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What causes the instability of twin-screw extruder plasticization? What is the solution?
Views: 1726 Published: September 8, 2023 9:29:12

   Double screw extruder The poor plasticizing phenomenon generally includes the following four types:
(a) The temperature control is low, the instrument pointer reflects low temperature, and the actual measured temperature is also low.
(b) The plastic surface is black, and there are small cracks or small particles without good plasticization.
(c) The surface of the plastic layer is covered with toad skin.
(d) The bonding of plastic is not good, there is an obvious trace.

that Double screw extruder What is the cause of this poor plasticization? In view of the above four plasticizing phenomena, there are roughly four reasons as follows:

(a) There are resin particles in the plastic that are difficult to plasticize.
(b) The operation method is improper, the screw and traction speed are too fast, and the plastic does not fully reach plasticization.
(c) The plastics are mixed unevenly or have quality problems during extrusion granulation.
(d) The temperature control is too low or improper.

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