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Precautions for upgrading pagoda panel from old version 5. x to the latest version 7. x

Today I would like to share an article with you, Pagoda panel How to upgrade the old version 5. x to the new version 6.0x? This is a very old version. At present, the latest version is 7. x, but some old customers have bought servers for several years, but the pagoda version is still old. So we have to upgrade for new functions.

Pay attention to the following issues before upgrading.

1: For example, the system version of Centos series you use should not be lower than 6. x, or less than 7.0. (Solution, upgrade to above 7.0)

Official explanation: The Python version of Centos6. x is too low and no longer compatible with Pagoda 6. x, so it is recommended that you upgrade to Centos7. If you are familiar with Centos, you can also try to install Python 3.4 as the default Python, but if not handled well, your yum manager may not work properly

2: Before upgrading, please check whether there are other security software, some of which have the system hardening function (not to modify key files), such as cloud locks.

3: The upgrade script only supports Centos7. x and above. The other two Ubuntu/Debian systems do not support it.

Solution: You can only back up data, and then reinstall the latest script after reinstallation.

Upgrade command:

 curl -sSO  && bash

Please pay attention to the above commands before upgrading. The production environment should remember to back up data.

The above is about "Precautions for upgrading the old version 5. x of the pagoda panel to the latest version 7. x". If you need to purchase and install the pagoda panel, recommend Kufan Cloud Panel , the official partner is trustworthy, allowing you to quickly go online.

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