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Form of resignation report of bank teller

[liuxue86.com - Bank Resignation Report]

The following is the format of the resignation report sorted out by www. xueyao. com, with some sample articles on the resignation report of bank tellers. Let's see how to write the resignation letter.

Format specification of resignation letter

(1) Title

Write the name of the application in the middle of the first line of the application. The general resignation application is composed of the cause and the language name, that is, the "resignation application" is the title. The title should be eye-catching and slightly larger.

(2) Salutation

It is required to write the name or title of the unit organization or leader accepting the resignation application in the top space of the line under the title, and add a colon after the title.

(3) Body

The main body is the main part of the application, which generally includes three parts.

First of all, you should put forward the content of the application for resignation, which is straightforward and easy to understand.

Secondly, explain the specific reasons for the application. This item requires that you list the details of your resignation one by one, but you should pay attention to the oneness and integrity of the content, so that you can know it at a glance.

Finally, we should put forward our determination to apply for resignation, personal specific requirements, and problems that we hope leaders can solve.

(4) End

The end requires words of respect. Such as "Sincerely - Salute".

(5) Sign off

The signature of the resignation application requires the name of the resigning person and the specific date of submitting the resignation application.

Bank teller's resignation report (I)

Dear leaders of xx Bank

Hello! First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my resignation report.

I wrote this resignation letter with a very complicated mood. After I entered the bank, I gained many opportunities and challenges due to the concern, guidance and trust of the bank leaders. After years of work in the industry, I have learned a lot of knowledge and accumulated some experience in the financial field, for which I am deeply grateful.

Due to my own lack of ability, my recent work makes me feel powerless. For this reason, I thought for a long time, and felt that the current work arrangement in the industry was not completely consistent with my previous career planning, and I lacked interest and motivation in some new fields.

In order not to affect the work arrangement and development of the bank due to my personal ability, after careful consideration, I decided to quit my job at xx Bank. I know this process will bring some inconvenience to the industry, and I am deeply sorry for this.

Thank you very much for your care and teaching over the past ten years. This experience in the bank is very precious to me. I will feel honored to be a member of xx Bank at any time in the future. I am sure that my working experience in xx Bank will be an important part of my whole career development.

I wish XX Bank leaders and all colleagues good health and smooth work!

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience my resignation has brought to the bank. At the same time, I hope that the bank leaders can sympathize with my personal actual situation and consider and approve my application.



Resigned by: XXX

December 29, 2014

Bank teller's resignation report (II)

Dear XX leaders

Hello! It's a pity that at this time, I formally submitted my resignation to the company for personal reasons.

My first job after graduating from college was to work in XX Company, where I formally entered the society and completed my transformation from a student to a social person. A good start is very important, and I'm glad to choose XX Company as my first work unit to enter the society. During the four years of working in the company, I have gained a lot and grown a lot: thank the leaders of the company for their care and training, giving me enough trust and a platform to give full play to my ability; Thank you for your help and guidance, and help me from an ignorant college graduate to today. For more than four years in XX Company, the equal and harmonious interpersonal relationship has always made me feel at home, and because of this reluctance, my resignation report has been delayed. But I know that all the feasts will come to an end. After careful consideration, I still have to resign from you for personal reasons.

After more than four years of work, I have gone through several positions, including international settlement officer, product manager and XX supervisor. I have tried my best to do the best in each job, and I have also been recognized by leaders and colleagues, and I have learned a lot from it. Every time I finish a job that can help my colleagues, I will have a special sense of achievement, but this sense of achievement gradually disappears with the change of the company culture, and I am also lost. After careful consideration, I decided to formally submit my resignation to the company. After resigning, you may take a break to think about your future: whether to continue working in a bank or an enterprise.

In the spirit of being responsible for the company and myself, I hereby formally submit my resignation to you for your approval. I promise that in the next work handover, I will stand on the last shift to ensure the smooth transition of work. Leaving XX Company and colleagues who had shared weal and woe together, I am reluctant to part with the sincerity and friendliness among colleagues, and I regret that I can no longer listen to the inculcation of leaders.

Finally, I sincerely wish XX company's business will be thriving! Wish all leaders and colleagues: healthy and happy, safe and happy!



Resigned by: Study Abroad

December 29, 2014

Bank teller's resignation report (III)

Dear President XX

Hello! I'm sorry to take your precious time to approve my resignation application.

I wrote this resignation report with a complicated mood. Because of your trust in my ability, I was able to join XX Bank, and in just two years, I got many opportunities and challenges. Although I am only a teller, I have learned a lot of knowledge and accumulated some experience after working in xx Bank for the past two years. I am deeply grateful for this!

Due to XX, I am not allowed to apply, and I hope that I can officially resign on XX this year.

I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience caused to xx Bank. Before I leave, I will do a good job in the handover work, but at the same time, I hope that the leadership can sympathize with my personal reality and consider and approve my application.



Resigned by: www.liuxue86.com

December 29, 2014

Bank Teller's Resignation Report (IV)

Dear leaders


Due to some personal reasons, I have decided to apply to you for resignation and to terminate the labor contract with ×× Bank.

It is not my wish to leave the bank, but because my own conditions have failed to meet the requirements of the bank, it is very difficult for me to work in the bank. I have to give up this opportunity. The reality is that I don't want to be dismissed by the bank. I can only see my own direction in advance and apply to the bank for resignation. This is also my last resort and a decent departure.

In order to keep up with the pace and adapt to the trend of the times, I plan to take the form of full-time study for postgraduate degree courses. I need to terminate the labor contract in advance, so I cannot perform the three-year labor contract signed with ×× Bank. I have been working at ×× Bank since I started in 201X. I have experienced various changes from preparation and construction to ×× Bank. I have deep feelings for her. My leaders and colleagues have become my mentors and friends. I have learned a lot from them. Please believe that I will not talk about platitudes here.

XX Bank has given me a lot, including excellent office environment, harmonious relationship between superiors and subordinates, and various benefits. I hesitated when I decided to leave her. It takes a lot of determination, courage and pain to abandon these precious things and pursue the unknown. But I remember that the primary school teacher taught the principle of "sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat", and always regarded it as the principle of being a man and doing things. Tolstoy also said that birds will not doubt the sky because of the lightning in their first flight. I believe in my decision. I sincerely hope that XX Bank can understand a young man's sincere desire to make progress and realize his ideal, and agree to terminate my labor contract in advance. I will hand over my work carefully and comprehensively.

Of course, after I leave, I will still remember here and the days when I worked here. The development of things is always beyond people's imagination, which is why I always lament that things in the world cannot be understood. In the future, I think I can do better. I can imagine my own strength. As long as I work hard, I can do better! Finally, I wish the leaders and colleagues of the bank good health and good luck!



Resigned by:

December 29, 2014

Recommended reading: Bank resignation report Resignation Report Template Reason for resignation report

   Special recommendation

   Resignation letter template | Format of resignation letter | How to write a resignation letter | English resignation letter

   Special recommendation

   Resignation letter template | Format of resignation letter | How to write a resignation letter | English resignation letter

For more information about the bank's resignation report website, please visit: Bank resignation report

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2365359.html
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