Explore the fun of station building and operation and maintenance

About us

In the early years, we saw the colorful websites on the Internet and envied them, hoping to have our own website. Then came the era of blog popularity. Later, due to the emergence of various new things, microblog, WeChat and We Media appeared. At present, users who still work on personal websites will find it more and more difficult to do websites, and everyone is transforming and changing careers. However, there are still some friends chasing dreams, hoping to support a world in the Internet and personal websites.

The old tribe is composed of some old webmasters and new webmasters. The purpose is to record the value of our personal webmaster in the Internet through real technology and experience sharing, and hope to benefit more friends through their own sharing.

First, how to contact us

A - Focus on the community

B - Contact and Consultation

contact information: hezuo@laobuluo.com (The email indicates that it is from the old tribe)