What can "My Home" Xiaocheng do in Alipay members in Ant Manor class

January 5, 2020 11:56:33 Comment 1,685 views

What can "My Home" Xiaocheng do for Alipay members? What is the answer to the class on Ant Manor on January 5? Ant Manor Classroom provides chicken feed for netizens. Don't forget to answer the questions. Xiaobian also prepared the correct answers for everyone, hoping to help netizens.

支付宝会员里“我的家”小程可以用来做什么 蚂蚁庄园课堂答案最新

Answers to Ant Manor class on January 5

Title: What can "My Home" Xiaocheng do among Alipay members

A: Check the introduction of talent

B: Save family points for good gifts

Answer: B. Saving family points for good gifts

The above is the answer to the class at Ant Manor today (January 5). Hurry up and answer the question.

 Xiaozhi, webmaster


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