Plate maker designer brand 10-13k
Shanghai 5-10 years undergraduate
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Job description
Job responsibilities: 1. During the development period, complete the task of new product development, ensure that each development operation process does not deviate from the design intent, and complete the monthly cardboard development content according to the design department; 2. Be responsible for the operation process guidance of each development sample and pattern, and be responsible for the technical guidance of sample garment production tracking and following. Formulate and improve various systems of the printers from implementation to implementation, manage and ensure that the pattern is completed on time and in accordance with the standard; 3. Check the accuracy of the size and process requirements after the sample garment is made, keep records, quickly check the large cargo paper samples, and request to check the size and process requirements of each part of the process sheet, and record some information of the paper samples on the process sheet to ensure accuracy; 4. Actively communicate with the designer and the sample clothes master about the process of production, put forward the unreasonable points in production, and improve them in time; 5. Cooperate with the production of some technical files to ensure the accuracy and integrity of products; Qualifications: 1. Be able to complete plate making independently, be proficient in plate making process, have a good understanding of the requirements of designers, and be good at active communication; Flexible thinking. 2. Be familiar with various fabrics, be able to cut and sew, and be skilled in fabric accounting, layout and calculation; 3. More than 5 years of experience in R&D and plate making in garment enterprises, able to accurately judge the shape and give timely modification opinions; 4. Be familiar with a series of processes such as proofing, grading and typesetting, and know how to avoid the unreasonable problems that may occur in large sample clothes; 5. Familiar with garment process design, three-dimensional cutting, plane plate making, ET plate printing, fabric and bulk production process; 6. Proficient in the sample grading work required by the performance and processing technology of various fabrics, and familiar with the bulk cargo operation and production process of various processing plants; 7. Be able to understand and make craft sheets, accurately grasp the designer's intention and design style, and have a good understanding of ready-made clothing requirements; 8. Strong communication and coordination skills, strong ability to analyze and solve problems, and focus on team spirit; 9. Proactive and careful, hardworking, innovative and team spirit, strong execution ability.

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