Suxin Services plans to acquire commercial land with an initial bid price of 49.57 million yuan

original <{$news["createtime"]|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"}>  Leju Finance 9.7w Reading 2024-05-02 10:29

Leju Finance Zhang Linxia On April 29, Suxin Services (02152. HK) announced that the company had submitted a proposal to purchase the land use right of the land to be sold by Suzhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau through public bidding, that is, land acquisition.

On April 29, 2024, the company submitted a proposal to purchase the land use right of Suzhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau through public bidding, that is, proposed land acquisition. It is suggested that the official initial bid price for land acquisition is 49.57 million yuan (excluding tax). The company will pay a bid deposit of 10 million yuan in accordance with the provisions of the public bidding announcement.

It is reported that the land is located in the north of Shishan Road and the west of the planned land in Shishan Business Innovation Zone, High tech Zone, Suzhou, China, with a site area of 6124.1 square meters. The land is designated for commercial use, with a transfer period of 40 years and a total plot ratio of 1.4 to 1.8. The company plans to develop the land into office buildings, and its scale is consistent with the development needs of the company's office space.

At present, the company's own office is located in Shishan Road, Central Business District (CBD), Suzhou High tech Zone, and the office resources available for lease are very limited. The company expects that the scale of the land on Shishan Road will be similar to that of the land in the future, and the land available for auction will be more scarce. With the continuous expansion of business and the increase of the number of employees, the existing office space of the company is not enough to meet its development needs.

The company acquired land and developed new office buildings in this area, so as to expand its property portfolio and improve its operating efficiency by concentrating resources and optimizing the use of space. In addition, expanding office space is also in line with the company's long-term strategy, which will help attract more talents, partners and customers, and maintain the company's competitive advantage by providing a more attractive working environment.

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