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Label: pagoda panel

 How to use pagoda to establish ECS database_ Kufan Cloud Knowledge Base

How to use pagoda to establish ECS database?

Monkey D Luffy Reading (567) Comments (0) Like( two )

How to use pagoda to establish ECS database? In the process of using ECS, sometimes a database needs to be used. Taking the pagoda panel as an example, the following describes the general process of how to use the pagoda to build an ECS database: 1. First, you need to go to the pagoda system panel>find the database column and click "Add" or "Add" above it

 The old version 5. x of the pagoda panel is upgraded to the latest version 7. x Precautions _ Kufan Cloud Knowledge Base
Technical Tutorial

Precautions for upgrading pagoda panel from old version 5. x to the latest version 7. x

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Today I would like to share an article about how to upgrade the old version 5. x of the pagoda panel to the new version 6.0x. This is a very old version. At present, the latest version has reached 7. x, but some old customers have bought servers for several years, but the pagoda version is still old. So we have to upgrade for new functions. Pay attention to the following issues before upgrading. 1: For example, your Ce

 How does the WDCP background clear domain name binding restrictions_ Kufan Cloud Knowledge Base

How does the WDCP background clear domain name binding restrictions?

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Today, I met a little friend who used the wdcp control panel. Previously, I bound a domain name to the background for access. Now, the domain name has expired, disappeared, and then the access is unavailable. What should I do? See here. What can I do if I can't access a specific domain name? For example, if the settings are wrong or the domain name cannot be used for some reasons, how to

 How to solve the problem that you cannot access this website after installing the pagoda panel_ Kufan Cloud Knowledge Base

How to solve the problem that you cannot access this website after installing the pagoda panel?

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Today, a little partner refused our connection after "unable to access this website" when building the Kufan cloud panel (pagoda panel). How should we deal with this problem? Let's talk about our methods. Similar to what is shown in the figure, it is actually very simple. Check according to the following methods. ①: Whether the server environment is equipped with

 When installing the WeChat engine, always_operate_raw_post_data=0 solution_Kufan Cloud knowledge base appears
ECS knowledge

The solution of always_operate_raw_post_data=0 appears when installing the micro engine

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Today, a small partner encountered the following picture problem when installing MicroEngine. How to solve it? Let's talk about the method today. Step 1: Take the Kufan Cloud Panel (Pagoda Panel) as an example, open your own PHP management, click the left navigation [Configuration File], and use Ctrl+F to search for the keyword always_popup

 How does wdcp modify the default 8080 port of the panel_ Kufan Cloud Knowledge Base

How does wdcp modify the default 8080 port of the panel?

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What is wdcp? WdCP is the abbreviation of WDlinux Control Panel. It is a set of Linux server management system and virtual host management system that controls and manages servers through WEB. It is designed to make it easy to use Linux system as our website server system, and as an old brand server management panel to make

 Can BT pagoda panel virtual host be installed_ Kufan Cloud Knowledge Base
Virtual host

Can BT pagoda panel virtual host be installed?

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Can the virtual host install the pagoda panel (Kufan cloud panel)?, Originally, this is a very common question, but Xiaobai often asks. Here, I will talk about this kind of knowledge. First of all, the pagoda panel belongs to the server function, and the virtual host is ready for everyone to use, so it cannot be used in the virtual host

 How to cancel the login restriction when the pagoda panel is bound to the wrong domain name_ Kufan Cloud Knowledge Base
Technical Tutorial

How to cancel the login restriction when the pagoda panel is bound to the wrong domain name?

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Preface Generally, after installing the pagoda panel, we give the panel management address as IP address+port (the latest panel has a security code behind it, which has improved the security, but it is too long, and sometimes inconvenient). We can log in to the panel management website and other panel and site settings through this URL address. As shown in the figure above

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Domain name registration ECS