How does station b download videos to computers

January 8, 2020 14:23:18 Comment 2,167 views

Seeing that some kids who use Bili Bili are asking how to download the video from Station B to the computer, the following editor will simply introduce a method to everyone. Those who want to know will see it.

See the use Bili Bili My friends are asking how to download the video from station b to the computer. The following editor will simply introduce a method to you. Those who want to know will see it.


How does station b download videos to computers

1. First, download gihosoft tubeget on your computer, install and run the software;

2. Then, open the Bilibili website, find the video you need to download, and copy the link in the URL bar of the browser;

3. Analyze the link, select the download resolution, and other settings;

4. Then click the download button to download the video from Station B to the local computer.

 Xiaozhi, webmaster


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