Overseas Study Network


Template of introduction letter of interns

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2014-05-17 14:12


[liuxue86.com - Letter of Introduction Template]

We often use the letter of introduction in our daily life. It is necessary to collect the template of the letter of introduction. Therefore, we hope you will like the template of the letter of introduction.

   Template of introduction letter of interns


This is to introduce ______________, a student of our school, to your office to participate in the teaching practice. The teaching practice lasts from _______ to _______. Please contact us.



_______School of Music, Normal University


Recommended reading: Introduction Letter Template

   Special recommendation

   Letter of introduction | Company Introduction Letter | Administrative introduction letter | Internship Introduction Letter

   Special recommendation

   Letter of introduction | Company Introduction Letter | Administrative introduction letter | Internship Introduction Letter

For more information on the letter of introduction template website, please visit: Introduction Letter Template

Source: https://www.liuxue86.com/a/2220020.html
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