[mejinlaybody.com] SEO performance evaluation

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[mejinlaybody.com] SEO performance evaluation
1: Website SEO architecture detection
  1. ALT tag needs to be added to the picture

  1. Website speed is not up to standard (mobile terminal)

  1. TKD of the website is not up to standard, and words need to be buried again

  1. The robots.txt file is complete, but it is recommended to delete the AhrifsBot blocking instructions and add the sitemap link
  1. Add sitemap link to the front bottom navigation


2: Website marketing content detection
  1. There is a jump link on the home page, but it needs to be adjusted to jump back to the home page

  1. The content at the bottom of the home page should not appear in Chinese, and pictures are not recommended

  1. Enquiries need to add inquiry reasons and call words

  1. The website is rich in content. It is recommended to add the company's development history

At present, many problems that are not conducive to SEO can be found. Rectification suggestions: refer to the Website Diagnosis Report issued by our company to make technical adjustments to the page structure; At the same time, reorganize the product content, including parameters, performance indicators, application schemes, market advantages, FAQs and other aspects, edit the detailed introduction of the product content, and typesetting in the form of text+pictures+videos. Collecting smooth pages and valuable content is the core of white hat SEO.
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