Zhongzhuang Construction "Zhongzhuang to 2" rose by 10.03% in the afternoon trading

original <{$news["createtime"]|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"}>  Leju Finance 8.2w Reading 2024-06-26 12:12

Leju Finance On June 26, the "Zhongzhuang Zhuan-2" (127033) rose in the afternoon trading, up 10.03% to 33.46 yuan as of 12:12. The total turnover was 4.1108 million, with a turnover of 1.331 billion yuan.

The full name of "Zhongzhuang Zhuan-2" is Shenzhen Zhongzhuang Construction Group Co., Ltd., which publicly issues convertible corporate bonds, with an issue volume of 1.16 billion yuan, a term of six years, a coupon rate of 1%, a value date of April 16, 2021, and a maturity date of April 16, 2027.

According to the report of the first quarter of 2024 of Zhongzhuang Construction, the company's net profit in the first quarter was -87.0063 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 512.01%; The operating revenue was 461 million yuan, down 32.29% year on year; The company's total assets were 7.498 billion yuan, down 18.29% year on year.

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