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Kingdee cloud, the middle platform of the sky business

Kingdee Cloud. The business middle office of the Heavenly Platform is to respond to the rapid development of the enterprise's front office business, and to precipitate the enterprise's capabilities into the business middle office and support the rapid innovation of the front office business with API interfaces. The business middle office delivers business data and decouples business processing logic, takes common basic capabilities as shared services, and enables enterprise innovation through components and connectors, Support the business rapid response ability and large-scale innovation ability of enterprises.


Online shopping mall

The online shopping mall is to take advantage of the trend of mobile Internet to move offline stores online, so that more users can see them, and then enter the shopping mall for consumption.


Efficient management of finance and taxation

Enterprise finance and tax management is a very important part of enterprise management. With the increasingly standardized and improved market economy, the role of fiscal management in enterprise competition is becoming more and more significant.


Financial risk control capability

Financial risk control refers to the use of relevant information and specific means to influence or adjust the financial activities of enterprises in the process of financial management, so as to achieve the financial objectives specified in the plan and avoid the occurrence of risks.


Efficient store management

Store management refers to the management of all indicators of a store. Store is a new type of business with great development prospects. Shopping in stores has become one of the fast paced life styles of modern people.


Data asset value

Data assets "refer to the data resources owned or controlled by the enterprise, which can bring future economic benefits to the enterprise and are recorded in a certain way.


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