Longhu Group
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Real estate development and operation · More than 10000 people

Longhu Group was founded in Chongqing in 1993 and developed throughout the country. At present, it has formed three business segments: development, operation and service, covering real estate development, commercial investment, long-term rental apartments, property management, smart building and other multi-channel businesses. It has actively tested innovative fields such as water, health care, industry and city, and achieved the overall layout of the first and second tier high-energy cities in China. For more information, please go to Longhu official website to inquire or follow "Longhu Group Recruitment" WeChat official account
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Business Information
Data source:

Full name of enterprise

Beijing Longhu Zhongbai Real Estate Co., Ltd

Date of establishment

October 24, 2007

registered capital

RMB 150 million

Legal representative

Liu Ye

Registered address

Floor 1, Building 1, North Side, No. 25, Banbidian Street, Tongzhou District, Beijing

Unified credit code



Real estate development and operation



registration authority

Tongzhou District Bureau of Market Supervision and Administration of Beijing Municipality

Business Term


Enterprise type

Limited liability company (sole proprietorship of legal person)

Business status


Business scope

Real estate development; Sales of commercial housing; Investment management and asset management; Goods import and export, technology import and export, import and export agent. (Market entities shall independently select business projects and carry out business activities in accordance with the law; projects that need to be approved in accordance with the law shall carry out business activities in accordance with the approved contents after being approved by the relevant departments; they shall not engage in business activities that are prohibited or restricted by the national and municipal industrial policies.)

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