Quietle we media blog theme template, night mode and powerful SEO effect

Quietle we media blog, news, information interaction theme template and powerful SEO optimization effect. This theme is derived from "Little Light Bulb Design", transplanted the Spimes theme of TY program, and paid tribute to the original author. This is a very nice

Li Yang's Blog 2020-02-09 7.6 W Reading 158 Comments

Last article updated: May 31, 2024

Quietle We Media Blog Journalism information Interactive theme templates and powerful SEO optimization Effect, this theme is derived from "Small Bulb Design", transplanted the Spimes theme of TY program to pay tribute to the original author. This is a very nice theme template, simple in style, compatible with multimedia mobile terminal display, and has an independent share Code, no longer dependent Baidu (If you want to rely on it, the official website of Baidu Share has been hung up). It supports the one click poster generation mode, also transplanted the reading mode of the source theme template, optimized the code of the night mode, added the CMS list module at the bottom of the website home page, and has its own switch in the background. Please listen to me for more functions.

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 1

Analysis of theme highlights:

  • Theme Global Night Mode , the front desk user can control by himself, and the time of automatic night mode is 22:00 to 05:00;

  • The article comes with the functions of sharing, reading and your favorite poster mode;

  • HTTPS optimization, fully supporting HTTPS websites;

  • Global visual effects loading (the module gradually displays when the page is scrolled);

  • The theme has a variety of advertising spaces, which can be set in the background;

  • Theme integrates custom style and js interface code, and can modify the style or add third-party js special effects;

  • Powerful SEO optimization effect, classified and customized titles, keywords and descriptions, with remarkable optimization effect (SEO specifications are made according to the white paper of search engines);

  • The article thumbnail has a custom large image mode, as well as three image, single image and no image modes;

  • The article title comes with recommendations (recommendations for editing articles), hot articles (more than 1000 views), the latest (24 hours of release time), and excellent user experience features.

  • For more functions and highlights, please check the demo site (use the demo site plug-in unit Implementation. Compatibility is not particularly good. If you have problems, you can contact directly stationmaster )。

Theme function module:

  • First, introduce the various functions of the theme. The night mode can be turned on and off by the user. The night mode icon is on the right side of the top of the navigation.

  • Article function display:

Recommendation: The words "recommend" are displayed on the left side of the title. If it is more than 1000, it will be popular. If it is released less than 24 hours, it will be the latest. If it is enabled, it will be displayed first.

Large : After opening, the article list will display the large picture module (when more than three article pictures are opened, this style will be displayed first if the large picture is opened, if there is no picture to open the large picture, then a picture will be randomly allocated, and the path of the picture will be random“ /zb_users/theme/quietslee/include/cateimg/ ”)。

If there are more than three pictures of the article, one picture will be displayed by default. If you want to display the style of three pictures, turn on Multiple Pictures.

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 2

PS: No graph , if there is no picture in the article, a random picture will be displayed by default, which can also be Manual opening without diagram Displays the scheme. Turn off thumbnail This function will also be turned off.

Demo address: This is only valid for commodity templates.

Thumbnail: Upload the pictures displayed by category in the list. After uploading Custom pictures are preferred.

  • In the sidebar module "Recently published", "Hot articles", "Hot articles", "Tag list", "Article archive" The cache txt mode is adopted, and the call content is automatically generated without manual management. The number of calls and popular days are set in the theme configuration. After setting, You need to re edit any article to generate a new cached txt file.

  • Friendly link, tag aggregation, article archiving, reader wall template, setting method, page management, new, self prepared title content, select the corresponding template on the right (see below), if there is no content Edit articles casually Next, Regenerate Cache txt Content.

PS: Friendly link template "links", tag aggregation template "tags", article archiving template "sitemap", reader wall template "readers"

  • The theme has its own slide carousel function, which can be set in the theme setting - carousel setting. Add your own slides, and the size is recommended (512 * 335 pixels). In addition, the article on the right side of the slide is customized in the background. Fill in the article ID, theme setting - global setting.

  • If Close Right Article Is not displayed, Slide Suggestions Replace with 780 * 350 (this size is only used when closing the article on the right)

  • Side bar module calling order: the default side bar is called on the home page, the category list template calls side bar 2, the common article and commodity article template calls side bar 3, and the image category template calls side bar 4, Mobile terminal navigation call sidebar 5 (not displayed if there is no content)

  • There are two modes for classification templates:“ Catalog (left picture and right text) And“ Cataimg (above and below) " , article default template“ single ”( Classification management - edit )。

  • Custom SEO on Then, the classification template title (as shown in the figure): the title is set by itself, for example: Custom Category Title - Custom Name , the foreground displays: Custom Category Title - Custom Name , cancel the following website title interface, which is more convenient to set. (If you don't understand, you can set it yourself.)

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 3

Navigation bar submenu code: (module management navigation bar, you can also use the link module management plug-in to open the submenu)

 <li class="menu-item-has-children"> <a href="/">First level menu</a>     <ul class="dropdown-menu sub-menu"> <li><a href="/">submenu 1</a></li> <li><a href="/">submenu 2</a></li> <li><a href="/">submenu 3</a></li>     </ul> </li>

Application Center Purchase     See more works

Responsive Unlimited domain name Permanent use Free upgrade Free experience After sales guarantee Original works Value for money SEO optimization

Update log:

V 5.6.28(24/05/xx)

--Optimize the background commodity template price interface, and use third-party plug-ins to automatically shield the interface to avoid confusion.

V 5.6.27(24/05/16)

--Fix and optimize comment and its avatar display code, compatible with Cravatar and Weavatar avatar code.

--Fix the 404 problem of tourist links in some cases when the mobile terminal is not logged in.

--Add the bottom QR code judgment code. If the QR code interface in the theme setting is empty, it will not be displayed.

--Add a website filing number interface for the prompt information of closing the website.

V 5.6.26(24/04/02)

--Fixed an error with no functions in the sidebar label template.

--Fixed the problem that the distance between two webcasts was too large when dual webcasts and articles on the right were not enabled.

--Fix the error and misplacement of the classification image and text template under certain circumstances.

--Add the article context page turning function switch. If the article base is large and the delay is stuck, you can try to turn off the page turning function.

V 5.6.25(24/02/29)

--A new SEO title interface is added to the article page, and independent SEO titles can be set.

--Optimize the article commodity template integral unit function, and directly call the user center name.

--Optimize some detail style codes of the sidebar webmaster information module.

--Fix the bug that may be attacked by xss because the function of the category list page is not escaped.

--The format of the compatible part of the collected articles causes errors in the articles.

V 5.6.24(24/01/19)

--The class name of the new pseudo element. You can customize the prefix and set the html element to be added.

--Optimize the night mode code, add and turn on the night mode switch of the whole station, and directly display the night mode after turning on.

--Optimize the content of the article, and the picture is asymmetric and centered. Thank you for your feedback.

--Optimize some details of css style sheet and display effect of mobile terminal.

--Fixed an error in the right sidebar countdown year remaining percentage.

--Optimize the problem that the login button has no login action under the status of tourists.

--The optimization article list summary cannot be clicked to enter the article under the top category.

V 5.6.23(23/12/21)

--Cancel the information functions such as attachments only after tourists have logged in.

--Fix the problem that the theme template compilation does not exist after the theme template is first opened.

--Fixed the problem of missing functions in the user center for opening article commodity templates.

--Optimize the system verification code characters and change it to a numeric format only.

--Optimize the CSS style code of unordered list and ordered list of article pages.

--Optimize the theme SEO switch function, and close the corresponding interface when closing the article editing page.

--Optimize the problem that the ID value of the user-defined interface part of the article is duplicate with the system ID.

--Optimize global night mode css style code.

V 5.6.22(23/11/22)

--Optimize the login permission of tourists. Relevant attachments and other information can only be obtained after login.

--Optimize the background verification code, and the plug-ins with the same author theme will no longer display the unauthorized prompt.

--Optimize the radius of the rounded border of the sidebar author information background image.

--Optimize the style code related to the comment box on the PC side and mobile side of the article page.

--Optimize the background login interface css style code.

V 5.6.21(23/10/23)

--Optimize the article commodity template, and the price and other information cannot be viewed in the tourist status.

--Optimize some details and style codes of commodity templates.

--New article list summary hyperlink code. Click the summary to read the full text.

--The "Reading Mode" and "Poster Function" switches are added in the article settings, which can be turned off in the article settings if not necessary.

--Optimize the top and bottom of the article template to call thumbnail code and discard the old code.

--Compatible with night mode codes.

V 5.6.20(23/09/18)

--Since they don't like widescreen display, delete widescreen display code.

--Fix the problem that the top of the navigation bar on the mobile end is not aligned after turning off the simple and complex switching function.

V 5.6.19(23/09/15)

--Fix the problem that the list thumbnail function is empty, which causes pictures not to be displayed in multi image mode.

--Add a custom thumbnail interface, which can mask the theme default picture, theme settings - function switches - thumbnail customization.

--Set the minimum Z Log version to 1.7+and the minimum PHP 5.6, and optimize the old function code.

--The width of the page is optimized for different screen sizes.

--Separate the style code of custom css and color settings, and display the custom css code independently, not integrated in Color settings.

V 5.6.18(23/09/11)

--Fix the default function values of some background interfaces to reduce the problem of theme errors caused by unsetting.

--Optimize the public tail template of the theme, remove redundant characters, and optimize the inherent PHP code.

--Optimize the display effect of article commodity template page style and adaptive interface.

--Optimize article list and other template page thumbnail function code.

--Optimize the default data of some interfaces of the background template.

V 5.6.17(23/08/21)

--Optimize the details of the module style code at the top of the classification template.

--The upgrade of optimized zbp version causes incompatibility.

--Optimize article thumbnail interface and PHP function code.

-- backstage Add compiling and updating sidebar module content code.

--Delete the repeated argument functions in the theme configuration file.

V 5.6.16(23/07/25)

--Optimize the problem that the default interface path of the background is incorrect for some pictures in the secondary directory.

--Optimize the theme to set the problem that the pictures of the carousel are not displayed in the secondary directory.

--Optimize background thumbnail interface calling code, use official writing method, judge display and other codes.

--Optimize night mode code.

--Optimize global part style and dynamic effect code.

--Restore the thumbnail clipping function, and use the official code for the interface.

--Fix the bug that the login interface verification code interface of the theme is misplaced.

V 5.6.15(23/07/03)

--Optimize the image light box of the article regular expression code.

--The regular expression code for optimizing article thumbnails is simple, intuitive, easy to understand and maintain.

--Optimize part of the article template page and style detail code.

--Optimize the article code style details, and support the collected code code.

--The theme core php code function interface is standardized, compatible with the php8 version, and some interface codes are optimized.

--Fixed an issue where the sidebar and comment icons were misaligned with the nickname in some browsers.

--Overall page detail style code optimization.

V 5.6.14(23/06/08)

--The sidebar randomly displays the new and replacement buttons of the article, which fixes the problem that the automatic refresh cannot be performed due to different triggering methods.

--Optimize the mobile side menu bar style detail code.

V 5.6.13(23/06/07)

--Repair the BUG that returns the top switch invalid.

--Optimize search template highlighting keyword style code.

--Optimize sidebar module style details.

--Fixed an issue where the title of an article in night mode did not change color.

--Streamline the theme core js code.

V 5.6.12(23/05/12)

--Add images and texts on the right side of the carousel and double carousel switches.

--The new global color customization function allows you to set the color of the theme template at will.

--New sidebar returns to the top module switch, which can be turned off if a third-party plug-in is installed.

--The optimization sidebar search module has no style problem.

--Optimize the comment default nickname interface.

--Optimize the user experience, add a delete button on the article page, and you can delete articles directly in the foreground. Only administrators can operate, and other users do not have this permission.

--After the theme is enabled, the module content in the sidebar will be compiled automatically without manually clearing the cache.

--Optimize the code of the latest article called by the author information in the homepage sidebar.

--Optimize the problem that the emoticon box is not hidden after clicking the comment emoticon.

--Fix the jitter problem of some modules in some cases.

--Delete the code where the function of the topic part coincides with the program.

V 5.6.11(23/04/21)

--Optimize the home page carousel module, add the right side up and down carousel function, and enable the dual carousel mode before【 Slide Setup 】-[Set the article on the right side of the carousel] - [Close Status (Gray)]

--Fixed the problem that the home page top ad overlaps with the sidebar in some cases.

--The top registration/login interface is classified, and the background sets the registration and login links by itself.

--Add a customized link for background address, theme settings - basic settings - top login function - background login address.

--Restore the pseudo static search function to prevent the 404 problem on the search page after inclusion.

--The summary of optimized search template highlights the problem of garbled code caused by pseudo static (thanks to the guidance of Kefeng).

--Optimize the spacing of advertising modules and the foreground display effect.

V 5.6.10(23/03/27)

--The rewriting theme comes with a sidebar module. To update the theme, you need to disable or uninstall the theme, and then upload and enable it again. The configuration file will not be lost.

Note: After the update, the sidebar module needs to edit or delete articles (comments) to generate new content.

--Fix the problem that the TAB navigation tab on the home page cannot be clicked occasionally.

--Optimize the side bar module group name.

--Optimize search for highlighted code and delete redundant template files.

--Optimize the sidebar to randomly display article codes, set random display within the specified time, and no longer filter all articles.

--New article update stamp, theme setting, function switch, article prompt update in article list.

--Optimize the loading speed when the theme is enabled.

V 5.6.9(23/03/03)

--Fixed some problems such as delay and stuck when the number of articles was more than 100000.

--Optimize some function codes to adapt to PHP 7.0+version codes.

--The delete theme comes with the "search pseudo static" function, and the required self download plug-ins.

--Delete the theme thumbnail clipping function (the CPU soars due to the large article base, so it is deleted).

--Optimize the search page function, rewrite the summary code, and add search keywords and highlighting functions.

--Optimize the size of the home page broadcast picture, display at a fixed proportion, and no longer stick to a fixed picture size.

--Optimize the buffering effect of home page TAB switching loading.

--The explanation of setting instructions in the background part of the optimization theme, with emphasis on bold or highlighted, determines the function switch according to the actual situation.

--Increase the number of randomly displayed thumbnails. Setting method:

Theme settings - function settings - thumbnail random pictures
By default, there are 9 random pictures. (After updating the theme, the interface is empty, and you can set 9 or more numbers.) By default, there are 9 random pictures. If you want to set more pictures, you can directly add the number of pictures, for example, 20. If the number set is greater than 9, you need to upload the corresponding pictures in the/zb_users/theme/quiet/style/noimg/directory. The naming format is. jpg, such as 10.jpg. The format cannot be changed.

--Fixed an error in calling related recommended articles at the bottom of the article template.

--The order of optimizing page<style>code and preferentially calling custom css interfaces.

V 5.6.8(23/02/09)

--Fixed the problem that the top simple and complicated conversion could not display the complicated status in time.

--Optimize the PHP code related to background theme settings, and delete useless function information.

--Optimize the title spacing on the mobile end.

--Optimize scroll bar style code.

--Clean up redundant files;

V 5.6.7(23/01/09)

--Fix the problem that the module at the bottom of the home page is misaligned under some screens.

--Optimize the relevant style code of Spring Festival and festival skin.

 Background picture: https://s1.ax1x.com/2023/01/10/pSmEf54.jpg Color code: # effect1

--Add Hongmeng font for theme style and copy the code "body, a {font family: HarmonyOS_Sans;}" Put it in Theme Settings - Custom css interface, and open it to use Hongmeng font globally.

--Fixed the problem of dislocation of some pages on different mobile terminals.

--Optimize the og rich media tag code and improve the summary keyword call scheme.

--Optimize the template homepage broadcast code, reduce useless js loading, and speed up the web page.

--Optimization thumbnails display optimization schemes.

V 5.6.6(22/12/13)

--In some cases, the optimized classification list code prompts the problem of function errors.

--Fix the problem that the comment box spacing is too large due to incompatible plug-ins in some cases.

--Add a friendly prompt on the website closing status page, and call the login image interface for background image settings.

--Optimize user experience and improve page loading speed.

--Optimize the homepage filtering of specified classified articles and rebuild the paging code.

--Optimize relevant code according to Google PageSpeed page.

V 5.6.5(22/11/17)

--Optimize the theme advertising space, and increase the advertising interface on the top of the home page as required.

--Fix the problem that collecting or copying and pasting article content cannot obtain content summary information.

--Optimize the left and right spacing of the page layout.

--Optimize user experience and improve page loading speed.

--Optimize the display effect of side bar menu on mobile end.

--Fix the problem of setting instructions on the right side of theme settings and incorrect web address of css stylesheet.

--Optimize the number of words in the article summary.

--The page turning scheme can be set according to the page turning function switch at the bottom of the new list page fed back by netizens.

V 5.6.4(22/10/31)

--Fix the problem that the keyword prompt cannot be set when downloading the theme's own resources.

--Optimize the theme core js code and modify the original domain name link.

--Optimize and adapt resource download module code, adaptive display effect and night mode code.

--Optimize the top search box to automatically locate problems with some errors.

V 5.6.3(22/10/12)

--Optimize some user centric code compatibility problems.

--Optimize the list summary call interface. You can select to call the body directly, and the article settings - summary call the body.

--The purchase of commodity article template adds the function of user-defined link, and the purchase link of article settings commodity page.

V 5.6.2(22/09/22)

--Optimize the failure of authorization verification due to domain name problems.

--Optimize the code of the top search box, and add the function of automatic cursor positioning.

--Optimize page reconstruction code and adaptive display code.

V 5.6.1(22/09/09)

--Streamline code and re adapt functions such as Kefeng user center purchase.

--Fix the bug where the download function of the theme has opened an error on a page.

--Optimize the purchase query attachment js code.

--Optimize the top search function special effect to automatically locate the input tag.

--Fix the problem that some functions of 404 page did not update details.

--Other code optimization and code adaptation for night functions.

V 5.6(22/09/02)

--Add a new list thumbnail to enable the asynchronous image loading function, which is enabled in function settings.

--Delete the old thumbnail clipping code and use the system's own clipping function.

--Optimize thumbnail display scheme, separate and simplify delay loading js code.

--Fix the problem that some functions of 404 page did not update details.

--The optimized search list spacing is consistent with its classification.

--Optimize complex and traditional Chinese and simple conversion js code.

--Optimize after-sales authorization verification code.

V 5.5.10(22/08/11)

--When optimizing the reply at the bottom of the comment area, the expression can't show the complete question.

--New traditional Chinese conversion function is enabled in function settings.

--Optimize the background color of page login.

--Optimize the logic relation code for the priority display of the avatar in the comment area.

--Optimize the problem that the emoticon image is too small when replying at the bottom of the comment area.

V 5.5.9(22/07/21)

--Fix the problem that the article page setting time is invalid.

--Optimize the page part detail style code.

--Fix the bug of incomplete display caused by too many H tags in the directory index.

--The quick reply function is added in the article comment area, and the reply text can be set in the background.

V 5.5.8(22/07/04)

--Temporarily fix the bug that caused errors when 404 template called the tag function.

--Fixed the problem of inconsistent advertising spacing at the top of the classification template.

V 5.5.7(22/06/29)

--Fix the problem that the login interface text logo is invalid.

--Fix the adaptive display effect of theme page template.

--Optimize the Orson icon code, ban the Orson CDN link, and adopt the local link scheme.

V 5.5.6(22/06/27)

--Fix the thumbnail interface policy and optimize the bug where the article has no image but the customized thumbnail settings still do not show the image.

--Fix the bug that the article reading mode cannot call the article content and the picture light box are invalid.

--Optimize the code and style of the search box on the top of the mobile end.

--Optimize the background article editing of articles, and add cookies to expand the direct reading of cookies in the later stage.

--Optimize the running status and performance of the theme.

--The random display module increases the controllable time, and the global settings - the sidebar calls articles randomly.

--Some details of the theme template are trimmed.

--New background login interface optimization, function settings, and login interface opening.

--The resource download adds the powder absorption verification function such as WeChat, which can set the verification code download (global password and article independent password can be set, and the resource can be downloaded only when the password is entered correctly).

--Optimize and adapt resource download module code, adaptive display effect and night mode code.

--Add a special page template, page management, and create a new one. Set a "special" template on the right, and set the tag ID and top background image.

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 4

About the thumbnail address of the topic page: you need to create a new folder under "/zb_users/upload/", name "special", and upload the jpg image of the tag ID. For example, in the image, you need to upload the image of "1. jpg" to the path "/zb_users/upload/special", set several tags and upload several images.

Front desk presentation: https://www.liblog.cn/zhuanti/

--Optimize the adaptive display effect.

V 5.5.5(22/06/09)

--Fixed the bug that the comment area does not have the paging function.

--Modify the article, add a directory index, and add the H tag highlighting function

--Optimize the og standardization label of the theme page template.

--On the background editing page of the article, fold buttons are added to the SEO interface, instead of directly displaying each interface.

--Some details of the theme template are trimmed.

--Optimize the IP home function displayed in the comment area, and replace it“ IP home ”Plug in.

V 5.5.4(22/05/19)

--Fix the problem that the comment box will disappear in some cases in the comment module.

--Optimize comment reply function and style effect.

--Optimize the PHP code on the back end of the picture light box.

--Switch is added for sorting at the top of classification template.

--New article page directory tree function module, theme setting, article setting, article directory tree.

--A new side bar countdown module is added. After the update, the theme is enabled. Module management - like the passage of time, drag it to the right side bar.

--Fixed several small bugs fed back by netizens.

--Add the function of displaying IP territories in the comment area.

PS: The IP display location needs to be installed and enabled“ IP home ”Plug in.

V 5.5.3(22/05/01)

--Optimize the automatic compilation of comments on the sidebar after they are successfully deleted and approved.

--Optimize the article page picture light box plug-in, and use more concise js code to improve the efficiency of the website.  

--Optimize the overall code of the page header, and reduce the useless js and css style code.

--Rewrite the code of message comment page turning.

--New search drop-down article prompt, global setting - set search drop-down article (after opening, you can set the article ID)

--Optimize the header code of the webpage, and simplify the useless meta tags.

--Optimize the theme template css style sheet code according to the W3C specification, and meet the W3C requirements after optimization:

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 5

V 5.5.2(22/04/12)

--Add Instant Page interface, interested students can refer to the article introduction published on this website.

--The category template displays top-level categories and subcategories.

--The sorting function is added to classification templates. Currently, only classification templates are supported. Others do not have this function.

--The optimized classification template automatically selects the catalog template and can set other template codes.

--Optimize sidebar template, latest article style code.

--Strengthen the privacy function of the theme template, and enable F12, copy and paste and other functions.

--The theme setting optimization function, and the article related settings add independent tab tags.

--Some functions are integrated and page details are optimized.

--Optimize the home page TAB tag navigation pjax has no refresh loading function. The setting method is as follows: theme setting - global setting - home page article list navigation tag setting. The code is as follows:

 <li class="menu item"><a data post href="/tech/">Technology life</a></li>

If you want to jump to extranet, please delete the "data post" tag.

V 5.5.1(22/03/29)

--Fix the problem that comment nicknames cannot be saved. After updating, comment nicknames and mailboxes will be saved automatically.

--Optimize comment js function code.

--Optimize the article title shadow effect.

--Fix the error in the login interface call on the top right.

--The article page adds an og time tag, the article release time and the last update time (the last time requires 1.6 or more versions).

V 5.5(22/03/03)

--Optimize the background module of theme settings.

--The encryption jump switch outside the article page can be turned on or off automatically.

--Optimize the overall details of the page and simplify the css code.

--Fixed the problem that the product list template stretched incorrectly when the number of articles was small.

V 5.4.9

--Integrate some functions of theme settings.

--Optimize the graying function of the website. You can enter the time and date directly without subtracting 1 month.

--Search page results pseudo static function, function switch - search page pseudo static, open.

--Optimize the right sidebar following effect when editing articles, and cancel the official following code.


--The ID of the interface part of the optimization background article is repeated with the system interface, which causes some functions cannot be used.

--Add 2022 webpage background picture style code, picture address and background color code are as follows:

 Picture address: https://s4.ax1x.com/2021/12/30/TRYbi4.jpg Color code: # b9ebfc

--Optimize the list module template code and add class names.

--Add the function of graying out the website, background - function switch - controllable date.

--Other details are optimized.


--Optimize the back-end code of the theme and separate some configuration codes.

--Some text descriptions are set in the background of the optimization theme.

--Fixed the problem of incomplete display of some friendship links in some browsers.

--Optimize the code of comment style on the sidebar, and delete duplicate message titles.


--Optimize the problem that random calling code will call draft articles.

--Add new code for page runtime (loading time, database query, memory usage), function settings, page runtime information - Open.

--  Fix the problem that the module ID in the sidebar is incorrect, and the closed theme cannot unload the module.

--Optimize thumbnail display scheme.

--Optimize tag codes such as article browsing and comments.

--Other details will not be written one by one.


--Optimize the code of the sidebar module, rewrite the recently published, tag list and the latest message module of the sidebar, delete redundant code, call the number in the module management, and select UL as the type of the latest message (tag or recently published). The maximum number of lines is the number of calls. After the update, you need to "clear the cache and compile the template" on the background home page, otherwise you may have problems such as wrong version.

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 6

--Optimize the random display code in the sidebar to reduce the call delay and other stuck problems caused by large article base.

--Optimize the background core php code and part of the function variables, and simply follow.

--Fix the bug that causes page errors due to the lack of closure of the article page judgment code.

--Optimize the latest message module code on the sidebar and give priority to displaying QQ avatar code.

--Optimize the article copyright function and customize the copyright notice content (default state).

Update log: 2021/10/20

--Fix the background authorization verification code to reduce the code that cannot call the authorization interface caused by non mainland hosts.  

--Optimize the compatibility of the night mode code of the web page. Thanks for your feedback.

--Optimize the SEO title settings on the article details page, and choose whether to display with category names.

Update log: 2021/10/09

--Delete the legacy code of the original slide.

--Optimize article timeout reminder code.

--Optimize theme style code.

--Optimize the code of home slide and the display style of mobile terminal.

--Fixed a splash screen problem when adding slides.

Update log: 2021/09/28

--Optimize the PHP code of the first slide.

PS: Please reset the slide after updating the theme. If you forget the image address, please refer to the "/include/slide. php" file. The original slide call directory has not been deleted yet!

--Optimize the incompatibility between night mode and some functions of the user center.

--Optimize the rich media label code of the webpage og.

--Optimize other issues fed back by netizens.

Update log: 2021/09/18

--Optimize user centric adaptation compatibility code.

--Optimize the article picture light box php code and js code.

--Fix bugs fed back by netizens and optimize some detailed codes on the page.

Update log: 2021/08/19

--Optimize theme thumbnail clipping code.

--Optimization theme night mode compatible code.

--The new OG tag can theoretically realize the search and plotting.

--The optimized article page gives priority to WeChat appreciation code.

--New FAQs and topic update log links for topic settings.

Update log: 2021/08/06

--Fixed a bug in the sidebar that randomly displayed articles that could not be called under certain circumstances.

--Fix the problem with the login interface at the top of the page.

--Optimize the sidebar display function of commodity template.

--The optimization article timeout prompt days are incorrect.

--Other optimizations.

Update log: 2021/07/12

--Optimize message comment detail style code.

--Optimize the problem of comment avatar errors when some registered users have no mailboxes.

--Optimize the article supermarket prompt, the article modification time is longer than the release time before the friendly prompt.

--The problem that the article link of the optimized article commodity editor is invalid (caused by the user center updating 4.0 and the original address change).

--Optimize the meta tag of the head template.

Update log: 2021/06/30

--The problem of no style of the favorite button at the bottom of the optimization article (caused by changing the label in User Center 4.0, which has been fixed).

--Add the centennial skin background of the Communist Party of China, picture address: https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/06/24/RKyAeI.jpg

Theme configuration - function switch - festival skin, set the address above the background picture, and open it.

--Optimize some details and style codes.

Update log: 2021/06/06

--Optimize some details of night mode and modify night code.

--Save the shortcut of the new theme configuration (ctrl+s).

Update log: 2021/05/21

--Optimize the thumbnail and add the 1.7 version adaptation switch. After the 1.7 version is enabled, the system's own tailoring code will be used first. For versions below 1.7, the original code strategy will be used. (It's OK to have a headache. It doesn't matter if you can't understand it. Anyway, you don't need to set anything, just enable or disable tailoring.)

--Fix the bug with errors on some pages in the multi graph mode.

--Optimize and adapt to all thumbnail schemes. The code is more efficient. It is painful to change the skull. You still don't need to operate anything. Just know the updated content.

--Optimize the issue of closing website comment articles and still displaying the number of comments in the list. For example, for filing, you only need to close the comments (website settings, comment settings), and the comments on the foreground messages will not be displayed.

Update log: 2021/05/19

--Fix the problem that the uploaded image of the theme configuration is invalid when the UE editor is closed.

--The random article display function of version 1.7 is added. After the old customers update, they need to click Start again to add this module. Then in module management, drag the random look to the right sidebar. The number of calls is 6 by default. If you want to modify it, the edit sidebar is random look. Change the type to UL and add numbers directly.

--The theme homepage carousel is added. After some old customers update, the carousel may be turned off by default, and it needs to be turned on again. Theme configuration - set homepage carousel custom articles - turn on homepage carousel module.

--Optimize and adapt the thumbnail clipping code of version 1.7. The clipping size is set in Theme Configuration - Function Switch - Thumbnail Clipping Settings. The switch is invalid for 1.7. Version 1.7 automatically enables clipping. Only the size is set. The quality version 1.7+is invalid. Version 1.5 and below requires the switch to be turned on if you want to clip.

Update log: 2021/04/28

--Fix the problem that too many popular comments in the sidebar lead to confusion, re optimize the style, and force a refresh after the update (ctrl+f5).

--Optimize the template names of Zbp1.7.

--Optimize and adapt 1.7 article final editing time prompt.

--Fixed the problem of giving priority to the display of avatar pictures in some cases.

Update log: 2021/04/02

--Optimize reader wall code and front end style.

--QQ email is preferred for optimizing message comment avatar.

--Message module code on the right side bar.

--The template name is compatible with version 1.7. Fix the problem that the 1.7 classification and articles do not display the existing template.

--Other optimizations.

Updated: 2021/02/20

--Add the function of previous and next articles of the same kind, theme configuration - global configuration - article page related reading, open.

Update log: 2021/02/09

--Update Spring Festival skin, theme configuration - function switch - festival skin settings

Skin background image: https://s3.ax1x.com/2021/02/09/ydkfW6.jpg , background color: # ffc196

--Add Weibo sharing custom source function, you need to fill in Weibo developer KEY to apply for developer course reference resources https://www.liblog.cn/blog/565.html PS, Topic Configuration - Global Settings- The article can be shared with one click, and you can leave it blank if you don't need it.

--Add a new switch to the share button.

Update log: 2021/01/01

--The background picture of the website festival is separated from the dynamic snow effect.

--Optimize festival skin interface and css style code, and optimize snow effect.  

Setting path: theme setting - function switch, festival background skin, default background image“ https://s3.ax1x.com/2020/12/22/rDOWzn.jpg ”, the default color is "# e7d6ce", which can be opened on the right side.

Previous updates (excerpts):

--Optimize the sidebar author information. There is a problem of color overlap in some browsers.

--Background new commodity price interface , article management, new, there is a topic price interface on the right.

--Optimize the rotation mode of the carousel, "vertical switch ”Change to“ Horizontal switching ”。

--Optimize the corner of the number of pages on the right side of the carousel (remember to force refresh after the update is completed).

--Optimize the background authorization verification code, and call the local verification file when the remote API cannot access it, to ensure that users will not be affected when the official website fails.

--Optimizing the navigation bar for switching between night mode and day mode has the problem of overlapping.

--Optimize the class names of all advertising interfaces to prevent some browsers from blocking advertisements due to the "ads" tag.

--Optimize the unfriendly display of some interfaces on the mobile terminal in the night mode.

--Optimize the bottom icon and secondary menu corner style when the navigation menu is selected.

--Optimize the spacing of the article list in the three figure mode of the classification template.

--The code style of the optimized article page is not uniform.

--Fix the problem that the template interface label is incorrect and cannot be called correctly.

--Optimize the problem of time errors in the previous and next articles.

--Optimize PHP code.

--Optimize thumbnail delay display function.

--Optimize the article reward code, and the background interface remains unchanged. If there is dislocation after the update, please delete the local cache or clear the CDN cache, and press Ctrl+F5 to force a refresh.

--Optimize the SEO specification, and reduce the problem of wrong keywords and repeated descriptions on some template pages.

--Fix the problem of wrong interface of product template publishing time.

--Optimize the overall effect of the navigation sidebar menu on the mobile end.

--Two mobile terminal styles, Full screen background virtualization and Top background virtualization Theme settings - global settings - mobile terminal navigation sidebar settings , need to set Default avatar, top background image and full screen background image (with switch), If the full screen background is enabled, the top background interface is invalid; otherwise, the full screen background interface is invalid After the update, if you want to turn on the top background, you need to turn on the full screen first and then turn it off. Because it is empty by default, the background is not displayed.

--Optimize and move the secondary menu to highlight repetitive problems.

--Adapting to the "Link Module Management" plug-in template, you can directly use the plug-in to open the secondary menu or edit navigation.

--New font size adjustment function is added to the article page.

--Due to SEO plug-in factors, the SEO compatible template was re optimized to solve the wrong version problem caused by opening the SEO plug-in;

--Re optimize the website breadcrumb navigation, do not add the switch, and directly enable it after updating the theme. After this update, you need to clear the cache again and compile the theme template (background home page). The foreground needs to force a refresh or update the CDN cache.

--Improve thumbnail clipping scheme. Article and commodity article Weibo sharing and poster generation directly call the original picture without clipping.

--New category list breadcrumb navigation code.

--Optimize the default thumbnail code to reduce repeated requests.

--New thumbnail clipping function , function setting, cutting quality, style and height, suggestions: quality 90, W: 210, H: 159

PS: The thumbnail clipping function is only applicable to the single image mode of the classification list, not to the large image, multi image and other modes. Thumbnail clipping size is set on the background function switch. After setting The width and height of the uploaded image must be greater than the set parameters, otherwise the background will be white after the image is cropped!

--  Comments add emoticons.

PS: Emoticon can be changed at will To prevent the icon after modification in the next update from being overwritten , so only 0509 Theme pack with emoticon Theme no icon file updated later The default emoticon download address is attached: (It can also be downloaded from the Q group file)

Baidu Cloud Disk: Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dyq6fX9Lg5QP_-YPsNQk9Q Extraction code: mshw

After downloading“ emotion ”Folder upload to“ /zb_users/theme/quietlee/include/ ”Directory. If you don't like the current one, you can delete the picture and change your own, so you can add a custom emoticon. The emoticon name is optional, but it can't be only in Chinese. It is better to use English.

  • The comment area opens the personal homepage interface.

  • Delete comment quick reply function and background corresponding interface.

  • Rewrite the comment JS code and update the writing method of the latest 1.6 version. It is better not to upgrade the blog below 1.6 version, because it has not tested whether 1.5+can be used.

  • Enter QQ nickname in comment area to automatically obtain QQ name, email and QQ space homepage( About QQ obtaining avatar, there is a bug in the current test, which will not be added temporarily

  • Compatible with the official avatar plug-in (ID: Gravatar), it is recommended to enable the plug-in“ Give priority to local avatars

  • Update sidebar title right trim.

  • Delete redundant code to speed up the website.

  • Strengthen theme anti-theft prevention Cracking Encrypt code. Some pirated users may not be able to apply the theme normally.

  • Other optimization updates.

Update log: 2020/04/22

  • Optimize the article copyright notice function, and increase the default display copyright at the bottom of the article (if the article is reprinted, please add reprint information on the article page to display it, otherwise the default copyright notice will be displayed).

  • Add a default background image to the article comment box.

Update log: 2020/04/22

  • Optimize the cataimg template to call sidebar 4. Articles and commodity articles call sidebar 3 uniformly. Other templates remain unchanged.

  • Optimize the problem that the night mode sidebar calendar module is not adapted.

  • Optimize the bottom module of the home page, and do not display the CMS module when the page is turned.

  • Cancel the function of circular display of advertisements on the top of the text list on the home page (If picture advertisements are used, this advertisement will be displayed three times in a circular display, which is a repetition, so it is temporarily cancelled.)

Update log: 2020/04/18

  • Forced to open, repair the bug that the article on the right side of the carousel map does not display when the article is closed.

  • Add the function of shielding the classification ID of an article on the home page. (It is turned off by default. If it is turned on, the category ID will be added, for example, 1. The latest article published on the home page will not belong to the article under category 1.)

Update log: 2020/04/14

  • Modify the default display mode of the long picture and no picture of the article. If there are more than three pictures, one picture will be displayed by default. If three pictures need to be displayed, manually open multiple pictures. If there is no picture of the article, randomly display one picture by default. If there is no need, manually open no picture.

  • The night mode adds switches according to the feedback requirements, and does not need the closing interface of this function. Theme setting - function switch.

  • Rubik's cube at the bottom of the page, change the switch mode, add custom text adaptation, theme configuration - global configuration

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 7

  • Revise the calling method recommended in the article again, and choose according to different needs,

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 8

Option description: If the article has no label, call the latest published article on the website, Commodity article Use fixed Related classification Call mode.

Related tags - call related articles according to the same tags of articles;

Related classification - call the latest published articles according to the same classification;

Same signature and same category - call articles according to the same category and same label;

  • Optimize the zbp1.6 search template.

  • The sidebar, author information, and number of article comments are changed to the publication date of the article.

  • Fixed the bug caused by not automatically wrapping paragraphs in some cases.

  • Optimize site layout and some adaptive styles.

Update log: 2020/04/09

  • Customer QQ on the right changes the article and independent page to the comment button, and click the direct comment area (with comments enabled).

  • Optimize the home page carousel style, and delete the Orson icon on the right side of the mobile terminal.

  • The image list template (cataimg) calls "Sidebar 2" instead of "Sidebar 5".

  • Add the Orson icon of the favorite button.

  • Optimize the user center information page template.

  • What do you mean by the circular display function added to advertising spaces between categories? That is to say, you can create ads inserted between the lists, click more articles to display this ad space circularly. If the explanation is not clear enough, you can set it yourself and see the effect (at present, only Google ads and HTML ads are supported, Baidu Alliance does not support circulation).

  • Optimize the 404 template style.

  • Add a new mobile terminal to display side bar code (if you want to open the side bar, directly copy the following code and paste it in the custom css. Open it).

 @media screen and (max-width:460px) {     .side{display:block;} }

PS: 460px, the maximum width of the mobile phone screen. It is good to default without special needs.

Update log: 2020/04/07

  • Optimize the content settings at the bottom of the mobile end page, and hide the content interface of "information at the bottom of the website".

  • Too much text in the optimization comment box shows incomplete BUGs.

  • The disclaimer at the top of the article is transferred to the bottom of the website article.

  • Add the user center favorite button (no reference to koi theme articles will be set to find the keyword "favorite").

  • Optimize css details.

Update log: 2020/03/30

  • Adapt to ZBP1.6 version.

  • Adapts to the night mode of the article page table.

  • Optimize the search style at the top of the mobile end.

Update log: 2020/03/27

  • Optimize the nighttime mode js code and delete the time to automatically switch the nighttime mode code (the code is invalid).

  • Delete and rectify labels and frame layout that do not conform to W3C international standards (web pages fully conform to W3C standards, excluding plug-ins).

  • Optimize the sorting method of home page friendship links, and adapt to the adaptive display effect.

  • The website description interface is automatically called when the optimization classification template does not have a summary.

  • Optimize the overall layout details of the website.

  • Optimize night mode and overall layout style.

Update log: 2020/03/21

  • Add a video interface to the article page template, and you can add third-party "iframe" videos. The interface location is shown in the figure:

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 9

  • To add a method, take Tencent Video as an example: click Share at the bottom and select "Copy Common Code" (or "Embed Code"), as shown in the figure:

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 10

  • The following codes are obtained:

 <iframe frameborder="0" src=" https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=t0915436q3p " allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
  • Copy“ https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=t0915436q3p ”Video link, and then paste it at the video interface of the article. You can choose whether to play it automatically, and submit to view the effect (adaptive scale).

  • Modify commodity article template style and adaptive display effect.

  • An independent sidebar module is added to the right of the commodity article template.

  • Add a new member center template, and click the personal avatar to jump to the home page.

  • Add a picture background to the classification template, Theme setting - function switch - (turn on SEO) turn on top background image , category management, edit category, add pictures at the bottom, and display the interface picture address first. If there are too many categories, just add a random display picture of Bing in the function switch top background. The address is "//api. ooopn. com/image/bing/api. php? V=2&type=jump"

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 11

PS: If the interfaces of classification management and top background are set, the pictures of classification management settings will be displayed first.

  • Adaptive and night mode.

  • Optimize some details (many, many,, details)!!!

Update log: 2020/03/16

  • Add DNS pre resolution interface.

  • There is no delay in loading thumbnail of optimized article list.

  • The top navigation bar adds a "New Article" link to quickly create a new article.

  • Perfect the special effect of hiding logo and search bar, and increase the fade effect.

  • Beautify the secondary menu style of the navigation bar.

  • Newly added featured article module (located below the webcast, background theme management - global setting "set homepage webcast custom articles")

  • Related reading on the article page recommends adding switches, adding the interface for calling the number of articles, optimizing the calling scheme, and enabling the calling of articles under the same category.

  • Mobile end article page reading full text increase switch.

  • Fix the bug of calling the latest article interface of the author information in the homepage sidebar.

  • Add three advertisements, the advertising space above the image text module on the home page, the advertising space above and below the text link module.

  • The function of linking a new window to a slideshow carousel has been added.

  • Change the category, tag and article page SEO interface variables (consistent with the Koi theme interface, the previously customized SEO content using Koi theme will be called directly, without adding again).

  • There are too many titles in the optimization category list, resulting in a misplaced BUG.

  • Optimize the problem that the article page is inserted into the video and the mobile end is stretched.

  • Under the optimized night mode, the sub logo image is not hidden (the same image is used during the day and night).

  • Function and style adaptation.

Update log: 2020/02/28

  • Optimize the advertisement code between article lists.

  • Repair the bug with overlapping verification codes.

  • Optimize the friend chain and add switches in the background.

  • Delete some css dynamic effects to reduce resource consumption.

  • Some module details and styles.

Update log: 2020/02/23

  • Delete the "Recommended Features" on the right side of the navigation bar search.

  • Optimize the breadcut navigation at the top of the article page, and optimize the adaptive display effect.

  • Optimize the time tag of the article page. The PC displays the year (date on the right). The mobile terminal displays the date.

  • Optimize the display effect of adaptive and night mode.

  • Optimize some CSS display effects and some image magnification effects.

  • Perfect the display effect of mobile terminal.

  • Optimize the text list module at the bottom, and change the first article to a picture, as shown in the figure:

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 12

For the large version upgrade, set the theme content first after updating the theme, especially the called articles and popular days, and then edit the articles (generate cache) after setting. Otherwise, it will appear, causing the website cannot be opened. If there is a CDN updating the theme, please refresh the CDN cache, or force the home page to refresh to ensure the use of the latest CSS style sheet.


  • Optimize and adapt the nickname and level of super members in User Center.

  • Optimize the search following status of the navigation bar, hide the search and logo from the scroll bar, retain the navigation, and display the logo and search on the scroll bar. It is said that the user experience will be better? really?

  • Add an independent advertising code interface for the commodity template (because the commodity template has no sidebar, it is suitable for the general classified advertising interface, and there will be large gaps on the left and right, affecting the overall beauty.)

  • Optimize the side bar label alignment and change it to center.

  • Add the function of magic cube at the bottom (Wuhan refueling, function setting - Wuhan refueling magic cube).

  • Modify how the blue underline at the top of articles and lists is displayed.

  • There are also some optimization details, which will not be described in detail.


  • Add a popular calling method in the sidebar, and set the number of days to call popular articles in the background.

  • Add a side bar call interface, be careful: After the theme is updated, this interface is empty. It is recommended to set it as shown in the figure. If it is installed on the home page, it has a default setting
     Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 13

  • Optimize incompatible style codes for night mode.

  • Add commodity template theme and classification, and select the template as shown in the figure: select from the classification list catasell Template, article template selection: “sale”。
     Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 14

  • Add and adapt user center plug-in (LayCenter) related functions.

  • Single image display can be selected in the new multi image mode (article images are larger than three single image display modes, and there is a single image mode switch on the right side of the edited article).

  • An interface is added to the bottom information (above the filing number), which can be customized.

  • Modify the text link color of the article.

  • Update the picture light box effect, Theme configuration - function switch - turn on picture light box

  • Add an interface for reporting information content at the bottom of the article, as shown in the figure below: (the content is empty after updating the subject, and you can refer to the text information)

 1. Online illegal and bad information reporting telephone: 010 - 12321 Reporting e-mail: jubao@12377.cn 2. This site uses shared copyright for creation<a href=“ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/cn/deed.zh "Target=" _blank "rel=" nofollow ">CC BY-NC-ND/2.5/CN</a>License Agreement, please indicate the source for reprinting or copying

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 15

Basic settings:

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 16

  • As shown in the figure, there are two kinds of logos: Day and night modes , self design and upload( The upload image function requires the default UE editor plug-in If it is not enabled, the upload will fail, and you need to add a logo address).

  • In addition, it should be noted that the third party plug-in needs to be installed for QQ login. After setting the key, fill in the login address. The third party plug-in will give the login address. If there is no plug-in, the function can be closed.

Global settings:

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 17

  • Set the sidebar author ID: add the administrator's member ID, generally "1", and then set the background image. Particular attention , here Author information is displayed on the home page and the article page Author is two modules The right side of the article page shows the author of the article, not the webmaster. The site should be clear.

  • Needless to say, you can modify the content according to the format, and then drag it to the corresponding sidebar in Module Management - Topic's own module - Announcement.

  • Recommended on the right side of the search bar: The corresponding position is in the navigation bar, on the right side of the logo. You can modify the link and name. Note: The right switch is for the slide show carousel.

  • Navigation label setting of the home page article list: Set the navigation label of the article list here. The navigation label of the article list corresponds to Figure 1 (if it is empty, it will not be displayed), and the scroll letter corresponds to Figure 2. Note: The right switch is for right scrolling subtitles.

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 18

  • Display of image and text module on the home page: For the CMS module at the bottom of the home page, directly select the categories to be displayed and the number of articles to be called.

  • Display of text list on the home page: Fill in the classification ID to be displayed and set the number of articles to be called.

  • Bottom navigation label: the navigation label on the right side of the bottom of the website can set the bottom of the website, privacy protection and other related content.

  • The rest is to set the statistical code of the website and put it on the statistical code interface (you can also fill in the automatic push code such as Baidu), the time of website establishment, filing number, comment information and other contents.

  • Round robin setting: specially describe sorting. The smaller the number, the higher the ranking. (In addition, the content here of the newly enabled theme is empty, and you need to set it yourself. If you find that the content of the webcast is not set by yourself after updating the theme in the future, don't panic,,,, It may be because I forgot to delete the slide page when uploading, Just click Modify to change your own broadcast content )。

PS: If the article on the right side of the cover change is turned off, the size of the slide is suggested to be "780 * 350". If the article is turned on, the picture scale is advanced to 4:3 or rectangular.

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 19

  • Advertising settings: What needs special introduction is the header interface and script interface. First, what is the header interface used for? There is a note on the right. This interface is placed on the web page Within the head For example, our common advertising alliance, Baidu or Google needs to put js code on the head At this time, we just need to copy and paste the code here, open the interface, and click Save at the bottom. (Of course, it can also put some web pages Validated meta tag )。

  • Script code, You can put some js special effects and Third party js For example, we often use the Piaoxue JS special effect, and we can also put the automatic push code of Baidu and 360 search.

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 20

  • The rest is the interface of each advertisement. Just add the affiliate advertisement code directly. If it is a customized advertisement, the code is as follows:

 <div class="adimgs"><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="target URL"><img src="image address"></a></div>
  • Last function setting:

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 21

  • There are article new window opening, scrolling special effects, article global page turning, custom thumbnail and custom SEO settings.

  • After setting the background, check the foreground effect.

Partial preview:

Home page preview (normal mode):

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 22

Home page preview (night mode):

 Quietle We Media Blog Theme Template, Night Mode and Powerful SEO Effect Page 23

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Promotion price: one hundred and three point eight four Meters original price: one hundred and eighteen Meters
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Open Super VIP Members or higher can download the file for free
Please log in and purchase or download attachments

Article copyright notice: unless otherwise noted Lao Li's Notes For original articles, reprints or copies, please use hyperlinks and indicate the source.


Quick reply: expression:
 Addoil Applause Badlaugh Bomb Coffee Fabulous Facepalm Feces Frown Heyha Insidious KeepFighting NoProb PigHead Shocked Sinistersmile Slap Social Sweat Tolaugh Watermelon Witty Wow Yeah Yellowdog
 Verification Code
Comment List (Yes one hundred and fifty-eight Comments, seventy-six thousand and twelve People around)
 Netizen nickname: pcpark
pcpark V Iron powder  Google Chrome 109.0.5414.121  Windows 10 x64 69th floor
05-07 From Yunnan reply
The boss bought it, can you upgrade it in the application center, or you should download it here every time you upgrade! [Badlaugh]
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
05-08 From Liaoning reply
@pcpark Synchronizing the application center requires an official fee, which is 25% of the price of the application center
 Netizen nickname: Mr. Movie
Mr. Film V Iron powder  Google Chrome  Mac OS X 10.15.7 68th floor
04-07 From Guangdong reply
Can't download emmmmm... can't understand how to break it?
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
04-08 From Liaoning reply
@Mr. Film What can't be downloaded???
 Netizen nickname: lucky
the most favorable auspices V Iron powder  Google Chrome  Windows 10 x64 67th floor
02-16 From Hebei reply
Some browsers, such as Today's Headline, will automatically change the article into reading mode, which will cause the advertisement in the article not to be displayed. If the advertisement (picture or text) inserted in the background can also be displayed normally in reading mode, it would be better to avoid losing customers. I hope the author has time to research.
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
02-18 From Liaoning reply
@Good luck This can't be done!
 Netizen nickname: Quiet Zhiyuan
02-01 From Hebei reply
The latest version has been upgraded. There is one paragraph in the source code of the article content. It is not allowed to close custom CSS in the background. I don't know what the problem is!
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
02-02 From Liaoning reply
@Quiet Zhiyuan what are you having? QQ comes to me.
 Netizen nickname: banyan in rainy days
Ficus microcarpa in rainy days V Iron powder  Google Chrome 95.0.4638.69  Windows 7 x64 65th floor
01-25 From Hebei reply
Article Keyword Article Description Insert Video Where Can I Insert Video Replace with Article Title seo
I think our other topics are article titles seo
My original website data is all the seo title of the original theme, which is very painful
I hope the next version update can add the seo title [Facepam] [Fabulous] [Fabulous] [Fabulous]
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
01-26 From Liaoning reply
@Ficus microcarpa in rainy days Can add an SEO title, no problem.
 Netizen nickname: banyan in rainy days
02-05 From Hebei reply
@Li Yang's Blog Can it be updated years ago?
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
02-05 From Liaoning reply
@Ficus microcarpa in rainy days Not necessarily, it may be updated in the middle of the year.
 Netizen nickname: banyan in rainy days
Ficus microcarpa in rainy days V Iron powder  Google Chrome 95.0.4638.69  Windows 7 x64 64th floor
01-13 From Hebei reply
The version is updated, but the attachment is still the old version
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
01-15 From Liaoning reply
@Ficus microcarpa in rainy days When was it updated? The latest version is 2023-12-21. The date behind the update log above is xx, which means that the time has not been determined.
 Netizen nickname: Quiet Zhiyuan
2023-12-21 From Hebei reply
I found a small problem. I don't know whether it is a problem with the size of the device. The pictures uploaded in the article move to the right on the mobile phone (it has been set to be centered). It is about ten pixels away. If you don't look closely, you can't see it. The author has time to study!
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2023-12-22 From Liaoning reply
@Quiet Zhiyuan Really, thanks for your feedback, it has been fixed.
 Netizen nickname: Quiet Zhiyuan
2023-12-29 From Hebei reply
@Li Yang's Blog If you delete 3px around the margin, the image can be truly centered, but I don't know whether deleting this margin will affect the layout of other aspects.
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2023-12-30 From Liaoning reply
@Quiet Zhiyuan It has been repaired. The deletion will not affect it. The next version will be updated.
 Netizen nickname: Quiet Zhiyuan
2023-12-17 From Hebei reply
The mobile phone page should be wider as a whole, and the left and right margins should be narrower. Will it look fuller and more beautiful!
 Netizen nickname: Master
master V Iron powder  WeChat  Huawei ALA-AN70 61st floor
2023-12-04 From Hebei reply
Quiet Zhiyuan, the demo station has no carousel map, is there a switch in the background?
 Netizen nickname: Li Yang Blog
Li Yang's Blog V Blogger  Sogou Explorer  Windows 10 x64
2023-12-05 From Liaoning reply
@Master Yes, there is a switch. You can choose whether to turn it on or not.
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