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Stub and non stub introduction letter format

[liuxue86.com - Letter of Introduction Format]

By using the letter of introduction, the other party can understand the identity and purpose of the person coming, so as to gain the trust and support of the other party. The letter of introduction is divided into one with stub and one without stub. Here are some sample articles for you to understand the difference between a letter of introduction with stubs and a letter of introduction without stubs,.

   Format I of Letter of Introduction

  Letter of introduction (stub)

           Word No         number

This is to introduce         Wait for comrades          People go          Contact.          year         month         Day. Section          number

Letter of introduction


This is to introduce          Wait for comrades          People, go to your place to contact, please contact and give assistance at.



(Official seal)

(Term of validity          Day)

   Format II of Letter of Introduction

Letter of introduction (stub)

            Word No          number

            etc.         People, go         contact        

specific date


Section         number


Letter of introduction

            Word No         number

This is to introduce         etc.         Comrades went to your office to contact         , please contact and assist.




specific date

Format 1 and 2 are two copies of the letter of introduction with stubs in duplicate. The stubs are separated from the official copy by the gap between the two sides. The letter of introduction with stubs has the words "×× No. ××" on the dotted line between the gaps. The first format is the stub form and the official form are separated from each other by a seam. In the stub part, there is the title "Letter of Introduction (Stub)". In the second line, there is the word "××××××××" to be filled in. In the body, the name, number of people, relevant identity content, and where to go and what to do need to be filled in order. A date at the end is sufficient. The contents of the official copy and the stub are generally the same, and will not be detailed. But at the end, you should write some words of wish or respect, as well as the expiration date of the letter of introduction. The full name of the detailed unit shall be signed and the official seal shall be affixed to indicate the date. The introduction letters with stubs are all printed products with standard format, which can play the role of proof. They are currently used more frequently

   Format II of Letter of Introduction

Letter of introduction

            ZJZ No. ()

This is to introduce         ,          etc.         Comrade (Department)         ), go to your place to contact         Please contact us for assistance.



           County People's Government (seal)

specific date

Format 3 is a formal letter of introduction without stubs, which is no different from the letter of introduction with stubs in the text printing. It is filled in whenever it is used. The only difference is that no stubs are left.

   Requirements for writing a letter of introduction:

1. Contact matters should be written specifically and concisely.

2. The validity period of the letter of introduction shall be indicated in words.

3. The handwriting shall be neat and neat, and shall not be altered at will.

  matters needing attention

1. Adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, highlight the advantages and avoid the disadvantages. It is better to use achievements and facts instead of pompous modifiers to introduce yourself appropriately.

2. Be sincere and well worded. The language should be euphemistic but not obscure, confident but not arrogant.

3. It is not easy to be too long, concise and comprehensive, highlight the key points in the limited space, and at the same time, the writing should be smooth and neat.

   Special recommendation

   Model letter of introduction | Format of Introduction Letter | How to write a letter of introduction | Introduction Letter Template | Letter of introduction

   Special recommendation

   Model letter of introduction | Format of Introduction Letter | How to write a letter of introduction | Introduction Letter Template | Letter of introduction

For more information about the letter format web, please visit: Format of Introduction Letter

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2299205.html
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