Hello, I'm from Tai'an. I want to sue for divorce. My wife and I are remarried and have no common property and children.

Updated on: 2022-09-02 18:56:34 People browsing
Problem description:
Hello, I'm Tai'an Of. I want to sue for divorce. My wife and I are remarried and have no common property and children.
29 lawyers answer
The lawyer's reply is only for reference without interview and examination of evidence materials.
 Marseille male marriage and family lawyer Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Tel: - 131-6703-8244
Hello, I am a male lawyer from Family Management Law Firm, focusing on marriage and family affairs. If you want to sue for divorce, you generally need to go to the other party's domicile (residence) to sue. However, if the other party has left your residence for more than one year, you can go to your residence (registered residence) to file a lawsuit. If both parties have left their places of residence for more than one year, they may be subject to the jurisdiction of the court of the other party's habitual residence. The habitual residence can be proved by the other party's residence permit and other documents. You can choose which court to sue according to your actual situation. In addition, according to the information you provided, both parties have no common property and children. If the other party is willing to divorce, both parties can choose to divorce by agreement. Divorce by agreement needs to be handled at the marriage registration office of one party's residence.
2022-08-26 11:34:56
 Lawyer Tan Fang Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Telephone - 173-0178-5570
Hello! If you are suing for divorce, you generally need to go to the other party's domicile (residence) to sue. However, if the other party has left your residence for more than one year, you can go to your residence (registered residence) to file a lawsuit. If both parties have left their places of residence for more than one year, they may be subject to the jurisdiction of the court of the other party's habitual residence. The habitual residence can be proved by the other party's residence permit and other documents. You can choose which court to sue according to your actual situation. In addition, according to the information you provided, both parties have no common property and children. If the other party is willing to divorce, both parties can choose to divorce by agreement. Divorce by agreement needs to be handled at the marriage registration office of one party's residence.
2022-08-26 10:14:51
 Lawyer Zhang Xiangfeng Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Phone - 159-2193-9500
1. Both of you have reached an agreement through consultation to apply for divorce at the Civil Affairs Bureau of the place where one party's household registration is located, with your household registration book, ID card and marriage certificate. Divorce registration will be handled within one month after the expiration of the cooling off period. 2. If the two parties fail to reach an agreement, you can only sue for divorce in the court of the defendant's habitual residence or domicile. We are good at dealing with divorce and are willing to help you solve problems.
2022-08-26 08:52:52
 Lawyer of Huichang Team Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Tel - 133-0162-6691
It is possible to sue for divorce. There is no problem of property division and child rearing. It is also possible to sue for divorce.
2022-08-26 09:59:41
 Lawyer Cheng Zhihua Consult me
Service area Shanghai · TEL-130-4664-9906
Hello, what's the reason for wanting a divorce? You can tell me
2022-08-26 09:19:53
 Lawyer Wang Haiyan Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Phone - 159-2146-4202
Hello, please detail the relevant information, and contact us, thank you.
2022-08-26 18:56:08
 Lawyer of Shanghai Chengqin Law Firm Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Phone - 176-2119-7346
It depends on the marriage evidence held by both parties
2022-08-26 08:46:23
 Lawyer Qi Fen Consult me
Lawyer Qi Fen
Service area - Wuxi, Jiangsu · Tel - 180-6833-3711
In this case, divorce can be negotiated. You can also sue for divorce
2022-09-02 18:56:34
 Lawyer Liu Jun Consult me
Lawyer Liu Jun
Service area Shanghai · Tel - 150-2136-6788
It can be sued by the court of the defendant's habitual residence and domicile
2022-08-26 07:31:38
 Lawyer of Fuyu Team Consult me
Service area Shanghai · TEL-136-0177-3641
Hello! I want to sue for divorce. My wife and I are remarried
2022-08-26 08:34:57
 Lawyer of Jiuze Law Firm Consult me
Service area Shanghai · TEL-180-1855-3790
Hello, you can file for divorce at the defendant's domicile.
2022-08-26 09:57:11
 Lawyer Luan Minghe Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Tel - 152-2165-6921
Hello, where are you now?
2022-08-26 09:50:17
 Lawyer Wei Yong Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Tel: - 182-0218-4639
Hello, it mainly depends on the divorce intention of the other party
2022-08-26 17:03:53
 Lawyer of Shanghai Fuyu Law Firm Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Telephone - 400-9982-275
Yes, help you file a divorce lawsuit and follow the process
2022-08-26 03:38:09
 Lawyer Yang Fang Consult me
Service area Shanghai · TEL-130-6275-6086
Hello, it can be solved through judicial procedures
2022-08-26 07:55:02
 Lawyer Li Liangxiao Consult me
Service area Shanghai · TEL-136-0163-3105
Are you and your wife in Shanghai now?
2022-08-26 09:10:39
 Lawyer Gao Kunlun Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Tel - 189-1770-8681
Hello, what's the reason for your divorce?
2022-08-26 09:56:41
 Lawyer Hong Jing Consult me
Service area Shanghai · Phone - 173-0186-1583
If you can sue for divorce, communicate in detail
2022-08-26 09:44:06
 Lawyer Shi Jianwei Consult me
Service area Shanghai · TEL-181-1710-9600
Hello, you can sue
2022-08-26 14:58:02
 Xie Kui and Lawyer
Service area Shanghai
Yes, it can be divorced by agreement in the place of marriage registration.
2022-08-26 16:26:13
 Lawyer Rong Zhaodong
Service area Shanghai
Hello, can you tell me what is the problem preventing divorce by agreement
2022-08-26 13:57:53
 Lawyer of Shanghai Yinqing Law Firm
Service area Shanghai
The specific case can be explained in detail to better solve it for you
2022-08-26 09:27:48
 Lawyer Hao Shuhong
Service area Shanghai
Could you tell me the details? Can communicate with us and give you some suggestions
2022-08-26 09:03:37
 Lawyer Li Tao
Service area Shanghai
Hello, you can sue for divorce, prepare your ID card, marriage certificate, etc
2022-08-26 08:47:27
 Lawyer Zhang Qingtao
Service area Shanghai
If no divorce agreement can be reached, only divorce can be filed, and detailed communication is needed if help is needed
2022-08-26 08:37:31
 Yang Dawei, Chief Counsel
Service area Shanghai
Where is the other party from? Is it from Shanghai
2022-08-26 08:28:31
 Lawyer Wang Weixin
Service area Shanghai
Hello, I want to sue for divorce. I am remarried with my wife and have no common property and children. Yes, go to the court
2022-08-26 08:08:44
 Lawyer Zhang Yongying
Service area Shanghai
You can choose to divorce by litigation or by agreement
2022-08-26 06:29:18
 Lawyer Zhai Liangzhu
Service area Shanghai
Under your detailed description, we are unable to give you accurate legal advice on what you are describing. Thank you.
2022-08-26 02:10:26
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After divorce is filed, no divorce certificate is required. According to the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the marriage relationship is dissolved after the court makes a divorce judgment and the judgment comes into effect. If not handled in time, the divorce process and legal effect may be affected.
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You can apply for a marriage certificate. After divorce, individuals can return to their single status and be free to love and marry. However, it should be noted that if problems such as property division and child rearing are involved, they should be properly handled. In case of any dispute, it is recommended to consult a lawyer in time.
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Hello, according to your description, it's OK.
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