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Drag and Drop Query File Properties V1.1 to update

Drag and Drop Query File Properties V1.1 It is a tool to export file "right click - attribute - details", which is originally shared by wszjf.

Previously, the file "Right click - Attribute - Details" was often used in operations such as single file packaging. Because these information cannot be copied directly, other tools are sometimes needed, and information is incomplete and in English. So I wrote this tool myself.
There may not be many application scenarios, only for those who need it. Don't spray it if you don't like it!
If intercepted by a number, yes, no, or, and can choose by themselves.

The software has no running interface. Drag and drop the. exe and. dll files directly to generate and open the. txt file with the same name as the query file.
The generated. txt file with the same name is located in the same directory as the queried file, so the queried file directory must have write permission. If you do not have permission, please copy it to another directory for query.

[Version Update]
2024-6.12 V1.1 update
1. The number of property items that can be queried has been increased from 10 to 17. The display rules completely simulate the system display rules. Items that are not commonly used will automatically exclude null items, and only non null items will be output.
2. The tool is mainly developed to query the properties of. exe and. dll files. The query results of other types of files are only for reference.

2024-5-16 V1.0
Initial version.

 Drag and drop query file properties V1.1 illustration

Download address (Extraction code: h0zl)

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