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Full Moon Wine Speech

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The full moon wine is a feast that every parent who has a son attaches great importance to. At the full moon wine feast, parents will express their gratitude and joy to all guests. The website for studying abroad has brought you some templates for the speech of the full moon wine, and we hope you can have a good full moon wine. For more information, please visit the website for studying abroad( www.liuxue86.com/zhuchici/ )

Full Moon Wine Speech

Article 1

Distinguished guests, relatives and friends:

Good afternoon, everyone!

Today is the day of the lunar calendar, which coincides with the full moon of my daughter. Thank you for coming to congratulate me. First of all, please allow me, on behalf of my family, to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all of you!

A month ago, I officially upgraded. With the arrival of my daughter, I not only experienced the happiness of being a father, but also the hardships of being a father. It is said that "if you don't raise a child, you don't know your parents' kindness". Therefore, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my parents, my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and all of you who care about me.

Every parent expects his son to become a dragon and his daughter to become a phoenix, so I named my daughter Li Jingyao. Jing means peace, Yao means beauty, and I hope my daughter will live a peaceful life.

Due to the busy work, please forgive me if there is anything left to be done in this full moon wine. I hope you will not be constrained, open your mind, and eat and drink limitlessly! Finally, I wish teachers a happy holiday when Teacher's Day is coming! Wish everyone a happy Mid Autumn Festival in advance! Happy family! Thank you!

Part II

Dear guests, dear friends, gentlemen and ladies! In the summer, passion and joy come to the door, welcome the silver dragon to the mortal world, family and friends to celebrate the full moon, and childe to celebrate his family. Today is the grand day of ________ full moon. The welcoming hotel is full of laughter and cheers. Thank you for coming to congratulate you in your busy schedule. Your arrival has added friendship, festivity and auspiciousness to this full moon banquet! On behalf of the host family, I would like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all of you!

First of all, please welcome the leading actor of today's happy event, Joy Star Zhang Leyang, to make a brilliant debut under the care of young parents!

This is our young man. He has thick black hair, beautiful eyes and shining eyes. He is handsome and handsome! I think the young man's name is very good! Its nickname is Stone. It is a piece of jade, indicating health, longevity, majesty, majesty, wealth and auspiciousness. The tuba is called Zhang Leyang, full of knowledge, highlighting progress, and rich in connotation. There is a poem with a hidden head that specially annotates the name of Leyang: the old motto of the Zhang Family passes on the family style, the happy career shows talent, the sailing is smooth and beautiful, and good luck and safety accompany life.

Next, I would like to interview these young parents. There is an old Chinese saying: "You can know your parents' kindness only after raising a child". Although it is only a short month, do you have a deeper understanding of this old saying? We should thank the parents who gave birth to you with a grateful heart, and thank the elders, relatives and friends who love, care and help you. Make a deep bow to parents, elders, relatives and friends.

Parents, elders, relatives and friends, please continue to pay your care and concern.

Children's growth is not only accompanied by joy, but also accompanied by a responsibility. I believe that the young couple will live up to expectations, train and educate successors, and your parents will spare no effort to care and care. We all have one wish. We wish Leyang a healthy growth and a long life. The longer he grows, the wiser he becomes. The longer he grows, the more handsome he becomes. Today is a happy star, tomorrow is a star, and honor his ancestors!

Please go on patrol!

We saw two special characters: the joy of being a grandpa and the joy of being a grandma. At the time of this celebration, they will have a lot of affectionate words to say. Let's welcome the host to give us a speech of thanks!

The host's words were sincere, the full moon wine contains the hope of relatives, the full moon dishes are moistened with the blessing of friends, and the festive atmosphere brings good luck to us all. I hope that everyone can enjoy the delicious food and do not waste it: enjoy the drink, drink more wine, do not get drunk, eat and drink well! More hosting words of Full Moon Wine The host word channel of the website for studying abroad

I wish you all good health, family harmony and everything goes your way!

Part III

Respected leaders, distinguished guests, friends and relatives: Good evening!

Today is the day of the lunar calendar, and it is a happy day! In this beautiful season of spring breeze warming and flowers blooming; In this beautiful spring light with continuous spring rain and abundant vitality, at the foot of beautiful Shushan Mountain, in our ancient city Hefei, a lovely little life, a happy baby, a happy little angel, and a smart boy came to our Ruan family's courtyard. The arrival of the baby brought infinite joy and happiness to the Ruan family. Today is the anniversary of the baby's full moon, Distinguished guests all came to congratulate with good feelings. Thanks to the care and love of your relatives and friends, we are honored to have you here today

Good! Friends! Now let's turn all our prayers and blessings into warm applause. Welcome to the world.

At the same time, I also wish Mr. and Mrs. _______ a happy family and successful career, and now they have a baby again. Congratulations on your becoming a mother and father. I am really happy and proud of you. I hope your family is happy and the whole family is happy.

We wish our baby _______ children healthy growth, happy life, the longer the smarter, the longer the more lovely, the longer the more lovely, the longer the more handsome! Family affection and love make the baby happy. Family affection and love always accompany her. Please give this child health and intelligence!

My baby has a full moon today. My grandpa congratulated me. I wish my baby a healthy growth and a long life,; I also wish the baby's father, mother, grandmother, grandmother, aunt, uncle and other relatives happy and healthy. You eat more at the full moon feast!

Article 4

Dear friends and relatives, ladies and gentlemen, especially children

hello everyone!

Welcome to take time out of your busy schedule to attend the feast of the full moon, the treasure of Mr. and Mrs. __________________.

First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the ______ family, to express our most sincere thanks to all your relatives and friends for coming!

Ten thousand liang is easy to get, but your son is hard to get; White clouds are auspicious, rain is sweet; When your son comes into the world, he will be blessed with happiness.

Full moon wine is a kind of love from parents; Full moon wine is the hope of relatives; Full moon wine is a blessing from relatives and friends. Blessings plus blessings are countless blessings; Blessing minus blessing is the starting point of blessing. Blessing by blessing is infinite blessing. Blessing is the only blessing except blessing. Here, on behalf of the family and friends of the ______ family, on behalf of the ladies, gentlemen and children present, I sincerely wish your son ________________________ a healthy growth and a happy life! At the same time, I wish you all good health and happiness!

Now let's invite friends and relatives present here to raise their glasses, not for the richness of food; Not the glycol of wine; Not for the colorful life, but for the new life and happy life of __________________, cheers!!

Thank you!

1、 Announce the start

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends

Hello everyone!

A new chapter is added to the family music, and the joy of giving birth to a new child (daughter of a thousand) invites friends to gather together and share the fruits of love!

It can be said that: Happy Birthday, Lucky Star Photo ______ Shines the good fortune of the rich family

On the occasion of the beautiful scenery on this beautiful day, I declare that the banquet celebration ceremony for the birth of your son, Mr. and Mrs. ______, is now beginning!

2、 Congratulations

(Kejia: Describe the situation of the newborn and the mentality of the host) First of all, let's give warm applause to the birth of their son ______ and the couple ______, and extend warm congratulations and good wishes!

3、 Welcome guests

The main guests attending today's full moon banquet ceremony are:

This is really: love plays a grand role, the family thrives, relatives and friends celebrate and laugh, and push the cup to change it. Indeed, the arrival of all the guests undoubtedly added color, friendship and auspiciousness to the full moon banquet! Let me, on behalf of the host of Happy Birthday, extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the guests!

4、 Guest speech

The Tianzi wedding banquet was accompanied by cheers, and relatives and friends came to cheer.

Many blessings are in your heart, and good words and witty sayings are affectionate.

Let's welcome the guest representative ______ to deliver a congratulatory speech to the full moon banquet

5、 The host speaks

Ladies and gentlemen, we are delighted to see that the family of ______ and ______ has blossomed into a bright flower bud, bearing a fruit of love. The blooming of flowers and the fragrance of fruits let us see that being a father is full of joy, and being a man is full of joy. At the celebration, as the parents of the newborn, there will be many happy words to say. Let's welcome Mr!

6、 Greeting couplet

Your words speak of happiness, joy and true feelings. So far,

I also choose a couplet quip to present to the host of today's celebration:

The first page: Caiwang people prosper their families and add happiness; the second page: Fuman Shouchangtang Shenghui

Horizontal scroll: good luck

I sincerely wish you and your wife!

7、 Import the banquet

Ladies and gentlemen, let's once again give warm applause to the ______ and the ______ couple who have given birth to a new baby with true feelings! Let me, on behalf of the ______ family, extend my heartfelt thanks to all the guests and wish them good health, happiness and good luck! At the same time, I would also like to thank the boss and all the staff of ______ Hotel for their excellent services for this celebration. I wish your hotel a bright future, a prosperous financial source and a prosperous future!

Finally, I would like to propose that we all celebrate, drink and enjoy the joy of the birth of a baby between ______ and ______!

This is the end of the celebration ceremony, and now the wedding banquet begins!

Thank you!

Article 5

Distinguished guests and friends

Today is the month day of ____________, the month day of the lunar calendar, which coincides with the full moon of your son. Thank you for coming to congratulate you. Please allow me to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to you on behalf of __________!

There are two main contents in life: one is career, the other is life. For our friend _________, it can be said that his career is successful, his business is prosperous, and his life is happy and smooth.

As far as life is concerned, there are two major happy events: one is a happy marriage, the other is the birth of a son {beloved daughter}, and _________ has both, which can be regarded as lifelong luck!

He had a virtuous wife and became a proud husband. He has a desirable son {daughter}, and he becomes a proud father.

Parents have only one wish, hoping that their children will succeed. For this long cherished wish, the _________ couple specially named your son "Yi Kun, Yi" from the "Zhengming Lu" in Beijing, which means the future of the next year, and "Kun" means the Kunlun, which means that Cheng Long will leap to Kunlun the next day. That is to say, in the years to come, the son of _________ will be able to become a talent and become a dragon, leap to Kunlun, reach the peak and become famous at once.

Yi Kun also took a nickname, Yangeng, Yanyan, which means research, study, and learning; Cultivating means plowing, farming, which means that you are willing to work hard. The nickname means that you will gain profound knowledge through labor and use knowledge to work on your career. It will be fruitful and promising!

Come on! Please raise your glasses and drink to the son of _________, who will live a long life, happy, intelligent, knowledgeable, and soon become a Jackie Chan. Cheers!!!

Note: The explanation of the name can be flexibly used and suitable for people.

The above content is provided by the website for studying abroad. If you feel that the information on this website can not solve your problem perfectly, you can contact us at: editor@liuxue86.com , we will answer for you in the first time.

Recommended reading: Host Speech of Full Moon Wine

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   Host Speech of Full Moon Wine | Host speech of the hundred day banquet | MC's speech

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   Host Speech of Full Moon Wine | Host speech of the hundred day banquet | MC's speech

To learn more about the hosting words of Full Moon Wine, please visit: Host Speech of Full Moon Wine

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2307472.html
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