Overseas Study Network


Sample of driver resignation report

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2014-07-25 15:29


[liuxue86.com - Sample resignation report]

Driver may be a neglected profession, such as taxi driver, truck driver, special driver for company leaders, etc., which may not attract people's attention in ordinary times. The following driver's resignation report is carefully prepared for you by the small editor of the resignation report column of www. overseas. com. Welcome to read it. For more information, please collect the website for studying abroad.

Driver resignation report

Unit driver resignation report Fan Wenyi

Dear leaders of ×× Management Office and ×× Management Office

Hello! My name is ×××, and I worked in ××× Tunnel Management Office on October 25, XX, as a pickup truck driver with license plate number ×××××. It's a pity that I proposed to leave the company at this time. It's almost four months since I came here. The atmosphere of the company is like a big family. My colleagues and leaders are very kind to me. I have learned a lot here. I am lucky to get the heartfelt guidance and warm help from the company leaders and colleagues. At work, I learned a lot of valuable experience and skills; In life, they are cared and helped by leaders at all levels and colleagues; Ideologically, they have been guided and helped by leaders and colleagues, and have a more mature and profound outlook on life. The nearly four months of work experience will be a valuable asset in my future work. During my work in ××× Tunnel Management Office, I strictly complied with the vehicle use management regulations of the Management Office, and achieved inspection before driving and maintenance after using the vehicle. The vehicle did not have any accidents during my use. However, I have to quit this job for personal reasons. I hope the leader will approve my application and help me to go through the relevant resignation procedures.



Resigned by: xxx



Model II of driver resignation report: company driver resignation report

Dear trolley monitor

Hello! I am XX. If you are kind, I will not say more. Here is my resignation report.

Since I came to the company in XX years, I have been working as a driver in the car shift. Although it was hard to drive the tool car at the beginning, I was finally satisfied with the regular commuting time. In 2008, I was transferred to driving a car. Although the number of trips was reduced, my commuting was also irregular. I often went on business trips in the middle of the night. I have stuck to it for three years, because I have no choice to live. I got married this year, so I can't be as irregular as I used to be. Now that I have a family, I need a fixed time to accompany my family. I hope the leadership can understand my difficulties, approve my resignation request, sign my resignation report for me, so that I can complete the handover. I will be extremely grateful.



Resigned by: xxx



Driver's resignation report Fan Wensan: bus driver's resignation report

Dear Manager

I joined the bus company as a driver. After X years of work, I felt that there was too much difference between my original personal career plan and my original idea. Therefore, I had to apply to the company for resignation and hoped to officially leave on X month X day.

Thank you for your support and encouragement during the X years of our joint work!

I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience caused to the company. At the same time, I hope that the company will consider and approve my application in consideration of my personal reality.



Resigned by: xxx



Driver's resignation report Model 4: Taxi driver's resignation report

Dear company leaders:

I am XX, a night shift taxi driver. Now I formally apply for resignation. Here is my resignation report.

By 20xx, I had been working as a driver in Kunchi Taxi Company, mainly taking night buses. After four years of work, I was quite used to it and satisfied with it. However, recently, as I was going back to my hometown in Hubei to get married, I had to ask for resignation. Although there were ten thousand people who refused to give up, there was no way out. So I begged the leadership to approve my resignation request. I agreed to sign the resignation letter. I will return the car and relevant certificates to the company as soon as possible, and I will be very grateful.



Resigned by: xxx



Model 5 of driver's resignation report:

Dear leaders

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the leaders for their care and love during the three years since I joined the company in XX. The three years of work has been very helpful to me and I have learned a lot. With the support and affirmation of my colleagues, I won the 2009 Advanced Employee Award. In the past three years, I have been conscientious and unknown in my work, and I have gone all out to complete the tasks assigned by the leaders, and worked hard to learn and improve my own business level. Unfortunately, I will leave the company after my work in April this year. The great pressure of life forced me to make this decision, which was quite difficult for me personally, but my current position (driver cum clerk) was no longer suitable for the needs of work. I believe that my departure will bring some losses to the company, especially some ongoing projects. I will try my best to complete my work in the remaining working hours, and hand over the work in hand before leaving to minimize or avoid these losses.

After decades of life, I have lost a quarter of my life? One in three? Or even less. There is a certain number of ups and downs. Yes, the company has a training plan and a training mechanism. The company will try to train every employee to be a new person with ideals, morality, culture and discipline. Wages will rise and bread will be available. But I can't understand why it will take three or five years for you to train me. Why do people reuse without training? How many years do I have to train you? By then, the day lily will be cool. In the past three years, I may not be able to bind my young and hot heart, right? Maybe this is really right, so I began to think and think seriously. I think the next step in my life is to go back to the society and encounter setbacks, and to find my own position in the continuous struggle.

Leaving the company and the colleagues who worked together, I am reluctant to part with the concern of leaders and the sincerity and friendliness among colleagues. I also wish the company a higher level of success in its future development!

As mentioned above, due to personal reasons, I hereby submit my resignation to the company and hope that the leadership will approve it. Thank you.



Resigned by: xxx


   Special recommendation

   Sample resignation report | Resignation Report Template | How to write a resignation report | Resignation Report | Reason for resignation

   Special recommendation

   Sample resignation report | Resignation Report Template | How to write a resignation report | Resignation Report | Reason for resignation

For more information on the resignation report template website, please visit: Sample resignation report

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2291352.html
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