Overseas Study Network


Final Exam Cheating Review

[liuxue86.com - Model Review]

The following is a review of cheating in the final exam provided by www. overseas study website. Welcome to read it.

   Final Exam Cheating Review (Five)

  Article 1

Dear handsome head teacher, lovely XX teacher:

I am an ordinary student in Class 12, Senior High School of Wen No.14 Middle School. My name is XX. I cheated in the mid-term exam.

I write this review for you with a sense of guilt and regret:

I cheated in the exam this time because of my fluke psychology and lack of confidence in myself, not because of difficulties in learning and lack of professional knowledge. I deeply analyzed my own mistakes in this matter. I know the seriousness of the problem. From primary school to college, the teacher taught children not to cheat in the exam. In fact, the teacher's repeated teaching of the introduction is still in the ear, and the serious expression is still in front of me. I was deeply shocked, and I have deeply realized the importance of this matter. So I told myself again and again to take this matter as the top priority, and I can not live up to the teacher's painstaking care for us. I hope that students will not learn from me, a bad person, but also help and support me when I know and reflect on my mistakes, so that I can get rid of bad habits, learn professional courses and become a useful person to the society in my future study and work life.

Now let's follow the pace of time and trace back to the detestable time lost! When the birds outside the window are flying freely, when the grass is growing luxuriantly. When the students are chewing the pen and thinking, do you know what I am doing? Cheating! I thought I was smart enough to put my review materials into my clothes eight hundred years ago. After three papers and two drafts were handed out, I put them into the paper by some devious means, and then began to write quickly. However, God always hurts my young heart when I am most sad. Xx walked up to me and looked at me innocently. I also greeted her with a polite smile, but something was wrong. She stared at my test paper, but could not help it. I haven't read a question yet! She picked up the paper with a suspicious look. It's strange that they are too thick to be found. The whole audience burst into laughter. This is the whole process of my crime.

Now, I really want to feel more guilty and regret more later. Although there are so many words in China, I still can't express how my feelings rise and fall at this moment.

After I made a mistake, I seriously reflected on myself. The examination was serious, and the school rules and disciplines were formulated to guide the students' normal life order. I didn't see this kind of assessment method that should be serious. This would be a loss of my life, but also because I had a desertion on my youth road, and it was a lesson on my growth road, Because I not only hurt myself, but also hurt my parents' painstaking efforts! I know I was wrong, wrong as ignorant, wrong as that makes people laugh.

Everything is my fluke psychology of cheating in the exam. I'm really not responsible for myself. Hey, hey!!

It is said that "the prodigal son will not be replaced with gold". Although I made a very serious mistake, I hope the teacher can give me a chance to correct my heinous crime and give me a new life! As the saying goes, "knowing my mistakes can change them, it's great to do good". I have now deeply realized my own mistakes, and I am determined to correct them. I hope you can help me sincerely repent, support me, and let me correct in the future! Be a helpful person to the society!

According to the above, I decided to take the following personal rectification measures:

1. Write a review of quality and quantity as required by the teacher! Sort out the root causes of your ideological mistakes, and recognize the possible serious consequences.

2. Make a study plan, seriously overcome the shortcomings of lazy life and carelessness, try to do well in the final exam, and make up for my mistakes with good results.

   Part II

Dear teacher

I cheated because I wrote answers to other students during the exam. At that time, the invigilator educated me, but I didn't realize the seriousness of this matter. So the invigilator informed the department of this matter and hoped that the department teachers could educate me. With the education of teachers and the help of my classmates, I finally realized the seriousness of my mistakes.

The nature of the error is serious. When I was taking an exam, I wrote my answers on a piece of paper and tried to pass them on to other students. This was against the students' behavior. As a result, it damaged the interests of many parties and had a very bad impact on the school. This kind of behavior is wrong even if it does not pass on the answer to others or give them the answer, which itself violates the principle of being a student. I just care about my own interests and temporary thoughts, completely ignoring the feelings of the invigilator. This is also wrong. People are social people, and we should not just think about ourselves. I did this to the detriment of that classmate, who is looking forward to my answer. In doing so, I seem to be helping him, but actually I am hurting him. Moreover, cheating in the exam itself is disrespectful to the invigilator. Therefore, when the invigilator told the school about this, it was also to let me deeply realize this.

Secondly, my cheating in exams is also a kind of disrespect for teachers' work. China is a country of etiquette. Since ancient times, it has attached great importance to respecting teachers. This is a traditional virtue, which I have ignored in the past. To put aside one aspect, not only teachers, but also everyone, we should respect him, his work and his achievements. In doing so, I directly caused the bad influence of not respecting teachers, not respecting others, and not respecting others' labor. As a contemporary college student and a person receiving higher education, this performance obviously does not meet the requirements of society for us.

Thirdly, my behavior has also caused a very bad influence among the school students and damaged the image of the school. Students should learn from each other and promote each other, but my performance has brought a bad head to the students, which is not conducive to the construction of the school style and the faculty. At the same time, it has also caused some damage to the image of the school. "China University of Geosciences" has always been an academic and rigorous school in people's minds. We should protect this image rather than destroy it! Although I wrote the answers to other students during the exam, it was cheating. I had a good relationship with that student and he asked me for help. At that time, the consequences were measured by the unwillingness and fluke mentality. Although helping others is a fine traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, it is a quality that contemporary college students should have.

Now I realize that this is not helping others. When I was taking an exam, I wrote my answers on a piece of paper and passed them on to other students. This is not really helping others, but also harming myself and my classmates. The exam is used to balance the quality of students' learning. It is very wrong to pass the answers to others, or not to others, for whatever reason. It violates the principle of being a student. Of course, I can't say that I cheat in order to help other students get good grades. This is not the reason why I cheat.

Mr. Lu Xun said that unkind help is malicious harm. Only by seriously reflecting, looking for the deep root behind the mistakes, and recognizing the essence of the problem, can I give the collective and myself an explanation, so as to make progress. As a student, I didn't do my job well. I should have written the correct answers on the examination paper, but I failed to live up to the teacher's kindness in my education. The teacher worked hard to teach us knowledge in order to make us useful to the society. In fact, the purpose of the examination is just to test how we learn and see how weak we learn through the examination, But I help others cheat and impart knowledge selflessly to our teachers. Now I have fully realized that my behavior not only does not help my classmates, but harms them, and it is also a kind of cheating behavior to teachers. Since I received the criticism and education from teachers, I have deeply realized the seriousness of this matter, and the teacher's education shows that teachers care about me very much, Love me, so I will listen to the teacher's words in the future, fully understand the teacher's requirements for us, and ensure that similar things will not happen again. If other students do not know in the exam, I will not tell him, but take the initiative to teach him after the exam, which can help the teacher to grade excellent students, and enable the students who do not know how to master the students who have not learned, Help teachers create an atmosphere of mutual help and learning in the class.

I hope the teacher will give me a chance to reform. The teacher wants us to become the pillar of the society, so I will work harder in my school life in the future. I will not only learn the knowledge that the teacher taught us well, but also learn how to behave well. I will be a useful person to the society, a upright person, and a good student to comfort the teacher. The teacher, like his parents, loves us selflessly, So I also want to carry forward the selfless spirit of the teacher to us. Through this event, I deeply felt the teacher's hatred for us, which made me feel very guilty. I thank the teacher for this profound education, which made me find a direction in the future life, It has an indescribable effect on my life. The nature of the mistakes I made is serious. When I cheat in the exam, I actually cheat others. As a result, it harms the interests of many parties and has a very bad impact on the class and the department. This kind of unscrupulous behavior to achieve the goal of success, even with the permission of the exam teacher, is in itself against the students' professional ethics and the spirit of dedicated learning, and violates the principle of fair competition. Such an extremely wrong behavior is typical of the championship doctrine. This is especially true of a generation of young people like me in the 21st century. It is both my responsibility and my unswerving direction to carry forward the fighting spirit of China University of Geosciences and take the road of indomitable struggle and progress.

However, my behavior is contrary. An excellent and enterprising college student should certainly strive for good results, but he should not be desperate to reach his goal by any means. This is a major principle issue related to how to become an adult and how to become a talent. The growth and progress of a person is not only the improvement of academic performance, but also the cultivation and tempering of ideology and style. I ignored such an important issue and made a mistake of direction for it. The impact of my mistakes is very bad. Cheating in the exam and writing small notes will directly cause the bad influence of disrespect for students, teachers and parents in the exam room. In the past, China University of Geosciences has not only achieved good results and thought in China's key universities, but also enjoyed a good reputation in terms of spiritual outlook, team discipline and etiquette, academic construction, etc. My mistake has greatly damaged the image of China University of Geosciences; At first, the teacher thought highly of me, but my mistakes hurt their hearts deeply; I am an old student. The mistakes I made undoubtedly had a great negative impact and led to a bad head; The new students, who are young, energetic and potential, have brought them undue negative influence and ideological pressure due to my mistakes in the process of their growth. In short, we are deeply saddened and regretful for all the mistakes we have made. The lesson of my mistakes is profound. The superior teachers and students are entrusted with important tasks and have high hopes. I have always felt that I have a great responsibility and dare not accept it. I study hard and devote myself to it.

But facts have proved that it is not enough just to be enthusiastic, hard working and studying hard. We should also have a clear political mind, a sense of the overall situation and a sense of discipline, otherwise we will lose our way in learning and cause losses to the country and schools. I know that I have to bear the responsibility that I can't afford, especially as a person receiving education in key universities. I should bear the main responsibility that cannot be shirked in this mistake. I sincerely accept criticism and am willing to accept treatment. I will further summarize and reflect on all of this, and ask the teacher to believe that I can learn lessons, correct mistakes, and work harder in the future. At the same time, I sincerely hope that the teacher can continue to care about and support me, and deal with my problems as appropriate.

   Part III

Dear college leaders

How do you do!

I brought my own answers in the make-up examination of Principles of Microcomputer, which caused cheating. At that time, the invigilator educated me, so the invigilator informed the department of this matter. With the education of the school teachers and the help of my classmates, I realized the seriousness of my mistakes.

At the beginning of school, we learned the Student Handbook, which itself is the performance of the school's responsibility for students. I also know the seriousness of the consequences of cheating, but my desire for "60 points" made me take risks. The nature of the mistake is very serious. Cheating in examinations damages the interests of many parties and has a very bad impact on schools. This in itself violates the principle of being a student. In addition, cheating itself is disrespect for invigilators. Therefore, when the invigilator told the school about this, it was also to let me deeply realize this. I remembered a German proverb: "In this world, except for yourself, no one will be sad for you." I am sorry for myself, my religion, my nation, and my hometown. I betrayed them.

When it comes to religion, nationality and hometown, I have a special feeling.

When I didn't know why there was a saying of Sunday, why people who left their hometown would pray in the direction of Mecca every day, and why there were 480 temples in the Southern Dynasty, I had faith in the vision of peace, beauty and harmonious life. Because I think people without faith are not worthy of sympathy, and people without faith are worthy of sorrow! The doctrine admonishes me of "ten good deeds" and "ten evil deeds". Because, this is my religion.

If the combination of microphone and sound system can show the style and words of urban "Hip Hop", the combination of Lusheng and folk songs will surely create a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere in the countryside and towns. I feel very happy to grow up in a nation full of strong cultural atmosphere and under the attention of many simple and kind people. Because, this is my nation.

From the "Top Ten Generals" to the "Top Ten Marshals", there is no shortage of the dragon vein of great achievements. From the Peach Blossom Garden, a "fairyland on earth", to the Dongting Lake, which is "800 miles away from the waves", there has never been a lack of elements embellishing the natural beauty. Here are my family, my friends, and many people who care about me. This is the most beautiful place for human beings. Because this is my hometown.

Now, I betrayed them, as if a child suddenly lost his mother, that feeling, very uncomfortable.

Marxism Leninism guides the way forward for China. Mao Zedong Thought is glorious, Deng Xiaoping Theory makes China go to the world, the three representatives of * * * benefit the masses of the people, and Secretary Hu Jintao's eight honors and eight disgraces make me once again deeply feel the value of integrity.

The ancients told us: "No man can stand without faith." Zengzi killed a pig as a word of "faith", and Kongming accepted the word "trust" as a word of "sincerity"; Thanks to the word "integrity", the century old store has been able to attract customers, and Liu Bang's three regulations have been passed on for thousands of years. Because of his honesty, Shang Yang was able to legislate in the marketplace, and Chitu Ma was respected by later generations.

Now, I really understand that one can lose health, beauty, talent and honor. Lost integrity? If you lose your integrity, everything you have: money, honor, talent, agility... is just a moon in the water, a flower in the mirror, like a passing cloud, will eventually die with the wind.

As a person who is responsible for himself, he must take responsibility for his own behavior if he does something wrong.

I don't like to use the word "if". "If I didn't cheat, if the school didn't punish me," I don't need it., Because I think it means shirking responsibility. I also realized my mistake in time, and apologized to the invigilator after the incident. In the make-up exam Power Equipment the next day, I also corrected my bad style in time. Although the invigilator was kind at that time, and the behavior of "helping" students could be described as "turning a blind eye to a blind eye", I was able to control myself at that time, I didn't do anything except write my own test paper carefully, because I felt that doing so was worthy of heaven and heart.

I am also very clear about the responsibility that I should bear after violating discipline: as a graduate student, employment is blocked, the party membership index plummets, and many opportunities may be missed by me in the future. I will not complain about the unfairness of the fate, because God is fair and will not be absolutely fair. It can forgive your disciplinary violations today, but will not turn a blind eye to your crimes tomorrow. I also thank the school for finding and correcting my mistakes in time.

In order to comfort my soul and think about the future and future, I will also do everything around me carefully:

① Now my grades are poor, so I should spend more time on study than my classmates, and try not to fail in the final exam;

② Change the previous bad habits - I will pay great attention to the lack of patience;

③ I will never commit a breach of integrity again - a profound lesson.

I will also write down today's crimes and never forget them, because forgetting history means betrayal. Quote a lyric from The Departing Train: "I know it's hard, but I still have to learn."

Deeply reflect, and ask the teacher to believe that I can deeply learn lessons, correct mistakes, and do more well in the future. At the same time, I sincerely hope that teachers and students can continue to care about and support me and deal with my problems as appropriate.

   Article 4

I cheated because I wrote answers to other students during the exam. The invigilator educated me at that time, but I didn't realize the seriousness of this matter. So the invigilator informed the department of this matter, hoping that the department teachers could educate me. With the education of teachers and the help of my classmates, I finally realized the seriousness of my mistakes.

The nature of the error is serious. When I was taking an exam, I wrote my answers on a piece of paper and tried to pass them on to other students. This was against the students' behavior. As a result, it damaged the interests of many parties and had a very bad impact on the school. This kind of behavior is wrong even if it does not pass on the answer to others or give them the answer, which itself violates the principle of being a student. I just care about my own interests and temporary thoughts, completely ignoring the feelings of the invigilator. This is also wrong. People are social people, and we should not just think about ourselves. I did this to the detriment of that classmate, who is looking forward to my answer. In doing so, I seem to be helping him, but actually I am hurting him. Moreover, cheating in the exam itself is disrespectful to the invigilator. Therefore, when the invigilator told the school about this, it was also to let me deeply realize this.

Secondly, my cheating in exams is also a kind of disrespect for teachers' work. China is a country of etiquette. Since ancient times, it has attached great importance to respecting teachers. This is a traditional virtue, which I have ignored in the past. To put aside one aspect, not only teachers, but also everyone, we should respect him, his work and his achievements. In doing so, I directly caused the bad influence of not respecting teachers, not respecting others, and not respecting others' labor. As a contemporary college student and a person receiving higher education, this performance obviously does not meet the requirements of society for us.

Thirdly, my behavior has also caused a very bad influence among the school students and damaged the image of the school. Students should learn from each other and promote each other, but my performance has brought a bad head to the students, which is not conducive to the construction of the school style and the faculty. At the same time, it has also caused some damage to the image of the school. "China University of Geosciences" has always been an academic and rigorous school in people's minds. We should protect this image rather than destroy it! Although I wrote answers to other students during the exam, it was cheating. I had a good relationship with that student, and he asked me for help. At that time, the consequences were measured by the unwillingness and fluke mentality. Although helping others is a fine traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, it is a quality that contemporary college students should have. Now I realize that this is not helping others. When I was taking an exam, I wrote my answers on a piece of paper and passed them on to other students. This is not really helping others, but also harming myself and my classmates. The exam is used to balance the quality of students' learning. It is very wrong to pass the answers to others, or not to others, for whatever reason. It violates the principle of being a student.

Of course, I can't say that I cheat in order to help other students get good grades. This is not the reason why I cheat. Mr. Lu Xun said that unkind help is malicious harm. Only by seriously reflecting, looking for the deep root behind the mistakes, and recognizing the essence of the problem, can I give the collective and myself an explanation, so as to make progress. As a student, I didn't do my job well. I should have written the correct answers on the examination paper, but I failed to live up to the teacher's kindness in educating me. The teacher worked hard to teach us knowledge in order to make us useful to the society. In fact, the purpose of the examination is just to test how we learn, Through the examination, I found that our learning was weak, but I helped others cheat and impart knowledge selflessly to our teachers. Now I have fully realized that my behavior not only did not serve the purpose of helping students, but also harmed them, and was also a kind of deception to teachers. Since I received the criticism and education from teachers, I have deeply realized the seriousness of this matter, The teacher taught me that the teacher cares about me and loves me very much, so I will listen to the teacher's words in the future, fully understand the teacher's requirements for us, and ensure that no similar things will happen again. If other students won't in the exam, I will not tell him, but take the initiative to teach him after the exam, so that we can help the teacher to get excellent grades, It can help the students who cannot master the students who have not learned, and help the teacher create an atmosphere of mutual help and learning in the class.

I hope the teacher will give me a chance to mend my ways. Teachers want us to become the pillars of society, so I will make more efforts in my school life in the future. I will not only learn the knowledge that teachers teach us, but also learn how to behave well. I will be a useful person to society, an upright person, and a good student to comfort teachers. Teachers, like parents, love us selflessly, So I also want to carry forward the selfless spirit of the teacher to us. Through this event, I deeply felt the teacher's hatred for us, which made me feel very guilty. I thank the teacher for this profound education, which made me find a direction in the future life, It has an indescribable effect on my life. The nature of the mistakes I made is serious. When I cheat in the exam, I actually cheat others. As a result, it harms the interests of many parties and has a very bad impact on the class and the department. This kind of unscrupulous behavior to achieve the goal of success, even with the permission of the exam teacher, is in itself against the students' professional ethics and the spirit of dedicated learning, and violates the principle of fair competition. Such an extremely wrong behavior is typical of the championship doctrine.

This is especially true of a generation of young people like me in the 21st century. It is both my responsibility and my unswerving direction to carry forward the fighting spirit of China University of Geosciences and take the road of indomitable struggle and progress. However, my behavior is contrary. An excellent and enterprising college student should certainly strive for good results, but he should not be desperate to reach his goal by any means. This is a major principle issue related to how to become an adult and how to become a talent. The growth and progress of a person is not only the improvement of academic performance, but also the cultivation and tempering of ideology and style. I ignored such an important issue and made a mistake of direction for it. The impact of my mistakes is very bad. Cheating in the exam and writing small notes will directly cause the bad influence of disrespect for students, teachers and parents in the exam room.

   Article 5

Dear teacher

I cheated because I wrote answers to other students during the exam. At that time, the invigilator educated me, but I didn't realize the seriousness of this matter. So the invigilator informed the department of this matter and hoped that the department teachers could educate me. With the education of teachers and the help of my classmates, I finally realized the seriousness of my mistakes.

The nature of the error is serious. When I was taking an exam, I wrote my answers on a piece of paper and tried to pass them on to other students. This was against the students' behavior. As a result, it damaged the interests of many parties and had a very bad impact on the school. This kind of behavior is wrong even if it does not pass on the answer to others or give them the answer, which itself violates the principle of being a student. I just care about my own interests and temporary thoughts, completely ignoring the feelings of the invigilator. This is also wrong. People are social people, and we should not just think about ourselves. I did this to the detriment of that classmate, who is looking forward to my answer. In doing so, I seem to help him, but actually I am hurting him. Moreover, cheating in the exam itself is disrespectful to the invigilator. Therefore, when the invigilator told the school about this, it was also to let me deeply realize this.

Secondly, my cheating in exams is also a kind of disrespect for teachers' work. China is a country of etiquette. Since ancient times, it has attached great importance to respecting teachers. This is a traditional virtue, which I have ignored in the past. To put aside one aspect, not only teachers, but also everyone, we should respect him, his work and his achievements. In doing so, I directly caused the bad influence of not respecting teachers, not respecting others, and not respecting others' labor. As a contemporary college student and a person receiving higher education, this performance obviously does not meet the requirements of society for us.

Thirdly, my behavior has also caused a very bad influence among the school students and damaged the image of the school. Students should learn from each other and promote each other, but my performance has brought a bad head to the students, which is not conducive to the construction of the school style and the faculty. At the same time, it has also caused some damage to the image of the school. "China University of Geosciences" has always been an academic and rigorous school in people's minds. We should protect this image rather than destroy it! Although I wrote the answers to other students during the exam, it was cheating. I had a good relationship with that student and he asked me for help. At that time, the consequences were measured by the unwillingness and fluke mentality. Although helping others is a fine traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, it is a quality that contemporary college students should have. Now I realize that this is not helping others. When I was taking an exam, I wrote my answers on a piece of paper and passed them on to other students. This is not really helping others, but also harming myself and my classmates. The exam is used to balance the quality of students' learning. It is very wrong to pass the answers to others, or not to others, for whatever reason. It violates the principle of being a student. Of course, I can't say that I cheat in order to help other students get good grades. This is not the reason why I cheat.

Mr. Lu Xun said that unkind help is malicious harm. Only by seriously reflecting, looking for the deep root behind the mistakes, and recognizing the essence of the problem, can I give the collective and myself an explanation, so as to make progress. As a student, I didn't do my job well. I should have written the correct answers on the examination paper, but I failed to live up to the teacher's kindness in educating me. The teacher worked hard to teach us knowledge in order to make us useful to the society. In fact, the purpose of the examination is just to test how we learn, Through the examination, I found that our learning was weak, but I helped others cheat and impart knowledge selflessly to our teachers. Now I have fully realized that my behavior not only did not serve the purpose of helping students, but also harmed them, and was also a kind of deception to teachers. Since I received the criticism and education from teachers, I have deeply realized the seriousness of this matter, The teacher taught me to explain

The teacher cares about me and loves me very much, so I will listen to the teacher in the future, fully understand the teacher's requirements for us, and ensure that no similar things will happen again. If other students do not, I will not tell him, but will actively teach him after the exam, so that we can help the teacher to score excellent, It can help the students who cannot master the students who have not learned, and help the teacher create an atmosphere of mutual help and learning in the class. I hope the teacher will give me a chance to reform. The teacher wants us to become the pillar of the society, so I will work harder in my school life in the future. I will not only learn the knowledge that the teacher taught us well, but also learn how to behave well. I will be a useful person to the society, a upright person, and a good student to comfort the teacher. The teacher, like his parents, loves us selflessly, So I also want to carry forward the selfless spirit of the teacher to us. Through this event, I deeply felt the teacher's hatred for us, which made me feel very guilty. I thank the teacher for this profound education, which made me find a direction in the future life, It has an indescribable effect on my life. The nature of the mistakes I made is serious. When I cheat in the exam, I actually cheat others. As a result, it harms the interests of many parties and has a very bad impact on the class and the department. This kind of unscrupulous behavior to achieve the goal of success, even with the permission of the exam teacher, is in itself against the students' professional ethics and the spirit of dedicated learning, and violates the principle of fair competition. Such an extremely wrong behavior is typical of the championship doctrine. This is especially true of a generation of young people like me in the 21st century. It is both my responsibility and my unswerving direction to carry forward the fighting spirit of China University of Geosciences and take the road of indomitable struggle and progress. However, my behavior is contrary.

An excellent and enterprising college student should certainly strive for good results, but he should not be desperate to reach his goal by any means. This is a major principle issue related to how to become an adult and how to become a talent. The growth and progress of a person is not only the improvement of academic performance, but also the cultivation and tempering of ideology and style. I ignored such an important issue and made a mistake of direction for it. The impact of my mistakes is very bad. Cheating in the exam and writing small notes will directly cause the bad influence of disrespect for students, teachers and parents in the exam room. In the past, China University of Geosciences has not only achieved good results and thought in China's key universities, but also enjoyed a good reputation in terms of spiritual outlook, team discipline and etiquette, academic construction, etc. My mistake has greatly damaged the image of China University of Geosciences; At first, the teacher thought highly of me, but my mistakes hurt their hearts deeply; I am an old student. The mistakes I made undoubtedly had a great negative impact and led to a bad head; The new students, who are young, energetic and potential, have brought them undue negative influence and ideological pressure due to my mistakes during their growth. In short, we are deeply saddened and regretful for all the mistakes we have made. The lesson of my mistakes is profound. The superior teachers and students are entrusted with important tasks and have high hopes. I have always felt that I have a great responsibility and dare not accept it. I study hard and devote myself to it. But facts have proved that it is not enough just to be enthusiastic, hard working and studying hard. We should also have a clear political mind, a sense of the overall situation and a sense of discipline, otherwise we will lose our way in learning and cause losses to the country and schools.

I know that I have to bear the responsibility that I can't afford, especially as a person receiving education in key universities. I should bear the main responsibility that cannot be shirked in this mistake. I sincerely accept criticism and am willing to accept treatment. I will further summarize and reflect on all of this, and ask the teacher to believe that I can learn lessons, correct mistakes, and work harder in the future. At the same time, I sincerely hope that the teacher can continue to care about and support me, and deal with my problems as appropriate.

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For more information on the review template website, please visit: Model of Review

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2388354.html
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No matter in school or in society, we should control ourselves and not do something wrong. The following is the "Review Book of Cheating in College Exams (Selected)" compiled by the editor of www. overseas. com, for reference only. Welcome to read this article. Review of Cheating in College Examination (I
Dear teacher! The reason why I didn't do well in this exam is very clear to me. It is because I didn't study hard in this half semester, so this final exam will be relatively poor. I made progress in the mid-term exam
Cheating in examinations means that the examinees participate in the examinations through improper ways. The following is a "300 character review book model for cheating in examinations" compiled by www. xueyou.cn, which is for reference only. Welcome to read it. 300 Word Review of Cheating in Examination Model [1] Respectful guidance
Dear teacher! Teacher, I would like to make a deep self-criticism on my cheating during the exam. The role of an exam is not to compete for fame and gain, nor to show myself in front of the teacher, but to test myself