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Experience of college students' post practice

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Internship Experience I

First week of internship

It is not the first time for me to practice, but it will last the longest time in terms of time. When I embarked on the internship journey with a joyful and nervous mood, I felt again that it was difficult to practice, and even harder to find a practice unit! I agreed with Mr. Xu Xiaodan that the internship place should be found in Fuzhou, but finally, due to various reasons, I failed to achieve my goal, so I finally put the graduation internship place in Lishui, Nanjing.

On the 10th, after the adjustment a few days ago, I learned that I officially went to work as an intern. My main job is to be responsible for receiving customers and introducing them to various kinds of boards, so as to complete the sales of wood. Although I have been to Nanjing every summer before, I still know nothing about the local dialect, which has caused great inconvenience to my work. Although all speak Mandarin, they speak their own local accent, which affects the conversation to a certain extent. Sometimes it takes several times to convey the meaning of a sentence, which makes me feel helpless, I can only regret that the pronunciation was not standardized at that time. Business and sales depend on one mouth. Good eloquence, sense of propriety, and proper speaking can easily capture customers' hearts, and thus a transaction can be concluded. I understand this truth, but when I really face it myself, I find it really difficult to grasp customers' hearts due to introversion and lack of exercise. So in the past three days, I failed to complete a transaction, which is really bad.

Despite this, I am not discouraged. When customers come or colleagues meet, I greet them with a smile and entertain them. Because after my previous internships, I have formed a habit of being polite to people and things. When I see customers, no matter whether the transaction is successful or not, I cannot give people the impression of lack of etiquette. As long as I step into the store, I will sincerely greet them and let them experience the feeling of being valued as soon as they come in. I think that there are often some details that are easy to be ignored by us, such as a gentle greeting, but it shows concern for colleagues and friends, and also makes others feel valued and cared for, which is a reflection of basic quality. What's more, before leaving the school, the teacher repeatedly stressed that we should treat people with courtesy and not make the school black.

  The second week of internship

Unexpectedly, I have been here for practice for more than ten days. Although it has been nearly two weeks, I am still unfamiliar with the types and uses of some woods. I can only basically identify the boards as Chinese fir, Korean pine, etc., but when it is more cost-effective for customers to make furniture and springboard, I cannot provide them with accurate information about what kind of wood they need. It may also be because of this, so that the transaction could have been successful and went to other homes to buy. I don't think so. I think this is the difference between experience and inexperience. Because it is made of wood raw materials, the customers it receives are generally carpenters who make furniture and carpenters at construction sites. Occasionally, some private families buy it, but the number is basically small. But for me, no matter how many or how few customers buy, my service attitude is the same, and I will not be left out or ignored because of buying less. I also answer the phone occasionally this week, Sales are made by phone. Since some old customers have cooperated with us for a long time, and they also know our wood quality and price well, they usually order by phone, while I order by phone, and then send the materials with corresponding specifications. The main work this week is the same as last week. Although it's a little noisy, I can get the best exercise in all aspects by facing different customers.

  Third week of internship

Sometimes when I come out to do things in the society, I can more or less see some realistic social phenomena and feel the helplessness of some things. This week, the morning before yesterday, when I was sitting bored, a middle-aged man came in. When I saw him, I greeted him warmly, poured water for him, and invited him to sit down. I thought I was here to buy materials, but I didn't want him to ask if my boss was there? I said that the boss is out. If you need anything, just ask me! When I answered, he got up without saying anything and said he would wait until the boss came back. At that time, I felt very strange. Later, I knew that I wanted to get kickbacks from the boss. This is simply unacceptable to me, but the boss still gave it. He said that business is difficult to do now, the competition among peers is fierce, and if he didn't give carpenters some rebates, he would find reasons to say that the quality of the materials is not good and can't be used. He deliberately made trouble with you, so that the transaction could not be reached. Sometimes I have to sacrifice some profits for business. I think this is the dark side of society, but I have no choice.

  The fourth week of internship

In terms of the most tiring work, I think the work I did this week must be the most tiring, because this week's sales were better, and I suddenly became busy with the unnecessary work. Some regular customers ordered materials by phone, so I had to put aside my duties and started working as a porter and delivery man. First, he and his colleagues loaded the heavy timbers of various specifications ordered by the customer into the truck, and then followed the truck to deliver the goods to the designated site. If all the materials of the specifications were ordered, it would be OK, because the specification materials only needed quantity x price.) After the settlement, he left, but most customers often want naturally wide timbers, which requires a ruler to measure the width of naturally wide timbers, Then, calculate the area and volume, and send them as per the required number of cubic meters. Although this primary school student can do it, because of the large quantity of wood, it is very tedious to measure it one by one. What's more, it is necessary to measure twice, transport once, and send it to the construction site again. Because the inspectors at the construction site are afraid of insufficient quantity, they can only measure again with them. It is not easy to make money. In fact, those things are not suitable for me to do, but since I am in the same group, when they are busy, I can still help them.

The fifth week of internship

How time flies. This week has come to the fifth week of my internship. Although I have worked for the first four weeks, I still only focus on product introduction for sales, and can't really grasp the customers' heart to promote the products. The sales performance of the first four weeks alone can explain something. Occasionally, there are sales, but the number is not much, which is more or less vexing to me, Although I was just practicing, my teacher repeatedly told me before I left that I should regard the internship as a real job, so I felt it necessary to reflect on why I could not always improve my sales. After thinking, I found that in addition to my personal reasons, there was also an important reason that now the store basically sells some old customers, while there are relatively few new customers, Another is the fierce competition among peers. Some customers do not accept the price or quality here and choose other companies, which results in less sales through our own hands.

   The sixth week of internship

This week, in addition to on-site sales, I also went with the boss to purchase goods. I was supposed to go to Shandong, but after contacting the Nanjing Wood Market, I decided to go to the urban area of Nanjing. After about an hour's drive, we arrived at the Nanjing Wood Market. The market is very large and consists of timber stalls. One train track divides the market in half, On both sides of the track, there are mainly various types and specifications of wood just transported from the northeast. After a number of negotiations, the boss finally chose a dealer with good material quality and relatively reasonable price, from which he bought several trucks of wood. After this follow-up, I found that there is also a deep way to purchase goods. It is not money that can bring in good goods. Because wood is different from other products, as raw material, it has stutters, may rot or be eaten by worms. During processing, there may be products that do not meet the specified size, have curved sides, and break. Many dealers use consumers' knowledge of wood to steal beams and replace pillars In the scandal, consumers are "fooled" by means of calling a stag a horse. If you do not carefully measure, observe or understand the incoming goods, the incoming goods may be insufficient in quantity or lose money due to quality failure. Second, beware of dealers using false rulers and false calculators to make the number of incoming and outgoing products insufficient. It's really risky to want to do business.

The seventh week of internship

In the twinkling of an eye, the seven week internship life is nearing the end. Looking back on the past seven weeks, I have mixed feelings. I am glad that I learned something through the internship and further contacted the society. I am worried that it is difficult to find an internship unit, let alone a work unit, and my performance during the internship is not good. Through the seven weeks of internship, I found that there are some problems in my current internship site: (1) I still rely on the price difference between different regions to earn profits. Today, transportation and information are increasingly convenient and open, I think the development space of this business mode will be smaller and smaller. (2) Family style operation, with unsound or basically no management concept. Basically, they are operated by their own relatives, and there is no special management talent, which has many drawbacks. This kind of family operation is prone to bottle power when it develops to a certain extent. Of course, this is only relative to the formal enterprise. As a store, its development and business model may be just like that.

Internship Experience II

On February 10, XX, I came to XX City XX Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. for graduation internship, and the company gave me a job arrangement to engage in bidding work. Although I majored in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction and had some contact with bidding, I had very little knowledge about bidding, and I had never been engaged in bidding before, so I can say that everything is almost from scratch. At the beginning of the implementation, because the company had just moved, the company had not yet had time to arrange work for me, so at the beginning, I had to ask my colleagues for some books about bidding and some bidding cases, and then sat at the desk every day to study carefully.

After several weeks of careful study, I have a general understanding of bidding, understand my future work direction, and also have a certain understanding of the company's operation and some rules and regulations. Later, the company configured a computer for me, which made my study and work more convenient. With a computer, I can find some information about bidding on the Internet and see some bidding cases, which will help me to deepen my understanding of bidding. After learning, I basically mastered the general process of bidding and understood how to prepare bidding documents.

After a period of learning, the company leaders began to give me the bidding project to do. My first bidding project is: Songshan Lake Xingyuan Road Tongsha Huanhu Road High Slope Protection Project. During the preparation of the bidding documents, I found that I still had a lot of things I didn't understand. After constantly consulting colleagues and leaders, the preparation of the bidding documents was completed on schedule. Fortunately, I won the bid this time, which made me very happy. Finally, my efforts were not wasted.

Time passed quickly, and more than three months of internship in Dongguan Jiaxin Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. ended. During the three months of internship, the first thing I need is the guidance and support of my leaders and colleagues in my work, and the care and encouragement in my life. In the short three months, I learned a lot and felt a lot.

Now that the precious internship life has ended, I feel it is very necessary to sum up the gains and losses of the internship, inherit the good aspects and improve the shortcomings, so that I can review the road I have gone through, and also see the way I will go in the future.

Internship is quite different from studying at school. Internship really combines theory with practice, combines the knowledge learned at school with the knowledge learned here, and applies it to practical work. In this way, my theoretical knowledge is more abundant and solid, and my practical ability is greatly improved. I think my internship results are not very good, but I have gained a lot in the process of learning. First of all, I corrected my learning attitude. At the beginning of my internship, what I thought was to relax and free myself from the heavy pressure. However, I soon understood that work still needs to work hard and study hard. Seeing my colleagues working hard around me, I also gave up the idea of starting and slowly began the journey of hard work. Secondly, I have greatly improved my self-learning ability. Hard work alone is not enough. This requires you to consolidate the knowledge you have learned after work. You must study by yourself and often check some relevant information. Over time, self-study ability has been improved. Another is to know how to use learning methods and pay attention to the combination of independent thinking and work. Be diligent in thinking about everything, and be diligent in asking for advice when encountering something you don't understand. With the progress of learning, my heart has also made a qualitative leap. I think it is very important for the future to master a new kind of technical knowledge quickly. During the internship period, I established a strong friendship between teachers and students with the leaders. The earnest teaching of the leaders made me feel the joy of work. I have also established a good learning and friendship relationship with many colleagues around me. In the process of getting along with my colleagues, I insisted on helping each other, overcoming difficulties, and exercising my ability to handle and analyze problems, which has benefited me a lot.

I have been pursuing the sublimation of personality and paying attention to my own conduct. In my internship life, I insisted on self reflection and made great efforts to improve my personality, and more and more realized how important character is to a person. So no matter what the situation, I always ask myself to be moral. Whenever and wherever I follow the principle of being strict with myself, and earnestly abide by it. At ordinary times, they love their colleagues, respect teachers and respect morality, and are ready to help others. I am glad to have helped my colleagues when they were in trouble. Relatively, my colleagues selflessly extended a helping hand when I was in trouble. I always have great respect for leaders and teachers, because they guide and help me when I am wandering. If I didn't get help from my teacher, I might not know where to go. I now understand that morality is not so much a personal conduct as a personal responsibility to the whole society. A person living in this world must take certain responsibilities and obligations to the society. With noble morality, he can correctly understand his responsibilities and realize his own value in his contribution.

Personally, I don't think there are perfect people in this world. Everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages, but the key is whether he can face up to them and make use of them. During this period of time, I have constantly reflected on myself and summarized some of my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are honesty, modesty and perseverance. I believe that honesty is the foundation of standing, so I always insist on my own words and deeds, and promise others to complete things on time. I have a characteristic that I like to do things from beginning to end, and I will go all out to pursue the best results even if it is difficult. However, I think the main advantage is that I can recognize my mistakes and correct them in time. I believe that this can benefit me all my life. The above advantages are the basis of my future life. I should continue to maintain them and encourage myself to make progress.

Personally, I think my biggest weakness is that I like to be dual-use or even multi-purpose, eager for quick success and instant benefit, and like to do many things at one time. Now think about it, this is actually not good. If I focus on a job for a period of time, I believe that I can complete it better and more accurately. Since I found that I had this shortcoming and problem, I often warned myself that after entering the society, I could not be dual-use.

I do bidding work. I know that I need to be very careful and have a high sense of responsibility. These two points have gradually improved in my work, and I will continue to work hard. I also found some shortcomings in my work, such as:

1. I haven't worked hard enough in my work, and I am more playful;

2. The work is not proactive enough, there are too many materials I haven't read yet;

3. Lack of enthusiasm in doing things, not good at communicating and consulting with people.

In the future work, I will certainly correct these shortcomings.

In the past three months, I have been very happy to meet many new colleagues and friends and they have established friendship. I believe that it is a kind of fate to get together, and I will cherish this friendship. And in the communication with them, he improved his own quality, recognized some of his shortcomings and tried to correct them. The social practice ability has also been greatly improved, laying the foundation for the future society.

Internship life is a valuable asset to life, which cannot be measured by money. More than three months of internship life is a small part of my life line, which is sparkling. It contains sweat and harvest, and plays a vital role in leveling my life line. More than three months of internship has ended. When I recall the past, I still remember many things and hear many words. In the process of internship, I not only met new friends, learned useful knowledge, but also learned valuable experience, which is memorable

Through more than three months of internship, I have learned a lot of knowledge, and more importantly, I have the ability to master a new thing quickly, my mind has become more mature, and my character has become more determined. I know that there is still a long way to go in the future, and we need to continue to work hard. Maybe the road ahead will be difficult, but I believe that as long as we work hard, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we will never give up, and there will be a sky of our own. I will work hard, work hard, and use what I have learned to meet my future life

Internship Experience III

After two weeks of internship, we got to know the smelter and its equipment. This internship gave us a close contact with the smelter and a deep understanding of its production equipment. Although we also learned a lot of smelting equipment in books and saw some models of equipment this semester, they are quite abstract and can only be realized after real experience.

Before the internship, our class was divided into three groups. The 39 students in the class were divided into three groups. I was assigned to the third group, led by the monitor Guan Qi. Our group's internship sequence is sulfuric acid workshop - roasting workshop - leaching workshop - purification workshop - electrodeposition workshop - volatilization kiln. On the morning of October 26, we all waited impatiently for departure. At more than 1 o'clock in the afternoon, we came to the factory - South Nonferrous Smelter. The manufacturer received us warmly and arranged our accommodation. On the morning of the 27th, I had a safety education class and a brief introduction to the process. In the afternoon, the whole plant will visit the process flow.

On the 28th, we started our formal visit and study. In the morning, the director of the sulfuric acid workshop took us to the sulfuric acid workshop and told us some simple requirements. Then he asked the master to show us the equipment. In the process of looking, if we had any questions, the master always took the trouble to explain to us. The sulfuric acid workshop mainly uses roasting flue gas to produce sulfuric acid. The acid making process mainly includes purification of furnace gas, drying of gas, conversion of sulfur dioxide and absorption of sulfur trioxide. The process flow of two conversion and two absorption is adopted. Vanadium pentoxide is used as catalyst and 98 acid is used for dry absorption.. There is a large amount of flue gas in the raw material workshop, so the air volume should be well controlled. Sulfur dioxide often leaks, and some people choke. Main equipment: electric precipitator, first washing tower, second washing tower, first stage electric mist eliminator, second stage electric mist eliminator, sedimentation tank, cooler, circulating tank, circulating acid pump, acid tank, spray cooler, drying tower, blower, filter, heat exchanger, contactor, 98% sulfuric acid absorption tower.

On the 29th, we came to the roasting workshop for practice. The most important thing in the roasting workshop is the fluidized bed furnace. The structure and talent of our fluidized bed furnace under the leadership of the masters; Understand the purpose of fluidized bed roasting of zinc sulfide concentrate - desulfurization; Understand the composition of each concentrate before batching and the composition of mixed concentrate after batching, batching method and equipment; Fluidized roasting technology, such as the air volume and pressure in the front chamber of the furnace, the height of the boiling layer, the temperature of the boiling layer and furnace top, the outlet speed of furnace gas, the amount of flue gas at the outlet, etc; The air is sent from the high-pressure blower to the boiling air hopper, and the pipeline facilities in the middle; What flues and dust collection equipment will the furnace gas pass through from the boiling layer outlet to the electric dust collection outlet... In short, we learned a lot in the roasting workshop under the leadership of the masters.

On the 30th, our group visited the leaching workshop. The leaching workshop was relatively wet compared with the roasting workshop, and the masters all wore waterproof boots to work. The leaching workshop mainly uses zinc electrolytic waste liquid to put valuable metals in raw materials (fluidized bed roaster, smoke, zinc oxide primary neutral concentration supernatant, manganese ore slurry, etc.) into solution. During the tour of equipment, the master explained the technical conditions of leaching: temperature, liquid-solid ratio, PH value, leaching time, etc. of neutral leaching and acid leaching. The preparation of oxidation solution is an important process in the leaching workshop.

On October 31 and November 1, we sorted out the internship materials ourselves.

We started our internship again on the 2nd. Today we should go to the purification workshop. Master introduced the purpose and method of purification. The purpose of purification is to remove Cu, Cd, Co, Ni, As, Sb and other impurities in the neutral leaching solution to the allowable content range in the electrowinning process, so as to ensure the normal process of electrowinning and produce high grade zinc flakes. At the same time, the valuable associated elements in raw materials, such as Cu, Cd, Co, In, Ta, are enriched through the enrichment in the evolutionary process, which is convenient for further recovery of valuable metal components from purification slag. According to its principle, purification methods can be divided into two categories: one is to add zinc powder to replace Cu and Cd, or to remove Co and Ni when there are other additives; the other is to add organic reagents to form insoluble compounds to remove Co, such as xanthate purification method and nitroso β - naphthol purification method. Finally, the master also focused on introducing the main equipment - clean liquid tank. The clean liquid tank is composed of tank body, zinc powder adding disc, mixer, blanking cylinder, peephole, slag outlet, liquid inlet and overflow ditch.

No. 3 is the specific place for our group's internship, which is the electrowinning workshop. The electrolysis workshop is divided into two series for production. The main process is that the solution enters the electrolytic cell - circulating pump - cooling tower - large leaching chute (sampling and testing the zinc content) - zinc ingot melting. During this process, control the current density, the amount of tartar spitting/bone glue/strontium carbonate added, the bath temperature and timing to sample and test the solution and check the anode and cathode plates to avoid burning the plates. Zinc electrodeposition uses patterned Pb Ag as anode and smooth aluminum plate as cathode. The environment of the workshop is humid, and the acid fog is strong and pungent, so it is easy to get electric shock if you do not wear labor protection appliances. The production of anode and cathode plates has also been visited. They are extremely precise and require workers to be skilled and efficient.

The 4th is the last day of our on-site practice. Our internship site is the volatilization kiln. In the morning, the master took us from the "source" to the "source end". In the afternoon, the master took us to the multi hearth furnace, and introduced the structure of the multi hearth furnace in detail.

After visiting the above six workshops, it is concluded that the process of zinc system can be clearly understood and the main process and indicators can be briefly described. 1、 It can also better combine the theoretical knowledge learned previously with practice. However, I didn't pay much attention to the summary of some aspects. Sometimes it is no good for me to learn tricks by walking around. Because I learn things by myself, I have a bad attitude. If I don't find the support point for learning, I can't touch the key point of some things. What I learn is only skin deep. Being irresponsible for yourself is also the wrong thing about this internship. I hope that I will pay more attention in the future and learn to be patient. As Vice President Tang said, I should learn to be a man before doing anything. What can a person do if he doesn't adjust his mind? Therefore, it was doomed that I would make a fool of myself in the examination and always answer questions that were not asked. For example, what are the operating points of the filter press? I answered the principle of filter press. I don't understand why this is the case. Maybe I didn't study hard enough and didn't have a good review. Confucius said it well to review the past and learn the new.

Through this internship, I not only learned about the factory and its smelting equipment, but also learned how to behave and work. Especially what Vice President Tang said at the meeting, I really benefited a lot. Listening to him, it's like a wise man giving directions to a lost teenager, like a Taoist monk giving directions to a confused person. In addition, President Deng of Jinshan Indium and Germanium Smelting Company also taught us a deep lesson. He is just a senior several years older than us, but now he is the president of a company. He told us about his life, and he made us understand the hardships of entrepreneurship and the importance of team in entrepreneurship. Mr. Deng told us that we must give ourselves a direction now. People who really have no goals will always wander in the vast sea of people. I learned from him that only by suffering from hardship can I become a superior person. Here, I deeply bow to you! I am also very grateful to the teachers who gave us guidance and help in this internship. With your help, I learned a lot and understood a lot of truth. In short, this internship, whether in life or study. I have become independent and clear about my future direction. After all, I am not far away from graduation. I hope I can seize the time to learn more theoretical knowledge, strive to improve myself and guide practice with theory! I believe that after this internship, your apprentice students will grow up and learn well. I also hope that the teacher will point out my shortcomings and I will correct them. Finally, I would like to thank the teachers and teachers who helped us during the internship. You have worked hard.

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To learn more about Fanwen, please visit: Experience Model

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2331395.html
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