Overseas Study Network


Format of invitation letter and reference text

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2014-11-17 15:38


[liuxue86.com - Invitation Letter Format]

The following contents about the format of invitation letter are provided by Overseas Study Network For you, welcome to read.


An invitation letter is a letter of invitation sent to invite relatives, friends, celebrities, experts, etc. to participate in an activity. It is a kind of daily application composition commonly used in real life. Such letters are widely used in international exchanges and daily social activities. Invitations are very important in practical writing, and invitations to business activities are an important branch of invitations. The main content of invitations to business etiquette activities conforms to the general structure of invitations, which consists of title, title, body and signature.

   brief introduction

An invitation letter is a letter of invitation sent when relatives, friends, celebrities, experts, etc. are invited to participate in an activity. But pay attention to be concise and clear, just understand it, and don't write too many words.

   Example (I)

Invitation for Relocation

__________Unit (leader friends, etc.):

Thank you for your constant concern and support for our company (or me), which has enabled our business to flourish. Now our company has moved to -- (a place). We sincerely invite your company (or leading friends) to visit our new site at (time and place) and go to our celebration lunch.

Signature: (unit, time) General format

Example (2)

Dear ___________


________The company will hold ___________ activity in __________ on __________, and you are specially invited to participate. Thank you.




Invitations are very important in professional writing, and invitations to business activities are an important branch of invitations, so it is very important to write them well.

The invitation letter for business etiquette activities is a written letter issued by the organizer of business etiquette activities in order to invite its partners (investors, material suppliers, marketing channels, transport service partners, heads of government departments, news media friends, etc.) to participate in the etiquette activities held by them. It reflects the etiquette wishes and friendly hospitality of the event organizers; It reflects the interpersonal relationship in business activities. Enterprises can write invitation letters with corporate culture characteristics according to the purpose of business etiquette activities.

Generally speaking, the text of the invitation for business etiquette activities includes two parts: the main content of the invitation and the receipt of the invitation.

   Example (3)

Invitation to Alibaba's year-end customer appreciation meeting

Dear Mr./Ms. xx

In the past year, we built the platform with our heart, and you are the wealth protagonist we pay attention to and support. The New Year is coming, and we are passionate about the happy reunion of the online business family. In order to thank you for your strong support for Alibaba in the past year, we hereby hold the 2005 Alibaba Customer Appreciation Conference at the Regent Hall on the first floor of the Regent Hotel in Qingdao at 14:00 on the xx day of xxxx. There will be wonderful programs and rich prizes waiting for you. We look forward to your coming!

Let's have a friendship with Syria, talk about the future, and welcome more wealth and happiness in the coming year!




It is composed of the name of the etiquette activity and the language name, and can also include personalized activity theme slogans. For example, "Invitation to Alibaba's year-end customer appreciation meeting" and the theme slogan of the event - "Online Gathering of Fortune Actors". The theme slogan of the event can reflect the unique corporate culture characteristics of the organizer. The theme slogan in the example, "Online Gathering Fortune Actors", is unique and ingeniously connects "Internet" - Alibaba Network Technology Co., Ltd. and "Online Merchants" - "Fortune Actors" with a dynamic verb, "Ju", which not only conveys the close cooperation between Alibaba and its distinguished "customers", but also conveys "Alibaba people" Sincere respect for customers. If "Ju" and "Cai" are read together, "Ju Cai" expresses the cooperation desire of both parties in a popular and straightforward way, which can be described as "expressing meaning by words" and "conveying feelings by words", and also aptly implies the psychology of both parties to achieve win-win interests through the network platform.


The title of the invitation shall be "general", and shall be preceded by honorific words. For example, "Dear Mr./Ms. XX" or "Dear General Manager XX (Director)".


The text of the invitation refers to that the organizer of the business etiquette activity formally informs the invited party of the cause, purpose, matters and requirements of the etiquette activity, specifies the schedule, time and place of the etiquette activity, and sends a decent and sincere invitation to the invited party.

At the end of the text, the commonly used invitation idioms should be written. For example, "Please come" and "Welcome".

The opening words of the first paragraph - "In the past year, we worked hard to build a platform, and you are the wealth protagonist we care about and support." and the closing words of the third paragraph - "Let's talk about the future with Syria, and welcome more wealth and happiness in the coming year!" reflect the sponsor's review of the history of cooperation, that is, sincere cooperation with "online merchants", The business purpose of serving customers in good faith also expresses a bright prospect for the future. Alibaba is willing to welcome wealth and share happiness with online merchants.

These two sentences are separated into paragraphs, concise, coherent in meaning, and consistent with the writing requirements of etiquette documents, which can be described as a perfect combination of business and etiquette.

   Sign off

The full name and written date of the organizer of the etiquette activity shall be indicated in the signature.

Problems to be paid attention to when writing invitation letters

① The names of the invitees should be written completely, not nicknames or aliases.

② "And" or "and" should be written between two names, without a comma or a comma.

③ The specific date (month, day and week) of the wedding shall be indicated.

④ Indicate the place of the wedding.

   Recommended reading: Format and Model of Invitation Letter for Business Visit Format of Invitation Letter for Annual Meeting

   Special recommendation

   Sample Invitation Letter | Invitation Template | Invitation letter | Invitation design | Invitation picture | English invitation

   Special recommendation

   Sample Invitation Letter | Invitation Template | Invitation letter | Invitation design | Invitation picture | English invitation

For more information on the invitation format website, please visit: Invitation letter

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2336970.html
Extended Reading
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