Overseas Study Network


Introduction to Social Practice in Winter Holiday

[liuxue86.com - Sample Letter of Introduction]

The following is the content of the introduction letter on social practice in winter vacation organized and provided for you by the website of Studying Abroad. I hope it can be of some help to you. Welcome to read and learn from it.

   Introduction to Social Practice in Winter Holiday

   [Letter of Introduction I]

Dear xx


College students' participation in social practice activities is an effective way for college students to integrate theory with practice and grow up in practice. According to the instructions of the Communist Youth League Provincial Committee, our college organizes college students to participate in social practice activities in various forms every year by taking advantage of the holidays. This is to introduce our college level professional students to contact your unit for social practice activities during the winter vacation of the academic year 2007-2008. Please give your strong support!



Xx (College) Committee


   [Letter of Introduction II]

XX Unit:

This is to introduce our students xxx, xx and others to your office to contact with matters related to summer social practice. Please contact.



Xx College Committee


   [Letter of Introduction III]


Students of all majors in our school have entered the winter vacation social practice stage, and professional practice plays an important role in improving students' professional level and comprehensive quality. This is to introduce ____________ students of ____________________ major from XX College of our school to contact the professional internship. Please give strong support, guidance and strict management.

Thank you for your support for our school's student social practice.



Xx College Committee


   [Introduction Letter 4]

Dear leaders of your company

It is hereby that XXX, a student of XXX major undergraduate class of our college, goes to your unit for social practice. The practice period is winter vacation, and the practice period is from - to.

Social practice is an important part of the teaching work of our college. It is an important part for students to gain practical experience. Adapting to practice is an important part of the teaching work of our college. It is an effective way for students to gain practical experience and adapt to society. The college attaches great importance to students' practical work. To this end, the college attaches great importance to student internship work as an effective way of society.

For this reason, we sincerely hope that your organization will give us great support and assistance, and we hope that your organization will give us great support and assistance, so that students can effectively and successfully complete their internship tasks. At the same time, learn the tasks during the internship. At the same time, in the process of practice, please strictly educate and manage the students according to the requirements of the rules and regulations of your unit, and strictly educate and manage the students' internship situation at the end of the internship, and identify the situation. Thank you for your great support to our teaching work.

Xx College Committee


   [Introduction Letter 5]

Xxcai Service Center:

This is to introduce ________________ students from ______________ College (Department) of our university who graduated from _______ professional courses to your city's social practice base for college graduates _________________________________ (unit) for internship. Please contact us.

Xx College Committee


   Recommended reading: Model letter of introduction | Format of Introduction Letter | Internship Introduction Letter

   Special recommendation

   Letter of introduction | Company Introduction Letter | Administrative introduction letter | Internship Introduction Letter

   Special recommendation

   Letter of introduction | Company Introduction Letter | Administrative introduction letter | Internship Introduction Letter

For more information about the letter of introduction, please visit: Model letter of introduction

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2380860.html
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