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Host Speech of Primary School Party

[liuxue86.com - Competing Remarks]

The following is the content of the host speech of the primary school party organized and provided for you by the website for studying abroad. I hope it will be helpful to you. Welcome to read and learn from it.

   Host Speech of Primary School Party

   [Host speech 1]

A: Dear teacher

B: Dear students

Together: Happy New Year!

A: The wheel of time has left a deep impression. With the warm sunshine in winter, the Spring Festival of 20xx comes as scheduled.

B: At this moment, everyone is jubilant, the class is decorated, and the whole campus is permeated with a festive atmosphere.

A: At this moment, we have felt the breath of spring. This is the spring of our Jia Xiaozhuang Primary School, and this is the spring of each of us.

B: Today, we gather here to feel the truth with our hearts and melt the ice and snow with love;

A: Today, we are gathered here to open your heart and release your passion. Joy will accompany you and me. A: First of all, let's give our warmest applause to President Wang for his New Year's message.

(Speech by the Principal)

B: Be grateful to make our life more profound

A: Be grateful to keep our moral foundation alive

B: Let's thank President Wang for his blessing again.

A: My blessing floats in the long wind, singing like a dream

B: My prayer is floating in the snow, like a poem into a picture

A: In order to light a colorful dream, let's set the New Year's candle light together

B: Let the candlelight remain the same, bright and eternal

A: I send you a thousand blessings, which contain my thousand words

B: Ten thousand prayers for you. In the prayers are my crystal cups

A: Next, let's invite the Young Pioneers to deliver a speech on behalf of the students.

B: Come all the days, let me weave you

A: Let me weave you with the golden thread of youth,

B: Let me weave you with burning faith

A: Colorful years

B: Time spent in daydreaming

A: Let's go to all the days. I'm moving forward happily in life

Together: The "Love, Harmony and Joy Sharing" Spring Festival get-together of XX Primary School is now starting!


(Ending music)

A: New bell, new year

B: New blessings, new expectations

A: Let laughter accompany you. The name of laughter is Bright

B: Let the warmth accompany you. The warm name is Forever

A: Let me say "Happy New Year". Look at the snowflakes dancing and the flowers surging

B: The past is like water, and the future is like dawn

A: May the rain bring you harvest,

B: May your good news be heard in the wind

A: I bless you in the sunshine,

B: I pray for you in the moonlight

Together: Year after year, year after year

A: XX Primary School's Spring Festival Gala of "Love, Harmony and Joy Sharing"

Together: This is the end!

I wish teachers good health and happy family

I wish the students happy learning and healthy growth!


   [Host Speech 2]

Together: Respected teachers

Together: Dear students

Together: Good afternoon!

A: Time flies,

B: Time flies!

C: In the coming year

D: We are sowing the hope of spring together

A: Embrace Sheng Xia's enthusiasm

B: reap the fruits of autumn C: feel the cold of winter

Ding: The New Year bell is about to ring, and the wheel of time has left a deep impression. With the warm sunshine in winter and full of joy, the New Year's Day of X came as promised

A: The New Year has brought us closer to growth

B: The New Year has dyed our happy life red C: The New Year has let us capture the fragments of the four seasons

Ding: The New Year has given us meditation on life

A: At this moment, we have felt the breath of spring

B: Today, we are gathered here to enjoy the happiness brought by fate and this wonderful time

C: Today, we gather here to feel the truth with heart and melt the ice and snow with love

D: Today, we are gathered here to open your heart and release your passion A: Today, we are gathered here, and this will become an ocean of joy, making happiness resound through the sky

B: Today, we are gathered together, singing and dancing. C: Today, we are full of passion and emotions. D: Today, we send our blessings. A: With wishes and instructions

B: The long buried expectation turns into the joy of meeting today C: Look, the sun is shining, that's the bright color of the New Year D: Listen, the golden bell is bright, that's the moving melody of the New Year

Together: In the festival of flowing poetry and painting, our Class Two New Year's Day get-together is now beginning


A: Although we can't stop the passage of time, we can control our own mood

B: I wish you a happy holiday with beautiful flowers; The flickering candlelight wishes you peace and good luck C: Remembering thousands of blessings In this joyful festival, blessings string into a poem, form a melody, and open a warm heart

D: Warm atmosphere, quiet atmosphere and comfortable rest weave your happy life

A: May you greet the years of youth and the years of fire with a smile

B: May the dreamlike flowers and green leaves in the world always accompany your warm memories

C: May my blessings blossom like small flowers in the warm season to decorate the festive season with joy

D: Today's get-together further reflects that we are a group full of vitality and facing the future

He: Here, there are hardworking gardeners and students who have worked hard

He: Here, it emits the fragrance of ink and beats the pulse of youth. He: here, there is our passion for life and our desire for the future. He: because we always believe that tomorrow will be better

He: This is the end of today's get-together. Once again, I wish you all a happy New Year, all the best and everything you want to achieve.

   [Host Speech 3]

A: Today, it is joy that brings us together;

C: Today, it is the common imagination that brings us here hand in hand.

B: Today is the end of the year and the starting point for us to imagine a new year.

D: Today, let's ignite the flame of passion with sincere sparks.

E: Today, let's make a more splendid contribution to the future of Class 61;

A: Today, let's take a strong step on the Stage of Class 61 Celebrating New Year's Day.

B: The spring breeze is the longing for winter, and the abundance is the longing for autumn.

C: The rain and dew are the yearning of the earth, and the coast is the yearning of the sails.

D: Class 61 is a warm group.

E: A home full of sincerity.

A and C: A spiritual harbor linked with common good wishes.

Yi Dingwu: Colorful auras surround her, and she is looking forward to our wonderful performance. Qi: Just today, let's sing and dance together to welcome the arrival of the New Year.

A: First of all, please listen to the flute solo "", performed by Zhao Xuyang.

B: The melodious sound of the flute makes us feel as if we were back more than 4000 years ago.

C: Now, Chinese Wushu has attracted the attention of the world.

Party B and C: Now let's enjoy the "Wushu Exercises", performed by Liu Hongli.

Ding: Wushu is indeed the quintessence of China. Her performance of Wushu really dazzles us.

E: (pause for 2 seconds) Although the Beijing Olympic Games have passed, our blessing to Beijing continues.

Ding Wu: Next, let's welcome Zhu Ling and Zhu Ying, the little singer sisters in the class, to sing Blessing Beijing.

A: They performed really well! Do you think it's time for another round of applause?

B: Now let's enter the interactive link, and the words will be connected!

C: The rule is that the host should think of a word, tell the first student, and then pass it back. When it's your turn, stand up and say it.

Ding: If you are wrong, you should learn to bark five times! Welcome the Year of the Ox!

Wu began to say the first word.

A: Everyone knows Zhao Benshan! Hey, there are a group of comedians in our class!

B: Yes, look at the faces of Chen Jinxian. It's not just funny stars!

Party A and B: Come on, let them perform a sketch for us: "1+1"

C: Gee, my belly hurts with laughter. It's funny. It seems that they are worthy of laughing stars.

Ding: (pause for 2 seconds) Yo, Wang Xinyue and her colleagues are singing the theme song "Welcome to Beijing", which is the 100 day countdown to the Beijing Olympic Games.

C: Let's invite them to sing. Welcome!

E: It's really nice. I can't help singing.

A: Yes, but a few days before the countdown to the hundred days, something sad happened to hundreds of millions of Chinese people.

E: Is it the Wenchuan earthquake?

A: Yes, on May 12.

Jia E: Next, the chorus students will present a song: "Love is beside us". Let's bless them and get out of the haze (burial) as soon as possible.

B: The song "Love by Your Side" sings the voice of many people.

C: (pause for 2 seconds) Everyone must have heard the story of the Titanic?

Party B and C: Then let Wu Jiale play the song "My Heart Will Never Die" to immerse us in the melody of the Titanic!

Ding: The playing of saxophone made us enter the palace of music.

E: Mmm! (Pause for 2 seconds) Here, Zhu Ling and his wife are singing again. Eh, so familiar melody.

Ding: Well, it's Fahrenheit's Only Feeling for You.

Ding Wu: Well, let's welcome them to sing "Only Feel for You".

A: It sounds good. Oh, Chen Jinxian and his group of comedians are here again!

B: Anyway, smile. It's ten years old. Now let's invite Chen Jinxian to perform a sketch "Master Chen sold too early" for everyone to smile.

A: OK, let's welcome them.

C: Well, our monitor Cai also came to perform.

Ding: Oh, what is he performing?

C: Let's welcome Chief Monitor Cai for the erhu song "Grapes Fall"!

E: After enjoying the performance of famous ethnic instruments, listen to the rhyme of western instruments. Please enjoy the saxophone "Jasmine Flower", performed by Tu Shengming and Zhou Xianheng.

B: The song "Jasmine Flowers" made me seem to smell the fragrance of jasmine flowers. I think the students must also be intoxicated with it.

A: (Pause for 2 seconds) Next, please enjoy the fairy tale drama "Silly Daughter in Law" brought by Liu Fen and other students.

C: They performed very well (pretending to look at the watch). Oh, it's time for our interaction again.

D: This interaction is about taking seven orders. Method: When more than one person takes part in the contest, the number is counted from 1-71, but when the number of people reaches a number containing "7" or a multiple of "7", it is not allowed to count. It is necessary to take a picture of the back of one person's head, and the next person continues to count. If someone reports the wrong number or shoots the wrong person, they will be punished.

E: The punishment is that the person who said the wrong thing should drink the drink at one go, and then throw the empty bottle into the garbage can.

B: You must be very interested in the unpredictable magic world. Now let's invite Tu Shengming and Wu Jiale to perform two magic tricks.

A: Next, please listen to Wish the Motherland a Happy Birthday. The performer is Mao Fangqi.

C: Idioms are one of the cultures of our country. Let's invite Zhu Ling and Zhu Ying to say a string of idioms.

E: Here are the activities.

A and C: This get-together is coming to an end. It will become a page of our class's history.

Yiding: However, I still remember many wonderful scenes; Many moving songs are still lingering.

E: Finally, let Liu Chang and other students recite "Entering the New Year", so that the party will end in this recitation.

Together: At the end of this get-together, let's turn our enthusiasm for the get-together into learning motivation, open the door to our ideals with knowledge, and shape our artistic life with talent!

   [Host Speech 4]

A: Spring, summer, autumn and winter, night and morning;

B: The sun and the moon are like shuttle, and time is like gold;

C: Old Time is leading us----

Ding: It also knocked on the door of the New Year.

A: When the calendar turns to a new page;

B: When a small tree adds another growth ring;

C: When spring embraces the earth;

Ding: In winter, vigorous eagles are flying

Together: Let's welcome the arrival of 20xx!

(Music: Happy New Year)

D: There are new ideas and hopes in the New Year. Let's welcome the headmaster with warm applause.

(Speech by the Principal)

C: How loud and clear our songs are! The melodious notes echo in the blue sky;

D: Our team flag is flying high, and the star torch points out the direction for us.

C: Today, at this happy moment, another student joined the Young Pioneers. Welcome them to the stadium.

(Feng Dongdong presides over the team entry ceremony)

C: The red scarf flutters in front of the chest;

D: The stars and torches shine in our direction.

C: It is the sweet spring and fertile soil of the oasis that nourish the slender seedlings;

D: It is the selfless feelings of the elders, which breeds countless hopes for the future;

C: Thank you, dear teacher,

D: Thank you for helping us take the first step in life. Welcome the new players back to the team.

(New players leave the field and play the team song)

A: The footprint of life extends step by step;

B: The New Year should be a new journey;

A: Ask if you have wasted your time?

B: How many skills have you learned?

A: This semester, we will learn to play the mouth organ in music class. Welcome to the fifth. Squadron 2

Show us their learning achievements. (Organ: Let's be polite since childhood)

C: Time is a golden river, carrying life and faith;

D: Thanks to the school and teachers. We have had another bumper year.

Please ask Director Jin to read out the list of winners.

(Director Jin read out the list of winners)

A: The awards are very heavy;

B: It contains infinite hope for the future;

A: The medals are very bright,

B: It has our golden ideal.

A: The students all have the experience of being at home alone. Do you know what to do if strangers visit? Let's find the answer from the following AB play! (Alone at home)

B: When we live in a collective, we will inevitably have unpleasant things with our classmates. How should we deal with the relationship with our classmates? Listen to three sentences and a half: We all have two homes.

C: When the Athens Olympic Games created Chinese classics,

Ding: No one will forget that there are Chinese people flying on the track and field track;

C: When the mayor of Beijing took over the five ring flag, Jasmine was sent to Beijing for Yuanxiang.

Let's recall that exciting moment together with the melodious music.

(Erhu: jasmine. 4. Yiping Chenjia)

A: Please listen to crosstalk: the best poor student. Performer: Liuyi Squadron: Chen Jing Liu Yang

B: If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Please enjoy the zither solo: Snow Mountain Spring Dawn, performed by: May 1st Squadron: Zhang Siming.

C: Spring is slowly coming to us. Look, on this green land, children are singing and dancing.

(Dance: Sister Hongcai, Class 2.1)

D: It is the green land that gives us such a happy mood. Let's spread our innocence on this green land. Listen to the poem: Green trees, our good friends.

(Poetry recitation: Green trees, our good friends. 6. 2 Liao Yuanchen Shasha)

A: Every day, we feel the school gate from home. Every day, we are busy from early morning to late night. Our teachers care about us like our mothers. Please listen to the chorus of No. 42 Squadron: whenever I walk past the teacher's window.

B: Water is the source of life, but it is not inexhaustible. Let's learn how to save water from the Allegro below.

C: We are the teenagers of the new era, and we are the flowers of the new century. Please listen to the clarinet solo: beautiful flowers are opening. Performer: Zhang Min, May 1st Squadron.

D: Please listen to the Allegro: Let's give way. Bai Rui, Huang Nan and Wang Rui from the 61st Squadron will perform for us.

C: Time is a teacher, life is an answer sheet;

D: Diligence and knowledge are friends, sweat and harvest are partners;

C: In the new year, let's wish:

Together: Tomorrow will be better. (62)

A: In the past year, we had tears and more joy;

B: In the past year, we have sweat and applause;

C: In the new year, we continue to pursue creativity and explore practice;

D: In the new journey, we are striving for self-improvement and moving forward bravely.

A: The New Year is a new movement,

B: With our actions,

C: With our sincerity,

D: With our dedication---

Together: Welcome the promising 20xx year!

A, B: This is the end of the 20xx New Year get-together. I wish teachers good health and a happy family!

C and D: I wish you progress in your studies and good luck in everything!

   [Host Speech 5]

(A) The New Year bell of 20xx is about to ring, and the wheel of time has left a deep impression. With the warm sunshine in winter, New Year's Day in 20xx came as promised;

(B) At this moment, we have felt the breath of spring. This is our spring, this is the spring of our family, and this is the spring of each of us;

(C) Today, we meet here to enjoy the happiness brought by fate and enjoy this wonderful time;

(D): Today, we gather here to feel the truth with our hearts and melt the ice and snow with love;

(A): Today, we are gathered here to open your heart and release your passion;

(B): Today, we are gathered here. It will become a sea of joy and let happiness ring through the sky!

(C): The New Year's Day party of Class 4, Grade 4, Wei Lin No. 1 Primary School is now beginning!

(D): You once said to me, "Be a brave girl. I hope to meet you one day." I proudly said to the sky: "Life has been opened. I want you to always be wonderful.". First of all, please enjoy the song "The Girl with Wings" brought to us by Gong Jiarui.

(A): Seeing off the girl waving her wings, we welcome the beautiful girl again. Next, please enjoy the dance "Beautiful Girls" brought by Wang Yaqi.

(B) After watching the beautiful girl, Wenhao lost his cool. She wants to tell us a joke. Please!

(C): After laughing, we will meditate quietly: how should we repay our parents for their hard-earned money to provide us with education? Now let's enjoy the song "Dad's Snowflake" brought by Zhang Jiaqi. Let's give it a round of applause.

(D): Do you like Liu Qian? (The students will definitely answer: "like")

(D): I like it! But they are busy attending the Spring Festival Gala!

(A): Well, yes. But here today, three experts like Liu Qian will take you into the dream world to witness the emergence of miracles!

(D): The next moment is to witness the miracle! Let's applaud and welcome magicians Chen Linbao, Zhou Dongliang and Luo Hanzhen to bring us magic performances.

(B) Are the magic performed by these three men wonderful? There are three beautiful girls here who want to compete with them. Sun Jiao, Zhang Lijuan and Wang Zhaohui brought us the song "Girls should be strong". Let's give it a round of applause!

(C): We love spring, because spring is full of hope; We embrace the sun, because the sun gives us warmth. We embrace our parents, because they give us nurturing and education, let us fly dreams, fly hope, let us rest assured to fly! Please enjoy Jing Xihan's prose recitation of Spring.

(D): I haven't enjoyed the magic just now. Jingze has brought us another magic trick. Let's see how he performs it! Please!

(A): After watching the magic, a student wanted to make everyone happy. Let's invite Luo Hanzhen to tell us a joke!

(B): After laughing, let's be nervous again. Li Linze wants to give us a brain teaser. If you answer correctly, Li Linze will give you prizes!

(C): After we have guessed this brain teaser, let's ask Liu Yandi and Liu Jinchi to give us a riddle. If we answer it correctly, there will be a prize!

(D): After mental work, let's do some physical work. Let's welcome Zhang Shunjie, Zhang Wenrong and Li Linze to perform a section of Taekwondo!

(A): After watching the wonderful Taekwondo, let's relax again. Let's invite Zhou Dongliang to tell you a joke!

(B): Alas! "C", do you know what Zhuoma is?

(C) Hmm... I don't know, but is it related to our program?

(B): Of course, the next thing to enjoy is the song Zhuoma. In fact, Zhuoma is a Tibetan name for women. In Tibetan, it means "Tara". Tara is a beautiful goddess. It is a Tibetan goddess who rescues suffering beings.

(C): Next, let's enjoy the Tibetan song Zhuoma brought by Gong Jiarui and Yu Jiayi.

(D): After a beautiful song, we continue our happy journey. Here are two young magicians who want to perform two magic tricks respectively, which will definitely bring us different feelings. First, let's invite Liu Huanran to perform on the stage; Let Rong Yunpeng perform again!

(A): Pang Qingyue can't sit still when she sees the performance is so hot. She will give you a small test. Do you want to participate? Let's welcome Pang Qingyue!

(B): The program is drawing to a close. I want to say that you are actually very good, but you don't know it. You are really good to me, and don't ask for repayment. You are more important than yourself if you are warm in your heart. Let's welcome Zhang Jiaqi to present a warm song "Warm"!

(A): Although we can't stop the passage of time, we can control our mood

(B): Remembering thousands of blessings In this joyful festival, blessings are strung into a poem, a melody and a warm heart

(C): May my blessings blossom like small flowers in the warm season to decorate the happy holiday for you

(D): Today's get-together further shows that we are a dynamic and future oriented group

(A): Here, there are hardworking gardeners and students who work hard

(B): Here, it emits the fragrance of ink and beats the pulse of youth

(C): Here, we have our passion for life and our desire for the future

(D): Because we always believe that tomorrow will be better

He: Today's get-together has come to a successful end. Once again, I wish you all a happy New Year, all the best and everything you want to achieve!

   Recommended reading: Host speech of the get-together | Speech by the host of the evening party

   Spring Festival host speech | Host Speech of Spring Festival Gala | Host speech of the annual meeting | Host Speech of the Lantern Festival | Valentine's Day host speech

For more information about the host site, please visit: Competing Speech

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2382457.html
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