Popular and popular, select and recommend Lycra cloud computing products

Carefully recommend the popular products to you, simplify the complexity, and quickly launch and use
Safe, credible and continuously innovative products and services
Based on more than 10 years of technology, protect your application system and data security on the cloud
Best selling cloud products
Enterprise ECS

Stable network, high-speed read and write, suitable for enterprises

Advanced anti DDoS ECS

Anti DDos and CC attacks, suitable for games

Foreign trade cloud server

International BGP and CN2 high-quality networks are suitable for foreign trade

Bare metal physical machine

High performance physical machines at home and abroad, exclusive performance

Nanny service to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency
Professional technical team provides official self run cloud services to help enterprises solve common business problems

Full stack solution for thousands of industries

Built by professional architects, solutions for ICT cloud services in various industries See more

Leica Cloud advanced anti cloud service helps website data security upgrade

Leica Cloud Advanced Anti DDoS ECS is based on high-performance KVM architecture virtualization, and provides 50-200G defense clarity for a single machine, which can effectively resist DDos, CC and other network attacks. See more

High speed, stable and globally connected infrastructure

Leica Cloud is located in multiple geographical regions around the world, providing high-speed and stable global cloud connection network and localized services close to customers

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Leica Cloud Global Infrastructure

Leica Cloud is located in multiple geographical regions around the world, providing high-speed and stable global cloud connection network and localized services close to customers

Learn about Leica Cloud

Leica Cloud official website

Provide you with real-time access to industry news, official website news, latest activities and other information See more

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