Decode the new quality service capability of Jianfa Property, and see "good every day"

original <{$news["createtime"]|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"}>  Leju Finance 16.5w Reading 2024-05-23 09:07

With the arrival of the eighth "China Brand Day" on May 10 this year, the brand management achievements of property service enterprises have also arrived at the time of annual unveiling. Under the guidance of the government work report to accelerate the development of new quality productivity, the extended "new quality service capability" is becoming a major focus for property enterprises to build brand value. On the same day, the results of the 25 day "2024 New Quality Brand Value Research" launched by Leju Finance and Economics were officially announced, among which, Construction Development Property (HK. 02156) ranked eighth in the "2024 Top 100 New Quality Property Brand Value" list.

Compared with the digital ranking of the brand value list, the efficient practice of CCB Development Property on improving service quality is more worth pursuing and exploring. Leju Finance and Economics learned that the "Good Everyday" series of special actions launched by CCB Real Estate specifically included four themes of good community, good caring, good season and good housekeeper. CCB Development Property is responding to the owners' yearning for a better life with visible actions.

Good community: life is the same as before, residence is always new

The residential area is not only a physical space made of bricks and tiles, but also the quality of its environment directly affects the owner's living experience. Jianfa Longjingwan Community, located in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, reached a new level in appearance in April this year after more than 20 days of renovation of Jianfa Property. From the addition of night lights, to the painting of vehicle flow lines, to the renovation of community seats, and even the installation and transformation of roof clotheslines, Jianfa Property has done everything.

"After the addition of lights in the community, it really looks better, especially for owners like us who have children and old people at home, so they can travel at night with more confidence. Many owners praise the property in the community." Mr. Wu (not his real name), the owner of the community, told Leju Finance.

Behind the praise is the dedication and hard work of the property management personnel of CCB Development day and night. "It seems that the simple work of installing a light and painting a paint should be carefully planned in advance, which should not affect the daily life of the owners. For example, the renovation of the car streamline can not affect the owners' travel in the daytime, so the time for the engineering masters to draw the car streamline is arranged after 10 and 11 p.m., during which time, the engineering masters basically leave work in the early morning, which is really hard. ”According to Xiaomin (a pseudonym), a property manager in the community.

In addition to nighttime construction, the property management personnel of Jianfa Property also encountered some difficulties in the initial stage of rebuilding the roof clothesline. Xiaomin continued: "Previously, some owners set up simple clothes racks on the roof of the building themselves, which could easily be blown down in the strong wind and even cause the risk of falling objects from high altitude; some clothes lines were tied to the lightning wire, which had potential safety hazards. When we communicated with individual owners about the demolition, they didn't understand and their cooperation was relatively low. At that time, we thought that there were more ways than difficulties. After internal discussion, we decided to adopt a circuitous strategy. First, we added a professional and solid clothesline to install better ones for the owners. After seeing the new and solid clothesline with reasonable installation layout, the owner also put down his guard and gladly accepted the proposal to remove the old line. "

The renovation of Quanzhou Jianfa Longjingwan Community is just the tip of the iceberg of Jianfa Property's "good community" action. In order to create a "good community", CCB Development Property carries out the action of loving home every month, carefully cleaning every corner, and carries out the renovation action for some old communities, focusing on the owner's travel safety and home experience, to refresh the garage and brighten and improve the home moving line. The newly renovated community is like a new picture, which not only has a better look and feel, but also makes home the home of the owners' soul and a haven of life.

Good and considerate: company is always there, warmth is always there

Intimate service, sometimes like the spring breeze, warms the heart; Sometimes, like a beam of light in the dark, it dispels the haze.

At the beginning of this year, Ms. Zhang (not her real name), who had just passed the Lantern Festival, did not think that danger was approaching her. A few days later, on a quiet night, Ms. Zhang went to bed as usual. However, a sudden sharp pain made her wake up from her sleep. At that time, Ms. Zhang had lost consciousness in the lower part of her body. After the family dialed 120 emergency numbers, the Jianfa property under the management of the community together with the family sent Ms. Zhang to the ambulance and went to the nearby hospital. After preliminary examination, the doctor diagnosed that the cervical hemangioma was ruptured and compressed the central nerve, which led to the loss of sensation in the lower body of the patient. Fortunately, after the timely treatment of the hospital, Ms. Zhang's condition was stable, and her lower body slowly became conscious, but the next stage of rehabilitation treatment should not be taken lightly.

According to Wang (not his real name), the housekeeper of Jianfa Property, "the situation was really urgent at that time. In the ambulance, the owner's blood pressure dropped very low, but fortunately, people were sober, so we tried our best to pacify her and her family, making them feel that we were all around. Fortunately, we were relieved when we finally turned around. Later, we knew that the owner still needed rehabilitation treatment, and we had the idea of transferring to another hospital. We had a 'health butler' service for our property. Our group (Construction Development Group) had Xiamen Hongai Rehabilitation Hospital, which was very good in software and hardware, and very experienced. So we contacted Hongai Rehabilitation Hospital that day, and we were very grateful to Hongai's partners, On the same day, we opened a green channel for the owners and completed the transfer procedures. "

Not only help the horse, but also send it away. The love of Jianfa Property for Ms. Zhang is far from over.

Wang, the property manager, added: "After a period of rehabilitation physiotherapy, Ms. Zhang has been able to walk normally. After she left the hospital, we went to her home to express our condolences. We learned that she and her family felt that cervical hemangioma was a time bomb and had not been completely removed. We were always worried, but they wanted to go to Beijing for this delicate surgery, so they always asked friends to contact Beijing experts after leaving the hospital. At that time, we wanted to use our internal resources to help her. Later, we contacted Hongai Hospital and asked them to coordinate medical resources. Hongai immediately said that it could coordinate for them. In just one week, Hongai coordinated experts in Beijing, and the other party was willing to come to Xiamen for surgery. We and Ms. Zhang were very excited when we received this news, and we really appreciated Hongai Hospital. "

It is reported that Ms. Zhang's body is getting more and more stable, and she finally chose to go to Beijing by herself. At present, she has completed her admission examination and is preparing for surgery these two days. In this event, the "health butler" service of CCB Property undoubtedly played a key role. The close cooperation between CCB Property Xiamen Hongai Hospital and the rapid arrangement of transfer and operation for owners through the green channel demonstrated the synergy and efficient service between CCB Property and medical institutions, as well as within CCB Group.

Leju Finance and Economics learned that the "health butler" service of CDB Property has gradually spread to the whole country with Xiamen as a pilot. At present, the eight communities of CDB in Xiamen Wuyuanwan District have realized the implementation of services such as weekly health information push, disease prevention suggestions, medical resource collaboration, and nine price HPV vaccine appointment. In addition, it is worth mentioning that China Construction and Development Property also provided first-aid training for housekeepers nationwide to improve their ability to cope with emergencies. This not only enhanced the overall quality of the property team, but also provided a solid guarantee for the owner's life safety.

At present, Jianfa Property has started from the life scene to meet the diversified needs of the owners with a variety of convenient actions. In addition to the health butler service, there are many intimate service measures such as pet custody, love scissors, private banquet service, food sports community and so on.

Good season: good season, good neighbors

In the current fast-paced urban life, property service is not only to ensure the basic residential needs of the owners, but also to become a key link to improve the living quality and create a harmonious community atmosphere. As a state-owned property enterprise focusing on the inheritance and development of traditional culture, CCB Development Property combines traditional culture with modern property services to bring unique living experience to owners.

"There are many new Chinese elements in the service of CCB Development Property. I think this is the biggest difference between CCB Development Property and other properties, and this is their most obvious IP label. For example, in daily life, they pay great attention to Chinese traditional cultural festivals. Every 24 solar terms, or such traditional festivals as New Year's Eve, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, etc., will plan relevant Chinese theme activities to meet the occasion, so that owners can feel the charm and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture in their participation. " Mr. Chen, the owner of CDB Nanjing, said to Leju Finance.

When Mr. Chen was asked what activities he still remembered, his chatterbox was completely opened.

"For example, they do seasonal activities, traditional festival activities, as well as Chinese weddings and week-long banquets in the community. Last month, they planned a special Arbor Day activity to organize the owners to plant trees in the community. The community was very busy that day. Almost every household came out, and the atmosphere was very good. It reminded me of the way that when I was a child in the factory yard, the neighborhood was hot and noisy. The whole family planted a small tree seedling and talked about green and warmth, This is very instructive for children. In the past two weeks, Gu Yu held a tea tasting activity in the community, which was a traditional and elegant art in ancient China. They prepared carefully. The tea also specially chose our specialty Yuhua tea. The activity was also done in such a Chinese courtyard. We are usually very busy. It's hard to slow down to enjoy it and chat with so many neighbors, The body and mind are really relaxed and relaxed. Moreover, these activities are free of charge, and the owners don't have to pay any more money. They didn't know where to spend the property fees in other communities before. At least we can see it here in Jianfa and feel it is worth it. "

It can be imagined that property service, as a basic service business, has a relatively low profit. Holding similar cultural activities in the frequent places of CCB Development Property will inevitably increase the operating expenses. However, compared with the cost, CCB Development Property pays more attention to the service feelings of the owners, and is rooted in the profound Chinese traditional culture with its unique seasonal planning, With the help of the Chinese living environment carefully created by the Construction and Development Real Estate, through a series of experiential activities full of warmth and humanistic feelings, the warm memory of the happy gathering among neighbors is woven, which virtually deepens the emotional ties between families and neighbors, so that every owner can feel the warmth and sense of belonging of home.

Good Housekeeper: Knock the heart with heart, love has echo

In the process of property quality service practice, property stewards, as the people who communicate most closely with the owners, are not only the daily guardians of the community, but also an indispensable link between the owners and the needs of a better life. This bond is a bridge of service and also a link of emotion. It bears responsibility, trust and care.

In the special action of "Good Everyday" of China Construction and Development Property, the establishment of "Good Housekeeper" has been put in an important position. From company leaders to project managers to front-line housekeepers, they are all committed to forming efficient communication with owners to improve property service satisfaction.

In a corner of Hangzhou, a bustling city, Manager Jia, a project leader of CCB Real Estate, was deeply impressed. December 1, 2020 is the first day of Mr. Jia's employment, and also the day he remembers vividly. According to Manager Jia "It was snowing heavily in Hangzhou on that day, which coincided with the previous day, the delivery date of the Hangzhou Jianfa Shuxiang Yingcui project. On December 1, there were still owners coming to collect their houses, so I went directly to the delivery project site after I reported to the company and completed the entry procedures. I remember it was already 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm at that time. When I arrived at the site, I saw a leader staring at all aspects of the site , talk with the owner from time to time and ask about the delivery experience. At that time, I thought he was the property manager in charge of this area. Later, I learned that he was the senior manager of our entire property group. I was shocked to know that. In my opinion, such a high-level leader will stay on the site all the time to participate in the delivery work, which is basically impossible for other property companies, and I have never met before. " This manager Jia, who once came out of a leading private property enterprise, admired the practice of the senior leadership of CCB Development Property.

When it comes to the working style of CCB Development's property management, Mr. Jia is familiar with it. He said: "In dealing with some emergencies or any small quality service, senior leaders are very careful and ensure that the implementation is in place, which is quite different from the experience of a leading private property enterprise where he was before. Like the private enterprises I worked in before, these matters will not rise to the level of group executives, who will only ask the relevant personnel about the results, but CCB Development is very different. " He took the "Good Everyday" special action as an example. "Two days ago, the property group also came to the project for inspection. He would go to the front line to see the implementation of our action and ask the project manager if he knew what the standard was."

In addition, Manager Jia also gave an example of the "Project Manager Reception Day" activity. The "Project Manager Reception Day" is an important part of building a "good housekeeper" of CCB Development Property, which is mainly based on listening to the voice of the owners, aiming to dispel the owners' questions, solve their most concerned problems, achieve efficient interaction and touch the pain points of the owners seeking high-quality services.

"Other properties are actually doing it, but it has not formed a mandatory requirement for the project to be done once a month at the group level, and we have made this requirement." Manager Jia once again lamented the consistent execution of Jianfa Property, "On the reception day of the project manager, I think it is very good. Through this way, we can go to the front to communicate with our owners to solve their demands. At the same time, the owners will also have a strong feeling that they are valued."

As an important force to serve the owners, the housekeeper team of CCB Development Property actively responds to the owners' demands and constantly improves the service quality during the implementation of the "Good Everyday" service system. Through regular owner satisfaction survey, they can timely understand the owner's evaluation and suggestions on services, and improve the problems. At the same time, they also actively participate in community activities, establish deep friendship with the owner, and let the owner feel the warmth and care of home.

In the increasingly fierce market competition, with its unique "good every day" service system and deeply rooted quality service, CCB Property has won wide praise from its owners. These innovative measures not only improve the service level of CCB Property, but also set a new benchmark for the entire industry. In the selection of "2024 Property New Quality Brand Value", Jianfa Property was ranked on the top 10, which is also a commendation and recognition of its service quality.

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