards prosperity and development step by step. Looking at the increasingly prosperous hometown and motherland, I felt extremely proud, In the future, I must be able to make contributions to my hometown and motherland. Further inside, I saw the newspapers during the flood fighting period and the letters of determination written by the flood fighting soldiers in the glass cabinet. The more I read them carefully, the more I admired and thanked the flood fighting soldiers. I heard from my parents that many of us might have died if it wasn't for them.

It is a pity that I could not go sightseeing carefully because of limited time, but I still have a lot of gains. Inadvertently raised his head, the sun hid behind the clouds, but its light was not covered by the clouds, which seemed to have a sense of hope. On the way back, we talked and laughed, exchanging what we had just seen and heard in the flood fighting square. When we arrived at school, everyone was exhausted. Some students had blisters on their feet, but they didn't say they would give up.

Today's rehearsal benefited me a lot. I was moved and impressed by the unity and mutual assistance among my classmates, the selfless dedication of the flood fighting soldiers, and the persistence of everyone.

  Part III

I remember that at the beginning of school last year, when I was conducting military training with students, I held a field exercise, which was 5 kilometers away. At that time, all the students and teachers insisted on reaching the end point. Although some students did not feel well on the way, none of them chose to quit. The indomitable spirit of the students was still fresh in my memory. Today, the same environment and different students are about to embark on the journey of the same nature. In the face of the students' ready appearance, I don't know what the results and effects of this activity will be. Perhaps, they have already secretly strengthened their faith in their hearts, and there is bound to be a kind of heroic ambition that will not stop until they reach their goals. However, today's field training is not so simple. Different from the previous model, can they survive? Will it cause some adverse chain reactions? In the vagueness, a sense of anxiety and worry condenses in my heart and never goes away.

Before the activity, the teacher determined the whole route in advance and stepped on each station in succession, so as to facilitate the correct positioning of the team. When confirming the route, it was a little different from previous years. Previously, it was about 5km, but this time the whole length was extended to 7km. It can be said that the extension of the journey means more energy and physical consumption. Can the students bear such changes? The instructor and the teacher agreed that the students should have no physical problems after withstanding the military training of the previous few days. The key is to keep up with the logistical support work and solve the problems for students in a timely and rapid manner. In this way, there should be no accidents. Therefore, the school specially arranged a minibus to follow behind the team, equipped with teachers and commonly used medicines in case of urgent need. All the work is ready, and the training activity is just waiting for a command. At this moment, all participants are ready to work hard.

With the whistle of "chirp...", the outdoor training activities began. The students set out in two columns, the first three boys in the row were responsible for leading the team, and the middle one was responsible for raising the flag, while the big flag with striking black characters on white background showed a momentum and grandeur. The "West China Experimental School" above showed our identity, making every participant feel a silent sense of pride and intimacy, not to mention the students responsible for raising the flag. The instructors and teachers are deployed at the periphery of the whole team to ensure that students are always in a state of concern and protection and avoid any accidents. I think this is also an important aspect that the country has repeatedly stressed: we must ensure the safety of students, let students know how to prevent themselves, and establish a correct safety awareness.

On the way from the school to the restaurant, there were two intersections, and the students passed safely. This can not be separated from the cooperation between the instructors and teachers. At that time, the instructors and some teachers used whistles in the middle of the road for a short time to dredge the road, quickly and timely let the students pass smoothly, so as to ensure the smooth progress of the activity. This also makes students deeply feel that instructors and teachers are reliable and reliable partners. But in the following process, it was not so smooth and easy. Why on earth? What new situation will happen to students? We continue on the road with thinking.

After passing the river food restaurant and seeing the Huaxi helicopter, we began to walk up the mountain. As the mountain road became steeper and steeper, the student team slowly became messy, because the students' pace no longer went hand in hand. Although it seemed very hard, and the sweat on his face was constantly flowing down, no student shouted "No". At this time, teachers and instructors sometimes ask students to move aside to ensure life safety, because there will be cars on the road. Sure enough, several cars passed continuously before climbing halfway up the mountain. While sighing at the driver's skill, the students felt the different taste brought to us by this extremely difficult and bumpy road. Even so, we still feel extremely relaxed and comfortable, because the surrounding environment makes us forget the pain and sour sweat on our feet for the time being, and what we have in mind is a burst of intense freshness and vastness. When we are halfway up the mountain, we can look back and enjoy the vast landscape. It is a very exciting and joyful feeling, and it is easy to immerse ourselves in it and become intoxicated with ourselves.

After a short time of enjoyment, we continued to move to the top of the mountain. As the mountain became steeper, many girls had to support each other in twos and threes. This was also an important opportunity for students to establish deep friendship. Indeed, I was impressed by the positive and initiative shown by some girls. Of course, some girls also complained a little bit, which is human nature. But as long as we persist, we will surely feel the joy and sense of achievement of defeating ourselves, which is indisputable. As the height continues to climb, it becomes more and more difficult to walk up. Many boys have already rushed to the front of the team, and our teachers are standing behind the girls, cheering on them from time to time, hoping that they will not give up easily. As a result, no girls are left behind. When we see the big flag in front again, victory is in sight. It turned out that the boys had already set up the flag on the top of the mountain, and had already sent out the winner's cry and call to the girls in the rear. The girls reached the top of the mountain with their indomitable will and enterprising spirit. When we got to the top of the mountain, everyone cheered and talked to each other, mostly about joy and hardship. Immediately after a short rest, a teacher proposed to take a group photo. Soon, we were fixed in the picture in the chorus of "eggplant". Each face was sunny. Although the whole body was already wet, the mood was very relaxed. A moment later, we were about to return to school. However, some girls had physical discomfort, which immediately made our teachers nervous. What should we do when we only finished half the journey? My heart began to feel uneasy.

When going down the mountain, two girls had dizziness and chest tightness respectively, so the teacher used essential balm to the students in time, and the symptoms were effectively controlled. Later, the teacher arranged the students to help and comfort them from time to time. Students are also hard-working, and slowly adjust their own body, the situation gradually began to improve. During this period, the whole team continued to move forward, and even when the teacher asked, "Can you persist? Are you tired?", the student replied loudly, "Can you persist. It can be seen that the self-confidence and tenacity of students have not been defeated, but have been consolidated and strengthened. At the foot of the mountain, the teacher in charge of logistics and the minibus had been waiting there early, so we let several girls who were unwell get on the bus, and made timely adjustments to avoid excessive physical injury. None of the boys were willing to get on the bus. They did not want to sit, but chose to become a real man who dared to defeat themselves. Of course, the performance of girls is also worthy of our thumbs up. What I want to say is that no matter boys or girls, you are good.

After coming down from the mountain, the road back became smooth, but under the condition of a large amount of physical energy consumption in front, the road was also extremely difficult. However, in the state of extreme fatigue and hunger, we resolutely insisted on going to school, we defeated ourselves, and also polished our will and belief. I think this is a rare opportunity. To experience such an unusual experience in one's life will be an important cornerstone of our happiness in life. Finally, I would like to send a sincere message to everyone involved in the training - I wish that we will always maintain the spirit of hard work and forge ahead, firm our steps, move forward towards the ideal in our hearts, move forward, move forward...

   piece four

Since I registered at Xi'an Urban Construction Vocational College on August 25, I have fallen in love with this group. On August 26, we took part in the military training, which left me with many unforgettable memories. Like a movie, I can remember it frame by frame. In the drizzle, our military posture stood straight and motionless; Under the scorching sun, we walked in a neat and consistent pace; At the singing contest, we sang loudly. These are valuable memories left by military training, which I will always remember.

September 22, 2014 is an unforgettable day for me. After more than 20 days of military training, we ushered in the long-awaited military training and training. Before departure, Dean Li of our college made a mobilization speech. Dean Li said that: "Pulling is an important training subject of military training, which aims to temper the good quality of students' perseverance and tenacity, enhance team cohesion, and also is a platform for our urban construction students to show their style.". Everyone is required to cherish this rare opportunity, exercise their physical quality and improve their literacy. In order to ensure the safety of our students, all instructors and instructors followed the team, the security office and medical staff also followed the team, and even the Dongda police station sent police cars to open the way for us.

Along the way, we started from the west gate of the college, walked around the south gate of the school via Dongdaling Street, and walked 4 kilometers to the south gate of the school. During the break, everyone gathered around, and improvised performances such as crosstalk and singing welcomed bursts of applause from the students. At 10:30 in the morning, we entered the school from the south gate and ended the practice. I think it's very meaningful for me to have this practice. There are many students with poor physical quality, especially girls who are uncomfortable but still insist on walking the whole journey. The spirit of persistence is worth learning. Although there is only one practice, we will never forget it. In the future study and life, we will overcome all kinds of difficulties, strive to become talents as soon as possible, and serve our motherland.

   Article 5

Indeed, a few days of military training is short, but the good memories it left us are eternal.

After five days of military training, I went home for seven days and had a long sleep. When I woke up and looked out of the window in the bright sun, I suddenly felt that military training, like a dream, came in a hurry, and passed away when I didn't savor that feeling. It was like Xu Zhimo said that I left quietly, just as I came quietly, I waved my sleeves, not taking away a cloud. A few days of fatigue on my shoulder vaguely told me that it was over. Very tired, and has a sour feeling. The drillmaster left in such a hurry, leaving us deep memories.

The sun came in and landed on the military training uniforms piled in the corner. The memory of military training turned out in a flash. I was thinking about the neat or messy footsteps. What did military training bring to me? Alas, military training is really like a dream! The memory has become more and more blurred under the pressure of fatigue. What can I say about military training, from the noble training to defend the motherland, or the iron hearted tenderness during this period. Of course, these are all worth remembering and remembering, but is there anything more important?

In fact, I think what we have learned in the past few days of military training is not only standing in the military posture, taking a positive step, and practicing formation. It is to hone our sense of hardship, perseverance, unity and discipline! In fact, there are so many of them that we can enjoy them all our lives.

A philosopher once said that the most wonderful feeling is the feeling that cannot be recalled. For military training, some feelings can't be explained, and can only be remembered in the murmuring sense. The taste is like tasting a very strong tea. Only those who have tasted it can know its flavor, and then they can smile with people who have the same experience, so that the wonderful feelings can be passed on between them. Just as there are as many readers as there are Hamlet, military training has a special taste for everyone. For me, military training has become a precious and rare experience, written into my memory, and become an indelible part. It has become a force, a power given to me in times of difficulty, a life support, and a support for the soul shaken in various storms of life.

Youth is rich and colorful; Youth is gorgeous; Youth is full of vitality; In adolescence, we are full of countless imagination and expectations for the future. Youth is bitter and sweet; There are laughter and tears

As time goes by, in a twinkling of an eye, the second day of junior high has become a thing of the past, and we will enter the life of the third day of junior high. Many people say that the third day of junior high school is gray. In order to make us fully prepared for the third day of junior high school and the middle school entrance exam, the one-and-a-half day military training has become the first lesson for us to enter the third day of junior high school.

In this sweltering August, the scorching sun is no longer warm, but hot. But every student comes to the school for military training under the scorching sun. Even some students who are unwell still insist on training with everyone.

First of all, we listened to the lecture. We allowed our sweat to drip down, but we still kept our proper posture. Then we came to the playground for training. We were all in high spirits on the playground, as if we had not been disturbed by the sultry weather at all. In the process of "standing at attention" and "taking a rest", we carefully completed various positions in the queue training. Although some students fell down in the process, no one gave up because of this, just to insist!

Although there is no olive green military uniform, the youthful and lively young face is our classic. Although there is no cool weather, our youthful face is our color. The air on the playground exudes confidence and struggle, and every bit of it shocks our hearts.

We can't win forever, we just want to taste the sweetness after bitterness; We have no indomitable physique, just want to stand up again after falling down; It is impossible for us to live side by side forever, just to advance and retreat together in this last year; Life can't be smooth, just hope to persevere when encountering difficulties... This is our wish!

Only in setbacks can people become mature, and in difficulties can they become strong. When all the needless sadness is inadvertently revealed, we carefully pick up those intermittent dreams, rub them in our arms, and use sincerity and sweat to find our own coordinates. But life is long and tortuous. What is needed is not only dreams, piety and sweat, but also courage, confidence and persistence!

Although the roadside is full of flowers, nostalgia, forgetfulness, stop, and intoxication will eventually become a dream. What can't be forgotten is the silhouette of military training in full bloom of youth, like flowers that never wither, becoming an eternal picture in memory.

   Article VI

I put aside my willfulness and hid my laziness, neither light nor heavy, and stepped into a green ocean, which has the momentum of water and the majesty of mountains.

What is military training? I have walked this road two years ago. Is there any difference in military training in universities? When facing different environments, different students and teachers, and different instructors.

It is fate that guides us to walk together, so we all believe that what can not survive love?

Command is everything. The cute people on the books are so stubborn. The instructor said you can squat down, you can't stand, and you can't go west if you say east. Always remind us of the concept of discipline, and always let us see that green flowers in the army are both beautiful and stubborn.

Whether it was the scorching sun or the drizzling rain, the instructors accompanied us. In the way they thought it was right, many people were dissatisfied because they were too harsh, because they missed the freedom before. Now, if the instructors say you can't move, then your fingers can't move.

Someone said before that my military training would cry. I really don't want to pay attention to this person. My cells told me that as long as I learn to be patient, I can see the power of the sun. I remember that Mr. Liu Yong said, "Beyond yourself, four simple and weighty words, always awaken my sleeping strength.". "Are you busy?" The drillmaster asked me kindly, and I learned to cheat. "It's OK!" I continued to stand. I am a member of the collective. I will exert all my strength and suppress the cowardly spirit. Once, the teacher said, we are angels who want to fly to heaven. But it takes a lot of effort.

Looking at the strange faces with smiles, I can work together. It seems that I can see the cool wind in summer and the hot in the east. In a collective, if there is no unity, what honor is there to talk about? What else about love? Spiritually, they will be empty and powerless, so they can't find the meaning in the collective.

When we shout "one, two, one," who doesn't know that water can carry a boat and also can capsize it? If you see a drop of water on the road, it will soon dry up, just because it does not blend into the sea. Think about once, in the war years, if there was no thought of unity, where would we be now? Is there peace now? Will there be freedom? They can bring people new hope and go through the difficulties again and again when they are in a bad environment. Don't we feel ashamed when we think about it? Can't we really pass the present period of time? So we should be stronger and learn from our predecessors.

In the days to come, we don't know what difficulties are waiting for us. When "sunshine always comes after rain, and there is a clear sky on the dark clouds" rings, when "he said that in the wind and rain, what is the pain? Wipe your tears and don't ask why" rings, we should learn to refine every bit of life, because there are many twists and turns, everything looks so wonderful.

When the military song rings again, the military training life will end. Am I still me? Have I changed? The road I see is to walk by myself, and the world will not walk because of your steps, so I must follow my own beliefs. Looking at the drillmaster's smile, I knew the gentleness of the soldiers, and they knew when to do what. So they know that when it is time for you to change yourself, they will not play with you. When they rest, they will be our eldest brother, with sunny smile and charming.

I finally know that soldiers are not so cruel on the surface. They have deep love and know how to be good to young people.

Green is an endless force of life.

Young people, we have many impulses and enthusiasm. Military training is a transformation of us. It tells us that you can cry and fall, but you can't stop your steps.

  Article 7

Today, we came to the Angu Military Training Base, which we had been looking forward to for a long time. Along the way, we laughed and laughed, but we also had unlimited attachment to our family. Finally, a base surrounded by green came into our sight.

On that day, when we just arrived at our goal, I was selected as a small member of the special service squadron as soon as I arrived. At that time, we were trained by instructors. We changed into military uniforms and looked like small soldiers. This is what I admired most when I was in the third grade. However, our Guangdong instructor said, "This is a special service squadron, five times more strict than other squadrons!" I heard this and thought: No, I didn't expect this special service squadron to be so strict!

On the first night, after the lights went out, our dormitory was full of nonsense. Many students talked as if they were having a sleeptalk. The instructor came to remind us for many times. I thought we would stop, but I didn't expect it to get worse! In the end, those who spoke were still picked out by the instructor of "Guangwei Wax Gourd" (the nickname of the instructor of Guangwei) and trained for a long time.

The next day, we began to fold the quilt. The instructor said that we must fold the quilt like tofu and make the bed sheets smooth. We didn't know how to do it, so we folded it east and west. As a result, we received a lot of criticism, so I also had a meal of fried meat with leather belts. Later, when we were not trained well, we used the kill tactic - to press with the ping-pong racket, that is, to put the ping-pong racket into a right angle, press back on the quilt, and finally press out the edges and corners. And the sheets? The same is true. The one we laid here was still not good. It was old, and there were some wrinkles on its face. It was also uneven. Finally, we were trained by the instructor to look for teeth. He came to demonstrate in person. The instructor laid it well, which surprised us. It was as smooth as a mirror! The old woman's wrinkles are far away. Finally, four of us pulled the bed sheet together. Although it was not well paved by the instructor, our bedroom won the first place!

The first time I was beaten was on Wednesday. It was a scorching noon. As soon as we entered the canteen, a classmate told a joke. All of us were beaten by the instructor. How painful!

In this military training, I realized that one can't always rely on his parents. One should do some housework for his parents within his power, and also have to endure hardship. As the saying goes, it's hard to eat, and it's important to be a person!

"Guangwei winter melon" Thank you for cultivating me into a man. Goodbye, I will remember you!

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For more information on the military training experience website, please visit: Military training experience

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2395858.html
Extended Reading
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