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How does the ECS virtual host domain name resolution work?


ECS It is an important part of cloud computing services. It can provide a full range of services for Internet users. At the same time, it also integrates the three elements of the Internet, namely storage, computing and network. It has become the preferred product for high-end users and SMEs.

Some webmasters who have used ECS know that, ECS Finished parsing domain name After that, the website can be officially launched,

How does ECS resolve domain names? What are the steps? Now, Kufanyun will give you a detailed analysis.
1. What are the steps for ECS to resolve domain names? Users can do this through the following steps:

First, I bought my own domain name , such as shopping on the official website of Kufanyun.

Then look up the cloud resolution DNS in the Kufan Cloud console for resolution. @01I.png
3. Add it to the DNS record. If you want to add the domain name to the specified IP address, you will need to add it.

4。 Fill in the resolution domain name in the host record. For example, if you add resolution, the system will automatically fill in @. ]WF6G0%7BAHY.png
Now select a row. Of course, you can also select a default row.

6. After selecting a line, there will be a verification. You just need to manually write your public network IP address.

7. The default time of the final TTL is 10 minutes. If the cache time is short, the value will be smaller.

If you follow these steps, you have completed the entire domain name resolution process.

To see this, I believe you already know ECS How to resolve domain names,

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