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Engraved Letter of Introduction

[liuxue86.com - Sample Letter of Introduction]

The following is the content of the letter of introduction about engraving chapter, which is arranged and provided for you by the website for studying abroad. I hope it can help you. Welcome to read and learn from it.

   Engraved Letter of Introduction

   [Sample Letter I]


This is to introduce

Our company XXX went to XXX office to handle the issue of "engraving special financial seal". Please refer to the letter for handling.

XXXX Company


   [Model letter 2]

Xxx (where the official seal is engraved):

This is to certify that Comrade * * of our company went to your office for re engraving the financial seal due to official needs.


official seal

   [Introduction Letter Model 3]

Purpose (I) The following certificates are required for the engraving of official seals of party and government organs and public institutions:

1. Letter of introduction from superior unit (for retention)

2. ID card and copy of ID card of the handler (for retention)

(2) If an enterprise unit carves an administrative seal, a special seal for economic contracts, a special seal for finance, a special seal for invoices and an enterprise changes its name, it shall show the following certificates:

1. Original and duplicate copies of business license (for retention)

2. Copy of original tax registration certificate

3. ID card and copy of ID card of the handler (for retention)

4. In addition to the above procedures, a letter of authorization or a letter of introduction from the local county public security organ shall be provided for the engraving of the above official seal by a foreign enterprise

(3) Certificates required for social organizations and private non enterprise units to carve official seals:

1. Hold the letter of introduction with the official seal issued by the registration authority (for retention)

2. Certificate of Registration

3. ID card and copy of the handler (for retention)

(4) The special seal for customs declaration shall be engraved with the customs declaration card, the letter of introduction of the unit (for retention), the ID card of the operator and the copy of the ID card (for retention)

(5) If the seal is lost and needs to be engraved again, in addition to the corresponding type of official seal engraving certificate, there must also be a statement published in the official newspaper (newspaper retention).

   Recommended reading: What does the company's letter of introduction include

   Special recommendation

   Letter of introduction | Company Introduction Letter | Administrative introduction letter | Internship Introduction Letter

   Special recommendation

   Letter of introduction | Company Introduction Letter | Administrative introduction letter | Internship Introduction Letter

For more information about the letter of introduction, please visit: Model letter of introduction

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2385907.html
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