Xinhua Dictionary Online Search _ Xinhua Dictionary Department Initial Search _ Red Couplet
Xinhua Dictionary Red couplet
Red couplet Xinhua Dictionary
Please input Chinese characters for dictionary query

Xinhua Dictionary Online Word Search

Xinhua dictionary includes more than 20000 simplified Chinese characters and traditional Chinese characters through online searching. Xinhua dictionary can query Chinese characters online Chinese characters, Pinyin, Wubi, Cangjie, Zheng Code, code, four corner number, stroke order number, part of speech change, Kangxi dictionary interpretation, Shuowen Jiezi, English, etc.

Query skills of Xinhua dictionary:
1. You can enter one or more Chinese characters for query, and Xinhua Dictionary will automatically filter non Chinese characters in the middle;
2. Support pinyin query without tone or with tone, for example: hao, if you want to query the third tone of hao, enter: hao 3;
3. For stroke order query, enter a complete stroke number, 1 horizontal, 2 vertical, 3 left, 4 left, and 5 folded. For example, the word "Wang" is 1121 (horizontal, horizontal, vertical, horizontal);

Popular dictionary

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