Focus on cloud service provider activities
Notes on website operation and maintenance

Install the pyDash web-based Linux performance monitoring tool

pyDash, It is a lightweight Linux performance monitoring tool based on the web visual interface, which is implemented through Python and Django. Although we can see from GITHUB that the version currently officially submitted was updated three years ago, Laozuo found that this tool can still achieve the monitoring function. This is not based on the principle of increasing insight. Find a limited test Linux VPS installation to see if it can be achieved.

Generally, our ordinary users do not need to use this kind of tools to build a website or for general purposes. For some operation and maintenance personnel, they will have their own favorite or convenient monitoring tools. Here, pyDash is just for installing and seeing the monitoring functions.

First, preparations

1. PyDash supports conventional CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu and other systems. Lao Zuo installs it in CentOS here.

2. For the first time, it is recommended to implement it directly in the test machine, and do not test it in the project production environment with existing websites or important data, in case of adverse reactions.

3. This article is from , refer to this article.

Second, install git and Python pip

yum install epel-release -y
yum install git python-pip -y

 Install git and Python pip

Third, install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv

Fourth, get the source code and enter the directory

git clone

cd pydash

Fifth, create a virtual environment

virtualenv pydashtest #give a name for your virtual environment like pydashtest

 Installing the pyDash Web based Linux performance monitoring tool - Page 2

Then we can see the marked path, which will be used in the future.

Sixth, activate the virtual environment

source /root/pydash/pydashtest/bin/ activate

This needs to be activated according to our actual address.

VII. Installation requirements

cat requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt

VIII. Modify encrypted files

vi pydash/

 Installing the pyDash Web based Linux performance monitoring tool - Page 3

Here, you need to change the characters after SECRET_KEY to your own.

Ninth, create administrator account

python syncdb

 Installing the pyDash Web based Linux performance monitoring tool - Page 4

We need to create a user name and password for later login to the WEB interface.

Tenth, Operation Start

1. Run locally by default

python runserver

After running locally by default, if the Linux native is running through the Logged in.

2. Linux remote connection

./ runserver server IP address: 1000

If we are VPS and want to connect remotely, we need to load our own server IP address and set a port to run.

 Installing the pyDash Web based Linux performance monitoring tool - Page 5

XI. Login to the WEB interface

According to the IP: port mode we set, log in to the WEB, and then enter the set administrator user and password.

 Installing the pyDash Web based Linux performance monitoring tool - Page 6

In this way, you can install and access the pyDash monitoring tool. I will not study its functions here. The basic hardware monitoring is relatively complete.

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