In the first four months, 25.313 million square meters of second-hand houses were sold in 16 key cities, down 18% year on year

original <{$news["createtime"]|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"}>  Leju Finance Li Lanlan 14.0w Reading 2024-05-03 09:33

Leju Finance Li Lan On May 3, according to Ding Zuyu's assessment of the property market, in the first four months, second-hand houses in 16 key cities across the country were sold for about 25.313 million square meters, a cumulative decrease of 18% year on year. The transaction area in April is expected to be 7.96 million square meters, up 12% month on month, down 9% year on year, and the decline has narrowed.

There are three main reasons for the increase of second-hand housing transactions on a month on month basis. First, the school district housing transactions are warming up as the enrollment information collection period approaches. Second, "price for volume" is an opportunity for owners to speed up the shipment of "gold, silver and four". Third, the policy of "old for new" is the pilot mode of state-owned acquisition of second-hand housing in Zhengzhou and other places.

In terms of cities, nearly 70% of the transactions in key cities continued to pick up on a month on month basis. In Qingdao, Xiamen, Suzhou and other cities with relatively flat performance in the early stage of second-hand housing transactions, the transactions in April came into force, with a month on month increase of about 30%. The transactions in Shenzhen continued to grow, with an increase of 15% on a month on month basis on a high base. While in Beijing, Hangzhou and other cities, the transactions declined slightly after surging, but still remained at a relatively high level.

On a year-on-year basis, only 40% of the city's transaction volume was higher than that of the same period last year, especially in Shenzhen. The transaction area in April increased by 40% year on year, which was the same as the high in April 2021, and hit a new monthly high since the second half of 2021.

Compared with the primary second-hand housing market, the transaction of second-hand housing is still stronger than that of new housing. For example, the proportion of second-hand housing transactions in Beijing, Xiamen and other cities jumped to about 70%, significantly higher than that in 2023, which is mainly due to three reasons: first, the advantages of existing housing, the second-hand housing is what you see, and there is no delivery risk of pre-sale new housing; second, the relative price advantage, the price of second-hand housing has been reduced to a reasonable range, The upside down price difference of a second-hand house in core cities has gradually disappeared. Third, the number of secondary listings has increased, and some buyers are expected to sell old houses rather than buy new ones.

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