Taking the first step of international rental business, Hong Kong, China and the UK have launched the first batch of 20000 high-quality houses

original <{$news["createtime"]|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"}>  Leju Finance 10.2w Reading 2024-05-20 09:50

On May 20, Freedom officially launched the international rental business, established the international rental platform "Freedom Neighbor ZABIT", and launched the first batch of more than 20000 houses in Hong Kong, China and the United Kingdom. The first step was to focus on providing Chinese students with rental services for studying abroad.

In recent years, with the growing number of overseas students, the demand for international rental housing is also growing. According to data, more than 1072000 students from mainland China have been admitted by the top 10 countries/regions, and the number is still growing. At the same time, overseas students from TOP 6 countries/regions have accumulated more than 100 billion yuan in rental housing, which has a broad market prospect.

However, in the face of the language, culture, laws and regulations and the network information environment with large differences, for a long time, the outdoor rental housing group has been facing many pain points, such as the lack of worry free housing search channels, the untrue housing source information, the easy dispute of rent deposits, the low quality of housing source configuration, and so on.

"At the beginning of the establishment of Freedom, we hoped to become a technology company that is respected and loved by people all over the world, providing high-quality residential products and services that exceed users' expectations. As China's housing rental market has been deeply cultivated for 13 years, we feel that we have the opportunity and ability to create the same comfortable living experience for Chinese students abroad as at home." Meng Yue, the person in charge of Zibo International Rental Platform, said that Zibo Bilin ZABIT has launched Zibo APP, WeChat applet and other platforms. The first batch of more than 20000 houses located in Hong Kong, China, as well as the core areas of more than 20 major cities such as London, Cambridge, Coventry, Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, and the vicinity of colleges and universities, have been fully launched and opened for viewing and signing. The main types of houses include centralized residential products focusing on student apartments, hotel apartments, service apartments, as well as co renting Decentralized residential products including whole rent.

(Map of ZABIT houses)

It is reported that ZABIT has put forward the concept of "secure, secure and committed". Not only are prices authentic and guaranteed, but also high-quality services such as compensation for quality problems and 7x24 hour cloud customer service are provided to users to help them find a house easily, sign a contract with confidence, and rent in peace of mind.

(Free Neighbor ZABIT applet)

When asked about the origin of the international brand ZABIT, Meng Yue said, "We will combine Ziroom and Habitat to get the new international brand name ZABIT. We hope to continue to build an ideal place for users in the international rental market with high-quality products, services and technology capabilities."

Meng Yue said that ZABIT will continue to settle in the United States, Japan, Canada, Singapore, Australia and other countries and regions in the future. It is expected to provide millions of high-quality houses and bring its products, services and technology capabilities to global users.

Industry insiders believe that in recent years, independent enterprises representing China's new quality productivity and China's solutions have become one of the important topics of the times to explore international business.

Among them, relying on products, services, and scientific and technological capabilities, it has laid out in 10 front-line and new front-line cities in China, managed nearly 1 million houses, and has become one of the leading and most representative market-oriented and professional long-term rental agencies in China at present. Its online rental experience of the whole process has already represented the international level. At present, we have freely chosen to open international business. This move not only demonstrates our vision of being a leader in the industry, but also will inject new vitality into the development of China's long-term rental industry.

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