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Where is 10 yuan of virtual host space?

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What is? Virtual host

Here's a brief introduction

Cloud virtual host It can also be called a virtual server or a virtual private server. It is a logical server built, hosted and delivered through the cloud computing platform on the Internet. It is generally used for web operations. Such as placing enterprise websites, building e-commerce platforms, data storage and sharing.

Kufan Cloud virtual host , which is built on a high-performance ECS with a pure SSD architecture, and has many advantages such as high online rate, high security, and high stability. Based on the self built core backbone network, it can effectively ensure a high-quality network environment and sufficient bandwidth resources, and is suitable for users who have high requirements for the quality of website operation.

The minimum cost is 9 yuan per month. You can set up a website to play )V%7BXEYR.png

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  • Daily sales 500+
    Basic virtual host

    share CPU

    share Memory

    2G space

    share bandwidth

    share IP

    Distributed storage

    Suitable for personal blog and personal webmaster websites

    ¥ nine Original price ¥ twenty-eight element

  • Daily sales 500+
    Value virtual machine CVM

    2 cores CPU

    2G Memory

    180G Hard disk

    5M bandwidth

    independent IP

    Distributed storage

    Suitable for enterprise official websites and industry portal websites

    ¥ ninety-nine Original price ¥ two hundred and ten element

  • Daily sales 500+
    Universal ECS

    4-core CPU

    4G Memory

    50G Hard disk

    20M bandwidth

    independent IP

    Distributed storage

    Suitable for e-commerce and forum websites

    ¥ two hundred and fifty-four Original price ¥ three hundred and twenty-two element

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