Source code sharing High quality source code is here
 Aixing Travel Advertising Genie Hanging up Source Code+Docking Code Payment Instant Arrival+Recharging System+Promotion of Subordinate System+Encapsulation of App - Meteor Community

The source code of iTravel advertising genie hang up+docking code payment instant arrival+recharge system+promotion of lower level system+package app

Introduction to source code Installation instructions: Please use the win system Apache+php5.6+mysql5.6 to install. 1. Upload to the root directory of the website 2. Use phpMyadmin to import the database file. sql 3. Modify the database link file/APP/Conf/config.php (remember not to use it
2 years ago
zero two hundred and twenty-seven seventy-four
 Typecho Blog Theme Joe Selfie Persistence Revised - Meteor Community

Typecho Blog Theme Joe Skinny Persistence Revised Edition

The modified content of the source code introduction is as follows: 1. New reward function is added to the theme, and the reward button is displayed at the bottom of the article after opening. 2. New pop-up function is added to the theme, and the pop-up screen is displayed on the back interface. 3. New online number statistics is added to the theme, and the number of online people is displayed on the bottom after opening. 4. New interactive readers sidebar is added to the theme
1 year ago
twenty-five six hundred seventy-five
 Gechuang Campus Running App v1.1.45 Lost and Found Add Search Function - Meteor Community

Gechuang Campus Running App v1.1.45 Lost and Found Add Search Function

Introduction to source code: Gechuang Campus Running V1.1.45, small program module, multi school version, original encryption, the latest version has been updated: Lost and Found adds search function; Test environment: System environment: CentOS Linux 7.6.1810 (Core) Running environment: Pagoda Linux v7.0
2 years ago
zero two hundred and thirty-eight sixty-one
 In 2022, the latest improved Rainbow Knowledge Payment Template System - Meteor Community

In 2022, the latest improved version of Rainbow's knowledge payment template system

Source code introduction This system is an improved version of the Rainbow system source code with N types of templates. This template is sold for 599 outside. After improvement, it fixes known bugs and gives them free to everyone to authorize data docking and self collation. Self upload, with easy payment update 10.3 solution
2 years ago
four two hundred and sixty one hundred
 Blockchain trading system+blockchain wallet+blockchain mining machine+source code of virtual currency trading market - meteor community

Blockchain trading system+blockchain wallet+blockchain mining machine+source code of virtual currency trading market

Introduction to source code Database configuration path/date/conf/db.php background path/aabbccsdmin admin 123456 source code screenshot
2 years ago
zero two hundred and ninety-eight eighty-nine
 Currently, the main WeChat toolbox applet with the most functions and traffic - Meteor Community

Currently, the main WeChat toolbox applet with the most functions and traffic

Introduction to source code This is a cloud development super multi-function toolkit, which combines WeChat applet source code with the main function of traffic. The applet contains more than 40 functions, which can be called an all-around toolkit. The general functions are as follows: ID photo production, garbage classification, query, personalized signature production, two-dimensional code generation
2 years ago
two three hundred and one eighty