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ERP management software

The full name of ERP is Enterprise Resources Planning, which was proposed by Gartner in 1990. It is a software system to help enterprises comprehensively manage business operations. It is an enterprise management software integrating material resource management (logistics), human resource management (people flow), financial resource management (financial flow), and information resource management (information flow).


Standardized development of enterprises

Standardized development is conducive to improving the socialist market economic system and promoting high-quality economic development. The pace of law enforcement in key industries and behavioral fields has been accelerated and penalties have been increased, and the construction of a high standard market system has begun to take effect. As an important part of improving the social credit system and ensuring the orderly operation of the market economy, improving the regulatory capacity and level according to law is conducive to further standardizing the market economy and optimizing the business environment, thus providing a solid guarantee for high-quality development.


information-technology industry

The information technology industry, also known as the information industry, is an industry that uses information means and technologies to collect, sort out, store, transmit information and intelligence, provide information services, and provide corresponding information means, information technology and other services.


Enterprise manufacturing and production

Production enterprises, also known as manufacturing enterprises, refer to economic organizations that engage in industrial production and operation activities or industrial labor activities, operate independently, assume sole responsibility for their own profits and losses, and conduct independent accounting and have legal personality to meet social needs and gain profits.


Efficient development of enterprises

Enterprise development refers to the adaptation of enterprises to the unknown environment in the future, so that enterprises can further operate and achieve their goals.


Process digitalization

Digital workflow is a process in which the modern printing industry integrates and exchanges data between scanning input, file processing, color management, folding and hand stitching, digital proofing, format transmission, printing plate output, and computer printing to achieve the goal of computer direct output of printing plates. The whole process of prepress, printing, and even post press processing is integrated into a close digital information control system to ensure the accuracy of data transmission and improve printing quality and production efficiency.


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