Bilibili v5.55.1 Go to the ad modified version to unlock the theme and break the cache copyright restrictions for Android

March 25, 2020 15:15:06 two 20,096 views

Bilibili is now the largest youth trend culture and entertainment community in China. The website, also known as "B Station", was founded on June 26, 2009. At present, Bilibili has more than 150 million active users, more than 100 million videos are played every day, the total number of bullet screens exceeds 1.4 billion, and the total number of original contributions exceeds 10 million. The average age of users is 17 years old. It is a video community that many teenagers like.

Bilibili Bullet Screen Net( http://www. bilibili . tv) – a well-known video screen website in China, with the most timely animation new style on the Internet, the best ACG atmosphere, the most creative Up owner, often nicknamed by animation fans bilibili , "Station B". Bilibili Animation is the official mobile client from Bilibili Bullet Screen Network. The website video comes from the creation or transportation of users. Unlike other video websites, there are a lot of repetitive and low-quality video content. The website porters are a group of core users who love animation. They can ensure the content quality and picture quality of animation, and can provide the most timely The clearest animated video content.

哔哩哔哩v5.55.1 去广告 修改版 解锁主题破缓存版权限制 for Android

Modification description of domestic version

@Blue flying

Remove copyright restrictions (not cacheable for online viewing)

Remove the member purchase tab on the main interface

Go to the game center

Remove the use restrictions of the theme, and the default is teal green

Remove excessive animation

Revision description of international edition

By jw8013//original modification

1. Remove signature verification

2. Copyright removal download restrictions (member restrictions not cracked)

3. Subject free restriction (login is not required)

4. Simulator does not flash back

5. Go to video detail page recommendation list advertisement

Historical version

Download address

 Xiaozhi, webmaster


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    •  Wuling Red Seedling Wuling Red Seedling zero

      This can