National Leju Network Information Center Policy interpretation


Add another city! Shijiazhuang Announces the Exchange of Old Houses for New Houses
Source: Leju House 2024-06-06 16:12:10

These measures are formulated in order to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, adapt to the new changes in the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market and the new expectations of the people for high-quality housing, accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development, and promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market in our city.

1、 Implement housing purchase subsidies

The purchasers who purchase the newly-built commercial housing in our city will be given a sectional quota subsidy.

Subsidy standard: 5000 yuan/set for purchase of a house less than 90 square meters (including 90 square meters); 10000 yuan/set for purchasing 90-144 square meters (including 144 square meters) of housing; A subsidy of 15000 yuan/set for purchasing a house with an area of more than 144 square meters.

Subsidy granting procedure: After the new commercial housing sales contract is filed, the buyer applies for housing purchase subsidies to the municipal housing construction department through the real estate development enterprise. After review and summary, the municipal housing construction department shall report to the municipal financial department every month to apply for subsidy funds, which shall be allocated to the buyer in time by the municipal housing construction department.

People from other places who buy new commercial housing in our city will enjoy the subsidy policy for the purchase of housing by local residents and the same treatment for education and medical treatment.

2、 Carry out trade in

Support individual stock housing (hereinafter referred to as second-hand housing) to purchase new commercial housing by means of trade in.

Exchange the old for the new through market transactions. Encourage real estate brokerage agencies, real estate development enterprises and property exchange buyers to actively participate, sign agreements in a timely manner according to the marketization process, and simultaneously select new commercial housing that they intend to buy. If a second-hand house is sold, the sale proceeds shall be used to purchase a new house; If the second-hand housing has not been sold, the agreement can be renewed or terminated according to the wishes of both parties.

The purchase of second-hand housing by municipal state-owned enterprises was carried out to exchange the old for the new. Municipal state-owned enterprises purchase second-hand housing according to the actual situation, sign the purchase intention agreement on the basis of professional evaluation and negotiation between the two parties, and simultaneously select the new commercial housing they intend to purchase. The purchased second-hand housing can be used as affordable rental housing, market rental housing or resold, and those used as affordable rental housing shall meet the requirements of relevant policies.

Subsidy standard for exchange of old for new: if the exchange of old for new is realized by market transaction, the subsidy will be 10000 yuan/set for the buyer. If the purchase of a city owned state-owned enterprise is used to exchange the old for the new, 10000 yuan/set will be subsidized; If it is used as indemnificatory rental housing or market rental housing, it will subsidize the purchasing enterprise with 10000 yuan/set. At the same time, the replacement and purchase of new commercial housing will enjoy the sectional quota subsidy.

Subsidy granting procedure: the old for new subsidy shall be granted to the replacement buyer in accordance with the subsidy procedure for purchase of new commercial housing. For state-owned enterprises that implement the old for new, the municipal housing construction department shall review and summarize, and then report to the municipal financial department every month to apply for subsidy funds.

3、 Give play to the role of provident fund

Implement the policy of "business to public". From April 28, 2024, those who have applied for individual housing loans from commercial banks in our city and meet the corresponding conditions can apply for replacing the original commercial loans with housing provident fund loans.

Reduce the down payment ratio of housing provident fund loans. If you apply for housing provident fund loan for purchasing the first house in the administrative area of our city, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 20%; For the purchase of a second house, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 30%.

We will increase the maximum amount of housing provident fund loans. When families purchase houses in Chang'an District, Xinhua District, Qiaoxi District, Yuhua District and High tech Zone, the maximum loan limit for single depositors will be increased to 800000 yuan, and the maximum loan limit for double depositors will be increased to 1 million yuan. For families with two children and three children, the maximum loan limit will be increased by 100000 yuan and 200000 yuan respectively on this basis.

Increase the withdrawal frequency and amount of housing provident fund. Since the implementation date of this policy, if the real estate ownership certificate or commercial housing sales contract is filed, I and my spouse can withdraw the balance of the housing provident fund account every year, and the cumulative withdrawal amount does not exceed the total actual expenditure.

Chang'an District, Xinhua District, Qiaoxi District, Yuhua District and High tech Zone shall be implemented as of the date of issuance of this policy, and other counties (cities, districts) shall be implemented as reference. The housing purchase subsidy policy is valid until December 31, 2024.

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