Blue dot network Give you the content you are interested in! Tue, 04 Jun 2024 08:15:05 +0000 zh-CN hourly one Tencent Cloud 618 went live: only 82 yuan/year for 3M servers, and 519 yuan/year for 30M bandwidth overseas servers Tue, 04 Jun 2024 08:14:51 +0000 The activity of Tencent Cloud 618 is now open. In addition to the lightweight application servers priced as low as 82 yuan, this activity also has overseas high bandwidth servers for multiple regions.

There are also many discount activities for conventional products. For example, the 10TB CDN downlink traffic package is as low as 880 yuan, and the 50GB standard version COS storage capacity is only 1 yuan at a special price.

Users who often use various servers and cloud products are recommended to watch this activity. Usually, it is more cost-effective to purchase products or renew fees during the activity, which can save money.

Tencent Cloud 618 Zhongsheng Hui Main Venue: (Applicable to new Tencent Cloud users) (Applicable to old Tencent users)

Ultra low-cost lightweight application server:

Never purchased a lightweight application server before. You can participate in: 2 core 2GB memory 3M bandwidth 40GB solid disk +The monthly traffic is 200GB, and the server costs only 82 yuan/year.

New and old users can purchase: 2 core 2GB memory 4M bandwidth 50GB solid state disk +The monthly flow is 300GB, and Guangzhou/Shanghai/Beijing area can be selected, which only costs 99 yuan/year.

If the above configuration is not enough, there is a high configuration lightweight application server: 2 core 4GB memory 6M bandwidth 70GB solid disk +600GB traffic, 199 yuan/year for this model.

Discounted price of Tencent cloud database MySQL 1 core 1GB memory version Only 59 yuan/year The 2-core 4GB MySQL cloud database single node cloud disk version is only 212 yuan/year.

Special offer of Tencent cloud overseas server:

Light application server overseas version 2 core 4GB memory 30M bandwidth monthly flow 2TB, Singapore/Silicon Valley/Frankfurt/with independent IP, discounted price 519 yuan/year.

After entering the activity page, click Overseas Preference on the left navigation bar to see this server, New users of Tencent Cloud click here Tencent old users click here to buy

At present, the lightweight servers in Hong Kong are ordered monthly, but the discounted version ordered annually is not seen. Therefore, the cheapest overseas machine in this event is the 519 model.

In terms of lines, Singapore has the lowest delay for domestic and Southeast Asian market access. With 30M bandwidth, most software products can be accessed and downloaded from the official website.

If you want to provide access directly to global users and may consume a lot of traffic, you can also use CloudFlare for distribution, so that the actual cost is lower.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Arm/Qualcomm: Arm architecture accounts for 50% of the PC market in five years Intel: breaking the myth of Arm! Tue, 04 Jun 2024 07:29:33 +0000 At the Taipei International Computer Show 2024, the CEO of Arm said that their goal was to make the Windows PC driven by Arm account for more than 50% in the next five years, that is, to swallow up the x86 camp share of AMD and Intel.

Amun, CEO of Qualcomm, was also asked this question at the media Q&A meeting. Amun agreed with this statement. Although different OEMs have slightly different opinions, some OEMs plan to increase the shipment rate of Arm chips to 40%~60% in the next three years.

That is to say, more than half of these OEM Windows PCs in the future will use Arm processors instead of AMD and Intel's x86 processors, which means that the Windows on Arm ecosystem may show explosive development.

Amun also mentioned Microsoft's Copilot+PC, and Amun said that the transition of the new version of Windows usually takes many years. For example, some enterprises are using Windows 10, and even Windows 7. However, it is expected that the adoption of Copilot+PC, that is, the PC+system integrated with artificial intelligence, will become very fast, because it can improve production efficiency.

 Arm/Qualcomm: Arm architecture accounts for 50% of the PC market in five years Intel: breaking the myth of Arm!

On the other hand, Intel launched Lunar Lake series mobile processors at this exhibition. These processors are mainly for laptops and tablets. The built-in NPU unit can complete Microsoft's Copilot+PC certification.

At the press conference, Intel stressed that the company hopes to break the myth of Arm's efficiency, that is, x86 can also achieve high performance and low power consumption. One of the highlights of the Arm processor is its high efficiency, that is, it can significantly reduce power consumption on the premise of providing good efficiency, which is very important for laptops and tablets.

The x86 processor can do very well in performance, but its power consumption is very high. If you want to call the NPU unit locally on the device side for AI calculation, Arg will have more advantages.

Intel naturally knows this problem, so a major focus of the Moon Lake series processors is to significantly improve efficiency and reduce power consumption. Everything is for efficiency. Therefore, the Moon Lake series mobile processors no longer support hyper threading, and hyper threading has not disappeared. Intel said that it will be used in some meaningful places, It is no longer meaningful for laptops to use hyper threading.

The Moon Lake processor uses four P cores and four E cores, and the performance of the E core is even better than that of the P core at a specific frequency. Therefore, the Moon Lake processor will try to run more tasks on the E core, unless the Thread Director thread selector determines that a task needs a higher frequency, and then it will be transferred to the P core.

The advantage of this is that when most tasks run through the E core, they can meet the basic performance requirements, but at the same time, they can save more energy. This can improve the endurance of the device during intensive computing.

In addition, it should be emphasized that the Moon Lake series launched by Intel today just announced that there was no specific product release, and the maximum computing power of its built-in NPU chip was 48 TOPS. I don't know whether this is limited to high-end products or all Moon Lake series provide this computing power (it is unlikely, but Microsoft requires a minimum of 40 TOPS for the Copilot+PC).

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Intel's latest Moon Lake CPU brings VVC/H.266 decoding support, but it seems to be of little use Tue, 04 Jun 2024 07:01:34 +0000 Intel Xe ² display unit is integrated into Intel's latest Moon Lake series processor. According to the publicity picture released by Intel, this display unit not only supports AV1 hardware encoding and decoding, but also adds VVC/H.266 hardware decoding support.

VVC is the latest video codec launched by MPEG Alliance in 2020, which is the successor of HEVC/H.265, but it is also a paid codec.

 Intel's latest Moon Lake CPU brings VVC/H.266 decoding support, but it seems to be of little use

 Intel's latest Moon Lake CPU brings VVC/H.266 decoding support, but it seems to be of little use

At the time of HEVC/H.265 standard release, open and free codecs such as VP9 and AV1 have not been adopted in a large scale. Therefore, after the release of VVC, the market share has increased rapidly, and it is also one of the codecs with the highest utilization rate at present.

By the time VVC was released, AV1 series codecs had been widely supported. Now new chips support AV1 codecs and more and more websites adopt AV1. Then VVC was very embarrassed and its market share is very low.

This time Intel is also the first chip manufacturer to support VCC decoder. AMD, NVIDIA and other manufacturers have not yet provided VCC support. It is really embarrassing to think of a standard that has been launched for four years and has not been supported.

So the current situation is that although Intel has brought VCC support, its appeal may still be very low, which may be one of the reasons why AMD and NVIDIA are not eager to provide support.

However, ultimately, whether AMD, NVIDIA, MediaTek or Qualcomm will provide support for VCC, The AV2 standard of AOMedia, the Open Media Alliance, is also being tested It is estimated that the vendor will support it more quickly.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Microsoft India's official X/Twitter account was hijacked by hackers and sent to the cryptocurrency fraud website Tue, 04 Jun 2024 06:28:58 +0000 The account hijacking problem on X/Twitter is very common, For example, the official account of the former SEC was hijacked by hackers , and then falsely claimed that the spot ETF of Bitcoin had passed, causing the price of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin to fluctuate significantly.

Last night, Microsoft India's official X account was also hijacked. Microsoft's group company accounts have passed X's organizational certification, with a gold certification logo.

After hijacking Microsoft's India account, the fraudster used it to send a cryptocurrency fraud website, which claimed that GameStop (one of the protagonists in the previous retail war against Wall Street bears) would issue cryptocurrency named KITTY.

At this stage, the KITTY is being pre sold. Users can purchase the KITTY by sending Ethereum and wait for the cryptocurrency to get more revenue after listing.

 Microsoft India's official X/Twitter account was hijacked by hackers and sent to the cryptocurrency fraud website

However, although Microsoft's Indian account is hijacked, the fraudsters are still targeting Americans (why not hijack Microsoft's American account? Because the hijacking failed). At the same time, the fraudsters also manipulate multiple robots to forward phishing tweets to attract more users to enter the phishing website.

It is worth noting that the purpose of the fraudster is not to send Ethereum to purchase the so-called KITTY token. Users will be granted multiple permissions by default when they use their own Web3 wallet to connect to the phishing website.

Once connected successfully, the fraudster will directly empty all the supported cryptocurrency assets in the user's wallet, without requiring the user to manually send Ethereum or other tokens, so that the fraudster can get more benefits as much as possible.

At present, it is unclear how the Microsoft India account was hijacked. Usually, the password is leaked and 2FA verification is not enabled. More complex attacks are SIM card exchange attacks Previously, when the SEC account was hijacked, the bound employee's mobile phone number was collected by some means, and then the hacker forged the data to ask the operator to replace the SIM card , and then directly logged in to the account through SMS verification.

In addition to X/Twitter, YouTube accounts, especially Elon Mask related accounts, are also the hardest hit areas for hijacking. SpaceX was hijacked in the live broadcast before, and the video screen was replaced by the AI synthesized Elon Mask speech video, which fooled the audience to scan the code to connect to the phishing website and then send cryptocurrency for reward, For example, you can automatically return 0.2 BTCs if you send 0.1 BTCs.

This fishing routine is endless at the top of X, and there will be more hijackings in the future. So when you see this kind of cryptocurrency related pie falling from the sky, please don't be fooled. If it's not a good thing, it's the kind of pie that breaks your head.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Stanford University's Llama3-V team apologized for copying the Chinese AI model, emphasizing that it was cheated by another person Tue, 04 Jun 2024 06:10:17 +0000 Previously, the AI team of Tsinghua University and domestic AI start-ups trained and opened MiniCPM series models, including the multimodal model MiniCPM-V series for image and text understanding. These models are used by AI research teams around the world under the open source framework.

However, from May 29, 2024, the AI team calling itself Llama3-V of Stanford University can train the SOTA multimodal model beyond OpenAI GPT-4V for only 500 dollars.

The two authors are Siddharth Sharma and Aksh Garg (both computer science undergraduates at Stanford University). While making high-profile publicity, some netizens found that the structure and code of their Llama3-V model were very similar to that of MiniCPM-Llama3-V2.5, which was launched earlier by Facewall Intelligence for remediation. It seems that only some variable names have been modified and replaced.

 Stanford University's Llama3-V team apologized for copying the Chinese AI model, emphasizing that it was cheated by another person

After the event was fermented, it also attracted the attention of Facewall Intelligence. The company released a response to confirm that the Stanford University project is indeed the same as the MiniCPM model, which can identify the ancient characters of the Warring States Period on the Tsinghua slips (the battle fruits bamboo slips donated by Tsinghua University), which were scanned word for word by the research team from the Tsinghua slips and manually labeled.

This kind of behavior of Stanford University's Llama3-V team is obviously plagiarism. In fact, MiniCPM provides open source models. It is normal to build new models based on open source models. But if you just download others' models and simply replace their names, it is said that you have trained yourself, which is plagiarism.

Two members who plagiarized last night issued an apology letter on their X/Twitter account, but in the apology letter, two members pointed out that they quoted the code written by another researcher, Mustafa Aljadery.

So these two people helped Mustafa promote this model on Medium and X/Twitter. They claimed that there was no complete due diligence, that is, they did not find that the model released by Mustafa was copied from the wall intelligence.

Mustafa has set its X/Twitter to the protected state and has not released any response (and is now in the state of losing contact), so it is unclear whether this is a conspiracy of three or two people cheated by Mustafa.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Microsoft no longer allows Windows 11 to bypass login through 1 @ 1. com, but there are other ways to continue using Tue, 04 Jun 2024 05:40:26 +0000 In Windows 11 Home Edition and Professional Edition, users must keep their devices connected and log in to Microsoft account, otherwise they will not be able to access the desktop. If there is no network nearby, Microsoft will remind them to find a place with network to connect.

For users who want to create local accounts, it is easier to use invalid accounts such as 1 @ 1. com and , and Microsoft's built-in OOBE BYPASSNRO command.

At the same time, Microsoft seems to block these accounts every once in a while, that is, even if users enter wrong passwords, they will not be prompted to create local accounts. Now the two accounts mentioned above can no longer be used.

 Microsoft no longer allows Windows 11 to bypass login through 1 @ 1. com, but there are other ways to continue using

Bob Pony, a netizen, found that whether it was 1 @ 1. com OOBE NYPASSNRO is currently in invalid status, but the command line can still be used after testing.

That is, if the user wants to skip the account in the OOBE phase, he should directly disconnect from the network and use the NYPASSNRO command. At least at this stage, it can still be used to create offline local accounts.

The following is the operation process:

1. Press Shift+F10 to open the command prompt in the Windows 11 OOBE login account phase

2. Enter OOBE BYPASSNRO in the command prompt window and press Enter (note that the command is No/)

3. After executing this command, the system will automatically restart and enter the OOBE setting process again. At this time, it should be possible to create a local account

4. If you still do not see the option of creating a local account, please disconnect the network of the device, including WiFi or wired connection, and then execute OOBE BYPASSNRO

Related content:

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Alibaba Cloud 618 event officially launched: 2-core 2GB lightweight application server only costs 36 yuan/year Tue, 04 Jun 2024 02:36:50 +0000 At present, Alibaba Cloud has launched a limited time event for the 618 innovation acceleration season. This round of activity, Alibaba Cloud launched an ultra low-cost 2-core 2GB memory lightweight application server for users.

This lightweight server is as low as 36 yuan/year. It should be the lowest priced server launched by Alibaba Cloud in recent years. However, this model is limited to be snapped up at 10 a.m. every day.

Other products, including databases, object cloud storage and digital certificates, have all launched ultra-low price discount versions. The discount strength of this event is really strong.

Address of AliCloud main event venue: (Applicable to new Alibaba Cloud users) (Applicable to old AliCloud users)

 Alibaba Cloud 618 event officially launched: 2-core 2GB lightweight application server only costs 36 yuan/year

Get full or reduced coupons first:

If you may want to buy a product worth more than 200 yuan, you should get a coupon first. New and old users can get a coupon. After getting the coupon, you can choose a product to get a discount.

After personal certification, you can get 200-10 to 3000-150 full reduced coupons, and after enterprise certification, you can get 600-48 to 10000-800 full reduced coupons.

So in any case, get the coupons first, so that if you need to buy more products, you can use them: New users can get it here Old users can pick up coupons here

 Alibaba Cloud 618 event officially launched: 2-core 2GB lightweight application server only costs 36 yuan/year

Popular products:

Lightweight application server 2 core 2GB memory 3M bandwidth unlimited traffic: Click me to buy As low as 36 yuan/year, this item is only available to new Alibaba Cloud users at 10 a.m. every day.

Note: The 36 yuan server is sold in limited quantities at 10 a.m. every day. If it is robbed, it will be taken off the shelves that day. Netizens in need can stay on the activity page at 10 a.m.

AliCloud server E instance 2 core 2GB memory 3M bandwidth unlimited traffic: Click me to buy New and old users can buy the server for 99 yuan/year, and the server renewal fee is also 99 yuan.

Shadowless cloud computer 4 core 8GB memory 800 hour version: Click me to buy 98.99 yuan/year can be purchased by new and old users, and Windows Server system can be installed optionally

Account number applicable to enterprises and individual businesses: 2 cores 2GB memory 5M bandwidth 80GB ESSD , as low as 199 yuan/year, you can choose any system for renewal at the same price.

 Alibaba Cloud 618 event officially launched: 2-core 2GB lightweight application server only costs 36 yuan/year

More product recommendations:

Alibaba Cloud general cloud database RDS MySQL 2 core 2GB memory version: Unlimited new and old users 99 yuan/year , maximum connections 1000, maximum IOPS 10000

AliCloud OSS object storage package 500GB version is only 119 yuan/year, Redis Cloud native standard version is only 79.2 yuan/year (only for new users), and single domain SSL certificate is only 200 yuan

CDN mainland China downlink accelerated traffic package 10TB version is only 990 yuan, valid for 1 year, and purchased from Active Page The database&network&CDN more goods inside.

 Alibaba Cloud 618 event officially launched: 2-core 2GB lightweight application server only costs 36 yuan/year

 Alibaba Cloud 618 event officially launched: 2-core 2GB lightweight application server only costs 36 yuan/year

Developer entrepreneurship plan 1 million yuan deduction:

Developers and start-ups can apply for the Alibaba Cloud Entrepreneur Program after completing enterprise certification. The program provides a minimum of 3500 yuan and a maximum of 1 million yuan as a deduction.

The deduction can be used to purchase various Alibaba Cloud products, such as servers and databases, to help developers significantly save costs and quickly promote projects at the initial stage of entrepreneurship.

Developers who are interested in applying for the entrepreneur deduction plan Please register an AliCloud account And complete the real name authentication of the enterprise. After the authentication, submit the application on the activity page for review.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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If your Pixel uses third-party parts and sends them to Google for repair, Google can confiscate your phone Tue, 04 Jun 2024 02:12:38 +0000 Last week, the famous disassembly and maintenance platform iFixit shelled Samsung Samsung originally invited iFixit to cooperate to promote the self-help maintenance plan, but Samsung imposed stringent requirements, such as how many parts must be sold every month at a very high price, and the difficulty of disassembly and maintenance of Samsung equipment is getting higher and higher.

Now Google is also found to have some harsh terms in terms of maintenance. Android Authority found that Google Pixel's after-sales maintenance terms stipulate that if Pixel has used third-party parts, Google can directly confiscate the device if it comes to Google's after-sales service.

The original text of this clause is as follows: D.4 Unauthorized parts: You may not send equipment containing parts not authorized by Google. If you do so, your equipment will not be returned to you.

 If your Pixel uses third-party parts and sends them to Google for repair, Google can confiscate your phone

Take a simple example: you have replaced the battery for Pixel yourself or at the street repair shop. The battery is provided by a third party, so it is not a part authorized by Google; Now your screen is broken and you need to contact Google for after-sales maintenance. If Google detects that the battery is provided by a third party after you send the Pixel to Google, Google can directly confiscate your device.

This provision came into effect on July 19, 2023. Although Google may not really implement this policy, it is obviously unfair to users, that is, users should either hand over all after-sales problems to Google or stop looking for Google, or their phones may disappear.

At present, some states in the United States have laws related to the right to repair. Google's practice may not directly violate the right to repair, but this clause will prevent users from self-help maintenance of equipment. In fact, Google is malicious compliance.

Samsung also has a similar clause, that is, the equipment sent for repair cannot contain unauthorized parts, otherwise Samsung requires the repair shop to remove these parts.

However, it is not that users do not want to use the official after-sales service. The quality of the official after-sales service may be better, but the price of parts is also really high. iFixit mentioned that the battery and screen of the Galaxy S22 are sold together at a price of up to $159.99, while the after-sales battery provided by iFixit is only $22.99.

Thanks for the news shared by netizen Yan Liming

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Nintendo 3DS Simulator Folium for iOS is released, but it costs 4.99 dollars to purchase Tue, 04 Jun 2024 01:44:29 +0000 Since Apple opened the game simulator application, a large number of simulator related applications have logged into the App Store, including the well-known Delta simulator, PPSSPP simulator, RetroArch simulator, etc.

These simulators are provided free of charge, but users need to find the ROM package of the game through the Internet to import it. After importing, they can connect the handle to play retro games on iPhone, iPad, or even Apple TV.

Today, a new simulator is also the first paid simulator to log into the App Store. This simulator is called Folium, and the price is $4.99 at a time. There is no need to subscribe monthly or annually.

Folium simulator mainly supports Game Boy Advance, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS games. Similarly, users need to download game ROM packages to import. The simulator also supports a variety of third-party controllers, including Switch Joy Cons, Playstation DualShock, Xbox series game consoles, etc.

In terms of platform support, iOS, iPadOS, visionOS and macOS are provided. Currently, there is no support for tvOS. If users want to use it on a Mac, they can only use the version of Apple M chip, not the Intel CPU version of the Mac.

Download address:

By the way, Bluedot recommends that interested players try RetroArch. The simulator is free and supports a wide range of game types. It also supports the use of Apple TV.

 Nintendo 3DS Simulator Folium for iOS is released, but it costs 4.99 dollars to purchase

 Nintendo 3DS Simulator Folium for iOS is released, but it costs 4.99 dollars to purchase

 Nintendo 3DS Simulator Folium for iOS is released, but it costs 4.99 dollars to purchase

 Nintendo 3DS Simulator Folium for iOS is released, but it costs 4.99 dollars to purchase

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Firefox will build in AI to generate description content for website images to help visually impaired users understand images Tue, 04 Jun 2024 01:17:40 +0000 In the HTML hypertext transfer protocol specification, the image class has an Alt attribute to describe the content of the image. This Alt attribute is used to tell search engine crawlers what the image is, and can also be read by screen readers to describe the image for visually impaired users to understand the content.

However, adding the Alt attribute to an image is a very troublesome thing. Each image may need to be described according to the actual content of the image. Therefore, most websites will not add the Alt attribute, which causes visually impaired users to fail to understand what the image is.

In the AI era, this problem is very easy to solve: just use the AI model to read pictures and write descriptions. This function is not the first release of Firefox, but now Firefox is ready to do the same.

 Firefox will build in AI to generate description content for website images to help visually impaired users understand images

In the nightly build of Mozilla Firefox 130, the Firefox browser development team tested this feature in the PDF editor, which will include a small Transformer machine learning model to generate alternative text.

The parameter of this small model is 0.2B, and it only occupies less than 200MB of disk space. It can read pictures and generate descriptions in a few seconds. Moreover, this model is good at describing images without generating too much load. It can be used even on devices with poor performance.

At this stage, this function is only tested in PDF files, that is, when users open a PDF document and use a screen reader, Firefox will automatically call the model to generate a picture description, and read the picture description together when reading the document, so that visually impaired users can understand the picture content easily.

The advantage of using the local model is that it has better privacy protection, that is, images will not be sent to the server for identification, and better resource efficiency can be obtained to improve the response speed, which is much faster than sending to the network, processing, description and then sending back to the client.

If this function is verified later, Firefox should use it in the Alt description of ordinary web pages. At that time, if the website image does not contain the Alt attribute, it can be automatically described by Firefox.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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[Tip] The solution to the error of Pcasvc.dll (missing entry) in Windows 11 24H2 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 01:02:26 +0000 At present, Microsoft is introducing Windows 11 24H2 update to preview users. The official version of the update will be released around October. Now Microsoft is gradually pushing it to collect feedback and fix known problems.

The latest problem found is that when the user updates to Windows 11 24H2 Build 26100.712, the system may pop up the Pcasvc.dll error dialog box. The error content is: Missing entry, PcaWallpaperAppDetect (Missing entry: PcaWallpaperAppDetect)

This problem will not affect the normal use of users. However, if you find it troublesome to pop up this prompt occasionally, you can also manually modify the task scheduler to solve this problem.

 [Tip] The solution to the error of Pcasvc.dll (missing entry) in Windows 11 24H2

The following are the complete operation steps:

1. Enter the task scheduler in the task bar search box and open it;

2. Click Task Scheduler Library in the view on the left of Task Scheduler to expand the list;

3. Open the task scheduler, task scheduler library Microsoft、Windows、Application Experience;

4. Find the task of PcaWallpaperAppDetect on the right, right-click the task and select Delete.

After deleting the task, the error dialog box will not pop up again. Later, Microsoft will solve the problem through cumulative updates. After solving the problem, the task plan will be added back. At that time, the user does not need to perform the deletion again.

Note: This problem only affects Windows 11 24H2, other versions do not need to perform the above operations

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Microsoft adds quick approval plug-in for Word to support Microsoft 365 F1 and above subscriptions Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:48:08 +0000 It is a little troublesome for teams and enterprises to write documents through Word and request approval, because they need to share documents with managers, such as through collaboration software or e-mail.

In Microsoft Teams, Microsoft has created an application called Approvals, which is mainly used to initiate approval requests, manage approval and approval requests.

However, any approval conducted by the Approvals application before this time cannot be directly added to Word. To solve this problem, the Microsoft 365 team has developed a new Approvals plug-in that can be connected.

 Microsoft adds quick approval plug-in for Word to support Microsoft 365 F1 and above subscriptions

Users can create approval requests in Word documents and view all approval requests that have occurred in documents over time. For managers, they can also directly operate requests in Word, such as direct approval, without having to go to the Approvals application of Microsoft Teams to operate.

This feature is mainly for teams and enterprises, so only subscriptions of Microsoft 365 F1 and above can use it. Microsoft 365 for personal and home versions does not support this feature.

It is also very simple to use this function. Open Word and click the home page option to access the new approval plug-in. When you need to add an approval, you can select it as an add-on, and then submit approval information.

If managers want to approve, they also need to install the plug-in. After installing the plug-in, click the New Approval Request button in the approval column to perform operations, including agreeing or rejecting. When rejecting, comments can be added.

In order to facilitate users to use Microsoft, an approval template has also been developed. Users can create a template and save it. Later, they can quickly initiate an approval request through this template, fill in the necessary information, and click the Send button.

Finally, this function is only tested in the Microsoft 365 Insider preview plan, and will be pushed to the official channel after the test is completed, so users who use the official version need to wait.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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The X/Twitter update rules officially allow the release of adult content, which is expected to attract more adult content creators Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:26:07 +0000 Although X/Twitter has not explicitly stated in the rules before, the creators have always been able to publish adult content without any restrictions. The only restriction is that the published content needs to be marked sensitive, that is, pictures or videos will be covered by default, and users can manually display adult content.

Now the platform has updated the rules to officially allow the release of adult content, and creators or users can release voluntary content and adult nude content. X believes that such content can become a legitimate form of artistic expression.

 The X/Twitter update rules officially allow the release of adult content, which is expected to attract more adult content creators

Although adult content has been officially allowed to be published, X also stipulates that creators or users should actively mark such content as sensitive when sharing it, otherwise it will also be marked and possibly warned after being reported by users or detected by X.

At the same time, adult content is not allowed to be set in the avatar or banner at the top of the home page. This behavior is still illegal. If it is set in this way, it may also be warned or even the account may be restricted.

For content that has been marked as sensitive content, if the birthday set by X account is less than 18 years old, it is impossible to bypass this restriction and continue to view content, that is, only adults can manually click Display to remove the cover of adult content.

X also emphasizes that in any case, the content of exploitation, involuntary, materialization and sexual/injurious/obscene behavior involving minors is prohibited. If users share such content, their accounts may be directly suspended.

Finally, the content of violence, excessive blood or portrayed as sexual violence in adult content is also prohibited. Any content that is banned is in violation of the X rule, and may be blocked if reported or detected.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Lvlian NAS apologized for a huge number of problems. At the same time, related new products have been removed from the JD Mall Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:12:55 +0000 Earlier, Lvlian launched new NAS products and carried out a large number of product announcements on the B station and Weibo. These product announcements focused on selling points such as the beautiful appearance of Lvlian NAS and the ability to back up mobile phone files, which really attracted many users to buy Lvlian NAS.

There is also a lot of discussion about Lvlian products among NAS players, but unfortunately they are all complaining because a large number of problems have been found in the Lvlian NAS system, which seriously affects its use.

As a home private cloud, the core function of NAS devices is to provide data backup, Previously, the new version of Green Alliance NAS gave up supporting some devices and had to format the hard disk and reinstall it when upgrading from the old version, which has caused many complaints , I didn't expect to find more problems later.

 Lvlian NAS apologized for a huge number of problems, and the related equipment has been removed from the JD Mall

Yesterday, the official official account of Green Alliance NAS issued an apology letter saying that the initial launch of the new system did not meet expectations or even disappointed everyone. There were "some" bugs that needed time to repair.

Some of the problems listed by Lvlian include abnormal CPU temperature display and high load, abnormal account registration, and album backup failure. However, these problems are only part of the problem. Some players found many more problems in the forum.

Interestingly, at the same time, the new products of Lvlian NAS were also taken off the shelves from Jingdong Mall. Obviously, this should be the official behavior of Lvlian, because there are too many BUGs, resulting in a high return rate. It is estimated that Lvlian is ready to wait for the UGOS system to be optimized before re selling.

At the same time of issuing the letter of apology, Green Alliance also continued to draw a cake for everyone, saying that it is expected to give you a better software experience by the end of June, and will return to the original expected strength by the middle of July, but it is hard to say whether this cake can be realized.

Finally, it was found that there were many words of Qunhui in the supporting documents of Lvlian, that is, Lvlian did not clean up the content of Qunhui when copying it, which is a classic joke of some manufacturers.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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[Tip] Windows 11 can still use the old version of File Explorer, and the new and old versions can be used at the same time Mon, 03 Jun 2024 23:59:04 +0000 Microsoft has provided a new version of File Explorer in Windows 11. The new version looks more beautiful in appearance, but on some devices, there may also be problems that affect the experience, such as slow speed and stuck.

It is worth noting that the old code of the File Explorer is still retained and can be reopened in a very easy way without any script or registry modification.

This method was found by users of XDA forum. Just right click the Start menu, select Run (or use the shortcut key to combine Win+R), then enter the control panel Control and press Enter. The control panel will open.

 [Tip] Windows 11 can still use the old version of File Explorer, and the new and old versions can be used at the same time

Then click the up arrow on the left side of the address bar of the control panel twice, and the old version of File Explorer will automatically open. Both the interface and the menu are in the style of the Windows 10 era, such as the contents of the navigation bar, the menu bar, and the Explorer settings window.

Interestingly, the new and old versions of Explorer can even be mixed. After opening the old version of Explorer through the control panel, clicking other folders on the desktop still defaults to the new version of Explorer, so it is OK to put them together and use them side by side.

The performance of the old version of Explorer may be better than that of the new version. If you can't use Windows 10 or prefer the style of Windows 11, but want to improve the efficiency of file/folder operations, you can try to continue using the old version of Explorer.

However, I am reminded that the old version of the legacy code will eventually be deleted over time, so it can be used temporarily, but in the future, it may only use the new version of the resource manager style.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Windows 10 will widely display Windows 11 full screen upgrade window after installing this month's update Mon, 03 Jun 2024 23:39:42 +0000 Microsoft has previously tested to display a full screen pop-up window on Windows 10 to remind users that the system is about to end support, and users should upgrade Windows 11 or purchase new equipment that meets hardware requirements.

Windows 10 will end its support in October 2025. For ordinary consumers, the only option is to upgrade Windows 11. Otherwise, they will use an operating system that cannot obtain security updates, which poses a serious security risk.

Now Microsoft is ready to provide more users with this full screen pop-up window. According to the news released by Windows Latest, Windows 10 has a full screen pop-up window after the installation of the preview update in May, which means that the monthly routine update of Windows 10 released on June 11 may include this pop-up window. At that time, WeSoft will widely display this pop-up window to Windows 10 consumer users.

 Windows 10 will widely display Windows 11 full screen upgrade window after installing this month's update

Of course, no matter whether the device meets the hardware requirements of Windows 11, Microsoft will pop up this reminder. In the help link of the pop-up window, Microsoft said that users should purchase new devices for devices that do not meet the hardware requirements.

At the same time, this full screen pop-up window cannot be completely closed, that is, after seeing the pop-up window, users can choose to remind later rather than no longer remind, so the upgrade pop-up window may appear once later.

For enterprises, Windows 10 has an additional support cycle, so it can still be used temporarily. At the same time, Windows 10 LTSB/LTSC long-term service channel versions have a longer support cycle, and Microsoft will continue to provide security updates for these versions.

Microsoft will launch the Windows 10 ESU extension support plan after the end of Windows 10 Consumer Edition support. For users who still want to continue using Windows 10, You can also pay extra for an extended support program to continue using Windows 10 safely

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Some resource sites in short books block Firefox browser, which makes Firefox users unable to view pictures and resources Mon, 03 Jun 2024 06:29:49 +0000 According to the information released by the netizens of Kafan Forum, the content publishing platform brief book blocks the open source Firefox browser for some unknown reasons. As long as Firefox is carried in the browser UA information, it will directly return to HTTP 403 to prohibit access.

After the Bluedot test, it was found that some resource sites in Jianshu did block the Firefox browser UA. For example, *., which is used by Jianshu to host website images and other resources, can be reproduced.

It is also very easy to test this situation. After installing cURL on Windows, we can use the command with different UA information to view the returned HTTP status code. If the UA contains Firefox, it will match and return HTTP 403.

 Some resource sites in short books block Firefox browser, which makes Firefox users unable to view pictures and resources

At present, it is not clear why short books block Firefox browser. Because short books are suspected to be sold before and then add a lot of junk advertisements, their reputation is very poor. It is estimated that few users actually use short books.

If you don't want to see short books in the search engine, you can use the sublacklist extension program to directly block short books. If you really want to continue accessing, you can change your browser or install the UA class extension to hide Firefox related information.

The following are three test messages:

 C: Users  Bluedot>curl - A "Firefox" - sIL - w "% {http_code}  n" - o/dev/null four hundred and three C: Users  Bluedot>curl - A "test" - sIL - w "% {http_code}  n" - o/dev/null two hundred C: Users  Bluedot>curl - A "firefoxtest" - sIL - w "% {http_code}  n" - o/dev/null four hundred and three

Thanks for the news shared by online friend Coje He of Bluedot

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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360 shuts down non pursuit search dedicated to user privacy protection and upgrades it to 360AI search integrated with artificial intelligence Mon, 03 Jun 2024 02:50:16 +0000 Non pursuit search is a search engine launched by 360, which is dedicated to protecting user privacy. The main feature of this search engine is to protect user privacy, not record user search data, nor place advertisements based on user search data.

Compared with 360 Search or Baidu Search, the experience of Wuzhuo Search is quite good. However, due to 360's reputation, many users scoff at the idea of protecting users' privacy.

 360 shuts down non pursuit search dedicated to user privacy protection and upgrades it to 360AI search integrated with artificial intelligence

However, it is no longer meaningful to discuss these issues, because 360 has decided to shut down the search without pursuing, and instead put the search team's energy on the current popular AI search, that is, users can directly generate answers after asking questions, rather than requiring users to manually click on the search results.

This method of generating AI to provide answers is no different from feeding the content to the user. Although it is troublesome and time-consuming to manually click the search results, at least the user still has judgment on the data. If the AI generates the content, even if there are errors, it may be difficult for the user to find them.

According to the announcement released by Non Chase Search, the search engine will be upgraded to 360AI search from May 30, which is actually a shutdown. Users can still query content through Non Chase Search until June 13, and will not be able to use it later. It is estimated that the domain name of Non Chase Search will directly jump to 360AI search.

As for the content generated by 360AI search, it is not easy to evaluate. Some content has obvious problems, and the search page is still mixed with irrelevant content, such as some videos. In fact, the experience is not as good as no pursuit search.

360AI search is essentially similar to Google's AI overview function. No matter whether users like it or not, this kind of search engine that directly provides generative answers will definitely replace traditional search engines in the future. After all, for most users, it does not need to use their brains or spend time. You can just refer to AI directly to give answers, In most cases, you don't need to manually click the website to view the content.

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Amazon Kindle reminds users again that the cloud download service will end at the end of this month. Please pay attention to backup data Mon, 03 Jun 2024 02:31:49 +0000 Amazon's Kindle e-book brand, the Chinese e-book store, has ceased operation since June 30, 2023. After the cessation of operation, users can no longer purchase new e-books, but e-books already purchased can still be downloaded and read.

Now Amazon has announced again that the Kindle China E-bookstore will stop the cloud download service on June 30, 2024, and users will be unable to download and read e-books at that time. Users should download data to Kindle Reader and Kindle App before this time, and keep their Amazon account login status so that they can continue to read later.

 Amazon Kindle reminds users again that the cloud download service will end at the end of this month. Please pay attention to backup data

At present, there are many tools on the Internet that can export e-books from Kindle, that is, download e-books purchased from the cloud first and then export them for backup, so that you can continue to read data after changing to other e-books later.

After June 30, the content purchased by users will no longer be able to operate from the cloud after the Kindle China E-bookstore stops its cloud download service, so it is urgent to download these e-books locally immediately.

In addition, the Kindle App will also be removed from the App Store after June 30, so users can no longer download and install it. Users who need it should also download and install it on their phones in advance.

For a complete announcement of this part, please visit:

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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Security experts find that Windows 11 Recall is flawed. It is very easy to steal your data Mon, 03 Jun 2024 02:12:25 +0000 At the Copilot+PC conference held earlier, Microsoft focused on the Windows 11 Recall function After this function is enabled, screen shots will be taken in the background every few seconds, and then submitted to AI for analysis and then sorted into a timeline.

The advantage of the review function is that users can view their own workflows and work records, including quickly opening documents or web pages at a certain time through keyword search.

However, the disadvantage is obvious, that is, your computer operations will be saved to local screenshots. This part of data contains a lot of private content, which will cause serious harm if stolen.

 Security experts find that Windows 11 Recall is flawed. It's very easy to steal your data

Microsoft emphasizes that these screenshots are encrypted and saved to the local device. Security expert Kevin Beaumont found that this is true after testing. The screenshots are encrypted and saved without unlocking the system. Once an attacker obtains your login credentials, the data can be read.

Kevin Beaumont has also developed a database program that can read the data collated from these screenshots, including an operation at a certain time, etc. The database program will be published after the review function is officially released.

Kevin Beaumont doesn't disclose it now because he hopes Microsoft can improve these security issues before the official launch review. If it still doesn't improve, the database program will allow users to directly retrieve these data to show the poor security of the recall function.

It is worth noting that Kevin Beaumont has also made a brief version of QA, which contains some key contents:

Q: Microsoft said that only users can access data

Answer: No, I can demonstrate that another user account on the same device accesses the database

Q: Review how the function works

Answer: Screenshots are taken every few seconds. The screenshots are recognized by AI through OCR and written into SQLite database. The database records all user activities in plain text

Q: How to get the database file:

Answer: The database file is located in the CoreAIPlatform folder in AppData

Q: How big is the database

A: The data in the days after compression is about 90KB, which means that documents and case records of several months can also be leaked in a few seconds using ordinary broadband connections

Q: Have you disclosed the database of review function:

A: Yes, I have achieved automatic penetration and created a website that can upload databases and retrieve content. I deliberately concealed technical details until Microsoft released the function. I want to give them time to take action

Q: When I delete a message from an email, Team, or WhatsApp, will it be deleted from the review function?

A: No, it will be kept in the database indefinitely (according to Microsoft's instructions, the screenshot will be kept for about three months before cleaning to avoid occupying too much storage space A, but the database content was not mentioned)

Recommended time limited activities: Alibaba Cloud Server 36 yuan/year Tencent Cloud 30M bandwidth Singapore server QQ Super Meeting 15 months 108 yuan Big member of station B: 88 yuan

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